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科目: 来源: 题型:

Banks view online banking as a powerful “value-added” tool to attractand keep new customers while helping to eliminate costly paper handlingor teller(出纳员)interactions in an increasingly competitive banking environment.
Today, mostlarge national banks, many local banks and credit unions offer some form ofonline banking, variously known as PC banking, home banking, electronic bankingor Internet banking. Online banks are sometimes referred to as “brick-to-click”banks, both to tell them from “brick-to-mortar” banks that haven’t yet offeredonline banking, as well as from “virtual”(虚拟)banks that have no physical branches or tellers whatsoever.
Thechallenge for the banking industry has been to design this new service channelin such a way that its customers will readily learn to use and trust it. Mostof the large banks can now offer fully safe , fully functional(功能的)online banking for free or for a small cost.As more banks succeed online and more customers use their sites, fullyfunctional online banking will likely become as commonplace as automated tellermachines (ATM).
Onlinebanking has a lot of advantages. Unlike your corner bank, online banking sitesnever close; they’re at hand 24 hours a day, seven days a week and they’re amouse click away. If you’re out of state or even out of the country when amoney problem appears, you can log on instantly to your online bank and takecare of business. Online bank sites generally carry out and confirm deals at orquicker than ATM processing speeds. Many online banking sites now offerfashionable tools to help you manage all of your valuable items moreeffectively.
(1)The underlined word “eliminate” in the first paragraph probably means “”.
(2)What is the challenge for the online banking industry according to the text?
A.To make online banking attractive.
B.To open new services all over the world.
C.To offer online banking for free.
D.To take care of business 24 hours a day.
(3)From the text we can conclude that _______.
A.“brick-to-click” banks are in fact another kind of physical banks
B.the function of a “brick-to-click” bank is as common as that of an ATM
C.a “brick-to-mortar” bank is no better than a virtual one
D.customers can deal with their banking by a mouse click
(4)What would be the best title for this text?
A.Banking of Various Forms
B.Improvement of Banking Industry
C.Development of Online Banking
D.Functions of the “Brick-to-Click” Bank


科目: 来源: 题型:

Last Sunday I went to the Bird’s Nest Stadium, there I met someyoung America tourists.
I greeted to each other and began to chat. From chat I learnedthat they were college students study at Beijing Language University. They allseem to love Chinese culture. As walking, they were busy taking picture of theStadium. Apparently, we were impressed by the grand gym. But then I felt veryproud that China was becoming more and more attractive for foreigners.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Ten Chinese engineers were driving down a road to a NationalForest Park.
They were(sudden)amazed by what they saw. Three tall animals,(cover) with long black hair, werecrossing the road. On (see)the animals, the engineers immediately stopped and ran after them. However,when they saw move throughthe forest with great speed and strength, they did not dare to follow
any (far).
The men did not take any photographs but scientists weredelighted by
the (discover),Because the engineers are all well educated people and scientists feel they canrely on what they (describe).
Scientists returned to the forest, collected some hair andmeasured footprints,
are about 20inches. They appear to be the animals’ feet! Chinese scientist have now set upa special group to exchange information and made a study of the forest. But inthe meantime, some people refuse to believe that this half-man,
half-monkey (exist).They will not believe it oneof the animals have been caught.


科目: 来源: 题型:

(1)F, I'd like to thank all those people who helped make the meeting successful.
(2)Kate g from Oxford University last year, and then went to work at a bank.
(3)He is so s that no one can persuade him to change his mind.
(4)I tried to p him to go there with us, but he refused.
(5)What's your a towards his behavior?
(6)How much is the train (费用) from Beijing to Shanghai?
(7)These gates control the amount of water (流入) into the river.
(8)I like my little sister but she has a serious (缺点).
(9)Does environment (决定) one's character?
(10)I like the way you (组织) the information in the report.


科目: 来源: 题型:

(1)Mary advised me to buy that hat.
Mary me that hat.
(2)She likes country music very much.
She country music.
(3)He didn't go to bed until his wife came back.
his wife came back he to bed.
(4)I determined to leave at once.
I to leave at once.
(5)Rather than go home by bus with so many people, he always prefers to ride a bike.
He prefers a bike to by bus with so many people.


科目: 来源: 题型:


Chinese brush calligraphy or “shufa” in Chinese is one of 1 most important art forms in China. Many Asian cultures have originated their own calligraphy styles, but China’s is unequaled because of 2 (it) beauty, grace (优雅), and history.

The 3 (origin) of Chinese brush calligraphy are unknown, but local tales say it goes back over 4,000 years to the time of the legendary (传说的) Yellow Emperor (2698-2598 B.C.). At that time characters were carved on animal bones or tortoise shells. Only after Emperor Qin Shi Huang united China under his rule 4 one country did it really gain popularity as a common art form.

He simplified Chinese characters and regular rules were set, 5 (make) it easier for people to learn and master. This Chinese art form continued to progress and during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) a new type of cursive script (草书) was formed and standardized. It is written 6 (free), but it’s not as easy to read.

Today Chinese calligraphy is once again a subject in schools and an art form highly 7(appreciate) across the world. Anyone can practice it and 8 is required is a simple set including: brush, ink, and paper. It’s fun for amateurs to try, but to become good at it, not only years of practice but natural talent 9 (need). Practising this art consistently can develop personal character and is of 10 (benefit) to health.


科目: 来源: 题型:

How do you usually buy what you need, shopping on line or going out to shop in person? With the help of the Internet, shopping is (easy) than before. We can just click our mouse to choose the things we like, pay for them online, and the shopping (finish). It is easy and quick. It helps save money, too. We can save thousands a year if we compare the prices of similar items (商品) before deciding which(buy).
However, there are always(trap) in shopping online. If we are (care), we may get into trouble. For example, we may find the color of the item different that in the picture online. Sometimes, the size of the item we receive can be too bigtoo small. To avoid such troubles, we should compare similar items on different online stores and pay more attention to what other customers say. From their opinions, we can know (well) about an item's color, size as well as (it) shortcomings. In this way we increase our chance of buyingmore satisfactory item.


科目: 来源: 题型:

(1)Since she was better(受过教育的), she got a job working in an office.
(2)He was(判刑) to ten years in prison.
(3)He gave the children some candies to(奖励) them for helping an old man.
(4)It is time to stop his(残忍) to the animals.
(5)He couldn't decide any important things. He asked his wife's(意见) on every important decision.
(6)You shouldn't(逃避) doing this work.
(7)We lived in(恐惧) of our father when he was drinking.
(8)Some poor people walked from village to village and(乞讨) for food.
(9)Everyone would like to live in a (和平的) world.
(10)Bill is a(亲戚) of my family, who has given millions of dollars to help many poor children.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Honest Thanks

I sat down at my desk and started writing. I wrote an emotional letter of gratitude. I put the notecard into the ______,sealed it and stuck the stamps on it,but when it came to actually placing the letter into the mailbox...I ______.

The letter was to a schoolmate with whom I kept in contact via Facebook ______.She had inspired me to live a(n) ______ life—for example,by ______ more.

Her volunteer efforts weren’t ______—she wasn’t building wells in Uganda,but _____ she was doing small,local good deeds,such as serving as a crossing guard. These were things I could do,too. She made me ______ I could make a difference here at home. I felt I should let her know how her ______ positively influenced my life .I could have easily sent her an e-mail,______ that seemed a bit lame for such an important thank you. That’s why I ended up ______ the letter. But now I stood before the mailbox,unable to place the envelope inside. What was ______ me? Why was this so ______ to do? I guess I felt strange because it wasn’t like she was my best friend,I just knew her,“People don’t ______ do this,” I thought to myself. However,______ thinking it over,I still felt a(n) ______ to let her know how grateful I was. Finally,I put the envelope in the mailbox.

Weeks later I received her reply. She was ______ a tough time and my letter meant the ______ to her. She didn’t know she had such a(n) ______ on others. Not only did this letter make her happy,but her response to it increased my ____ of happiness,I decided to write a gratitude letter to someone each month. Cultivating gratitude is a great skill to practice. Life is too short not to do it.

1A. pocket B. drawer C. handbag D. envelope

2A. froze B. sighed C. panicked D. smiled

3A. usually B. occasionally C. formally D. secretly

4A. tough B. different C. enthusiastic D. rich

5A. enjoying B. exercising C. volunteering D. travelling

6A. essential B. meaningful C. ordinary D. huge

7A. once B. also C. instead D. still

8A. realize B. accept C. admit D. prove

9A. words B. example C. thoughts D. emotion

10A. and B. or C. so D. but

11A. editing B. handwriting C. answering D. receiving

12A. stopping B. urging C. encouraging D. confusing

13A. boring B. pleasant C. hard D. cool

14A. directly B. constantly C. equally D. normally

15A. until B. while C. after D. before

16A. desire B. ambition C. fear D. curiosity

17A. going through B. going for C. going against D. going over

18A. earth B. world C. dream D. future

19A. influence B. honor C. comment D. concern

20A. search B. level C. appreciation D. experience


科目: 来源: 题型:


Even if trees cannot walk, they are still on the move.

In parts of the Arctic, entire forests are moving northward. Across the Arctic, temperatures are rising faster than anywhere else in the world. As that happens, the tree line that marks where forests stop and the treeless tundra (冻原) starts has been shifting northward. Trees growing along the tree line must protect themselves from the cold wind. To do this,_plants tend to grow horizontal (水平的) branches low to the ground. The energy it takes for trees to grow this way means they don't have enough energy to make seeds.

But as Earth's climate has been warming, trees no longer have to just grow horizontally. Many can instead grow up toward the sky. This takes less energy. And with all that leftover energy, these trees have started producing more seeds. This happens especially in places where white spruce (白云杉) grows.

White spruce, which is a North American tree, is quite able to produce a lot of seeds, which can move long distances in the wind. When windblown seeds end up on the tundra beyond the tree line, they eventually can sprout(发芽) new trees. This explains how a forest can move. Of course, the process would work only if the tundra were warm enough. But in recent years, the whole planet has been warming.

New trees will provide shelters for some snow. Keeping the sun's rays from making the white surface disappear. Instead, the trees absorb the sun's heat. This warms the surrounding air. The extra wrmth encourages even more trees to produce seeds. That further boosts a forest's ability to expand. In addition, more trees will trap more snow, preventing much of it from being blown away. Snow can trap heat in the soil below, which encourages trees to grow. The recent rise of temperatures has helped more trees grow past the tree line. People worry about impacts on the animals that depend on frozen conditions for food and shelter.

【1】What is the main cause of the trees in the Arctic moving northward?

A.The shrinking of northern tundra.

B.The rising temperature.

C.The fierce and cold wind.

D.The abundant resources in the north.

【2】What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.To produce more seeds.

B.To move northward.

C.To respond to the climate change.

D.To protect themselves from the cold wind.

【3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.New trees can trap the snow, which may make the soil colder.

B.The trapped snow prevents new trees from producing more seeds.

C.New trees can make the surrounding air warmer.

D.New trees can bring more food and shelter to local animals.

【4】The passage is most probably taken from ________.

A.a science report B.a health report

C.a fashion magazine D.a children's magazine

