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科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

It ____ for three hours and the ground is too wet toplay on, so the sports meet  _____.   
[     ]
A. was raining;has been put off      
B. has been raining;has been put off        
C. has rained; put off      
D. has been raining;has put off


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

We should go out and stretch our legs. We ____ all day.      
[     ]
A. had sat                          
B. have been sitting      
C. have sat                          
D. was sitting


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

-Hi,Tracy,you look tired.
-I am tired.I  ____ the living room all day.
[     ]
A. painted                                
B. had painted
C. have been painting            
D. have painted


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

-I have got a headache.    
-No wonder. You ____ in front of the computer too long.    
[     ]
A. work                                
B. are working    
C. have been working              
D. worked


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School,where she ____ English
for a year.  
[     ]
 A. studies                            
B. studied    
C. is studying                            
D. has been studying


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

I won't tell the student the answer to the math problem until he____  on it for more than an hour.   
[      ]
A. has been working  
B. will have worked   
C. will have been working    
D. had worked


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

Excuse me,Marcia,a reporter from Vanity Fair ____ all day.  Could you speak to her now?    
[      ]
A. phones                              
B. has phoned    
C. has been phoning                
D. phoned


科目: 来源:江西省期中题 题型:单选题

Excuse me, Marcia, a reporter from Vanity Fair        all day. Could you speak to her now?
[     ]
A. phones          
B. has phoned        
C. has been phoning      
D. phoned


科目: 来源:河北省期中题 题型:单选题

We _____ on our project day and night in the past two weeks.
[      ]
A. had worked  
B. have been working
C. will be working  
D. are working


科目: 来源:北京模拟题 题型:单选题

— Why do you want to apply for the position as a history teacher?
— This is the job that I ______.
[     ]
A. looked for
B. had looked for    
C. will look for
D. have been looking for

