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科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华, 你校学生会组织学生下周六开展关爱自闭症儿童(children with autism)义演活动。请你给外教Shelly写一封邮件, 邀请她一同前往。


2. 活动内容(现场表演、义卖等)


2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。



科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The boy sat on his chair, with his hands above the keyboard. He thought about what to write.

He recalled that the competition deadline was merely a week away. But he still had not even started on his piece. He looked at the brochure again.“WRITING COMPETITION” the title read. His mom had encouraged him to enter the writing competition, and now he was taking it on as his personal task for the holidays.

As the boy reflected on his previous writing efforts, he realized how hopeless his task of winning was. Every story he ever wrote was based on other stories. He had little imagination, and unfortunately, imagination was the key to writing.

Suddenly, he had a brainwave. This time, he came up with an original and imaginative story.

The words shot towards him like a storm of leaves. Words were coming easily, flowing through him, faster than he could type. He typed faster than he ever had before. He continued to type, amazed how easy writing this story was. The boy could not stop writing. He looked at the word count and saw the number “248” staring right back at him. He was not even halfway yet.

Then he heard his mother’s call of saying time for bed. He continued writing the piece, ignoring her. He had to make up for the time he had lost in thinking about a topic to write.

Finally, he finished. The word count now read “498”.

“Perfect” he thought, “just under the word limit.” He knew this was the story that would win.

He went to the website and searched for the competition. He found the page but there was no “Enter” button.

Confused, he then reread the page again. It read COMPETITION CLOSED.

1What caused the boy to take part in the writing competition?

A.A new computer.

B.The prize money.

C.His own interest.

D.His mom’s encouragement.

2How did the boy finish his earlier writing?

A.His mom helped him.

B.He copied others’ ideas.

C.His friends assisted him.

D.He used his imagination.

3Why did the boy delay his writing?

A.Because he was terribly lazy.

B.Because he didn’t know what to write.

C.Because he wasn’t confident.

D.Because he read too many stories.

4Which might be the maximum word limit for each entry?




科目: 来源: 题型:


条件和要求:1. 年龄满18岁,身体健康;

2. 擅长汉语和英语,具备一定的跨文化交际能力;

3. 具备良好的心里素质和适应能力。


生词:孔子学院 Confucius Institute 柬埔寨 Cambodia



科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 What is a true winner? We may be very _______of Honda Motors.

In 1938, Soichiro Honda was still in school, when he started a little workshop. His plan was to sell piston rings (活塞环)to Toyota. He _______ night and day, believing he could _______ his design and produce a worthy product. Then, came the day he took a sample to Toyota, _______ to be told that the rings did not _______ their standards!

However, he refused to give up. _______ focus on his failure, he continued working towards his goal. After two more years of _______, he won a contract with Toyota. By then, Soichiro Honda needed to build a factory to supply Toyota, but building materials were in short supply.

Again he would not _______! He invented a _______ process that enabled him to build the factory. But ________ , an earthquake destroyed the factory.

Was he ________ to give up now? No! Soichiro Honda wrote to 18, 000 bicycles shop owners and asked them to help him. 5, 000 responded and ________ him what little money they could to build his tiny bicycle engines. ________ gradually the company got great success.

Honda succeeded because one man made a truly committed decision, ________ it, and made adjustments ________ a continuous basis.






6A.In order toB.Or elseC.Other thanD.Rather than








14A.thought aboutB.acted onC.reflected onD.joined in



科目: 来源: 题型:


Meilun and Meihuan, two Chinese pandas born in the US, have been back in China. However, they have not got rid of their old habits; they still prefer American crackers(饼干)to Chinese bread, and know English 1 (well) than Chinese.

The pandas arrived at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding on Nov. 5. Meilun is vey lively, often 2 (jump) onto the roof and hanging upside down from a rail. Unlike her elder sister, Meihuan is much calmer. She prefers 3 (sit) still and observe her new environment, sometimes snacking on bamboo.

Pandas are shy with strangers and need company, 4 (explain) Luo Yunhong, a breeder at the panda base. Luo’s main worry about the pandas’ transition(过渡)is that they both love American crackers so much 5 everything they eat from bamboo to apples and even water must 6 (mix) with the crackers. To help them get used to food in China, Luo has been replacing the crackers little by little with Chinese bread.

Another problem is that Meilun and Meihuan cannot understand Sichuan dialect; only hearing 7 names can make them raise their heads. In contrast, they react 8 a number of basic words in English, such as “Come here”.

Luo has been recording the stool sample(粪便样本)and body temperatures every day, as well as 9 (provide) daily udates to the Exit-Entry and Quarantine Bureau of Chengdu. According to the officer, the sister are 10 (gradual) getting used to their new lives.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Whoever wrote the song 'It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year' must have never experienced the holiday blues. Fortunately, psychological research suggests some effective ways you can use to beat the holiday blues. The key point is that sadness and other tough emotions are not what we should try to avoid. 1. Here are four strategies to help you make your own happiness recipe this holiday season.

Don't force cheer

At family gatherings with cousins you secretly can’t stand, you tend to put on a happy face. Indeed, that might even seem like the most mature response—no drama, no conflict. But a 2011 study followed dozens of bus drivers, looking to see when they gave forced or honest smiles at their passengers. The results showed when the drivers pretended to have a good mood, their actual moods got worse. 2.

Let out sadness

The results of the busdriver study can be explained by researchers, who find that negative feelings like sadness or anger only increase when we try to control them. 3. We don't like contradictory behavior.

Respond cautiously

Recently, scientists have been paying special attention to the benefits of caution. When you respond cautiously to an emotional trigger, you pause rather than react at once. 4. Besides, it is associated with less anxiety, and may even carry physiological benefits.


Of course, the holidays will bring a mix of highs and lows, but the most important lesson to keep in mind is that this variety of emotions might be the best thing possible for your overall wellbeing. In other words, sadness, anger, and other difficult emotions are nothing to fear. Just make sure you're balancing them with lighter experiences. And don’t forget to give yourself a break.

A.Relax your mind

B.Enjoy a mix of emotions

C.We tend to deny the important function emotions serve

D.Instead, they can help contribute to a healthy and happy life

E.So trying to force happiness seems to have the opposite effects

F.A cautious response to a negative event reduces sadness we experience

G.We feel bad when our appearance contradicts how we truly feel inside


科目: 来源: 题型:


1The information was _________ available. 信息即时可得。

2But even to the trained eye, two species of earthworms can be tough to _______ _______.


3Does it________ what I think? 我怎么想重要吗?

4Police are trying to _______ a young woman who was seen near the accident. 警方在设法寻找被目击出现在事故现场附近的一名年轻女子。

5Each person’s fingerprints are _________. 每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。

6A fierce ________ raged over which artist’s work should be chosen for the prize. 就哪位艺术家的作品应该得奖一事展开了激烈的争论。

7She ________ that no one had been at the airport to meet her. 她抱怨说没人到机场去接她。

8I was _________ that we were doing the right thing. 我确信我们做的事情是正确的。

9All this information can be _________ in a simple diagram. 所有这些信息可以通过一张简单的图表来表示。

10He felt that she had ___________ him. 他感觉她背叛了自己。


科目: 来源: 题型:


China’s New Wildlife Trade Ban and Upcoming Law Amendment(修正案)

March 05, 2020 “Lisa” Ning Hua

The Coronavirus Outbreak in China, has been identified by the World Health Organization as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” or “PHEIC.” Seventeen years after the horrific SARS outbreak, the coronavirus has once again shown a spotlight on the risks of consuming wildlife as food and encouraged public outcry to ban wild meat consumption in China.

This challenge is not unique to China. Epidemics, such as Ebola, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or Mad Cow Disease, Avian Influenza, and SARS, all originate from wildlife.

To combat the outbreak, China announced a suspension on wildlife trade across the country in January and a crackdown (i.e., stricter enforcement) on illegal activities involving wildlife. The country’s top legislature also initiated a process for amending the current Wildlife Protection Law and announcing a decision this week to ban the trade of wildlife as food and tighten the crackdown on illegal wildlife trade.

While this is all very good news, it should be noted that the ban is not permanent and will automatically expire(失效)when the amendments to the Wildlife Protection Law become effective. Further, key details regarding ban enforcement have yet to be clarified to ensure it serves its purpose.


1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;

2. 谈谈你如何看待保护野生动物,并说明理由(至少两点)。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。





科目: 来源: 题型:


Potential energy is the energy, chemical or physical, stored within an object, atom or molecule(分子). Think about a car at the top of a roller-coaster (过山车), pausing just before it slopes into the next turn. A log resting in a fireplace just before it is about to be lit is a treasure house of potential energy. As the log burns, the connections between carbon atoms that make up the wood are being broken down, and the potential energy stored within those connections is being released as heat and light. As a comet approaches a planet or star, it slows, momentarily affected by the larger body’s gravity. The potential energy builds up and then reaches a breaking point as the comet accelerates around the larger body, and is shot out to the other side.

Sports show countless examples every day of potential energy being transformed into kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of movement. When an archer(弓箭手)draws and holds her arrow, her bow is filled with stored potential energy. When she releases the bowstring, all the potential energy is quickly transformed into kinetic energy, which is transferred to the arrow that takes flight.

The transformation of stored potential energy into kinetic energy can also be made use of to power homes, factories and entire cities. The most notable example is the Hoover Dam. The Hoover Dam is an arch-gravity dam by design. This design name is the first clue as to how exactly the dam makes use of energy. Located in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, the Hoover Dam formed, and now holds back Lake Mead — the largest reservoir in the United States.

Gravity acts as a force upon Lake Mead. Held at bay by the Hoover Dam, the waters of Lake Mead and the Colorado River gain greater potential energy with each passing moment. The Arizona and Nevada spillways(溢洪道)are two means by which the waters of Lake Mead can escape the dam. As the lake water falls over the walls into a spillway, potential energy is instantly transformed into kinetic energy. The channels through which the water normally escapes every day are the four intake towers. These towers allow the water flow through passageways to the powerhouse and hydroelectric generators. When the water reaches the intake towers and is allowed to flow down through the passageways, all the stored potential energy created by the force of gravity acting upon the water is transformed into kinetic energy, just as when water flows over the wall into a spillway. By taking advantage of the transformed potential energy of Lake Mead, the Hoover Dam provides power to California, Nevada and Arizona.

Moments like these happen all across the physical world, whether on the molecular or universe level.

Main points

Supporting details

What is potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy existing either in the chemical or physical 1, which is stored in an object.

When a car is sloping into the next turn from the top of a roller-coaster, it is building up potential energy.

When a log is burning, the connections between carbon atoms are being broken down, 2 potential energy as light and heat.

When a comet approaches a planet or star, the potential energy 3 to a breaking point and then the comet is shot out to the other side.

How is potential energy transformed into kinetic energy?

Potential energy can be transformed into kinetic energy, which is the energy4 by movement.

When the bowstring is released by an archer, the potential energy stored in the full bow is quickly transferred to the arrow, thus transformed into kinetic energy which sets the arrow 5 far away.

Hoover Dam is the most notable example of energy transformation.

Hoover Dam is 6 in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, holding back Lake Mead.

The waters of Lake Mead escape the Dam, falling over the walls into Arizona and Nevada spillways, leading to the 7 transformation from potential energy into kinetic energy.

The 8 of potential energy is from the force of gravity acting upon the water

What 9 is the energy transformation made of?

Homes, factories and cities are efficiently 10 thanks to the powerhouses and hydroelectric generators taking advantage of the transformed potential energy.


科目: 来源: 题型:

【题目】 “Bananas Gone Wild” beats “Potato Parcel” down in terms of the most ridiculous idea according to the vote from net friends. But both of them have proven to be completely successful. While the latter involved sending people messages written on raw potatoes, the former is all about decorating bananas and selling them for $10 every piece.

Davonte Wilson first came up with the idea of Bananas Gone Wild when he worked as a doctor in a hospital. He became popular in the workplace as a guy who spent some of his spare time drawing some faces with strange expressions on bananas, with his co-workers going as far as to play jokes on his special hobby. But it’s Wilson who is laughing all the way to the bank now, as his business is projected to earn him 100,000 dollars.

Wilson works out of his apartment, bringing bananas to life by using markers, fake beards, eyeglasses, moustache stickers and other tools. He then puts them up for sale on his website BananasGoneWild.com. He also gives customers the chance to create their own bananas by choosing the decorations themselves, starting at $9.99.

Wilson admits that he started the business on a whim, and never expected it to be so successful. Now Wilson works on about 75 bananas a day. Once he finishes, he will cover the bananas with plastic wrap(保鲜膜)and take them to the post office to ship out to customers. Wilson points out that his creations are meant to be souvenirs and his website clearly states that the bananas are not meant to be eaten.

When it comes to Wilson’s six figures a year by selling decorated bananas, I think I’m definitely in the wrong business, which is also doubted by my friends who know Wilson’s story.

1Wilson got the idea of “Bananas Gone Wild” ________.

A.at work

B.out of his hobby

C.when playing jokes about bananas

D.after becoming popular in the workplace

2What does the underlined word “whim” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.A little joke.

B.A special banana.

C.A sudden wish.

D.A great dream.

3Which of the following can best describe Wilson?

A.Imaginative and creative.

B.Courageous and hard-working.

C.Ridiculous but talented.

D.Smart but unconfident.

4What can we infer from the text?

A.“Bananas Gone Wild” and “Potato Parcel” are both created by Wilson.

B.Wilson has been expecting his “Bananas Gone Wild” to succeed.

C.The author is planning to sell decorated bananas like Wilson.

D.Wilson’s story will have a positive influence on the author’s business.

