 0  138885  138893  138899  138903  138909  138911  138915  138921  138923  138929  138935  138939  138941  138945  138951  138953  138959  138963  138965  138969  138971  138975  138977  138979  138980  138981  138983  138984  138985  138987  138989  138993  138995  138999  139001  139005  139011  139013  139019  139023  139025  139029  139035  139041  139043  139049  139053  139055  139061  139065  139071  139079  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

10.William,as well as his friends,was invited last night.(invite)


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

9.I am sorryto have kept you waiting for such a long time,but the traffic was really terrible then.(keep)


科目: 来源: 题型:信息匹配

Wanna have a sparkling party?A magical world of party wear style will never fail to fascinate you and your friends.Dresses suitable for different occasions can be discovered here.You'll surely be the party queen.Don't hesitate to shop here.
We offer a wide range of exciting ladies'fashion.Our distinguished feature is our hottest maternity fashions.Many mothers-to-be take great delight in shopping in our store for superior quality and attractive prices.What are the hottest looks for pregnancy?Take clues from ASOS.
This is a store with more than 40,000styles including dresses,jeans,shoes and accessories.We provide women with the latest styles and men with smart wear from head to toe.As Christmas is around the corner,some brands are up to 40% off.Check out our latest collections and offers.
Our clothing has been selling clothes with a history of five years.Our stores are stocked with the latest fashion direct from the manufacturers.Stuff here is popular especially among young ladies because what we are pursuing is the latest trends and hottest looks.
With 300new styles added each week,HUNTER.COM is jam packed with all the latest styles for ladies.We have a wide range of exciting new arrivals for every taste.With a history of 15years in clothing,we enjoy a good reputation,so every season we offer price reduction in different articles as a reward for all purchases.
Welcome to Boden Winter.Well made,individual clothing for men,women and children too.Now is the winter of our clothing range.You can see new arrivals for men,women and kids.We also provide outfit ideas for all the family.FREE deliver & FREE returns if the total price is over $300.
66.Being a college student,Michelle finds herself occupied with schoolwork.Even if she's pretty busy,she never fails to make herself fashionable and gorgeous.Fellows are fascinated by her sense of fashion and latest trends.She's been shopping on line since high school.D
67.Juanita loves her elder sister so much because she's been taken good care of since their mother died.She's just told that her elder sister got pregnant,so she decided to buy a beautiful garment,but as her allowance is limited,she wants something not so expensive but elegant.B
68.Andrew is a senior and is going to graduate in a few months.He is now looking for jobs,so he needs clothes suitable for interviews.Without a lot of money at hand,he wants something cheap but smart casual,which is what his position requires.C
69.Grace's best friend is getting married next week.She is thrilled to be invited to the wedding party.She needs dresses that are decent and can show her fabulous figure.She wants to be the most beautiful and all single men on the ceremony will be obsessed.A
70.Susan loves shopping and learns that some friends are addicted to online shopping,which is said to be more convenient and cost less.As a green hand,she still doubts about the credibility(诚信) of it.Therefore,she decided that her first buy must be careful and will not cost her too heavy loss.E.


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

7.My parents passed away ten years ago and I miss them terribly.But I know they are with me every day in what they taught me and in the (36)B they gave me.Every morning my father's message to me was:Remember that(37)A you walk out of this door,you carry responsibility,the good name of this family,the hopes and dreams of your mom and dad.My mother often urged me to (38)C the high standards she set for me.
When I was in high school,I played in a rock band with friends in my class.We were devoted and practiced constantly.We moved past the guys-in-a-garage stage and (39)A to be pretty good,doing getting-paid gigs (演奏会) most weekends,which made me (40)D.At that time,though part of me was (41)Aup in that band,another part of me was the oldest son in the Clark family,(42)Bof my origin and a dedicated student busy applying to colleges.Without even telling my parents,I applied to Harvard.I didn't think I had much chance of getting in,(43)DI wanted to try.So I was riding around being Mr Cool Rock Musician half of the time,and the other half I was focused on family and (44)C goals.I was running on parallel (45)A.
When the group won a city wide Battle of the Bands,things heated up.My band mates had stars in their eyes-we might be able to make it big.However,I began to feel (46)D.I realized I was on quite different tracks:I (47)B was becoming two people,(48)Aidentities back and forth depending on who I was with.I had to make an option.As I considered my (49)B,my parents'words were right there,helping me to see that my dreams weren't about signing a record deal,letting my hair grow,and living in a tour bus.So I (50)D out.My bandmasters were (51)C.They thought I was crazy to withdraw (52)D the peak of real success.But however successful that band got,I knew it wasn't in line with my(53)A,with my feeling of what I was (54)A to do,with who I was-it simply wasn't me.
In that instant and in many others throughout my life,my parent's advice has helped me recenter and (55)B.I could remember who I was-the hopes and dreams I carried.

38.A.come up withB.stand up toC.live up toD.keep pace with


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Just like in school,there are lessons you will learn in Latin dance.These lessons are not only about the dance itself.It's also important to learn about manners (礼节) to get along well with other dancers.
What are some of the manners you should know about in Latin dance?
1.Sit out if the dance floor is overcrowded.
There are times when there are too many people on the dance floor.When the dance floor is overcrowded,people can run into each other,causing people to get angry.If you are polite,you will sit out in order to give way to other dancers.This way,they can perform with enjoyment.
2.Do not get in the way of other dancers.
There may be times when you need to share one dance floor.The best way to do it is to start in a place not too close to the other dancers.When you see that they need to move into your space,allow them some more space to complete their performance.Once they are finished,you will have the space to yourself and the people next to you will make space for you.
3.The dance floor is for dancing.
In the dance hall,do not use the dance floor to talk to your friends,discuss,or disagree about something.Dance floors are not sitting areas where you can do just anything.You will bother other dancers on the dance floor.
4.Avoid stopping other dancers.
You might need to step onto the dance floor while other dancers are performing.If you need to do this,walk around the dancers to avoid stopping them.This is one way of showing respect to your friends.You would not want them to stop you if you were the one dancing,so do not do it to them.
If all dancers would take these Latin dance manners to heart,then people would get along better on the dance floor.
70.What should you do if there are too many dancers on the dance floor?
Sit out.
71.What should you do when other dancers move into your space on the dance floor?
Allow them some more space.
72.What should you do to avoid stopping other dancers when dancing on the same dance floor?
Walk around them.
73.What is the passage mainly about?
Manners in Latin dance./Latin dance manners..


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.The World  Health Organization(WHO)  says there has been a sharp increase in the number of children in developing countries who weigh too much.In African countries,the WHO says the number of overweight or obese children is two times as  high  as it was 20 years ago.
     Around the world,about 43 million children under the age of five were overweight in 2011.Doctors use height,weight and age to measure whether a person is underweight,normal,or obese.
     Overweight children are more likely to become overweight or obese adults.The condition can lead to serious health problems like diabetes,heart disease and stroke.
     Francesco Branca,director of the WHO Department of Nutrition for Health and Development,says people are eating manufactured or processed food more often,which often has a high sugar.fat and salt content.Another reason of gaining weight is the city lifestyle.They travel in cars or other vehicles more than on foot,and have less physical activities in general.
     Mr Branca says reducing the number of overweight children will not be easy.He says the goal is difficult to meet even in wealthy countries.
     The WHO has some basic solutions for individuals(个人):to lower your in-take of fat,sugar,salt and processed food,eat more fruit and vegetables,and increase physical activity.These actions are especially important for children and governments should concern providing vitamin for children.
     Reducing the number of overweight children will not be easy.The goal is difficult to meet even in wealthy countries.Educational campaigns about problems linked to obesity would also help.Food manufactures must balance quality and taste with the dangers of sugar,fat and salt.
     The current goal of the WHO's World Health Assembly is to prevent an increase in the percentage of overweight children during the next twelve years.
66.What's the main idea of the passage?(No more than 15 words)
There has been a sharp increase in the number of obese children in developing countries/the number of obese children in developing countries is increasing sharply.
67.What is the meaning of the underlined word"obese"in Paragraph 2?(No more than two words)very fat/overweight
68.What diseases can overweight or obesity lead to?(No more than 10 words)
diabetes,heart disease and stroke and so on..
69.Why do people put on weight easily?(No more than 12 words)
Eating manufactured or processed food more often,and the city lifestyle.
70.If you are overweight or obese,what should you do?(No more than 20 words)
Lowering my in-take of fat sugar salt and processed food,eating more fruit and vegetables,and increasing physical activity..


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.In today's world many people seem to be hungry for money.Money does affect the poor.But even if a person has already got plenty of money,__________________.
If money were everything,all millionaires would have real love,true friendship,good health and a long life.However,this is not always correct.
Since the beginning of time no three words have ever invited more pleasure than"I love you".But can love be bought?I'm afraid not.Love means to give,not to take.To every person,can health and a long life be bought with money?The answer is"No".
Of all the longest living people in the world,few of them are millionaires. True friendship can't be bought,either.In a word,where money is dreamed too much,it can cause brothers to quarrel,marriage to end,lovers to hate,and strangers to fight.No matter how much money you have,it is still not enough to make a happy person if you have no one to laugh with,no one to cry for.
101.What is the best title(题目)for this passage?(Please answe within 10 words.)
Money is not everything/Money and happiness/Happiness can't be bought/Money is important but not the most important
102.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?
It seems that a lot of people want money very much now.
In today's world many people seem to be hungry for money.
103.What are probably the most important things to everyone?(Answer within 10 words)
Health and a long life
104.Fill in the blank in the 1st paragraph with right words or a sentence.(Within 10 words.)
he may not be happy/money doesn't mean happiness/happiness can't be bought by money
105.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Boys a bit different in USA
[1]HEY boys,attention please!If you want to go to the US one day,you'd better be fully prepared,because,well,you and the boys in the US are a bit different.In my opinion,you'd better try to do the following things.
[2]Firstly,know how to knot a tie (打领带).In the US,every boy above school age wears suits when they go to weddings (婚礼).My friend Madison from Virginia said it shows respect to others.Do you know how to ____________?Learn how!
[3]Secondly,be a gentleman.I know in China some boys are still proud of being strong.But in the US,a good man should also be polite.Here are two examples:holding the door for people behind you and giving the seat on a bus to old people.
[4]The last is to learn something about football and baseball.Chinese boys like ping-pong,basketball and soccer,but American boys love football and baseball.They get very happy when they play and watch these sports.It's not necessary to be a fan of football or fix (固定) your TV channel to baseball games.But in order to watch the sports with other boys,at least learning some rules would help.
[5]However,all this doesn't mean that the American way is always the right way.We sometimes need to know the importance of another culture,but don't feel you have to know that if it makes you uncomfortable.Have fun along the way!
76.Who might be the audience of this speech?(within 10 words)Chinese boys who may go to the US.
77.Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 2?(within 3 words)knot/wear a tie;tie a necktie
78.Which paragraph might the following example be put in?(within 2 words)"Men in the US like to follow the‘ladies first'rule."(Paragraph) 3.
79.What are the popular sports among American boys?(within 3 words)Football and baseball.
80.How do you understand the last paragraph?(within 15 words)It's helpful to do as the locals do,but it's not always necessary./We should know the importance of another culture,but we don't have to follow it..


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.[1]A number of human foods are dangerous to pets.Many of these foods may seem tasty to our pets but can prove deadly if eaten.It can be very tempting to offer pets food from the table,but pets should not be given human food unless recommended(推荐) by your vet(兽医).
[2]If you suspect your pet may have eaten a dangerous food,contact your vet immediately.In many cases,early recognition and treatment are critical.
[3]Grapes and Raisins(葡萄干)
Grapes and raisins can cause sudden kidney(肾) failure in cats and dogs.It is unknown what the toxic agent is in these fruits.However,clinical signs can occur within 24 hours of eating and include vomiting,diarrhea,and lethargy (tiredness).Other signs of illness relate to the eventual shutdown of kidney functioning.
[4]Garlic and Onions
Garlic(蒜) and onions(洋葱) contain chemicals ________________ red blood cells in cats and dogs.Affected red blood cells can lose their ability to carry oxygen effectively.Cooking these foods does not reduce their potential toxicity(毒性).Fresh,cooked,and/or powdered garlic and/or onions are commonly found in baby food,which is sometimes given to animals when they are sick,so be sure to read food labels carefully.
[5]Many cases of human food toxicity in pets are accidental.A pet may find and chew on a package of gum or candy,or steal food from a countertop or table.The best way to prevent this is to keep all food items in closed cabinets or in areas that are inaccessible to pets.This may be particularly difficult during the holiday season,when more candy,chocolate,fruit baskets,and other food items are around.Children should also be taught to never give candy,gum,or other human food items to pets.
76.What's passage mainly about?(within 8 words)Dangerous human foods to pets./Human foods are dangerous to pets.
77.Under what condition should you give pets human foods?(within 7 words)If (you are) recommended by your vet.
78.Why are grapes and raisins dangerous to pets?(within 10 words)Because they may cause kidney failure.
79.Fill in the blank in paragraph 4.(within 2 words)that/which damage/affect;damaging/affecting
80.What are the two key points of helping pets avoid dangerous human foods?
 (each within 12 words)①To make sure pets can't find or get the foods.②To teach children not to feed pets with the foods..


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Summer vacations  should be a time of leisure for college students.However,many of them use the opportunity to participate in summer projects instead.From volunteering work  to environmental protection tours9students aim to get ahead and prepare for their future.
Xu Dan loves vacations because it means she can spend more time volunteering.The 21-year-old English major from Zhejiang Normal University believes that volunteering has   transformed  her life and made her a better person.
Two years ago,Xu was a shy girl.One day,she saw a group of volunteers picking up trash in the street.Since she had no plans for the summer vacation and wanted to make some friends,she picked up her courage and joined them.
"I used to think volunteering is nothing more than picking up trash.Now I know that the meaning of volunteer work is helping others and gaining self-esteem,"Xu says.Her vol-unteering schedule is full:teaching migration workers'children English from Mondays to Fridays,picking up trash on Saturdays,and visiting old people on Sundays.
For Xu,visiting old people is the most rewarding activity.¨I help them clean their homes and cut their hair,l talk to them and listen to their life stories.These are just small things,but I'm addicted to it because every time I help others I feel satisfied and more confi(1ent about myself,"Xu says.
According to Xu,the positive energy she gets from volunteering reflects on the way she deals with people and sees the world."I can see things from other people's point of view and look at things more positively.I think I'm going to make volunteering a lifelong undertaking,"she says.

66.Why do many college students participate in summer projects?(No more than 12words)
Because they want to get ahead and prepare for their future.
67.What  is the meaning of the underlined word."transformed"in Paragraph 2?(l word)
68.How does Xu Dan arrange her volunteer work on weekends?(No more than 12words)
By picking up trash and visiting old people
69.What can we learn by volunteering in this passage?(No more than 15words)
helpingothersandgainingself-esteem/helpingothersmakes us satisfiedandmoreconfident./Seeing thingsfromotherpeople'spointofviewandlookatthingsmorepositively./Volunteering can change our life and make us a better person.
70.If you join in volunteer work:what project are you interested in?And why?(No more  than 25words)
I am interested in helping kids in rural areas because education is important to them./I want to raise money for families in need because they are poor and need our help..

