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科目: 来源: 题型:


If I could change one thing about my life, ____________________ (我绝不再跟母亲争吵了).


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Not until ________a third time ________that he had given birth to the reading system for the blind called Braille.

A. Louis Braille triedhe announced

B. did Louis Braille tryhe announced

C. Louis Braille had trieddid he announce

D. had Louis Braille triedhad he announced


科目: 来源: 题型:



As the marble statue is too large for her garden, the housewife won't buy it.


科目: 来源: 题型:


They treated him __________ their own son.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友George不久前去美国留学,他给你写信说很不适应那里的生活。请你根据以下提示用英语给他写一封回信,鼓励他勇敢面对。

要点:1. 尊重当地的风俗习惯; 2. 与美国学生多交流; 3. 积极参加户外活动; 4. 注意与人交往的礼仪。

注意: 1.短文须写在答题卡的指定区域;






科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】China has ordered a ban on advertisements during television drama programs. An ad will not be allowed to run in the middle of a program running 45 minutes in length, beginning on January 1st. The authorities say ____【1】____ ban is important for the growth of culture. Television stations say this will cause ____【2】____ a loss in revenue(收入). Most audience feel glad ___【3】_____finally such a policy has been carried out. ____【4】____some still doubt whether this is an effective policy or not. Simply banning TV stations from broadcasting inserted advertisements is no use. Even if SARFT completely banned domestic TV stations from broadcasting advertisements, they could still implant advertisements into TV shows. Why can China not learn some lessons from western TV channels such ____【5】____ NHK and BBC? They are public channels _____【6】___any advertisements. But they charge their viewers. In China, TV viewers only need to pay cable Television fees, ____【7】____ is rather low. And TV stations make profits through broadcasting advertisements. If we can learn some lesson from western countries, _____【8】___will be rather helpful to the final solution of the conflict between audience and TV stations.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Career development refers to the life-long process of continuously managing your professional work. The process assists people in defining their career goals and ambitions clearly.

Education is the first step in career development because education received in various institutions like elementary school, high school, and university helps in increasing the depth of a student’s knowledge.

Career development is also concerned with personality as a person needs to present himself in the best way possible in his workplace to make a mark for himself. Relevant personal qualities are important, such as loyalty to the company, responsibility and so on, since these qualities can establish your credibility and honesty among colleagues.

Along with quality of education and personality, career development also emphasizes the important aspects of training. Knowledge learned in classrooms needs to be applied smartly to doing the work assigned in a satisfactory way. For this, a good deal of training needs to be provided for the employees by their employers. Get as much training as possible! Take any training available from your employers.

There are many objectives of career development, one of which is identifying your strengths and weaknesses. Your career won’t move in a wrong direction only if you make full use of your strengths and working on your weaknesses. A person understands his worth with the help of career development. Thus career development affects current and future performance of people.

Because of the development of globalization, employers may have to work in different places across the world. Therefore, adapting to the conditions that are changing is also one objective of career development. In the absence of career development programs, employees may witness a reduced productivity which will affect their career advancement.

Information is another objective of career development. Employees and students must have right information about career planning and various opportunities available to them at the right time to take opportunities and achieve their goals. They need to be aware of the skills and qualities which are essential in a modern business environment.

As has been stated above, one really has to take into account and do a lot in the process of career development. But what’s the most important is that those who are going to create a bright and plentiful career future must improve themselves constantly over the whole life span.

Title: 【1】


It refers to the process of continuous professional work management.

Influencing factors


Education helps deepen 【3】 .


A person needs to make a mark for himself in his workplace.


A person is trained to put the knowledge learned _【5】_ into practical use.


Identifying strengths and weaknesses.

Using strengths fully and overcoming weaknesses make one’s career move in the 【7】 way.

【8】 the changing conditions

Globalization makes a person have to work in different places across the world.

Getting information

A person needs to know about career planning, employment opportunities, and the latest essential 【9】 .


One has to improve himself constantly throughout his life.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】It is __________ that he has been addicted to the drugs and has difficulty quitting it.

A. obviously

B. apparently

C. possibly

D. likely


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Every human being has a unique arrangement of the skin on his fingers and this arrangement is unchangeable. Scientists and experts have proved the uniqueness of finger-prints and discovered that no exactly similar pattern is passed on from parents to children, though nobody knows why this is the case.

The ridge(脊状)structure on a person's fingers does not change with growth and is not affected by surface injuries. Burns, cuts and other damage to the outer part of the skin will be replaced in time by new one which bears a reproduction of the original pattern. It is only when the inner skin is injured that the arrangement will be destroyed. Some criminals make use of this fact to remove their own finger-prints but this is a dangerous and rare step to take.

Finger-prints can be made very easily with printer's ink. They can be recorded easily. With special methods, identification can be achieved successfully within a short time. Because of the simplicity and economy of this system, finger-prints have often been used as a method of solving criminal case. A suspected man may deny a charge but this may be in vain. His finger-prints can prove who he is even if his appearance has been changed by age or accident.

When a suspect leaves finger-prints behind at the scene of a crime, they are difficult to detect with the naked eye. Special techniques are used to "develop" them. Some of the marks found are incomplete but identification is possible if a print of a quarter of an inch square can be obtained.

【1】Scientists and experts have proved that the pattern of a human being's finger skin__ ___

A. is similar to his mother's

B. is valuable to himself only

C. is like that of others with the same type of blood.

D. is different from that of all others

【2】If your fingers are wounded by knife, fire or other means, the structure of skin will____.

A. be changed partly

B. be replaced by a different one

C. be the same when the wound is recovered

D. become ugly

【3】Some criminals remove their own finger-prints by ____.

A. using printer's ink

B. injuring the inner skin

C. damaging the outer skin

D. damaging the color

【4】Finger-prints have often been used as a method of solving criminal case because it_____.

A. is complicated but reliable

B. is simple and not expensive

C. is expensive but easy to do

D. can bring a lot of money

【5】It is ________for a criminal to deny his crime when finger-prints are used to identify him.

A. worth trying B. successful C. useful D. useless


科目: 来源: 题型:


This white peak contrasts finely __________ the blue sky.

