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科目: 来源:江西省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Years ago, when I started looking for my first job, wise advisers urged, "Barbara, be enthusiastic!
Enthusiastic will take you further than any amount of experience."
     How right they were! Enthusiastic people can turn a boring drive into an adventure, extra work into
opportunity and strangers into friends.
     "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm," wrote
     Ralph Waldo Emerson. It is the paste that helps you hang in there when the going gets tough. It is
the inner voice that whispers, " I can do it! When others shout, "No, you can't."
      It took years and years for the early work of Barbara McClintock, a geneticist who won the 1983
Nobel Prize in medicine, to be generally accepted. Yet she didn't let up on her experiments. Work was
such a deep pleasure for her that she never thought of stopping.
      Author and poet Samuel Ullman once wrote, "Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm
wrinkles the soul
     Enthusiastic people also love what they do, regardless of money or title or power. If we cannot do
what we love as the fulltime career, we can treat it as a part-time interest, like the head of state who
paints, the nun who runs marathons, and the official who handcrafts furniture.
We can't afford to waste tears on "might-have-bees" we need to turn the tears into sweat as we go
after "what can be".
     We need to live each moment wholeheartedly, with our sense-finding pleasure in the fragrance of
a back-yard garden, the crayoned picture of a six-year-old and the enchanging, beauty of a rainbow. It
is such enthusiastic love of life that puts a sparkle in our eyes, a lift in our steps and smoothes the wrinkles
from our souls.
1. What can be the best title of this passage?
A. Find pleasure in what you are doing
B. Wake up your life
C. To give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul
D. No pains, no gains.
2.What conclusion does the writer draw though the experience of finding a job?
A. enthusiasm will take your further than any amount experience.
B Years wrinkle the skin, but no give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
C. We can't afford to waste tears on "might-have-beens"
D. Enthusiastic people can turn a boring drive into an adventure, extra work into opportunity and strangers in to friends.
3. which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage?
A. No one can achieve great success without enthusiasm.
B. Enthusiasm will take a person further than any amount of his experience.
C. We should make great efforts to do the thing that can be done instead of regretting for the past.
D Barbara McClintock was generally accepted many years before she won the Nobel Prize.
4. Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase "let up"?
A. continue
B. make less effort
C. make great effort
D. stop
5. We can learn from the last paragraph that it is ____that makes our life meaningful?
A. love of garden.
B. love of drawing pictures with the crayon of a six-year old child
C. love of life
D. love of beautiful rainbow


科目: 来源:四川省同步题 题型:完形填空


     One day,   a poor boy Howard Kelly who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods
from door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to __1__ for a
meal at the next house.
     However,   he lost his nerve __2__ a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he
asked for a drink of water.  She thought he looked __3__,   so she brought him a large glass of milk. He
drank it __4__,   and then asked,   "How much do I owe you?"
     "You don't owe me anything,  " she __5__. "Mother has taught me never to accept pay for a __6__."
He said,   "Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart." As Howard Kelly left that house,   he not only
felt __7__ stronger,   but it also increased his faith in God and human race. He was about to give up a nd
quit before this point.
     Years later the young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her
to a big city,   where specialists can be called __8__ to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly,   now
__9__,   was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from,   a
 strange light   10   his eyes. Immediately,   he   11   and went down through the hospital hall into her
       12    in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He   13   her at once. He went back to the
consultation room and   14   to do his best to save her life. From that day on,   he gave    15   attention
to her case.
     After a long   16   the battle was won. Dr. Kelly   17   the business office to pass the final bill to him
for approval. He looked at it and then wrote something on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She
was afraid to open it because she was   18   that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally she
looked,   and the note on the side of the bill caught her  19   . She read these words.
     "Paid in full with a glass of milk.
     (Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly
     Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she 20  silently. "Thank you,   God. Your love has spread through
human hearts and hands."

(     )1. A. call          
(     )2. A. while        
(     )3. A. thirsty      
(     )4. A. slowly        
(     )5. A. shook        
(     )6. A. reward        
(     )7. A. physically    
(     )8. A. up            
(     )9. A. poor          
(     )10. A. fixed        
(     )11. A. rose        
(     )12. A. Dressing    
(     )13. A. recognized  
(     )14. A. desired      
(     )15. A. special      
(     )16. A. decision    
(     )17. A. compressed  
(     )18. A. negative    
(     )19. A. presentation
(     )20. A. praised      
B. make          
B. when          
B. lazy          
B. unexpectedly  
B. announced      
B. kindness      
B. mentally      
B. for            
B. famous        
B. concentrated  
B. raised        
B. Having        
B. knew          
B. declared      
B. ordinary      
B. preparation    
B. requested      
B. uncertain      
B. preference    
B. pretended      
C. beg        
C. though    
C. tired      
C. steadily  
C. replied    
C. hand      
C. normally  
C. off        
C. cruel      
C. filled    
C. got        
C. Putting    
C. spared    
C. determined
C. normal    
C. struggle  
C. confused  
C. positive  
C. attention  
C. pressed    
D. prepare        
D. unless        
D. hungry        
D. sadly          
D. doubted        
D. value          
D. properly      
D. in            
D. vivid          
D. consulted      
D. come          
D. Dressed        
D. regained      
D. declined      
D. usual          
D. debate        
D. ordered        
D. obvious        
D. arrangement    
D. prayed        


科目: 来源:江西省模拟题 题型:阅读理解


     I closed my eyes as tight as they could go.
     The lights went off, and I unbolted the door of memory. I remember driving home by myself for
the first time. I looked into the future and imagined that I was walking on the stage to receive my college
diploma. I looked at the bleachers packed with families and friends. I saw my parents smile with pride,
and I looked to their side for Katie and Kevin's approval. But Katie, my elder sister, was not there. I
cou7ld hold back my tears.
     I suddenly opened my eyes and returned to reality. I remember being called out of Spanish class in
 the tenth grade and taken to the hospital to see Katie, who was dying of cancer. Katie's room was
exactly the way she had left it on a Friday night in September, 1993,when she was got into the ambulance. She died just a few weeks in her freshman year at the University of Miami.
    When Katie was six years old, she declared herself old enough to take care of her little sister and
brother, because she wanted to lighten our mother's burden. Katie would always do up my hair and
go shopping with me. She would always tutor Kevin and buy him ice cream as a reward for his hard
work. Clearly, Katie was more than our elder sister.
     A diploma is placed in my hand . "I do !" I cry. Katie said she loved me and hugged me tight on a
September afternoon in 1993. just before I step up my college auditorium stage, I look at the spectators
in the bleachers and see mother, father and Kevin. Katie is sitting right beside them , cheering me on.

1. What does the underlined word"unbolted mean?
A. Opened
B. Closed
C. Held
D. Ruined
2. When the author recalled her elder sister, she was most probably__.
A driving back to her home
B taking a rest in her bedroom
C. looking at her college diploma
D. driving for her college graduation
3. We can learn from the passage that the author's sister died___.
A. mot long after she entered university
B. on a Friday night in September, 1993
C. when the author was about to finish high school
D. when the author was studying in the classroom
4. What can we know from the passage?
A.The author didn't get enough care from her parents.
B. The author feels guilty because she can't repay Katie.
C. Katie acted as the author's mother as well as her elder sister.
D. There are four members in the author's family including Katie
5. In the last paragraph the author intends to ___?
A tell us she finally graduated from college
B share with us her joy of getting the diploma
C. remember the special date of a September afternoon in 1993.
D. express her deep feeling of missing and appreciating Katie.


科目: 来源:四川省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     As Mrs Thompson stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school,  she told the
children a lie. Like most teachers,  she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same.
But that was impossible,   because there in the front row,   slumped in his seat,   was a little boy named
Teddy Stoddard.Mrs Thompson noticed that he didn't play well with the other children,   that his clothes
were messy and that he constantly needed a bath.And Teddy could be unpleasant. It got to the point
where Mrs Thompson would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen,   making
bold Xs and then putting a big "F" at the top of his papers.
     However,   when she reviewed his file,   she got a surprise.
     Teddy's first grade teacher wrote,   "Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh. He does his work
neatly and has good manners… He is joy to be around."
     His second grade teacher wrote,   "Teddy is an excellent student,   well liked by his classmates,  
but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle."
     His third grade teacher wrote."His mother's death has been hard on him.He tries to do his best but
his father doesn't show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't taken."
     Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote,   "Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in study.
He doesn't have many friends and sometimes sleeps in class."
     Now,   Mrs Thompson was ashamed of herself and felt worse when her students brought her
beautifully wrapped Christmas presents.Teddy's present,   however,   was clumsily wrapped in rough
brown grocery paper.Taking her time she opened it to reveal Teddy's gifts,   a shine stone bracelet with
stones missing and a quarter full perfume bottle.How the children laugh!"What a pretty bracelet! Mm,  
lovely perfume! Perfect on my wrist." The children were silent.
     Alone together,   after school,   Teddy told Mrs Thompson,   "Today you smiled just like my Mom
used to."His teacher cried all right,   and from that day,   she stopped teaching reading,   writing,   and
arithmetic and began to teach children instead.

1. What is the best title of this text?
A. A Student's Best Friend
B. How To Be a Good Student
C. The Story of a Good Teacher
D. A Teacher's Lesson

2. Which of the following is true about Teddy?
A. He only bathed once a week.
B. He had no friends at school.
C. His clothes were usually untidy.
D. He was the worst student in the class.

3. How did Teddy's behavior change between Grades 1 and 4?
A. He became better at making friends.
B. He became closer to his friends.
C. He paid less attention to school.
D. He stopped doing his homework.

4. Why did Mrs Thompson feel ashamed after she read Teddy's file?
A. She didn't treat Teddy fairly at first.
B. She was being unpleasant to Teddy.
C. She took delight in failing Teddy in the exam.
D. She disliked Teddy for all his problems.


科目: 来源:四川省同步题 题型:完形填空

     I remember the exact moment I learned the principle of preparing for luck.
     I was on the wrestling team. Now, if there's one thing I can tell you about any sport, it is that
wrestling is probably the sport that has the least__1__. There are only two people out on the mat, so
you cannot__2__it on your teammates or your coach. And guess what? There is no__3__because
we do the whole thing indoors, so you can't say, "It was raining." or "It was snowing." It makes__4__
to say wrestling is the sport with the least luck.
      On our team were two world champions; one of them had been world champion five times. We
__5__had five people who were national champions. One of them was a guy__6__the name of John.
      John had never been__7__in my high school wrestling competition that I could remember,
__8__he was a national champion. There was nobody locally who could touch him.
     One day, we __9__a match with our biggest opponent(对手). John went out on the mat, and
about a minute and 30 seconds into the match he tried to make a particular__10__. He rolled over, and
his opponent__11__him halfway through his roll. He was pinned__12__!
     The match was over.
      I remember on the bus on the way home, one of our teammates tried to__13__John by saying,
"Oh, he just got lucky." And John said, "That's so stupid. The opportunity presented itself, __14__he
exploited it."
     We used to have this big sign in our wrestling room that the coach had__15__there. "Luck is what
happens when opportunity__16__preparation."
     John's opponent was prepared to exploit this opportunity. The probability of__17__John was not
much, and he knew it. But he paid attention to the __18__opportunity to present itself, and he defeated
and pinned a fivetime national champion.
     In other words, the real__19__is "Be prepared!" It's not just finding the opportunity; you have to be
prepared to__20__it.
(     )1.  A. luck          
(     )2.  A. accuse        
(     )3.  A. stress        
(     )4.  A. judgment      
(     )5.  A. also          
(     )6.  A. under        
(     )7.  A. hurt          
(     )8.  A. although      
(     )9.  A. went for      
(     )10.  A. sign        
(     )11.  A. fixed        
(     )12.  A. accidentally
(     )13.  A. calm        
(     )14.  A. so          
(     )15.  A. caught      
(     )16.  A. meets        
(     )17.  A. striking    
(     )18.  A. equal        
(     )19.  A. message      
(     )20.  A. receive      
B. risk        
B. blame      
B. injury      
B. progress    
B. as          
B. for        
B. chosen      
B. because    
B. waited for  
B. step        
B. threw      
B. fortunately
B. comfort    
B. or          
B. put        
B. suits      
B. beating    
B. exact      
B. passage    
B. follow      
C. difficulty    
C. doubt          
C. weather        
C. sense          
C. only          
C. in            
C. trained        
C. unless        
C. fought for    
C. task          
C. caught        
C. unfairly      
C. convince      
C. and            
C. left          
C. gets          
C. knocking      
C. rest          
C. decision      
C. seize          
D. opportunity        
D. keep                
D. standard            
D. way                
D. once                
D. by                  
D. defeated            
D. until              
D. played for          
D. move                
D. carried            
D. instantly          
D. forgive            
D. but                
D. used                
D. fits                
D. controlling        
D. right              
D. suggestion          
D. save                


科目: 来源:山东省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Few of us haven't read Cinderella, the story of a young woman living in poverty who meets the prince
of her dreams. Some might not want to admit it, but there is a hidden Cinderella in everyone's heart-we
all wish we could achieve recognition or success after a period of obscurity (默默无闻) or neglect.
     Mary Santiago has that secret dream, too. Her story is featured in Another Cinderella Story, a film
set in a US high school.
     Mary is shy but loves to dance. Compared with other girls, she is invisible. However, her world
changes completely when a famous teenage pop singer, Joey Parker, appears.
     Joey is everything the rest of the boys in her class are not - kind, handsome and desirable. Mary
and Joey's paths cross at a ball. They meet and fall in love with each other. But when Mary has to rush
back home, she leaves behind her MP3 player, which becomes the only clue Joey has to find the girl
of his dreams.   Of course, there is a wicked (邪恶的) stepmother, who turns out to be Dominique
Blatt and she takes in Mary after her dancer mother dies. Dominique treats Mary like a maid and does
everything she can to make sure Mary doesn't get into the top dance school. Her two daughters are
equally determined to stop Joey falling for Mary, even if that means embarrassing her.
     The story, though it mostly follows Cinderella, does add a few modern day twists to the classic fairy
tale. Refreshingly, the film, unlike many high school films, does not focus on looks, although the actors
are all beautiful. There is also a lot less materialism in Another Cinderella Story than in many similar
     "The movie takes the Cinderella fairytale as its jumping off point," writes movie critic Amber
Wilkinson. "The focus is firmly on following your dream."
1. The first paragraph is mainly to _________.
A. build interest and lead us to Mary's secret dream  
B. remind us why Cinderella is popular all the years
C. inform us of the main topic of the whole passage  
D. tell us how interesting the fairy tale Cinderella is
2. In the movie, Mary Santiago is the main character who ________.
A. is brave in expressing her love        
B. is attended badly by the stepmother
C. has a dream of meeting a prince      
D. is embarrassed by the pop singer
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A. Joey is just like other boys in Mary's class.    
B. Mary's mother influences her a lot in singing.
C. Not many people have a dream to be realized.  
D. The MP3 player helps Joey in finding Mary.
4. The passage is mainly _________.
A. an introduction to a film            
B. a review about a film
C. an essay about dreams              
D. an advertisement of Cinderella
5. According to the passage, Another Cinderella Story __________.
A. follows Cinderella with nothing new          
B. pays more attention to the looks of the actors
C. encourages young people to follow their dreams  
D. focuses more on materialism than other films


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     Tears clouded my eyes as I stood in our washing room, holding Brett's jeans and shirt full of
burn holes.
     Tired and defeated, I__1__to the floor. The clothes were just one more thing Brett had__2__.
He often got almost everything in the house out of__3__.Many windows in our house needed
repair due to his breaking__4__to steal money when he chose to live on the street. Yet none
of this could compare to the emotional__5__Brett had done to our once quiet home.
     Brett came to live with us when he was 12 years old. During the next few years I had dealt
with Brett as__6__as possible, but inside I was shouting,"I don't want him in my house another
day, Lord! I just can't__7__him!" Having wiped my tears, I continued__8__him as before.
     When Brett was nearly 18, he landed again in Juvenile Hall(少管所).After that, my husband
and I had to send Brett to a boarding school for helping__9__teens.At the__10__ceremony, each
graduate held a white rose to give to the person who had__11__the most to him or her.
     Brett spoke__12__to his parents and then spoke to me, "You did so much. You were always
there, no matter__13__.My mom and dad, I am their kid. But you,__14__troubled enough by me,
always__15__me such love. And I want you to know I love you for it."
__16__,I stood as Brett placed the white rose in my hand and hugged me__17__.
     At that moment, tears__18__in my eyes again, this time not for disappointment but for__19__.
Although I had struggled with silent__20__toward my stepson, Brett had seen only my actions. Love
is action. We may not always have positive feelings about certain people in our lives, but we can love
(     )1.A.sat        
(     )2.A.lost      
(     )3.A.order      
(     )4.A.off        
(     )5.A.pain      
(     )6.A.patiently  
(     )7.A.forgive    
(     )8.A.feeding    
(     )9.A.lazy      
(     )10.A.opening  
(     )11.A.afforded  
(     )12.A.lovingly  
(     )13.A.where    
(     )14.A.although  
(     )15.A.cost      
(     )16.A.Astonished
(     )17.A.surely    
(     )18.A.fell      
(     )19.A.pity      
(     )20.A.love      


科目: 来源:四川省同步题 题型:完形填空

     Mr Glen is a millionaire. Five years ago,  after returning from abroad to his motherland,  he__1__up
his small company. Speaking of success, Glen often tells us a story about his__2__expensive "school"
fee. He always owes his success to it.
     At that time, Glen, who already got a Ph. Degree,  decided to return to the homeland,  starting a
company. Before__3__,  he bought a Rolex watch with the __4__made through years of work after
school and the scholarships. At the airport he had to accept the routine customs check. The watch on
his wrist was also demanded to be __5__ down for inspection. Glen knew that carrying the __6__
goods out had to pay the tax. And he worried about paying __7__  for his watch. So when he was
checked,  he told a lie that his watch was a worthless __8__. When he was __9__ of his "smarts", 
 immediately,  __10__ the presence of Glen, the officers hit the watch,  which __11__ nearly
¥100, 000,  into pieces at hearing Glen's words. Glen was amazed. __12__ he understood why, he
was taken to the office to be __13__  strictly. For many times of entry exit __14__ he knew that only
those people in the "blacklist" would "enjoy" this special treatment. The officers looked out everything
carefully in the box,  and warned him __15__ time of entry and exit he must accept the check and if
__16__ reusing and carrying fake and shoddy(劣质的)goods,  he would be charged according to law!
Suddenly, his face turned red,  and he had nothing in mind after __17__ the plane for long.
     After returning to the homeland,  he often told the story to his family, and his employees,  too. He
said that this made a deep __18__ on him, because the additional high "school" fee that he had ever
paid made him realize the value of  __19__,  which he would __20__ as the secret of his success forever.
(     )1. A. set              
(     )2. A. good            
(     )3. A. staying          
(     )4. A. books            
(     )5. A. put              
(     )6. A. ordinary        
(     )7. A. one              
(     )8. A. present          
(     )9. A. afraid          
(     )10. A. in              
(     )11. A. paid            
(     )12. A. Before          
(     )13. A. appreciated    
(     )14. A. conditions      
(     )15. A. no matter what  
(     )16. A. came out        
(     )17. A. landing        
(     )18. A. expression      
(     )19. A. honesty        
(     )20. A. remember        
B. came          
B. bad          
B. leaving      
B. things        
B. looked        
B. common        
B. it            
B. trade        
B. proud        
B. on            
B. spent        
B. After        
B. beaten        
B. experiences  
B. no matter how
B. found out    
B. flying        
B. idea          
B. lies          
B. learn        
C. went          
C. extra          
C. living        
C. savings        
C. taken          
C. specific      
C. them          
C. toy            
C. well          
C. before        
C. took          
C. If            
C. spoken        
C. experiments    
C. no matter when
C. sent out      
C. catching      
C. thought        
C. goods          
C. revise        
D. called        
D. few            
D. coming        
D. pounds        
D. lied          
D. many          
D. these          
D. fake          
D. hard          
D. after          
D. cost          
D. Though        
D. examined      
D. chances        
D. no matter why  
D. set out        
D. boarding      
D. impression    
D. things        
D. read          


科目: 来源:四川省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     I began working in journalism(新闻工作)when I was eight. It was my mother's idea. She wanted me
to "make something" of myself,  and decided I had better start young if I was to have any chance of
keeping up with the competition.
     With my load of magazines I headed toward Belleville Avenue. The crowds were there. There were
two gas stations on the corner of Belleville and Union. For several hours I made myself highly visible,
 making sure everyone could see me and the heavy black letters on the bag that said THE SATURDAY
EVENING POST. When it was supper time, I walked back home.
     "How many did you sell,  my boy?" My mother asked.
     "Where did you go?"
     "The corner of Belleville and Union Avenues."
     "What did you do?"
     "Stood on the corner waiting for somebody to buy a Saturday Evening Post."
     "You just stood there?"
     "Didn't sell a single one."
     "My God, Russell!"
     Uncle Allen put in, "Well,  I've decided to take the Post." I handed him a copy and he paid me a
nickle(五分镍币). It was the first nickle I earned.
     Afterwards my mother taught me how to be a salesman. I would have to ring doorbells, address
adults with selfconfidence(自信),  and persuade them by saying that no one, no matter how poor,  
could afford to be without the Saturday Evening Post in the home.
     One day, I told my mother I'd changed my mind. I didn't want to make a success in the magazine
     "If you think you can change your mind like this," she replied, "you'll become a goodfornothing." She
insisted that, as soon as school was over, I should start ringing doorbells, selling magazines. Whenever
I said no, she would scold me.
     My mother and I had fought this_battle almost as long as I could remember. My mother,  dissatisfied
with my father's plain workman's life,  determined that I would not grow up like him and his people. But
never did she expect that,  forty years later,  such a successful journalist as me would go back to her
husband's people for true life and love.
1. Why did the boy start his job young?
A. He wanted to be famous in the future.
B. The job was quite easy for him.
C. His mother had high hopes for him.
D. The competition for the job was fierce.
2.  From the dialogue between the boy and his mother, we learn that the mother was________.
A. excited  
B. interested
C. ashamed  
D. disappointed
3. What did the mother do when the boy wanted to give up?
A. She forced him to continue.
B. She punished him.
C. She gave him some money.
D. She changed her plan.
4.  What does the underlined phrase "this battle" (last paragraph) refer to?
A. The war between the boy's parents.
B. The argument between the boy and his mother.
C. The quarrel between the boy and his customers.
D. The fight between the boy and his father.


科目: 来源:四川省同步题 题型:阅读理解


     A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and loved the
boy very much. When the boy was around two years old, one morning the husband saw a medicine
bottle open. He was late for office so he asked his wife to cap the bottle and put it back into the
cupboard in the bathroom. However, his wife, busy, in the kitchen, totally forgot the matter.
     The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to the bottle, fascinated by its color and drank it all. It
happened to contain a kind of medicine for adults with poisonous and side effects. When the child broke
down,the mother hurried him to the hospital. But he finally died. The mother was shocked. She was
terrified how she was going to face her husband.
     When the desperate father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and
voiced five words. The husband just said "I am with you, Darling." The husband's totally unexpected
reaction is a positive behavior. The child is dead. He can never be brought back to life. There is no point
in finding fault with the mother. Besides, if only he had taken time to keep the bottle away, this would
not have happened. No one is to be blamed. She had also lost her only child. What she needed at that
moment was comfort and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her.
     If everyone can look at life with this kind of viewpoint, there would be much fewer problems in the
world. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears and you will find things
are actually not as difficult as you think. Sometimes we spend time asking who is responsible or whom
to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know. By this way we miss out some
warmth in human relationship.

1. The uncapped medicine bottle was not put back into the cupboard because ________.

A. the husband was careless
B. the husband was busy
C. the wife wasn't informed of the matter
D. the wife ignored the matter
2. What do we know about the bottle?
A. It contained poison only for adults.
B. It appeared like a nice drink.
C. It was broken by the child.
D. It was kept in the kitchen.
3. The husband's attitude towards his wife can be described as ________.
A. optimistic  
B. confident
C. considerate  
D. generous
4. What did the writer intend to tell us about life?
A. Let go the negative side and we can enjoy life.
B. It is always useless finding who is responsible.
C. Think of nothing and life will be easy.
D. Life should give way to responsibility.

