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科目: 来源: 题型:


【1】be concerned ________ 关心某事,担心某事

【2】________ an eye on 照看,注意

【3】go ________ 袭击,适用于

【4】________ on (动物)以……为食

【5】on the ________ of... 在……的边缘

【6】stand ________ 代表

【7】have an effect ________ 对……有影响

【8】set ________ 建立;设立


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】—What did the professor tell you to do?

—I had to write a __________ report.

A. three-thousand words B. three thousands word

C. three-thousand-word D. three-thousand-words


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】I'm Chinese and I do feel __________ Chinese language is __________ most beautiful language. What's your opinion?

A. the; a B. /; the

C. the; / D. /; a


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】We were __________ that the Wenchuan earthquake left the whole city in ruins.

A. shocked B. worried

C. worrying D. shocking


科目: 来源: 题型:


【1】________ to 由于,幸亏

【2】________ to 按照

【3】________ one’s life to... 为……而献身

【4】________ the spot 在现场,当场

【5】________ fashion 开始流行起来;成为时尚

【6】raid ________ a shop 突击搜查一家商店

【7】get ________ with 对……采取强硬措施

【8】________ condition that 在……条件下;如果

【9】be ________ doing 很值得做

【10】________ the meanwhile 同时


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】The cakes are delicious. He would like to have __________ third one because __________ second one is rather too small.

A. a; a B. the; the

C. a; the D. the; a


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】One of the most important tasks for a school is to help and promote to __________ a child's character.

A. advance B. preserve

C. transform D. form


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】He was very __________ of my safety.

A. thought B. thinking

C. thinks D. thoughtful


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】All these flowers will __________ life when the rain come.

A. go to B. come to

C. see to D. refer to


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】My 17yearold daughter went off to college and having her away from home brought back memories of watching Peter Pan when she was little. In the classic TV production,one scene in particular impressed me: when Mrs. Darling puts her children into bed. As she turns off the last of the night lights,she takes one last look at the bedroom and says,“Dear night lights,protect my sleeping children.” As a mother,I know how much she loves her children.

It has been several weeks since we took our daughter to college and she seems to be adjusting (适应) well after a short period of homesickness. For us,though,it’s another story. Like most parents,I love checking in on my children at night. But now she’s gone,and I find nighttimes the hardest. I miss her most at night.

In my neighborhood,most of the parents whose kids are off to college are dealing with similar melancholy. My husband is filled with anxiety. One friend talked about getting this sick feeling in her stomach as she prepared for the college drop-off We complained that many of us were too busy to truly enjoy being with our children while we had them.

For us moms,seeing Toy Story 3 only made the sadness worse as we watched the character Andy,who is the same age as our kids,say goodbye to his childhood as he prepares to leave for college. And it’s not just “first-time” parents like me. Two moms who have kids already well into college said the separation didn’t get any easier.“You feel like something has been taken away from inside you,” said one of them.

I imagine things will get easier with time,especially as I see my daughter adjust to college life. Meanwhile,as I keep my cellphone close to me in bed and text my daughter goodnight and sweet dreams every night,I like to think at messages serve as a night light that keeps her safe.

【1】The writer was deeply impressed by the scene in Peter Pan because ________.

A.she watched the scene with her daughter

B.the scene was very exciting and interesting

C.the scene taught her and her daughter a good lesson

D.the scene showed a mother’s deep love for her children

【2】After her daughter went to college,the writer ________.

A.didn’t get used to the change for a long time

B.often cried as she missed her daughter so much

C.realized she hadn’t done enough for her daughter

D.failed to have a good sleep every night

【3】What is the underlined word “melancholy” in Paragraph 3 similar in meaning to?





【4】According to the last paragraph,why did the writer keep her cellphone close to her in bed?

A.To call her daughter any time.

B.To wait for her daughter’s calls.

C.To say good night to her daughter.

D.To wait for her daughter’s messages.

