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科目: 来源: 题型:

(1)A number of volunteers is willing to help the old during their free time.
(2)Now when people refer to England you find Wales including as well.
(3)Wearing a dress is in the place for a wedding ceremony.
(4)He became inspiring when he thought about helping ordinary people.
(5)The poor boy had no other choice but cry in the street.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】语法填空A Bite of China
No trip would be complete without experiencing the local food culture. Actually, China has various kinds of delicious food, (include) a wide variety of local snacks (小吃).
Without a doubt, for the majority of the foreigners I contacted, and myself included, Peking Duck, Dim Sum, Mongolian Hot Pot were the favorite Chinese (dish). China is a place the food is not only delicious, but the (cheap) I've ever found.
my last night in Beijing before returning to the States, I went to a Peking Duck restaurant that had been suggested for me to try. What a beautiful place! Splendid woodblock prints on the walls, fresh flowers in the vases on the table, (attract) silverware (镀银餐具) and beautiful chopsticks. I was handed menu and found most of the prices(be) especially low for the high quality of the food. The duck came in whole or half, along with all the little decorations that you know if you've ever eaten Peking duck---a little tortilla (玉米饼) to put the sliced duck and vegetables in chopped onion, sauce.
Anyway, I ended up ordering a whole duck and thought I'd just take the rest back to my hotel(eat) later if I couldn't finish it. Unbelievably, in the end there was none of the whole duck(leave) on the plate. Umm, yummy!


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Like many young people, I dreamed of growing up and becoming a successful writer one day. My first part-time job came when I was 18 years old. I was working in a paint factory. Because of the terrible smell of paint, it became normal for me to temporarily pass out during my lunch hour.

All of my spare time was spent writing and sending stories to any publisher that would read them, dreaming that one day losing consciousness while eating my ham sandwiches would no longer be a part of my daily routine.

I discovered content mills, where a writer could devote his time to writing soul-destroying online copy. It provided a little pay, but I wouldn’t faint(昏厥). So, I quit my day job. But it is difficult to work from home. At times, I would lose all passion for writing 500 words about an advertisement for a bed for a few pounds, but the terrible smell of paint reminded me to get back to writing.

Several months later, the money got better. I was given a job writing for one of the largest entertainment websites in the world. The job was simple: I complained about everything that was wrong with society and they paid me 50 for each article. A guy from the website asked if I’d be interested in leaving my small town life to move to the big city of Manchester to become a professional writer for them. I accepted.

After a pretty successful year, I was offered a promotion. Just 18 months earlier, I was suffering from the smell of paint on a daily basis and now I was managing a team of nine writers.

1What does the underlined part mean in the passage?

A. Losing heart. B. Losing one’s memory.

C. Feeling sleepy. D. Becoming unconscious.

2What once weakened the author’s love for writing?

A. The unpleasant smell in the factory.

B. Being given consistent writing work.

C. Something’s being wrong with society.

D. Writing advertisements at a low price.

3What message does the author deliver in the passage?

A. Never give up nor stop trying.

B. A good beginning is half done.

C. Behind bad luck comes good luck.

D. A man can do no more than he can.


科目: 来源: 题型:

How to Prepare for an Exam
There's no need to be tense (紧张的) or cram (死记硬背). By doing a couple simple things ahead you can ensure that you are confident and ready for anything that comes up on the test.
After you have taken notes from studying all of your material including the book and your notes, use that information to make flash cards. Turn statements into questions
Quiz yourself. Once everything is written down on flashcards, quiz yourself with the cards. Keep reviewing the questions that you get wrong until you get them right. You can carry flashcards around with you and quiz yourself when you're on the subway or riding in the car. Definitely continue to quiz yourself until you get them all right.
Do practice questions. Practice doing the questions in the book that you were assigned for homework. Do extra questions in the back of the book. Re-do questions that you got wrong, and try to figure out why you got them wrong. Do practice questions until you feel more comfortable with subject matter.
On the day of the exam, set your alarm at least two hours before the test. Scientists believe that a good night's rest is the key to better test scores. An hour and a half before the exam, start running through all the themes and sub-topics in your head. Like always, check your notes if you get stuck. Use your flashcards to help you commit all the tiny details to memory if they're not already memorized. If you're given yourself enough time to study, you should feel well prepared and relaxed.
A. Goon a balanced diet.
B. Take exercise and keep it up.
C. Make flash cards.
D. This is especially helpful for subjects such as math.
E. You might quiz yourself for a half hour or so, then take a break
F. Stop studying at least 15 minutes before the exam, but an hour is preferable.
G. Preparing for an exam can be stressful and time-consuming, but it doesn't have to be.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Below are some best special interesting holidays—all are new for 2016 and have high quality guides and strong programs.

Holland in bloom river cruise with Alan Titchmarsh

Alan Titchmarsh is the star attraction on this river cruise. Alan joins you for a visit to the magnificent Keukenhof Gardens — home to 800 varieties of tulips(郁金香).The Telegraph’s gardening expert will talk about the best new varieties and the garden’s history.

April 19, 149, including flights from the UK and some meals. Telegraph Tours (0161 236 2444; telegraph.co.uk/titchmarshtour).

Morocco Sketchbook

Led by artist Maxine Relton, this tour takes place in Marrakesh helping you develop your drawing skills. Rapid line and figure drawing and colour mixing are all covered and the eight-day holiday is based in Kasbah du Toubkal.

May 8, 2,495, including some meals. Steppes Travel (01285 601 495; steppestravel.co.uk).

Ballroom and Latin American dancing in Tenerife

This travel provides daily dance tuition with David Bowie who’ll be on hand to teach dancing techniques. It is aimed both at the beginners and more experienced dancers looking to improve their skills. There’ll also be time to explore the island on foot or play a round of golf.

April 26, 769 full-board. Saga (0800 096 0084; travel.saga.co.uk).

Fishing in Northern Argentina

This nine-day fly fishing and conservation tour takes place in the Iberá Marshlands, the world’s second largest wetlands. Here expert fisherman, Charles Jardine, is the guide as you fish. Based in Estancia Rincon del Socorro, the holiday also includes opportunities for horse riding and bird-watching.

October 15, 5,095 full-board. Cazenove+Loyd (02038135082;cazloyd.com).

1Who might be interested in the Morocco Sketchbook holiday trip?

A. Painting learners. B. Bird watchers.

C. Sports lovers. D. Photographic lovers.

2Which number should you call if you want to improve your dancing skills on the trip?

A. 0161 236 2444 B. 01285 601 495

C. 0800 096 0084 D. 02038135082

3On which trip can people ride horses?

A. Morocco Sketchbook.

B. Fishing in Northern Argentina.

C. Ballroom and Latin American dancing in Tenerife.

D. Holland in bloom river cruise with Alan Titchmarsh.

4What can we know from the passage?

A. Maxine Relton is an expert fisherman.

B. Morocco Sketchbook lasts the longest.

C. Two holidays take place in April.

D. The trips led by artist Charles Jardine is the most expensive.


科目: 来源: 题型:

(1)The house (属于) to my uncle.
(2)Can you find our (位置) on the map?
(3)He's very (有经验的) in looking after animals.
(4)Liu Yang is the first (女性的) space astronaut in China.
(5) ( 祝贺), you have won the first place in the debating competition.


科目: 来源: 题型:

If you have spent any time living in or visiting a big city in China, you have most likely used the service that Didi provides. The convenient ride-sharing company, now known as Didi Chuxing, was praised last month by Fortune magazine. According to the magazine, it is changing the world with its environmentally friendly solution to getting around in major cities. As the magazine reported: “Didi concluded that last year its car-pooling services helped reduce total car trips in the country by 1 million a day, which saved 500 million liters of gas, cutting 13.5 million tons of carbon emissions (排放) per day.” The transport service was the only Chinese company to make the important magazine's list, and its influence can be felt in many parts of Chinese society.
Didi is just one example of what is being called the “sharing economy”. The sharing economy is one in which regular people exchange goods and services, usually using an online marketplace. Other similar companies include companies that allow people to rent out their homes to strangers like Airbnb and Couchsurfing, and similar ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft.
All of these services are possible partly because many people are realizing that they have underused assets in their lives. Millions of people around the world have started renting them out online to earn extra money. They rent their apartments while they are away for the weekend, lend people their cars for money and even sell their spare time.
The sharing economy is the latest example of the Internet's value to customers. This model is now big enough for regulators and companies to have woken up to it. That is a sign of its great potential. It is time to start caring about sharing.
(1)What does the first paragraph imply?
A.Didi Chuxing can bring down the price of gas.
B.Didi Chuxing has solved the traffic jam in China.
C.Didi Chuxing is helpful to environment.
D.Didi Chuxing is the best transport service in China.
(2)What does the underlined word “assets” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
(3)What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To stress the importance of online services.
B.To introduce the “sharing economy”.
C.To advertise a new means of transport.
D.To explain the benefits of using Didi.


科目: 来源: 题型:

A few years ago, I took a sightseeing trip to Washington, DC. I saw many of our nation's treasures, and I also saw a lot of citizens on the street—unfortunate ones, like beggars and homeless folks.
Standing outside the Ronald Reagan Center, I heard a voice ask. “Can you help me?” When I turned around, I saw an old blind woman with her hand extended. In a natural reflex (自然反射), I reached into my pocket, pulled out all of my loose change and placed it in her hand without even looking at her. I hated being disturbed by a beggar.
But the blind woman smiled and said: “I don't want your money. I just need help finding the post office.” In an instant, I realized what I had done. I had acted with prejudice (偏见)---I had judged another person simply for what I thought she had to be.
I hated what I saw in myself. This incident brought back my central belief. It reminded me that I believed in being humble (卑下的), even though I'd lost that belief for a moment.
The thing I had forgotten about myself is that I am an immigrant (移民). I left Honduras and arrived in the US at the age of 15. I started my new life with two suitcases, my brother, my sister and a strong mother. Through the years, I have been a dish washer, roofer, mechanic, cashier and pizza delivery driver, among many other humble jobs. Eventually, I became a network engineer.
In my own life, I have experienced many acts of prejudice. I remember a time at age 17---I was busboy (餐馆工), and I heard a father tell his little boy that if he did not do well in school, he would end up like me. I have also seen the same treatment of family and friends, so I know what it's like, and I should have known better.
But now, living my American middle-class lifestyle, it is too easy to forget my past, to forget who I am and where I have been, and to lose sight of where I want to go. The blind woman cured me of my blindness. She reminded me of my belief in being humble, and to always keep my eyes and heart open.
By the way, I helped that lady to the post office. And in writing this essay, I hope to thank her for the priceless lesson she gave me.
(1)At the very beginning, the author regarded the old blind woman as .
A.a great teacher
B.a poor beggar
C.a humble immigrant
D.a passer-by asking for help
(2)How did the author feel when the old woman asked him for directions?
(3)What is the lesson that the author learned from the old woman?
A.Help but don't judge.
B.Efforts will pay off.
C.Stay humble, stay happy.
D.Kindness is well rewarded.


科目: 来源: 题型:

One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his tuition for school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dollar (leave). He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.
However, he suddenly felt very (shame) when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him large glass of milk. He drank it hurriedly, and then asked, “How much do I owe you?”
“You don't owe me anything,” she replied, (smile). “Mother (teach) me never to accept pay for a kindness since my childhood, as it is pleasant enough to (simple) help someone!” He said, “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” these words, he left that house, not only feeling stronger physically, but also (have) more faith in the human race. He was about to give up and quit before this point. It was this glass of milk filled him with warmth to go on. Years later, he made as a famous physician, but he never forgot that young woman and her kindness.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】My six-year-old granddaughter stares at me as if she is seeing me1the first time."Grandma,you are an antique,because you are old,"she says.I explain,"An antique is not only just old; it's an object2(belong) to earlier times.Antiques are valuable.”

We look around the house for antiques.There is a large desk that3(hand) down from an aunt to our family. "It's very old,"I tell Jenny."I try to keep it4(polish),and I show it off whenever I can."When Jenny5(get) older, I might also tell her that whenever I look at the desk or touch it,I am reminded of the aunt who was dear to me.I remember myself as a little girl standing against this antique,6(listen) to one of her stories.

Our tour of antiques continues.There is a picture on the wall,7dates from 1867,and it is not in very good condition.There is a vase on the floor.I'm not certain where it came from,8I didn't buy it new."The one thing about antiques,"I explain to Jenny,"is that they usually have a story."

For a moment Jenny looks9(thought)."I don't have any antiques but you,"she says.Then10(she)face brightens."Could I take you to school for our antiques show?"

