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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】In my younger years, my father gave me some advice that I _____ in my mind ever since.

A. turned overB. was turning over

C. had turned overD. have been turning over


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Personally I think trains are exciting and romantic. I must ____ that trains are not important means of transportation in the US, but I do have some ____ with them.

When I was a child, growing up in a small town with very little ____, we used to go to the station to watch the passenger trains coming in. There was something ____ about the steaming, roaring string of cars coming into view around the mountains, ____ growing larger and louder and finally ____ crowds of strangers onto the platform.

I took my ____ train trip when I was ten years old. I went with my elder sister to visit our cousins six hundred miles away. The train—so loud and violent on the outside—was ____ and rocking inside. We were very excited, and as that was also our first time away from our parents, we felt somewhat frightened too. However, because I had ____ so much, I was a little disappointed when I was finally one of the passengers I had ____ for so long.

As a college student, I ____ ride overnight train to my roommate’s hometown. We could never afford a ____, so we played cards, sang, ate, read and talked _____ we finally fell uncomfortably asleep in the straight-backed seats.

My idea that trains are ____ may come from the fact that my husband and I took the train on our honeymoon(蜜月假期), spending extra money to eat in the dinning car, and ____ the window as the desert scenery slid past.

Now, when I make a trip, I always fly or drive, and ____ are not a very important part of my life. ____, every time I hear the train whistle faraway on a quiet night, I can always feel the sudden ____ in my heart to pack my bags and jump on board, entering a ____ world of motions, sounds, sights and experience which just aren’t ____ in the dull environment of an airplane.

1A. predict B. believe C. admit D. ensure

2A. trouble B. experience C. photos D. fun

3A. education B. money C. work D. entertainment

4A. boring B. satisfying C. exciting D. terrifying

5A. slowly B. absolutely C. unusually D. rapidly

6A. removing B. throwing C. pouring D. shooting

7A. only B. first C. second D. last

8A. rough B. small C. big D. gentle

9A. expected B. knew C. thought D. experienced

10A. waited B. watched C. appreciated D. trusted

11A. used to B. ought to C. could D. must

12A. ticket B. meal C. seat D. sleeper

13A. until B. since C. before D. after

14A. exciting B. romantic C. beautiful D. comfortable

15A. standing by B. leaning against C. sitting beside D. looking out of

16A. planes B. cars C. trains D. boats

17A. Still B. Therefore C. Indeed D. Instead

18A. admiration B. preference C. wish D. relaxation

19A. common B. gentle C. quiet D. unique

20A. mentioned B. matched C. discussed D. allowed


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】How to Be a Great Best Friend

Everyone wants to be a great best friend but doesn’t know how or where to start that perfect friendship. The following will help you.

Be your own best friend first. 1 If you can’t respect yourself, then you can’t respect others. Understand what values are important to you and stick to them. Seek out others who honor those values because you’ll only end up hurting yourself and possibly others if those people don’t have the same values as you.

Trust each other. 2 All you have to do really is make sure you can both trust each other. Don’t try to trick or use your friend to your advantage; you need to make them know they can trust you.

Learn to listen. Nobody likes a best friend who just talks and talks, but never listens. If you’re a chatterbox, try to develop good listening skills. Whenever your best friend says something, listen carefully and say something. 3 If they ask for advice, listen carefully and give them the best advice you can.

Care for your best friend. If your best friend is upset, ask them what’s wrong, They might not tell you straight away, but they should in the end. 4 Understand that certain things are private, and trust that they’d be just as patient with you if you were in their shoes.

Let your friend have other friends, too. If your best friend picks another friend over you, try to be friends with their friend too. 5 Everyone is always looking for new friends. But never leave the old one; your loyalty(忠诚) is what the other person expects and counts on every day.

A. Learn how to respect yourself.

B. Maybe you guys can be a group of friends!

C. Don’t interrupt while they’re talking to you.

D. Best friends are the most valuable friends you have.

E. If they don’t tell you, don’t get angry at them.

F. To be a great best friend really doesn’t take much.

G. Take time out of your day to appreciate the funny things in life.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】A woman brought a very limp-looking duck to see a vet. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope(听诊器) and listened to the bird’s chest.

After a moment or two, the vet shook his head and sadly said, “I’m sorry, your duck, Cuddles, has passed away.”

The woman was so disappointed and asked, “Are you sure?” “Yes, I am sure. Your duck is dead,” replied the vet.

“How can you be so sure?” she protested. “I mean you haven’t done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma(昏迷) or something.”

The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room. He returned a few minutes later with a black dog. As the duck’s owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his back legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed() the duck from top to bottom. He then looked up at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head. The vet patted the dog on the head and took it out of the room.

A few minutes later, he returned with a cat. The cat jumped on the table and also carefully sniffed the bird from head to foot. The cat sat back down, shook his head meowed softly and went out of the room.

The vet looked at the woman and said, “I’m sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck.”

The vet turned to his computer, pressed a few keys and produced a bill, which he handed to the woman.

The duck’s owner, still in shock, took the bill. “150 dollars!” she shouted. “150 dollars just to tell me my duck is dead!”

The vet shrugged, “I’m sorry. If you had just taken my word for it, the bill would have been 20 dollars, but with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it’s now 150 dollars.”

1Why did the vet take a dog and a cat into the examination room?

A. To confirm (确认) the duck was dead.

B. To give to the woman as pets.

C. To comfort the woman.

D. To ask them to save the duck’s life.

2How was the woman likely to feel after being told the reason why the bill was 150 dollars?

A. Awkward. B. Angry

C. Sad. D. Delighted.

3The passage is a(n) ________.

A. novel B. joke.

C. advertisement D. review


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】A greeting card is a printed message, or thought, which we send to other people. There is 1 (usual) a picture on the front and a message inside the card. The custom of sending greeting cards can date back 2 about 5000 B.C. Greeting cards also played 3 important part in the holiday of Valentine’s day 4 people would send messages to 5 sweethearts. The first printed cards were found in Europe in 1400’s. Europeans sent these 6 (card) as New Year’s greetings. The modern greeting card 7 (become) popular in the late 1800’s. Today greeting cards can 8 (find) for civil and religious holidays, anniversaries, birthdays and just about any occasion you can think of. With the 9 (develop) of technology, e-cards have appeared. More people are becoming interested in 10 (use) digital media instead of paper or other traditional materials.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1Few people ________(不同意)with the view that students learn best when they are interested in the topic.

2Tom went inside, sat down, ate something and went ________(直接地)to bed.

3In sunny days, he ________(更喜欢)to do some outdoor activities and enjoys the warm sunshine.

4When your ________(看法)of your future life tends to be positive, you will he happy.

5Every student has the equal chance to ________(投票)for the new monitor.

6She was still ________(心烦的)about the argument she’d had with Jack.

7Today I got a letter saying I had been ________(接纳,录取)to Oxford University.

8It is foolish of Jack t refer to the ________(电子的)dictionary during that important test, which caused him le be punished.

9It was strange that nobody ________(检查)my ticket before I got on the train.

10________(无论如何), I will try to call you to say hello on my arrival.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是英语校报的负责人李华,校报拟开设中国文化专栏(Column),现需为该专栏招聘 一名学生编辑,请发布一则招聘启事。内容包括:

1 . 工作说明;

2. 能力要求;

3. 报名地点及截止日期。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



科目: 来源: 题型:


Many athletes have been told that smiling while 1(sweat ) will make our efforts feel easier. A marathon runner smiled widely through the final miles of his fastest-ever marathon afterward, he said what he had hoped 2(be) that the smiling would ease him to the finish line But there has been little solid scientific evidence to support this idea. In recent years several past studies 3( examine)whether deliberately smiling can make changes to how people feel psychologically during races, 4few have looked at the physical effect 5 sports performance.

Researchers decided 6(gather) a group of experienced recreational runners and have them alternatively smile broadly as they ran. Many of the runners found it difficult to smile throughout the whole session, though. Their smiles became 7(increase) fixed and unnatural. Such false smiles make 8(few) facial muscles (肌肉)start working than the sincere version and most likely result in less 9(relax) and performance improvement. So the key to using a happy smile to make you 10better runner may be to smile sincerely and often near a race’s end, but in 30-second bursts, rather than constantly.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Brother and sister. B. Teacher and student. C. Mother and child.

2Which step did Matt forget?

A. Putting in the soap. B. Choosing the speed. C. Pressing the start button.

3What is the last step in the laundry process?

A. Cleaning out the dryer. B. Taking out the dry clothes. C. Folding the clothes.

