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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 You don’t have to break your back to create a yard that’s both beautiful and kind to Mother Nature. These environmentally smart ideas will turn your home turf(草地)into a little slice of Eden. 1

Let the grass grow. Cut grass less often, so it gets a few inches longer than you’re used to. 2 That’s because roots will grow deeper and grass thicker, which means fewer pests, less disease, and a decreased need for chemical intervention.

Water the grass right way. Water before 10 a. m. , when the air is cool and not as much moisture will be lost to evaporation. 3 Water near the base of plants, slowly delivering the good stuff right to the roots. For lawns, water long and deep once a week.

Get keen on composting(制堆肥). Compost isn’t called gardener’s gold for nothing. It keeps kitchen leftover out of landfills and enriches soil with much-needed nutrients. 4 Veggie and tea bags, eggshells, dry leaves, and untreated grass clippings are all fair game.

5 Honeybees help pollinate(授粉) 75 percent of our flowering plants and nearly 75 percent of our food crops. There is increasing evidence that many of the vital pollinators are in decline. Creating a garden that includes plants that flower at different times of the year will benefit pollinators throughout the growing season. Whenever possible, choose native plants with a variety of flower colors and shapes.

A.Many will save your money, too.

B.Dry leaves add nutrients to the soil.

C.Give bees the green-carpet treatment.

D.Make the backyard as beautiful as possible.

E.Watering in late afternoon is the next best option.

F.It also reduces dependency on chemical fertilizers.

G.It will help it survive dry periods of time in warmer months.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1What does the woman want the man to do?

A. Buy her an iPad4. B. Give her some money. C. Give his iPad4 to her

2How does the man react to the woman’s request?

A. He is happy about it. B. He is interested in it. C. He refuses her request.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

When Jayce Crowder was in kindergarten, he began noticing that he looked different from his classmates. They had two hands. But he had only one.

It started when one boy teased him. Jayce was in a bad mood. He'd return home in Des Moines, Iowa, with questions: Why am I different? Why me? Why? “He actually told us that he was mad at looking so different from others" said his mother, Cortney Lewis. “That really hurt him."

Lewis admitted she didn't know what to do at that point. How could she provide answers to her son's questions when she had never found those answers herself?

A few weeks later, Lewis came home from her job and turned on the TV to a news story about Trashaun Willis, an eighth grader from Washington, Iowa. The boy, then 14, had become an Internet star after posting videos of his slam clunks(扣篮),and, like Jayce, he was missing most of his left arm. Lewis called Jayce in. He was shocked, staring at one dunk after another.

At the time, it seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be an inspiring moment for Jayce---he'd see a shining role model with a seemingly similar born disability. And had it stayed just that, Lewis would have been happy. But little did she know that a family friend had already reached out to the Des Moines Register, asking the newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to build Jayce‘s confidence.

“It reassured me" said Lewis. “I know in my heart that everything's going to be OK. Trashaun has grown up to be a wonderful kid. And I know Jayce is too."

Trashaun did get serious with Jayce. Finally, the boys met at Washington Middle School on a Saturday afternoon a couple of months later, in April 2017, and they instantly bonded.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】Best summer camps for families in the USA

Frost Valley

The Frost Valley camp in Claryuville, New Your, Which was founded in 1901, is one of the oldest camps in the United States. It covers 6,000 acres in the Catskills. It offers a week-long family camp only in August that includes all the traditional activities. For living, you can choose from tents, cabins, Forssmann Castle (a restaurant), and the Strausss Center country house.


This is a very small camp in Washington, Maine, and it can only hold 12 families at a time. Medomak is your classic summer camp, with cabin-style accommodations (食宿) that includes a bathroom and family-style meals that will be served in the camp’s farmhouse dining room. The camp covers 250 acres and includes a lake.


Takodah, a camp in Richmond, New Hampshire, lets you choose your pace. You can fill your day with activities like pick-up games and swimming or just be relaxed to read a book. A favorite activity is a trip to Mount Monadnock. You will also stay in a family house and eat together in the dining room.

Camp Hanes

Camp Hanes is a camp in King, North Carolina, which offers family camping on weekends. It is a little primitive (原始的), and you will have to bring your own bedding where you stay, but it does have electricity and air conditioners. You will eat family-style meals with other camping families. And of course, you can gather around the campfire as a family in the evening.

1What do we know about Frost Valley?

A.It opens to campers all the year around.

B.It has the longest history in America.

C.It limits the number of camping families.

D.It offers campers different kinds of living places.

2What is the most popular activity in Takodah?

A.Supplying free meals.B.Climbing Mount Monadnock.

C.Reading what you like.D.Making a fire in the evening.

3What should you do if you want to take part in Camp Hanes?

A.Prepare a flashlight.B.Be good at swimming.

C.Bring your own bedding.D.Wear comfortable shoes.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1What can we know about family farming?

A. It is a big failure. B. It is a new kind of farming. C. It is common around the world.

2What’s the purpose of making 2014 the “International Year of Family Farming”?

A. To increase public understanding of family farming.

B. To attract more people to work on agriculture.

C. To create a festival for family farmers.

3What is a problem family farms face?

A. Family farmers retire too young.

B. It’s hard for family farms to find workers.

C. Family farms don’t provide good worker benefits.

4How many goals of the FAO are mentioned in the text?

A. 4. B. 5. C. 6.


科目: 来源: 题型:










科目: 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I’d like to express my sincere appreciation to you for your kindness and selflessly help.

It had been a month since I came to this beautiful school. You offered me so much help the first day when I met you in the school. Because your warm help and useful pieces of advice, I have got use to the new school life so soon. However, I find it difficult to make the more friends who native language is English. In add, I still have difficulty in speak to my foreign teachers freely. Therefore, I hope you can recommend a club for me to joining so that I can improve my English.

Again, I’d like to expressing my thank to you, and look forward to your early reply.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Battling coronavirus is an experience that will forever stay in my mind. I had what's considered a mild case, but even in its weakest form, this virus is 1 (violence) and cruel.

My husband, Louis, and I have been trying to figure out where we first came into contact2 the virus, and we think it was the Friday night when we went out 3 (celebrate) his sister's birthday in early March. We went to a Mexican restaurant, 4 we shared lots of laughs and food. We didn't think anything of it at the time. 5 (look) back now, we think that must have been the start of it all. Sharing food and drinks 6(be) one of the everyday habits that should change forever after coronavirus.

Louis began showing symptoms on Monday, but we assumed it was 7 typical cold. It didn't seem a cause for concern. Then it took 8(I) down. The doctor was certain I would test positive for coronavirus, but gave me the option to test 9 I wanted to know for sure. I opted to be tested.

Now that I 10 (recover) , I'm sharing my story because I want people to take this situation seriously. We have to fight this battle together and we have to win.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 If you are a fortunate college graduate who has got a job, your attention will soon turn to starting your career in a successful way by doing well in your first job. 1

Send emails about meaningful work issues early and/or late in the day to show that you are not only present but also productive.

Plan to arrive earlier and/or stay later than your leader to prove you are ready to work hard.

Do not miss work time. If it’s absolutely necessary, work from home if possible. 2

Introduce yourself to as many co-workers as possible. Learn about the roles they play and the work done by them.

3 If you have time, help other co-workers when they are in trouble with their projects, but only after discussing with your leader and making sure there isn’t anything else he would need you to do.

Keep in touch with all those people, like those who recommended you to your workplace. 4 And they can give you further advice if they follow along with your career development.

You’ll only have one first job, so make the most of it. 5

A. Offer to help others out.

B. Keep in touch with your boss.

C. They’ve helped you move forward to get this job.

D. Here are some practical tips for success in your first job.

E. Ask for help when you are stuck but don’t be overly needy.

F. You can also put in extra hours to catch up when you return.

G. You will set the stage for an exciting and successful long-term career.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】本周五你校足球队将去省体育中心参加全国“青年杯”足球联赛。假设你是队长李华, 请你写一则100词左右的英文通知告知队友们相关事宜。内容如下:

1. 时间:早上7:30校门口乘校车出发;下午6:00体育中心出口处集合,然后乘车返回;

2. 注意:带运动服,运动鞋及一些必用品;

3. 其他:提供午餐,咨询电话:88888566.

Tips: 全国“青年杯”足球联赛 the National Youth Football League

省体育中心 the Provincial Gym Center


