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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Earthquakes are something that people fear. There are some places that have few or no earthquakes. Most places in the world, however, have them regularly. Countries that have a lot of earthquakes are usually quite mountainous.

The most talked about earthquake in the United States was in San Francisco in 1906. Over 700 people died in it. The strongest one in North America was in 1964. It happened in Alaska.

Strong earthquakes are not always the ones that kill the most people. In 1755, one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded was felt in Portugal. Around 2,000 people died.

In 1923, a very strong earthquake hit Tokyo, Yokohama area of Japan. A hundred and forty thousand people died. Most of them died in fires which followed the earthquake.

One of the worst earthquakes ever was in China in 2008. It killed a large number of people. The worst earthquake ever reported was also in China, in which 400,000 people were killed or injured. This earthquake happened in 1556.

Earthquakes worry people a lot. The reason is that we often do not know when they are coming. People cannot prepare for earthquakes.

1Earthquakes happen _____.

A.in all the places in the world

B.only in the countries that have a lot of mountains

C.regularly in most places in the world

D.only in a few places along the coast

2According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.The stronger the earthquake is, the more people are killed.

B.Earthquakes often come unexpectedly.

C.Earthquakes can cause fires.

D.People still don't know how to tell when an earthquake will come.

3When and where was the worst earthquake ever reported?

A.In 1964 in Alaska.B.In 1556 in China.

C.In 1923 in Japan.D.In 2008 in China.

4What may be talked about in the seventh paragraph?

A.How do earthquakes worry people?

B.What will people do to prepare for earthquakes?

C.How can we save people when earthquakes happen?

D.How do earthquakes happen?


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Africa is a very diverse land with many different tribes. One tradition that many of these groups share is painting or marking their bodies and faces in color. They do this for many reasons. Some marks are used to identify people as part of a group.____ 1____ Let’s look at some different examples of body painting. ____2_______ Among the Masai of East Africa, when men are old enough to marry and make decisions for their people, they participate in a special ceremony in which they paint their heads and faces red. This ceremony take place every seven to fourteen years, so there is not an exact age for participating in it. The Samburu, also from East Africa, like to paint their faces and hair red because they think it looks attractive. ______3________ To show that he has killed a lion, a man will paint his body with a natural white material, making special marks to represent this accomplishment. The Masai men also use this white to show that they are on longer boys and are considered adults.One quite unusual example of face painting is done by the Wodaabe people of West Africa. Once a year, they have a beauty contest for men. ___4_________ Then they add white and black circles and lines. Black paint is used near the eyes and on the lips to draw attention to the whiteness of their eyes and teeth, which the Wodaabe consider most beautiful.____ 5_________.As you travel, enjoy the beautiful and bright colors of Africa.

A. Red is the common color in body painting because it often represents health and long life.

B. Other marks are used for ceremonies such as weddings and during times of war.

C. The ceremony expresses hope for rain.

D. The Masai men also have a unique way of showing that they are brave.

E. The women then decide which man they like best.

F. The men pretend to fight each other.

G. The men paint their faces yellow and red.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Our news is constantly filled with the reality of death and dying. And each of us, if we live long enough, experiences the loss of persons we loved. Children ages eight through ten were asked what they thought about death,and these are some of their answers:

“When you die,God takes care of you like your mother did. When you were alive,only God doesn’t yell at you all the time.’’(Beth,9)

“When you die,they bury you in the ground and your soul goes to heaven,but your body can’t go to heaven because it’s too crowded there already.” (Jimmy, 8)

“Only the good people go to heaven. The other people go where it’s hot all the time like in Florida. ” (Judy,9)

“Doctors help you so you won’t die until you pay their bills.”(Stephanie,9)

I've observed that the loss of a loved one can be one of the most difficult things we humans can face. I’ve known friends of sick and dying people to sit by a bedside or in a hospital room for hours,even days, at a time. I've seen food in homes of people who are dying overflow from kitchen to dining room—food brought by comforting friends from church and con cerned neighbours. And I've observed friends just listen for as long as it takes.

When U.S. Congressman Sam Rayburn (1882—1961) discovered that he was ill,he announced to the House of Representatives he was going home to Texas for medical tests. Some wondered why he did not stay in Washington where there were excellent medical facilities. His answer was a beautiful tribute (颂词) to friendship:"Bonham is a place where people know it when you’re sick,and where they care when you die. ”

No one wants to go through difficult times alone. So Rayburn traded the best of medical technology for the closeness of loving friends. He knew that good friends are good medicine. Often the best.

1According to the passage, the four children's answers show .

A. they have the same idea on death

B. they have different opinions on death

C. they have experienced death

D. they have the loss of their parents

2What’s the opinion of the author on friendship?

A. Caring friends is necessary in times of happiness.

B. Caring friends is necessary in time of trouble.

C. It’s easy for human to face the loss of a relative.

D. Everyone needs to face the loss of a friend.

3What was Sam Rayburn most concerned about when ill?

A. The closeness of loving friends.

B. The medical examination.

C. The excellent medical facilities.

D. The development of his home.

4What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Friendship Cannot Stand Always on One Side.

B. A Friend Is Easier Lost Than Found.

C. True Friendship Lasts Forever.

D. Good Friends Are Good Medicine.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a phone store.

B. At the woman’s house.

C. In a coffee bar.

2Why does the woman look upset?

A. She is poor at singing songs.

B. She did not sleep well last night.

C. She has trouble in learning Chinese.

3How long has the woman been learning Chinese?

A. Several months.

B. One month.

C. Two weeks.

4What did the man do yesterday?

A. He discovered a new website.

B. He download a song.

C. He bought a new iPad.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Find the perfect way to keep fit with these websites.


This site is perfect for those who like to combine (结合) living a healthy lifestyle with enjoying the countryside. You can get a list of locations that offer routes for cycling. There is also information on cycling competitions in Britain.


Steve Amos started this site for busy people wanting to keep fit. Fill in a quiz (测验) and Steve will create a fitness programme for you. Although Steve’s fee is high, you can email him for advice whenever you want. Besides, Steve has designed many fitness clothes, which anyone can order.


This is a free government website that encourages people to keep fit. It gives diet advice, and allows you to work through a fitness programme without leaving your house. It also offers advice on equipment to buy and has a chat room, where you can compare experiences with others.


This website tells you how you can keep fit at this group of London sports centres. You don’t have to be a member — these centres run a pay-as-you-go system. They all have a pool and gym. The website includes information about locations, opening times and prices.


The National Athletics Group is a site for people interested in athletics. It allows you to find out where your nearest athletics club is and provides information about races and other athletics events around the country. There is a popular chat room where athletes exchange (交流) suggestions and ideas.

1Which of the following websites has information on cycling competitions?


C.www. fitnessonline.co.uk.D.www.fitnet.co.uk.

2What can we learn about Steve Amos?

A.He always helps people for free.

B.He started the site to sell fitness clothes.

C.He is unwilling to answer people’s emails.

D.He offers services to busy people who want to keep fit.

3What can people do on www.NAG.co.uk?

A.Search for the best gym.B.Buy sports equipment they need.

C.Communicate with other athletes.D.Find information about indoor sports.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Scientists have come up with a new way to measure ocean trash(垃圾) and the numbers are even worse than thought. In 2010, eight million tons of plastic trash ended up in the ocean from coastal countries far more than the trash floating on the surface of the ocean. That ' s bad news. The even worse news is that the tonnage may increase by as much as ten times in the next decade unless the world finds a better way to improve how trash is collected and managed.

The new study identifies the major sources of plastic trash and names the top 20 countries producing the greatest amount of ocean trash. The United States is 20th. The rest of the list includes l1 Asian countries, Turkey, five African countries, and Brazil.

The size of the difference is huge --- 20 to 2,000 times more than the amount of floating trash. To make the figure eight million tons understandable, Jenna Jambeck, who led the study, compares it to lining up five grocery bags of trash on every foot of coastline around the globe. "And by 2025, those five grocery bags of plastic are going to be ten bags," she says. That would be 155 million tons a year if present trash management practices remain the same."

Ocean plastic has turned up everywhere. It has been found in the deep sea and buried in Arctic ice with terrible consequences for some 700 species of wildlife in the ocean.

The study has also created a new mystery. Because what flows into the ocean is so large, scientists now have to figure out where else it collects and in what amounts. "But what we need to do now is close the gap." says Richard Thompson, a scientist from the U.K.

1What is the most serious problem concerning ocean trash?

A.There is no way to get rid of it,.

B.Eight million tons of trash goes into the ocean.

C.A lot more trash may be put into the ocean in the future.

D.The way to measure ocean trash hasn 't been found.

2Jenna Jambeck explains the seriousness of ocean trash mainly by ______.

A.showing the causesB.describing a process

C.making comparisonsD.making a classification

3The underlined part “the gap” in the last paragraph refers to the difference between ______.

A.what is harmless and what is dangerous

B.what is on the surface and what is in the deep sea

C.what is found and what can be recycled

D.what is from America and what is from other countries

4Which of the following can best describe the author 's tone in writing the text?



科目: 来源: 题型:


1】(小题1On what does the man agree with the woman?

A. Finding a nice roommate isn’t easy.

B. It isn’t necessary to have another roommate.

C. Their host doesn’t like meeting new people.

2】(小题2Why does the woman mention Wimbledon?

A. She met a really rude host there.

B. She lives with untidy persons there.

C. She rented a shabby apartment there.

3】(小题3What kind of person would the man like to have as a roommate?

A. A quiet man.

B. A clean person.

C. A foreign student.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1How long did Westlife last?

A. 14 years.

B. 19 years.

C. 21 years.

2Which of the following songs was Westlife’s first single?

A. Flying Without Wings. B. If I Let You Go. C. Swear It Again.

3Which country didn’t Westlife try to break into?

A. America. B. Australia. C. Britain.

4How many top-ten singles did Westlife achieve?

A. Ten. B. Twenty-four. C. Thirty-four.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1D___________ to her work, she rarely rests at weekends.

2Our new manager is very serious while our f___________ one is quite humorous.

3The city is considering setting up a nature r__________ to protect forest animals.

4The team lost the last two games, but they are still _____________ (相信) of winning the championship.

5A new witness will be called by the lawyer to speak in d____________ of his client.

6By c_____________, every man in the room was named Fred.

7Many overseas Chinese families still p______________ the tradition of having a dinner together on the eve of the Spring Festival.

8Are French wines really ______________ (更好) to British ones?

9When the a____________ of an office is pleasant, the people are happier and they work better.

10It took two years _________ (总共) to construct the bridge.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Here is a list of some of the best museums for children in America.

Please Touch Children’s Museum

This museum lies in Philadelphia. It offers Alice in Wonderland exhibits where young children can play with giant flowers and have tea parties. Kids can also play on musical instruments and babies can crawl on lily pads, which make musical sounds.

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

This museum lies in Indiana. It holds a fair share of dinosaur fossils (化石). There are many fossils like the teenage T. Rex, Bucky and many others in an 8,000-square-foot area. Around 10,000 man-made objects, including a 55-ton steam engine and a 33-foot-tall water clock, are there in the 365,000-square-foot area. It also offers activities like dinosaur building, camps and classes featuring space themes and other educational programs.

Boston Children’s Museum

This museum lies in Massachusetts. The exhibits here are of health, art, science, culture and environment. In this museum, children also learn about Japanese culture. Activities like Play Lab, New Balance Climb and The Recycle Shop bring out the creativity in children.

National Museum of Play

This museum, which lies in Rochester area of New York, has a wide collection of dolls, games, toys and other home crafts dating back to the 19th century. Here, educational tours include stories of machines and other toys. Kids can walk in Sesame Street exhibit and cook food at play or TV studios.

Children’s Museum of Houston

This museum lies in Texas. Termed as the best playground for mind, this museum offers scores of activities for kids of every age. It even offers free family adventure events where families with their kids are encouraged to work on maths activities and games. Children also learn about broadcasting activities and preserving ecosystems.

1One who has interest in environmental protection can choose to visit _______ .

A.National Museum of Play or Children’s Museum of Houston

B.Please Touch Children’s Museum or Boston Children’s Museum

C.Boston Children’s Museum or Children’s Museum of Houston

D.The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis or National Museum of Play

2While visiting National Museum of Play, you can take part in _______.

A.dinosaur buildingB.cooking food at play or TV studios

C.playing with giant flowersD.New Balance Climb

3If a couple with kids of different ages want to do activities together, they should go to ______.

A.TexasB.IndianaC.New YorkD.Massachusetts

4Who might be most interested in this passage?


