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科目: 来源: 题型:

A college graduate was new in the job and she found something really strange. One of her colleague was a lazy man, who usually played his digital camera or listen to music during working time. To her surprised, the boss never blamed him because his behavior.
One day, her colleague was listening to the music while the boss came and said serious, “the host computer has something wrong.” The colleague rushed to the controlling center to solving the problem and began to fix them silently. Twenty minutes later, and the host computer reworked normally. Then the graduate realized the economic loss what her colleague had saved this time must have been hundreds of his salary.


科目: 来源: 题型:

We often carry a lot of things when we're traveling.On long ones we carry things like passports, visas, etc. Though traveling can be fun, we're likely to misplace these things and even lose them because of the excitement of the journey or being too busy or tired. So how can we carry valuable things safely while traveling?
Place most of it in a wallet and put the wallet in your main suitcase or bag with a lock-and-key system. Don't open it until you reach your destination (目的地). Guess how much money you'll need on the journey, and place this money in a different wallet and carry this in your pocket.
Next, instead of wearing your jewelry, you can carry your jewelry at the bottom of your suitcase or bag.Many people think that since the purse is always going to be in their hands, it'll remain safe. But other things like tickets, phone numbers, keys, etc., are all going to go in there. So you're often going to open your purse for something or the other. What if you just drop it?
Then remember to hook (钩住) the keys. You get those really nice key chains these days that come with a big dog-hook.
Use one of these to carry your keys. This way, you won't leave the keys in a restaurant or any other place.
Hope all the above tips for traveling will help you.
A. So you'll know what to bring.
B. It's a kind of vacation, but without your parents.
C. Spend money from this wallet till you get to your destination.
D. Firstly, distribute (分开) your money if you're traveling alone.
E. You can hook the key chain to your jeans or your handbag.
F. On short trips we take things like money, jewelry (首饰), house keys, etc.
G. Don't carry it in your purse, just in case somebody is quick in stealing your purse.


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I left home at 17 and pay my own way through college.In the past 20 years,I have worked for everything I needed.So it shocks me what some people in their 20s,still get their life supported by our parents.Some of these parents have difficult supporting their families.

It's true that the job market is much more harder these days.Therefore,there are certainly some ways to make living on our own.Even if our parents is nice enough to pay for our college,we shouldn't burden them with our problems.We should be financial responsible adults,made our parents proud of us.


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说明:开头和结尾已经给出,词数100字左右(the Pearl River Delta,珠江三角洲。Shiqi Shopping Street,石岐步行街。Doctor Sun Yatsen's Former Residence,孙中山故居。Minzhong Water Village民众水乡)。
Dear Mary,
I'm glad to hear that you will come to Zhongshan for a visit.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability.
Compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes (little) time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English. If we persist in this practice, gradually we'll learn how (express)ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly run up against many (difficult). In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble in (find) appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there (be) many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English (proper).
As far as I am (concern), my suggestion is we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also ask our English teacher help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is of great use to keep a diary in English for development of our writing skills.


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参考词汇:雾霾天气 hazy weather

尾气排放 exhaust emission

注意:1.词数: 100-120


Nowadays, the hazy weather frequently appears in our hometown.













科目: 来源: 题型:







科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】While many countries love their tea, UK citizens are particularly proud of being “tea people”. The average UK citizen consumes nearly 2 kilograms of (dry) tea each year.

Tea only made its way to England in large 1(quantity) in the first years of the 17th century. Tea from China and a few other Asian countries 2 (sell) more widely in England at that time. Then tea was getting more and more popular among different social classes.

There are many varieties of tea. They all come from the plant Camellia sinensis (茶树), and are 3(simple) processed in different ways. Black tea mixtures are still4most common type drunk in the UK. The reason why black tea is dark in colour is 5 the leaves have been allowed to oxidize (氧化) before drying. People usually serve 6with milk or lemon.

You may still find tea made with loose tea leaves, served up in a pot, and 7 (pour) into the best china cups with saucers for visitors, but behind closed doors it is likely to be served in a tall cup, and made with a tea bag.

Tea is still a large part of daily life in the UK today, but it seems to be 8 the decrease. Tea sales 9 (fall) by 6% in 2014 alone.

Still, what goes around comes around; it’s sure 10(become) fashionable again.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Jack Ma’s net worth increased $2.8bn overnight as Alibaba forecast sales growth that topped every analyst’s estimate, despite the fact that China’s economy is slowing down.

Mr. Ma, aged 52 this year, is now the richest person in Asia and 14th wealthiest in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. His net worth has climbed $8.5bn this year to $41.8bn.

The latest surge came after China’s largest e-commerce company forecast 45 to 49 percent revenue(收入) growth in the year ending March, demonstrating how investments beyond online shopping are paying off. Shares in Alibaba, where Mr. Ma is chairman, rose 13 percent to a record high.

Alibaba and Tencent, which dominate online shopping and social media, respectively have ventured(冒险) deeper into new areas from cloud computing services to streaming music and video as the country’s economy slows. Alibaba is capturing more digital advertising spending by incorporating(合并) social elements such as video in its shopping sites.

Alibaba is holding meetings with investors this week. On Friday, the former English teacher said he wasn’t going to discuss corporate forecasts. He took the stage instead to describe how his company had become effectively the world’s 22nd largest economy—just after Argentina—in terms of transaction(交易) by never fearing to think big. Mr. Ma, who said Alibaba revises 10-year plans annually, foresaw the company becoming the fifth-largest eventually by 2036 by serving a burgeoning Chinese middle classes, taking advantage of global trade and making use of its valuable data.

Ma’s comments about the evolution of data-driven technology echoed Masayoshi Son, Chairman of Japan’s SoftBank. SoftBank—Alibaba’s largest shareholder—has invested billions in companies such as ARM with the intention of staking out a leading position in the future Internet of Things.

“The Internet of Things is going to be big because in the past, machines drink electricity,” Mr. Ma told investors. “In the next 20 years, machines will drink data. In the future, no company, no country, no business can survive without data.”

1What can we infer from the passage?

A. Jack Ma has become the richest person in the world.

B. China’s economy is not satisfying.

C. online shopping grows rapidly worldwide.

D. Alibaba is the largest company in the world.

2The underlined word “surge” in Paragraph 3 probably means_____.

A. uncertainty B. rapid decline

C. dead time D. sudden increase

3What do we know about Alibaba?

A. It has been providing cloud computing services.

B. It makes profits mainly from digital advertising.

C. It is China’s largest social media company.

D. It aims to research into streaming music and video.

4What does Jack Ma stress in the last paragraph?

A. The importance of the data.

B. The investment of global trade

C. The necessity sharing information.

D. The future of the Internet of Things.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Yesterday was my mother birthday. My father and I planned to give him a surprise. In the morning, like usual, my father and mother went to work but I went to school at eight o'clock. My mother seemed to have forgotten her birthday. At four o'clock in the afternoon my father bought a bunch of flowers as well a lot of good food my mother likes to eat. I bought my mother large and beautiful birthday cake. When my mother got home, she was greatly surprised by what that she saw. All that we had done made her very happily. After supper, I asked my mother to sit down and watched TV. My father began to clean the floor and I set out to doing the washing-up.

