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科目: 来源:0117 月考题 题型:单选题

Shall we ____ our discussion and have some tea or coffee, please?
[     ]
A. break off
B. break down
C. break into
D. break out


科目: 来源:0117 月考题 题型:单选题

He accidentally ____ he had quarreled with his wife and that he had not been home for a couple of weeks.
[     ]
A. let out
B. took care
C. leave out
D. made out


科目: 来源:0117 月考题 题型:单选题

The match is going to start in a minute. Let's ____.
[     ]
A. hurry on
B. go on
C. speed up
D. sweep up


科目: 来源:0116 月考题 题型:单选题

Jenny was looking for a seat when, luckily, a man _____ and left.
[     ]
A. put up
B. got up
C. dressed up
D. split up


科目: 来源:0111 月考题 题型:单选题

If I ruled the world, I would _____ the world _____ everything that is bad.
[     ]
A. get rid of; by
B. be rid of; by
C. rid; of
D. get rid; of


科目: 来源:0116 月考题 题型:单选题

I can't _____ my studies with all that noise going on.
[     ]
A. depend on
B. concentrate on
C. speed up
D. appeal to


科目: 来源:0117 月考题 题型:单选题

The playboy was ____ in his allowance as soon as his father knew he had failed all his exams.
[     ]
A. cut off
B. cut away
C. cut in
D. cut through


科目: 来源:0117 月考题 题型:单选题

It is just impossible to ____ the little hut on the side of the mountain.
[     ]
A. pick on
B. pick over
C. pick up
D. pick out


科目: 来源:0119 月考题 题型:句型转换

1. A: How many countries does the UK consist of?
    B: How many countries is the UK ______ ______ ______?
2. A: For those you have to go to older but smaller towns first built by the Romans.
    B: For those you have to go to older but smaller towns ______ ______ first ______ by the Romans.
3. A: Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had listed the sites she wanted to see in London.
    B: Because she ______ ______ about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a ______ ______
        the sites she wanted to see in London.
4. A: On my way to the station something was wrong with my car.
    B: On my way to the station my car ______ _______.
5. A: When she saw many visitors enjoying looking at the beautiful old Chinese pots and other objects 
        on show, she felt very proud of her country.
    B: _______ many visitors enjoying looking at the beautiful old Chinese pots and other objects on show, 
        she took ______ ______ her country.


科目: 来源:0115 月考题 题型:单选题

In my opinion, the view Jennifer _____ the other day is well worth discussing at this meeting.
[     ]
A. put forward
B. put out
C. put on
D. put off

