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科目: 来源: 题型:

Good afternoon, and welcome to England. We hope that your visit here will be a pleasant one. Today, I would like to draw your attention to a few of our laws.
The first one is about drinking. Now, you may not buy alcohol in this country if you are under 18 years of age, nor may your friends buy it for you.
Secondly, noise, Enjoy yourselves by all means, but please don't make unnecessary noise, particularly at night. We ask you to respect other people who may wish to be quiet.
Thirdly, crossing the road. Be careful. The traffic moves on the left side of the road in this country. Use pedestrian crossings and do not take any risk when crossing the road.
My next point is about litter(throwing away wasted material in a public place). It is an offence to drop litter in the street. When you have something to throw away, please put it in your pocket and take it home, or put it in a litter bin.
Finally, as regards smoking, it is against the law to buy cigarettes or tobacco if you are under 16 years of age.
I'd like to finish by saying that if you requires any sort of help or assistance, you should get in touch with your local police station, who will be pleased to help you.
Now, are there any questions?
(1)The main purpose of this speech would be to ________.
A.prepare people for international travel
B.declare the laws of different countries
C.give advice to travelers to the county
D.inform people of the punishment for breaking laws
(2)From the speech we learn that ________.
A.in this country, if you are under 18 years of age, you may not buy alcohol, but your friend can buy it for you.
B.you may not buy cigarettes or tobacco unless you are above 16 years of age
C.because the traffic moves on the right side of the road, you must use pedestrian crossings when crossing the road.
D.you can't make noise except at night.
(3)Who do you think is most likely to make the speech?
A.A policeman
B.A lawmaker
C.A teacher
D.A lawyer


科目: 来源: 题型:

While thousands of college students headed for warm climate to enjoy sun and fun during their week off from classes, seven local students had other plans.
The Northern Essex Community College(NECC) students and one of their teachers spent part of their spring break inNew York City, helping repair an area (destroy) by the hurricane.
“I wanted to see for myself whathappened,” said Terry. “I couldn’t imagineit is like to lose your home andeverything that you know and the (power) effect the hurricane had on thosepeople. I wanted to do something, to understand their feeling of helplessness.”
The group headed into Brooklyn’s RedHook district, which was hit hard by the hurricane. There they met people fromother parts of the country, had also volunteered to help. Together, thosevolunteers and the NECC students (work) to clear rubbish out of athree-story building. They put on protective suits and glovesthey enteredthe building.
Inside the building, the students saw nothing but broken walls and doors and pieces of the building (lie) all over the place.
The students returned to schoolwithsense of achievement, a feeling thathelped people in need. I wasremarkable how a community lost so much and was still able to recover, and thisleft the deepest impressionthestudents.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Every country has its heroes .They may be soldiers or sports people, doctors or film stars. We admire(钦佩) them for their courage, their strength, their devotion(忠诚) to duty or their talent. Their example inspires us to live better, to work harder.
Terry Fox was a young student who loved life and who loved sports. When he was just 18 years old a terrible tragedy happened: his right leg had to be cut off because of cancer. Such an experience would have destroyed a weaker person — but Terry Fox was a fighter. He refused to give up. Instead, while he was recovering from the operation, an idea slowly formed in his mind. He decided he would run across Canada, in order to raise money for cancer research.
Slowly and carefully, he began to train. Every step was extremely painful, but he insisted, increasing the distance covered day by day. Sixteen months later, in the spring of 1980, he was ready for the long journey across Canada — his Marathon of Hope .It was a time of inspiration and heart breaking emotion. Through television, every home saw his particular way of running, a kind of half- hop and half- run. Thousands of people lined the route to encourage him and to wish him well. They also gave money to fight cancer. Then, on 1st September 1980, after 143 days and more than 5000 kilometers completed, everything came tragically to an end Terry had to stop. He lived on for another nine months and died on June 18th 1981. He was almost 23.
(1)Having read the passage, you can learn that the author ______ Terry Fox.
A.has great pity on
C.cares for
(2)Terry Fox decided to run across Canada because ______.
A.a terrible tragedy happened to him at the age of 18
B.he had his courage, his strength, and his devotion to his country
C.he had his right leg cut off because of cancer
D.he wanted to help others who suffer from diseases similar to his
(3)The heroic character of Terry Fox can be seen from his decision and ______.
(4)Though it was difficult, Terry Fox ran his journey ______.
A.with few people supporting him
B.without receiving any money from people
C.with few people watching him on TV
D.without thinking of himself at all


科目: 来源: 题型:

Dear Mr. Allen,
I'm Li Hua, your student assistant.


科目: 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

A healthy diet and regular exercise may help to prevent obesity among children. Let’s take Mary for example. Mary used to being a healthy girl. But over a year ago, she got into the habit of eating a lot junk food and snacks. However, he spent a lot of time lying on the sofa, watching TV, but doing little exercise. As a result, she put up so much weight that she found it difficulty to climb the stairs. So Mary decided to change the unhealthy lifestyle. She began to have a balancing, healthy diet. She also took part in various sports activity such as swimming, skating, running and playing the basketball. Months later, Mary became as fit as before.


科目: 来源: 题型:








Dear Lucy,

I have received your email.You asked me for some suggestions on how to be a guest in China._____________








I do hope you will enjoy yourself ill your teacher's home.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】请你以The power of humor为话题写一篇短文,谈谈幽默在生活中的重要作用。


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】I needed to get some money so I 1(take)a job in the clothes department at Graham’s for the January sale. I can’t say that I enjoyed it, 2it was an experience I’ll never forget.

When I arrived half an hour before opening on the first day of the sale, there was already 3queue around three sides of the building. This made me very nervous. The moment the security guards4(lock) the doors, they hid behind the doors for protection as the noisy crowd rushed in. I couldn’t believe my eyes: this wasn’t shopping; it was a battlefield!

After a while, clothes were flying in all directions as people searched5the sizes, colours and styles they wanted. Within minutes I had half a dozen people 6(push) clothes under my nose, each wanting 7(be) the first served. The whole day continued like that. People were spending money like water without thinking 8 they needed what they were buying. As 9as it was a bargain it was OK.

That night, after a quick dinner I went to bed exhausted, fearing the sound of the alarm 10would tell me to get ready for the second day of the sale.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】A lot of people are interested in sea animals, especially the ones that are beautiful and smart. Although some are wild, and can be deadly, each is also unique in its own way. Whales, sharks and dolphins are the main subjects of sea-animal research, with dolphins standing out from whales and sharks for their friendly behavior with humans. No doubt the desire to learn some interesting things about dolphins has led you to this article, and you too are eager to know more about these sea creatures.

It is sometimes believed that Dolphins have been evolved from land mammals. Among sea mammals, dolphins are the most advanced in intelligence. You may be surprised to learn that they are close relatives of camels and cows. The debate on the origin of the dolphin is an unending one, however. Some believe that they evolved from land-based hoofed (有蹄的) mammals, others believe thattheyevolved from other different kinds of mammals many millions of years ago. There are about 32 types of dolphins that live in salt water, each unique in its color and body shape. Five other types live in fresh water.

A grown-up dolphin eats nearly 20 to 22 kilos of fish every day. The eating habits of dolphins depend on where they live, and on the season. Seasons in which fish are abundant are like party time for dolphins. Dolphins decide how much they are going to eat based on the fat content of the fish available. They’ve a good sense of understanding about their hunger.

The social skills and intelligence of dolphins make them very attractive for zoos and aquariums, where they are often trained to show off their diving skills. Dolphins also communicate with each other by special sounds.

1Scientists like to research dolphins mainly because _______.

A. they are friendly to humans B. they have good diving skills

C. they have unique bodies D. they are beautiful and clever

2The underlined word "they" in the second paragraph refers to _________?

A. Camels and cows. B. Dolphins.

C. The relatives of dolphins. D. Hoofed mammals.

3We can know for sure from the second paragraph that dolphins ___.

A. evolved from land animals B. are the most advanced animals in the world

C. have a close connection with camels D. live only in salt water

4Paragraph 3 mainly talks about ___________?

A. How dolphins know they are hungry. B. How much dolphins eat daily.

C. What dolphins like to eat. D. The eating habits of dolphins.


科目: 来源: 题型:

What is it that makes people laugh? More than two thousand years ago the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle defined (定义) jokes as the pleasure that results from a feeling of triumph(胜利) by showing we're better than someone else in a certain way. According to Aristotle and many other philosophers,all jokes depend mainly on showing inferiority in another person or group of persons—that is,putting it clearly,on showing that they are worse off than ourselves. Jokes raise our good opinion of ourselves at someone else's expense.
Showing how much better than other people we are is only one reason we like jokes. Someone may also use a joke to express their anger or their cruelty or any other kind of action that is not acceptable to us. We feel free to laugh when we hear about someone sliding on a banana skin. The joke lets us express those attitudes which are usually unacceptable to society. This is probably the reason why some of the jokes,especially those involving cruelty,are so popular with certain people.
Besides,all jokes depend on our enjoyment of laughing at something that is strange and out of place because it's different from things which are happening around it. The same situation can be either sad or pleasant,depending entirely on how strange and out of place it is. If a girl in a bathing suit falls into a swimming pool,we don't laugh because nothing unusual has happened. But if a man in a smart suit falls in,the situation is at once unusual in a pleasant way and we laugh. A good joke-teller will always try to build up a situation in which one thing is expected until something unexpected suddenly happens,and so we laugh.
(1)According to Aristotle,all jokes depend mainly on ________.
A.showing inferiority in another person or group
B.resulting in a sense of success
C.having a good opinion of other people
D.making people laugh unexpectedly
(2)The underlined word “inferiority”(in Paragraph 1) means ________.
A.something that is not as good as something else
B.something that is better than something else
C.someone that is not as good as someone else
D.someone that is better than someone else
(3)What's the main idea of Paragraph 2?
A.Showing we are better than other people is the only one reason we like jokes.
B.When people are angry,they would like to hear jokes.
C.People who like jokes are usually cruel.
D.To express those attitudes usually unacceptable to society is one of the reasons we like jokes.
(4)What will a good joke teller always try to do?
A.Make a sad situation into a pleasant one.
B.Make different things happen at the same time.
C.Make an unexpected thing happen in an expected situation.
D.Make people laugh at something unusual and out of place.

