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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.[1]If you read a newspaper or listen to a newscast(news report) recently,you may hear or read a strange word,"staycation."Staycation is a new word the American press(newspapers,radio,and television) is using to describe a vacation very close to your own home,or simply staying at home during your vacation.It is a combination of the words"stay"and"vacation".
[2]According to many news reports,these staycations are very popular among American families this year.Why?The high price of gasoline for cars and airplanes has made it very expensive for Americans to travel compared to past years.When you combine this with the weak American dollar,it all adds up to people deciding to stay close to home during their traditional summer vacations.Of course,some places are more interesting to"stay home at"than others.And if you live in a very small town,well,you may just want to skip your vacation and save your time up to next year!
[3]Everything is expensive nowadays,and let's face it-a vacation just may not be in your plan this year.You don't have to give up family fun just because you can't              ; instead,follow my tips for an economical staycation filled with old favorites and new adventures!Staycations have achieved high popularity in current hard economic times in which unemployment levels and gas prices are high.
76.What is this passage mainly about?(within one word)Staycation.
77.Which two words make the new word"staycation"?(within 3 words)Stay"and"vacation".
78.What's the meaning of"staycation"?(within 20 words)It refers to a vacation very close to your own home,or simply staying at home during your vacation.
79.Why are staycation popular this year?Please list two reasons.(each within 5 words)1)The high price of gas/gasoline.
(2)Hard economic times./Economic difficulties./The weak American dollar.
90.Please fill in the blank with a phrase in the last paragraph.(with 3 words)get away/travel (far away)/afford a vacation.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.[1]It's 9 a.m,the morning rush hour in Toronto.A man has fallen down on a downtown street suddenly.Several passersby stop to help the man.One woman reaches into her purse for her cell phone and hits 911,the emergency number.Three minutes later,sirens (警报) are heard in the distance as a police car,an ambulance and a fire truck race to the area.Within ten minutes,the stricken man is in the back of an ambulance and went to the hospital for life-saving treatment.
[2]This scene is fairly common in Toronto and other major cities.Over the years,cities have developed systems to respond quickly to emergencies.It has resulted in many lives being saved.But none of this __________ without the cooperation of car drivers who yield (让路) to emergency vehicles on busy downtown streets.In fact,it's against the law for drivers not to yield.
[3]To yield means to give away or,more specifically,to get out of the way.It means pulling to the side of the road to let others pass.As yet,China does not have any specific laws that require drivers to yield,whether it is for slower cars to move over to the inside lane of a highway or for all cars to give way to emergency vehicles.Recently,an injured Beijing cyclist died on the way to hospital because the ambulance carrying him got stuck in city traffic.Drivers did not yield when they heard the ambulance's siren.
[4]In Canada,failing to yield to an emergency vehicle can result in a fine of 400-2,000 and reduction of three points off your license.That's for a first offence.A second offence results in a bigger fine,the loss of your driver's license for two years and a possible jail sentence.The punishment is severe because lives are in danger.
[5]Safe driving depends on drivers being aware of the traffic around them and yielding when necessary.And yielding to emergency vehicles only makes sense.It saves lives and,who knows,someday it may save your own.
76.How does the author introduce the topic of the text?(no more than 5 words)By telling a story./By giving an example./By describing a case(scene…)
77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.( no more than 5 words)would(will) be possible(practical,effective…)/would(will) do(work…)/can be done(realized…)
78.What should China do to prevent repetition of the Beijing case?(no more than 10 words)China should establish(make,pass,develop…) laws(rules,regulations)about yielding to emergency vehicles.
79.What's Paragraph 4 mainly about?(no more than 12 words)The result of failing to yield to an emergency vehicle in Canada.
80.Why does necessary yielding make sense?(no more than 5 words)It saves lives..


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.[1]When I was born,my mother immediately made learning a necessary and fun part of my life.Everything we did was a positive learning interaction,whether we were baking cookies or spending the day at the library.I never watched TV,not because I was not allowed to,but because it was more fun writing stories with my mom.
[2]When I finally entered a school classroom at age five,I was excited,but terrified.That first day of kindergarten I quietly sat at my desk during snack time and opened my Miss Piggy lunch box.Inside the box I found a note from my mother written on a napkin(餐巾).The note said that she loved me,that she was proud of me and that I was the best kindergartner in the world!Because of that napkin note I made it through my first day of kindergarten…and many more school days to follow.
[3]There have been many          since the first one.There were napkin notes in elementary school when I was struggling with my math,telling me to"Hang in there,kiddo!You can do it!Don't forget what a great writer you are!"There were napkin notes in junior high school when I was the"new girl"with frizzy hair and pimples telling me to"Be friendly.Don't be scared.Anyone would be lucky to have you as her best friend!"In high school,when my basketball team was the first team in our school's history to play in a state championship,there were napkin notes telling me,"There is no‘I'in team.You have gotten this far because you know how to share."And there were even napkin notes sent to me in college and graduate school,far away from my mother's physical touch.Mother's encouragement,support and teaching are always with me,echoed in years of love,commitment and napkin notes.
76.Why did the writer never watch TV?(within 10 words)Because it was more fun writing stories with my mom./
Because doing something else was more interesting.
77.When did the mother begin to leave the writer napkin notes?(within 8 words)When the writer went to kindergarten/school./When the writer was 5
78.Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 3.(within 2 words)napkin notes
79.The writer has got many lessons from the napkin notes,like"to hang in".Please give another two examples.(each within 3 words)(1)to be friendly (2)to share
80.Who has had great influence over the writer according to the passage?(within 2 words)The mother..


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Much meaning can be conveyed,clearly with our eyes,sop it is often said that eyes can speak.
   Do you have such a kind of experience?In a bus you may loom at a stranger,but not too long.And if he is sensing that he is being stared at,he may feel uncomfortable.
The same in daily life.If you are looked at for more than necessary,you may look at yourself up and down,to see if there is        .If nothing goes wrong,you will fell angry towards others'stare at you that way.Eyes do speak,right?
Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive.But things are different when it comes to staring at the opposite sex.If a man glances at a woman for more than 10seconds and refuses to avert his gaze,his intentions are obvious,that is,he wishes to attract her attention,to make her understand that he is admiring her.
However,the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at  the listener from time to time,in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is saying,to tell him that he is attentive.
If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking,as if he tries to dominate you,you will feel disconcerted.A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the honest communication,Quite the contrary.
In fact,continuous eye contact is confined to lovers only,who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time,to show affection that words can't express.
Evidently,eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific situation.
76.What is the best title of the passage?(no more than 6 words)
Eyes can speak.
77.Please fill in the blank in Paragraph3 with proper words or phrase to complete the sentence.(no more than 10 words)
anything wrong with you.
78.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
It may be bad manners to stare at someone.
Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive
79.What will you do if your classmates listen to your speaking,according to the passage?(no more than 30 words)
We should look at the listeners from time to make sure that the listeners pay attention to what you are saying.
80.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Sleepless in Seattle?Hardly.West Virginia is where people are really staying awake,according to the first government study to monitor state-by-state differences in sleeplessness.West Virginians'lack of sleep was about double the national rate,perhaps a side effect of health problems such as obesity(肥胖),experts said.
Nearly 1 in 5 West Virginians said they did not get a single good night's sleep in the previous month.The national average was about 1 in 10,according to a federal health survey.Tennessee,Kentucky and Oklahoma also were notably above average with nearly 1 in 7 people reporting in a lack of sleep.In contrast,North Dakota was below average,with only 1 in 13 reporting that degree of sleeplessness.Health officials do not know the exact reasons for the differences.
In the survey,people weren't required to answer the question why they were not able to get enough rest or sleep.But experts noted several possible explanations:West Virginia ranks at or near the bottom of the nation in several important measurements of health,including obesity,smoking,heart disease and the proportion of adults with disabilities.
Studies have increasingly found that sleeping problems often occurred among people with certain health problems,including obesity."You would expect to see poorer sleep within a chronically (慢性地) diseased population,"noted Dr Ronald Chervin,a sleep disorders expert in University of Michigan.
Financial stress and work shifts(倒班)can play roles in sleeplessness,too,Chervin added.He suggested those may be contributing factors in West Virginia,an economically depressed state with tens of thousands of people working in coal mining.
The report was based on results of an annual telephone survey of more than 400,000 Americans,including at least 3,900 in each state.The survey did not include people who use only cellphones.
1.What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?(No more than 15 words.)West Virginians suffer from lack of sleep the most perhaps due to health problems.
2.What does the underlined word"notably"in Paragraph 2 mean?(No more than 3 words.)Highly.
3.What was the possible reason for the high rate of sleeplessness in West Virginia according to Paragraph 3?(No more than 12 words.)West Virginia had a low level of several important measurements of health.
4.List three factors that contribute to sleeplessness based on the passage.
(No more than 8 words.)
①being too fat②financial stress③work shifts.
5.How was the research carried out?(No more than 10 words.)By interviewing over 400,000 Americans on the telephone..


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.[1]All people have dreams and they obey the rule that if you can dream it,you can achieve it!Here are four goals for people to reach a perfect life in their future.
[2]The first goal common to all of us in health and energy.We all want to be healthy and fit,to have high levels of energy and to live free of pain and illness.Today,with the incredible advances in medical science,the quality of our health and fitness,and our lifespan,is largely determined by design,not by chance.People with excellent health habits are far healthier,have more energy,and live longer and better than people who have poor health habits.Remember that health is not everything,but without health everything is nothing!
[3]The second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationships-intimate,personal or social-with the people we like and respect,and who                         is turn.Fully 85% of your happiness will be determined by the quality of your relationships at each stage,and in each area,of your life.How well you get along with people,and how much they , have more impact on the quality of your life than perhaps any other factor.
The third common goal is to do work that we enjoy,to do it well,and to be well paid for it.You want to be able to get and keep the job you want,to get paid more and promoted (晋升) faster.You want to earn the very most that is possible for you at each stage of your career,whatever you do.
The fourth goal we all have in common is to achieve financial independence.You want to reach the point in life where you have enough money so that you never have any financial worries.You want to be completely free of them. You want to be able to order dinner in a restaurant without referring to the price listing to determine what you want to eat.
60.What does this passage chiefly talk about?Four goals that will produce a perfect life in the future(no more than 12 words)
61.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper wordslike and respect us.(no more than 6 words)
62.Complete the following sentence with proper words according to the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4?as much money as possible/be can;(no more than 6 words)
Everybody wants to make no matter what job he is engaged in.
63.Why does the author put health ahead of other goals?Because without health everything is nothing(no more than 20 words)
64.What does the underlined word"them"in the last paragraph probably refer to?(no more than 3 words)Financial worries.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Nowadays,studying abroad is popular in China with many rich parents.They would rather send their children abroad to receive education in English-speaking countries than let them be educated in China.
As every coin has two sides,studying abroad is the same.There are advantages for people to attend schools abroad.In the first place,he can use English in his daily life to improve his English greatly,as it is obvious that there is no better chance to improve English than living in the country where it is spoken.While studying in a foreign country,it is possible to make friends from all over the world.This is not only exciting on the social level,but could lead to important overseas contacts in his career as well.He can get familiar with the latest knowledge in science and make use of the best facilities available.In this way,he is able to widen his horizon and broaden his mind.
Of course,attending schools abroad may bring about a series of problems.The most serious problem is language barrier.Most of the students who go abroad don't have enough skills in the language spoken there.As a result,on arriving there,they will find it difficult to understand what the teachers say.Besides,for lack of knowledge of the customs of the local people,they may constantly run into trouble in dealing with various situations.
In conclusion,given an opportunity to attend a school abroad,one must consider both sides of the factors carefully before making up his mind.
58.List two advantages of studying abroad.(Better chance) to improve English greatly./Make friends (from all overseas).
59.What is the most serious problem of studying abroad?Language barrier./The most serious problem of studying abroad is language barrier.
60. What's the passage mainly about?Studying abroad./The passage is mainly about studying abroad.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.A woman saw three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard.She said,‘I don't think I know you,but you must be hungry.Please come in and have something to eat.'‘We do not go into a House together,'they replied.‘Why is that?'she asked.
     One of the old men explained,‘His name is Wealth,'he said pointing to one of his friends,‘and he is Success,and I am Love.'Then he added,‘Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home.'
The woman went in and told her husband what the old man said.Her husband was excited.‘How nice!'he said.‘Since is the case,let us invite Wealth.Let him come and fill our home with wealth!'His wife disagreed.‘My dear,why don't we invite Success?'Their daughter was listening from the other corner of the house.She jumped in with her own suggestion,‘Wouldn't it be better to invite Love?Our home will then be full of love.'The husband said to his wife,‘Go out and invite Love to be our guest.'
The woman went out and asked the three old men,‘Which one of you is Love?Please come in and be our guest.'Love got up and started walking towards the house.The other two also got up and followed him,the lady asked Wealth and Success,‘I only invited Love,why are you coming in?'
The old men replied together,‘If you had invited Wealth or Success,the other two of us would have stayed out,but since you invited Love,wherever he goes,we go with him.Wherever there is Love,there is also Wealth and Success!'
58.What are the names of the three old men?(回答词数不超过5个)
Love,wealth and success.
59.How did the husband feel when told what the old man said?(回答词数不超过5个)
60.Why did the other two follow Love into the house?(回答词数不超过12个)
Because wherever there is love,there is also wealth and success./Wherever love goes,they go with him..


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.In Britain and other countries,young people usually take a"gap year",a year off between high school and college.This idea never gained a big following in the United States.Recent news reports have suggested that interest may be growing,though there are no official numbers.
Charles Deacon,the dean of admissions estimates that in the current first-year class of one thousand six hundred students,only twenty-five percent decided to take a year off.He says this number has not changed much over the years.He says the most common reasons to have a chance to travel,but international students may take a gap year to meet requirements at home for military duty.
Some high school graduates see a year off as a chance to recover after twelve years of required education.But it can also give students a chance to explore their interest.
Many colleges and universities support gap-year projects by permitting students to delay their admission.Experts say students can grow emotionally and intellectually as they work at something they enjoy.The Harvard admissions office has an essay on its Web site called"Time Out or Burn Out for the Next Generation".It praises the idea of taking time off to step back,think and enjoy gaining life experience outside the pressure of studies.Of course,a gap year is not for everyone.Students might miss their friends who go on directly to college.And parents might worry that their children will decide not to go to college once they take time off.Another concern is money.A year off,away from home,can be costly.
Holly Bull is the president of the Center for Interim Programs.Her company specializes in helping students plan their gap year.She notes that several books have been written about this subject.And she points out that many gap-year programs cost far less than a year of college.
81.How do many colleges and universities support gap-year projects?(No more than 8 words)By permitting students to delay their admission.
82.According to Charles Deacon,how many students in the current first-year class of his school decided to take a gap year?(No more than 8 words)About 400/25 percent of students decided to take a gap year.
83.What is the purpose of some high school students taking a gap year?( No more than 6 words)To recover and explore their interest.
84.Why do parents worry about children's gap year?(No more than 15 words)Because it may cost much money and make children not go to college./
Because they are worried about high costs and children's decision not to go to college..


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.piness is not always the final result.So how does one decide which goals will end in personal happiness and which will not?How do the things in life affect personal happiness?
The most important thing is people's attitude toward life,which can greatly affect their personal levels of happiness and satisfaction with life.
Psychologists have known for some time that optimism is a good way to fight against unhappiness.It's probably no secret that optimistic people are considered to be much happier people than pessimists.There are specific characteristic features optimists have (pleasant ways of thinking),that bring them more success,greater health,increased life satisfaction,and other good things.If you became an optimist,it can mean that you became a very happy person,despite your circumstances,and it can actually bring more things into your life to be happy about.‘If you are optimistic and you think life is going to get better,it will become a self-fulfillment prediction.'says one of the scientists.‘Happy people manage to look on the bright side,even if they meet big problems on their way.'
 Positive psychologists believe that people can learn how to become happy,that everyone can teach themselves to see a half empty glass as half full.All they have to do is to spend time thinking about all the things that have gone right for them,rather than complaining what has gone badly.But people who are depressed usually think and worry about something that went wrong in the past.
81.What can affect people's personal levels of happiness according to the passage?
(No more than 5 words)People's attitude toward life.
82.Why are some people depressed according to the study?(No more than 14 words) 
They think and worry about something that went wrong in the past.
83.How do happy people deal with the big problems in their life?(No more than 8 words)They usually look on the bright side./By looking on the bright side.
84.What is the main idea of the passage?(No more than 10 words)How being optimistic or happy can affect your life./How your outlook on life can affect your life..

