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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Today,the paintings by Vincent van Gogh are world-famous and worth many millions of dollars but while he was alive,Vincent van Gogh sold only one painting.He was a lonely,unhappy man who suffered from mental illness,and he died at the early age of 37.
   Vincent van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853.His first connection with paintings came in 1869,when he got a job in the Goupil Gallery.He worked for this art dealer in London and Paris for four years before he became a teacher in England for a short time.He moved back to France in 1877 and soon began to paint.
Vincent van Gogh was influenced by the famous artists that he met in Paris,where he returned to live in 1886.He did not stay long in the French capital.He was attracted by the vivid (鲜艳的) colors of the countryside and,in 1888,he moved to Aries,a small town in the south of France.There,he painted his most famous paintings,using strong brush strokes (画笔的笔触) and bright colors.Vincent van Gogh mainly painted landscapes,but he also produced portraits of local people,such as the doctor and the postman.
   It was around this time that Vincent van Gogh began to show signs of mental illness.In 1889,following an argument with another artist,he cut off his own ear.For a time,he lived in a mental hospital in Saint Remy.In 1890,Vincent van Gogh moved to a town called Auvers.For two months,he painted feverishly (狂热地).Then,one day,he went into the fields with a revolver (左轮手枪) and shot himself.He died from his wounds the next day.
64.Living in Paris helped Vincent van Gogh to be a better artist becauseC.
A.he got well again after being ill
B.he began to make money there
C.he met some famous artists there
D.he found many beautiful scenes there
65.What's the RIGHT order of the following events?A
a.Vincent van Gogh cut off his own ear.
b.Vincent van Gogh got a job in Goupil Gallery.
c.Vincent van Gogh moved to a town called Auvers.
d.Vincent van Gogh met some famous artists in Paris.
A.bdac      B.dacb       C.acdb      D.bdca
66.Which of the following is TRUE about Vincent van Gogh?B
A.He never painted people.
B.He liked to paint using bright colors.
C.He began painting in his early childhood.
D.He was quite rich because his paintings were valuable.
67.What's the main reason for Vincent van Gogh's death?B
A.He died by accident.
B.He had mental illness.
C.No one bought his painting.
D.He used up all his inspiration.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

7.The headmaster told us         football in the teaching building.(  )
A.not to playB.to not playC.not playingD.not played


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

6.I prefer         TV at home rather than go shopping.(  )
A.watchB.watchingC.to watchD.to watching


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

5.It was because of bad weather         the football match had to be put off.(  )
A.soB.so thatC.thatD.why


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

4.        catch the first bus,he got up very early this morning.(  )
A.In order toB.In order thatC.So as toD.So that


科目: 来源: 题型:书面表达

6.成绩:伦敦奥运会获两块金牌;2013年巴塞罗那**"世界锦标赛"***男子400米、800米、1500米自由泳冠军,4 x 200米自由泳接力季军,
参考词汇:自由泳*freestyle swimming   巴塞罗那**Barcelona    世界锦标赛***championships


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.For medical students,real experience begins not in a classroom but at a teaching hospital.These doctors in training are guided.But sometimes accidents happen and the students get injured.
For example,they might stick themselves with a needle while treating patients.Such needle sticks are common.But a recent study found that medical students often fail to report them.Failing to report an injury like this can be dangerous if a patient,or a medical worker,has an infectious disease.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,Maryland,did the study,which involved a survey answered by almost 700 surgeons in training in the United States.
Almost 60% said they had suffered needle stick injuries when they were in medical school.Many said they were stuck more than once.Yet nearly half of those whose most recent incident happened in school did not report it to a health office.If they had,they would have been tested to see if they needed treatment to prevent an infection like HIV or hepatitis.
Most known cases of HIV or hepatitis are reported,but other possible infections often are not.Martin Makary,the lead author of the study,says medical students who are stuck put themselves and others in danger from infectious diseases.
Doctor Makary said,"A needle that goes through the skin needs to be as sharp as possible."Doctors in training may have to do hundreds of stitches (缝线) in some cases to close the skin after an operation.
Doctor Makary said,"I support using blunt tip needles which are considered safer.This needle is still sharp enough to go through body tissue,but it does have a blunt tip,so that if it accidentally goes into my finger,it's much less likely to hurt me."
How common are needle sticks among health care workers?An estimated 600,000 to 800,000 of these and similar injuries are reported each year in the United States.But Doctor Makary says the real number may be much higher.
The study advises doctors to protect their hands by wearing two sets of gloves.It also urges hospitals to establish a special telephone number for medical workers and students to call if they are injured.The idea is for hospitals to send a clear message that there is no reason not to report this kind of accident.
41.It is dangerous for medical students not to report needle stick injuries becauseC.
A.they don't know how to treat themselves.
B.they may meet more needle sticks
C.it may cause some diseases               
D.it may make patients sad.
42.If they report needle stick injuries,medical students willD.
A.receive treatment                
B.be forbidden to use sharp needles
C.spend more time on training        
D.receive tests
43.The underlined word"blunt"in Paragraph 7 is the closest in meaning to"A".
A.not sharp           B.not safe           C.not long        D.not thick
44.What do we know from the passage?D
A.Doctors who don't report needle stick injuries will be punished.
B.Needle sticks among health care workers will reduce sharply in the future.
C.Most needle stick injuries happen in the United States.
D.Two suggestions are given to protect medical workers and students.
45.Where can this passage most probably be found?B
A.In an entertainment magazine               
B.In a science magazine 
C.In a storybook                          
D.In science fiction.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.It's easy to see how the sawfish got its name.These frightful creatures can grow to be more than 6 meters (nearly 20 feet) long.Their bodies are flat and winged,like underwater airplanes.And their noses are shaped like chainsaws.
Sawfish are predators of the sea.When a sawfish is hungry,it waves its sharp-toothed snout through a school of fish.Then,it lifts its nose and uses its mouth to inhale the injured victims.
Hardy populations of sawfish thrived in warm waters along coastlines around the world for thousands of years.Over the past 200 years,however,human actions have severely endangered sawfish.
Threats include fishing nets that snag the huge animals,often by mistake.Compared with other fish,sawfish reproduce late in life and at slow rates.These traits make it hard for them to recover from over fishing.
Some people collect sawfish snouts as trophies:One snout recently sold for nearly $1,600 on eBay.Shamans,or priests,in some Asian cultures,use the toothy snouts in ceremonies to repel demons and disease.And sawfish are also a delicacy.A growing demand in Asia for the animal's fins for a pricey soup has contributed to the fish's disappearance.
New efforts now aim to revive sawfish populations.Beginning next month,an international agreement will provide protection for all seven of the world's sawfish species.
"Until 1998,this fish had never been formally studied in the United States,"says Tonya Wiley of the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota,Fla."We didn't know such basic things as where they live,what habitat they use,how often they reproduce,how many young fish they have."
Through historical studies and field research,scientists have become aware of how much the fish's numbers have dwindled.Today,there may be 90 percent fewer sawfish than there used to be.Wiley estimates that only 3,000 to 6,000 sawfish remain in US waters.
72.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A
A.Long Nose,Hopeful Future        B.The Mote Marine Laboratory
C.Sawfish in US                    D.The Past of the Sawfish
73.The sawfish got its name becauseC.
A.It can grow to be more than 6 meters long
B.Its body is flat and winged,like underwater airplanes
C.Its nose is shaped like chainsaws
D.It can be used as a saw to cut down the trees
74.The number of sawfish becomes smaller than before becauseB.
A.compared with other fish,sawfish reproduce early in life and at fast rates
B.in some Asian cultures,the toothy snouts can be used in ceremonies to repel demons and disease
C.sawfish are also smelly,which attracts people to kill them
D.fishing nets that snag the huge animals,often on purpose kill them
75.From the passage we can learn thatC.
A.scientists knew where they live,what habitat they use before 1998
B.scientists have become aware of how much the fish's numbers have dwindled until 1998
C.there may be 30,000 to 60,000 sawfish in the past
D.there may be 90 percent more sawfish than there used to be.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.If you don't get along well with your teachers,you can try to do this.Before you try to get out of a class to escape a teacher you don't like,here are a few things you can try to make a difficult relationship work:
◆Ask yourself,"What can I learn from this teacher?"Even if you don't worship his or her personality or lectures,dig deep until you find a subject in which he or she is very knowledgeable.Focus on that part of the teacher's personality,and use him or her as a tool for learning.Not only will you gain more knowledge in that subject,but a closer relationship with your teacher may help you understand one another better.
◆Talk to students who are doing well in the class and ask them for tips,tools,and a plan of action to get along with the teacher better.If you're too shy to talk to another student,study his or her actions and behavior in the classroom and try to follow that lead.
◆If you still can't get along,make an appointment with the school guidance counselor (辅导员).He or she will offer many tips and suggestions for you to get out of difficult teacher relationships.Sometimes a guidance counselor can act as a mediator (调解员) between you and the teacher.That means they can help you and your teachers get rid of the bad impression on each other.
◆If your relationship problems can't be solved in school,then it's time to tell your parents or guardians.Let them meet with your teacher and try to work it out.
Teachers are there for more than just homework,and they know about more than just their subject matter.They can help you learn how to function as an adult and a lifelong learner.
Undoubtedly,there will be a few teachers along the way who you will always remember and who might change your life forever.'"
68.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?D
A.Advice for Students on Solving Problems in Everyday Life
B.Advice on Making a Good Excuse for Your Absence from Class
C.Advice on Developing Friendship with You Classmate
D.Advice on Getting Good Relationship with Your Teachers
69.According to the second paragraph,we can infer thatA.
A.there must be something good in every teacher for you to learn from
B.good relationship with your teachers must need your interest in the subject they teach
C.finding what the teachers are good at can't help you solve the problems
D.understanding each other is the only way to solve every problem
70.Which one is NOT the reason why we could ask help from guidance counselors?A
A.Guidance counselors have the right to blame teachers.
B.Guidance counselors can give good advice to solve problems.
C.Guidance counselors can speak good things for you before your teachers.
D.Guidance counselors can help analyze the situation in the teacher's position.
71.What's the writer's attitude towards teachers?C
A.He thinks that a teacher can only teach knowledge in his major.
B.He doesn't think teachers are very useful for a student's development.
C.He respects the teachers very much and thinks highly of their functions.
D.He thinks that every teacher has a great effect on his students.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Most parents love the Internet and want their kids to use it.But a new survey in America finds almost as many also fear the online world-especially social networking sites such as MySpace-and worry their kids will get in trouble with people they meet.
"The parents see the web's incredible potential,and they know their kids have to be there,"says James Steyer,CEO of Common Sense Media,which released results from a survey that looked into parental attitudes toward the Internet."It's also what they are scared of most."
Meeting bad people online
The study was conducted online May 5-10 by Insight Research Group.It says 80% of parents are concerned about kids meeting bad people online.
That's because young people who largely have grown up with the Net think of it as a social outlet,say the researchers.To young people,the benefits of giving out some personal information to reach out to friends outweigh the risks.And,the study shows they are so comfortable with the medium that 78% have a personal website or blog.
The most valuable education tool
Parents also recognize the importance of the Internet.The survey shows 91% think the Net helps their children explore their passions,and 77% think the Internet is one of the most valuable education tools teens have.But 88% think it's important to know what their kids are doing online.
"Findings suggest both parents and teens need more education about using online media,"Steyer says.
Internet safety has become an increasing concern for parents in America.Organizations like the Non-profit Common Sense have been trying to reach and help parents pay attention to the problem.
60.Which of the following has the closest meaning with the underlined word"outweigh"?A
A.Be more important than.
B.Be better than.
C.Be heavier than.
D.Be lighter than.
61.As for the Internet use,a majority of parents thinks it important toB.
A.make as many friends as possible        
B.know what their children are doing on it
C.hide your personal information      
D.have a personal website
62.What's the parents'attitude towards the use of the Internet?C
63.We can learn from the passage thatA.
A.most parents are worried about the web's incredible potential
B.91% of parents think the Internet is one of the most valuable education tools for teens
C.only teens need more education about the use of the Internet
D.78% of parents have a personal website or blog.

