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科目: 来源: 题型:

Workplaces all over the UK are preparing for Christmas and all the traditions and customs that come with it. But will Christmas be a cause for happiness and celebration or embarrassment and disappointment?
One way that colleagues in Britain show their appreciation of each other at this time of year is by doing "Secret Santa" present giving. At that time, people who work together buy each other gifts without saying whom they are from.
Co-workers all write their names on a piece of paper and then organize a lottery in which each workmate takes another colleague's name at random(任意地). Each person then has to buy a present for the colleague whose name they have picked, usually with an agreed price set at a small amount of money such as five or ten pounds.
As the gifts are given without knowing the names of the gift givers, the quality of the presents can be very different; gifts that people received are from tickets to the opera to an air-freshener for a car.
Another common seasonal workplace tradition is the office Christmas party, when workmates put on their most attractive clothes and enjoy lots of free wine.
Although most parties are held without a hitch, sometimes the effects of alcohol(酒精) cause party goers to regret their drunken antics(古怪行为).
The BBC invited people to share their most embarrassing(令人尴尬的) Christmas office party stories, and received hundreds of funny stories, such as the man who split his trousers back to front with his strange dance moves or the drunken lady who spent the entire night with back of her dress tucked into her pants and saw the photos that proved it later at work.
But the worst story must surely come from Stuart Vaines, who got so drunk that he put his boss's head into the toilet. Unsurprisingly, he lost his job the very next day.
(1)By saying this Christmas will cause embarrassment, the author actually refers to_________.
A.the workmate who receives a ticket to the opera
B.the man who receives an air-freshener
C.the lady who tucked the back of her dress in her pants
D.the man who put his boss's head into the toilet
(2)The underlined phrase "without a hitch" in Para.6 most probably means_________.
A.without trouble
B.without an end
C.without free drinks
D.with less people
(3)It is implied in the passage that _________.
A.The gift givers do not know whom they will give gifts to
B.some workmates are not generous enough to buy expensive gifts
C.the BBC is interested in people's funny stories
D.some party-goers will wish they haven't drunk so much
(4)Which of the following might be the best title for the text?
A.Office Parties at Christmas
B.Happiness from Office Parties
C.Celebrations in Workplaces at Christmas
D.Funny Stories from Office Parties


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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Want to travel easily? Here are some tips that help you reduce the size of your luggage.

Roll clothes instead of folding them. Many people try to fold their clothes into their little suitcase. 1 It actually makes far more sense to roll your clothes rather than fold them. Starting from the bottom, roll up your clothes into very tightly packed cylinders (圆柱体) which you can stack (堆叠) on top of each other.

Use vacuum bags (真空袋), when possible. 2 Buy some vacuum bags and seal all of your clothes up tightly. Having all of your luggage vacuum sealed will reduce the size of your items greatly. That will allow you to take more of what’s needed.

Always take travel bottles. Even though you are allowed to take full sized bottles in your suitcase, to make sure that you are under the weight allowance, it’s recommended that you still stick to travel-sized bottles. 3 Besides, it will also prevent you from wasting any product. If you do run out of anything while you are on holiday, you can always buy more.

4 If you do need to take a coat, you can wear it on the journey so you don’t have to pack it in your suitcase. Another method you can use is wearing multiple layers (多层衣服) on the journey although this isn’t always the most comfortable.

Research the weather in advance. A great way to prevent packing clothes that you won’t end up wearing is to research what the weather is going to be like where and when you go on holiday. 5 You can know how hot it’s likely going to be, as well as how much rain on average the destination receives each month.

A. It will free up enough room for you.

B. Don’t put any shoes in your suitcase.

C. It will make your suitcase much lighter.

D. Purchase a high and soft-sided suitcase.

E. Wear anything that takes up a lot of room.

F. There are plenty of websites that can predict it.

G. This is not the best way to pack your holiday goods.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Supreet Kaur, 28, was reporting the Saturday morning bulletin(新闻快报)for news channel(电视台)IBC24 in Chhattisgarh, eastern India. She delivered a breaking news report about a car crash and spoke with a reporter on the phone who gave additional details. While the reporter didn’t identify the three victims by name, there were enough details for Kaur to realise her husband, Harshad Kawade, had been killed. She knew he had been travelling on the same road, at the same time with four friends in the same type of car identified in the accident —a Renault Duster.

But brave Kaur kept her professionalism and continued to read the headlines for another ten minutes — before breaking down in tears off camera.

Colleagues were full of admiration for the way the 28-year-old mother of one handled the situation. One editor told the “Indian Express”: “It clearly shows her sense of duty and professionalism that she continued and kept calm for another 10 minutes. The moment the cameras were off she began calling her relatives and broke down. She left for the accident site after that. Kaur has worked with us for nine years and is one of the most popular news presenters in the State. "We stand with our colleague in pain.” Another colleague told the ‘‘Hindustan Times; “She is an extremely brave lady. We are proud of her as a news presenter, but what happened today has left us in shock.”

Viewers on social media were also full of praise for the way Kaur calmed herself down.

1What happened to Supreet Kaur’s husband?

A. He was murdered.

B. He died in a car crash.

C. He killed 3 people by accident.

D. He got lost when traveling with friends.

2Right upon learning what happened to her husband, Supreet Kaur ________.

A. doubted the truth of the news

B. kept calm and continued her work

C. rushed to the accident site at once

D. burst into tears before the camera

3What’s the theme of this passage?

A. Friendship. B. Teamwork.

C. Understanding. D. Professionalism.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】As the richest man in the world, Bill Gates is no stranger to success. So when the billionaire offers advice, it’s smart to listen. On Monday, Bill Gates hosted an “AMA” or “ask me anything” session(会议) on Reddit, during which a participant asked, “If you could give 19-year-old Bill Gates some advice, what would it be?”

Gates said: I would explain that smartness is not single dimensional and not quite as important as I thought it was back then. I would say you might explore the developing world before you get into your forties. I wasn’t very good socially back then, but I am not sure there is advice that would fix that--maybe I had to be awkward and just grow up...”

In short: Intelligence isn’t one-dimensional-and it’s not the only ingredient required for success.

This isn’t the only time Gates has given out advice on navigating your years as a young adult. One of his best pieces of wisdom comes from fellow billionaire and friend Warren Buffett: Keep things simple. In a 2009 interview with CNBC. Gates said: “You look at his calendar; It’s pretty simple. You talk to him about a case where he thinks a business is attractive, and he knows a few basic numbers and facts about it. And he knows a few basic numbers and facts about it. And if it gets less complicated, he feels like then it’s something he’ll choose to invest (投资) in. He picks the things that he’s got a model of, a model that really is predictive and that’s going to continue to work over a long-term period. And so his ability to boil things down, to just work on the things that really count, to think through the basics —it’s so amazing that he can do that. It’s a special form of genius(天才).”

1What can we learn about 19-year-old Bill Gates?

A. He was not a smart youth.

B. He overvalued the importance of smartness.

C. He had developed great social skills.

D. He thought intelligence was multidimensional.

2What’s Warren Buffett’s motto?

A. Keep learning. B. Keep things simple.

C. Intelligence isn’t one-dimensional. D. Intelligence is the key to success.

3What does the underlined phrase “boil things down” mean?

A. Take things down clearly and in detail.

B. Break things down into many smaller pieces.

C. Make things shorter by leaving out unnecessary parts.

D. Do things at a slower pace in order to be careful.

4What does Bill Gates think about Warren Buffett?

A. Hard to understand. B. Easygoing and talkative.

C. Fearless in investment. D. Wise and extraordinary.


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科目: 来源: 题型:

“So, how's your brother doing?” Such a common question nowadays. I 1 give long answers on what he was doing each day of the week, but now I just respond, “He's fine.” I've gotten 2of the question. While everyone wants to know how my brother is doing, no one 3 asks me how I'm doing.
I lived with him for over seventeen years of my life, and for some reason, no one thinks it would be4 for me to let him go. But it is. He was the 5of my world. My entire life went around him. I wore what he wore. If it was fifty degree outside, and he wore shorts, I6wear shorts, too.
I lived in my brother's 7_for over seventeen years. He was popular with everyone. Before, I thought that people liked me. But no. People liked my brother. They were8_to him, and I just happened to be there.9 now, away from him, I'm facing a world so much bigger than before. He used to 10_me from the brunt(冲击) of the adult stuff, and I walked11_him, only seeing the nice stuff.
But now I can see 12_the world is really like. And I'm ready to13 it on my own. I may never be popular, but I can be friendly and make new friends. I'm ready to step out from his shadow and let my own shadow fall on the ground. Maybe they won't like me.14_, it's better than just being a copy of him. It's time to 15_ from behind his shadow. It's time to let the sun warm me up, instead of standing in my brother's cold shadow.
(1)A.used to B.planned to C.decided to D.failed to
(2)A.disturbed B.frightened C.tired D.exhausted
(3)A.also B.just C.ever D.often
(4)A.easy B.hard C.happy D.sad
(5)A.sun B.teacher C.power D.center
(6)A.must B.should C.would D.might
(7)A.world B.reality C.protection D.shadow
(8)A.attached B.admitted C.sensitive D.attractive
(9)A.So B.And C.But D.Or
(10)A.protect B.prevent C.keep D.escape
(11)A.along B.behind C.around D.with
(12)A.which B.that C.how D.what
(13)A.explore B.live C.accept D.fight
(14)A.Instead B.Otherwise C.Besides D.Anyhow
(15)A.step out B.pull out C.call out D.break out


科目: 来源: 题型:

(1)— Do you think he will come at this weekend?
— I believe not, because he has important party to attend.
(2)She was so sad because she failed in the math test. Let's leave her .
(3)They desired that they (have) the right to attend the meeting.
(4)Many applicants stood outside the manager's office, nervously waiting (choose) for the job.
(5)It was at this shop I bought my skirt. How about coming to my home to have a look tonight?
(6)People have been complaining about SK-II recently and think the advertisements always persuade people (buy) the products which are not so good.
(7)He has been (absence) for three weeks. We'd better find another person to fill his place.
(8)According to an expert, (play) table tennis in space is really impossible as both air drag and gravity are needed.
(9)I am going to the post office. Do you have any letter (send)?
(10)After a whole afternoon's heated discussion, they finally (declare) to us what had been decided.
(11)She felt (embarrass) about wearing the improper garment in the party.
(12)Tom thought it was an honor (invite) to speak in the ceremony.
(13)The accident happened on such an evening with strong winds (accompany) by heavy rain.
(14)The professor explained this theory so clearly that this phenomenon was easy enough for us (work) out.
(15)Her clear and elegant prose (set) her apart from most other journalists.


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Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm Li Hua,a Senior Three student from China.






Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:

Dear John,
I hope these ideas can help you get rid of your addiction as soon as possible.
Best wishes!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

