 0  16350  16358  16364  16368  16374  16376  16380  16386  16388  16394  16400  16404  16406  16410  16416  16418  16424  16428  16430  16434  16436  16440  16442  16444  16445  16446  16448  16449  16450  16452  16454  16458  16460  16464  16466  16470  16476  16478  16484  16488  16490  16494  16500  16506  16508  16514  16518  16520  16526  16530  16536  16544  151629 

科目: 来源:浙江省月考题 题型:完形填空

     Gabriel Oak was a sensible man of good character who had been brought up by his father as a shepherd
(牧羊人). He became a   1   like his father after growing up and was then managing to save enough money to
   2   his own farm on Norcombe Hill in Dorset. He was twenty-eight, a tall, handsome  3   man, who didn't
seem to think his appearance was very important. One   4   morning he was in one of his fields on the side of
Norcombe Hill. 
       5   over his gate, Gabriel could see a yellow cart loaded with furniture and   6  , coming up the road. Right
on top of the pile sat a handsome   7  . As Gabriel was watching, the cart stopped at the top of the   8  , and the
driver climbed   9   to go back and   10   something that had fallen off.
     The woman sat  11  in the sunshine for a few minutes. Then she picked up a parcel(包袱)  12  next to her,
and she looked  13  to see if the driver was coming back. There was no sign of him. She unwrapped(解开)the
parcel and took out the  14  it contained. The sun shone on her   15   face and hair.   16   it was December, she
looked almost summery, sitting there in her bright red jacket with the  17  green plants around her. She looked
at  18   in the mirror and smiled, thinking that only the birds could see her.  19  behind the gate Gabriel Oak was 
  20   too.
(     )1. A. worker   
(     )2. A. produce  
(     )3. A. well-built
(     )4. A. summer  
(     )5. A. Looking  
(     )6. A. grass  
(     )7. A. lady    
(     )8. A. farm    
(     )9. A. away    
(     )10. A. fetch   
(     )11. A. angrily  
(     )12. A. laid   
(     )13. A. forward  
(     )14. A. mirror  
(     )15. A. ugly   
(     )16. A. Yet    
(     )17. A. fresh   
(     )18. A. driver  
(     )19. A. And    
(     )20. A. laughing 
B. businessman 
B. make      
B. well-educated
B. winter    
B. Watching   
B. leaves    
B. man      
B. hill      
B. up       
B. take      
B. hopelessly 
 B. laying    
B. up       
B. purse    
B. friendly   
B. Although   
B. smelly    
B. man      
B. However   
B. working   
C. farmer        
C. keep      
C. well-dressed  
C. spring    
C. Seeing    
C. plants    
C. gentleman   
C. fields    
C. down      
C. bring      
C. quietly     
C. lain      
C. toward    
C. letter    
C. lovely    
C. But        
C. salty      
C. herself    
C. Although   
C. watching   
D. driver           
D. buy              
D. well-arranged     
D. autumn           
D. Noticing         
D. flowers          
D. woman            
D. road             
D. around           
D. pick             
D. impatiently      
D. lying            
D. round            
D. jacket           
D. lonely           
D. And              
D. sweet            
D. him              
D. But              
D. thinking       


科目: 来源:山东省月考题 题型:完形填空

     Our school has a weekly "Parents View" program. Around four years ago, I   1   a call from the headmaster
to come to the"Parents View" talk the next morning. After the call I became very nervous and anxious. Many 
  2   thoughts were coming. One of them was to call the headmaster with   3   and tell him that I could not come. 
  4   , I gathered some courage. I thought,   5   I missed this opportunity, surely the school would never   6   me
again to any of their programs. So, I   7   to go and speak.
     When my turn came and I started speaking, my heartbeat increased and my mouth went   8   . I wasn't even
able to read the written speech   9   . I was not   10   of where I was standing and what I was reading.
     After my speech, I met with the headmaster and   11   what happened to me. He told me that this happened
to everyone. Even great   12   faced the same things when they started. He   13   that I come again.
     I prepared a topic of talk for the next occasion. This time I was somehow comfortable but not very confident. Afterwards, I met with the headmaster again and told him about the  14   I felt I had made. He was   15   enough
to invite me again, but this time to give a  16  to the teachers.
     I prepared and practiced day and night. With the blessing of God, this went very well and was   17   by the
headmaster as well as the teachers because they knew where I started from. They encouraged and praised my 
 18  .
     After delivering this presentation successfully, I became  19   . I learned that everything is possible if we
have   20   to take the first step.
(     )1. A. received   
(     )2. A. serious   
(     )3. A. fear     
(     )4. A. Fortunately 
(     )5. A. though   
(     )6. A. invite      
(     )7. A. refused   
(     )8. A. hot     
(     )9. A. properly  
(     )10. A. sick    
(     )11. A. argued   
(     )12. A. speakers  
(     )13. A. commanded  
(     )14. A. story    
(     )15. A. kind      
(     )16. A. message   
(     )17. A. scolded   
(     )18. A. faith     
(     )19. A. popular   
(     )20. A. aims      
B. made     
B. negative     
B. excitement   
B. Finally    
B. until     
B. take      
B. offered    
B. dry        
B. carefully  
B. afraid     
B. proved     
B. teachers   
B. suggested   
B. mistake            
B. honest  
B. suggestion   
B. appreciated        
B. choice  
B. special        
B. luck   
C. accepted   
C. deep            
C. regret      
C. Actually   
C. because        
C. bring          
C. decided     
C. open              
C. cheerfully   
C. fond           
C. explained     
C. parents          
C. requested   
C. trouble           
C. stubborn    
C. presentation     
C. instructed      
C. results    
C. confident     
C. chances   
D. gave             
D. sudden         
D. delight          
D. Obviously        
D. if             
D. send            
D. pretended       
D. full           
D. actively         
D. aware            
D. concluded       
D. students       
D. demanded         
D. progress      
D. eager           
D. comment       
D. corrected       
D. efforts         
D. famous           
D. courage      


科目: 来源:山东省月考题 题型:阅读理解

     Almost 20 years ago, a few days before Christmas, Roni Austin's 6-year-old daughter, Lauren, went to a
Jack in the Box in Carlsbad and ate a hamburger. She got sick, was rushed to a hospital and never came home.
Lauren was the first to die in a multi-state E. coli outbreak that killed three other children and sickened 700
     Like many people, Austin had never heard of E. coli before. At first bewildered, and then angry, Austin
soon became the face of food-safety reform in California and beyond. She co-founded a nonprofit group, Safe
Tables Our Priority (STOP), and pushed successfully for legislation (立法) requiring E. coli to be a reportable
illness, so outbreaks could be followed and stopped sooner. 
     Nervous initially to be in the spotlight, she learned not to fear politicians for the beef and fast-food industries. She was in the Oval Office when President Clinton signed the most sweeping changes to federal food-inspection law in the 1990s. She was in Sacramento when a state measure named after her daughter passed, indicating
minimum cooking temperatures in restaurants.
     Austin, 64, is not sure she has much choice. Every time she thinks she's handed off the baton (指挥棒) to
others, though, something brings her back. A phone call from a parent who has lost a child to a food-borne
illness. A news story about another outbreak. An event at La Costa Heights Elementary School, where
redheaded Lauren was in first grade and where a memorial garden was planted in her honor.
     Fixing food safety meant putting her career as a fashion designer on hold and flying 10 times to Washington DC to testify. It meant going to Sacramento to speak a half-dozen times. She's not fond of the legislative
process. Asked what she's proudest of in making her way through all that, she said,"That I didn't give up."
1. What does the underlined word "E. coli" in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A. A fast-food restaurant.
B. A special person.
C. A reportable illness.
D. A state of America.
2. The third paragraph is mainly about ______.
A. the great changes in food inspection
B. Austin's efforts to achieve food safety
C. the standards and practices of safe food
D. the federal plan to monitor food production
3. It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that _______.
A. food safety problems are very serious
B. Roni Austin was forced to do the job
C. more people are concerned about food safety
D. Roni Austin donated to a memorial garden
4. Which of the following is true of Roni Austin?
A. She regretted for what she had done.
B. She used to be a fashion teacher.
C. She founded the organization STOP on her own.
D. She is the representative of food-safety reform.
5. What can be the best title for the text?
A. Mother's Way of Making Food Safe.
B. Painful Reminders, Constant Efforts.
C. Mother's Pride in Public Services.
D. Handling Sorry, Celebrating Life.


科目: 来源:贵州省月考题 题型:完形填空

     My father woke me up early one summer morning announcing, "Get up. You're going with me to cut
grass." The idea   1   my father actually thought I was big enough to help him in his   2   made me feel
proud and   3   . From sunup to sundown my father, my younger brother and I   4   in the large yards in a
rich part of Atlanta, Georgia. By the end of the day I was tired out, but felt good. I had   5   a hard day's
labour and had earned $6.
     One day my father found some leaves I'd   6   and pulled me aside. "Clear away these leaves," he said
  7  ,"and don't make me have to tell you to do it again." The   8   was clear. Today I value the importance
of doing a job   9   the first time. It will never   10   to impress the person you are working for.
     After two years my father told me and my brother that he felt we were   11   enough to do lawns (草
坪) on our own. Every Saturday, we   12   out early in the morning with the same desire and drive we had
gained while working   13   our father.
     Taking care of lawns was not exciting   14   high-paying, but that didn't matter. It taught me that any job
is a good job and that   15   I was paid was more than I had before.
     A newspaper reporter once asked me how someone   16   possible live on a forty-hour- a -week minimum
(最低的) pay."My father never worked just forty hours a  17 , and neither have I." I replied. "If you're only
working forty hours, you probably don't want to do   18   better than you're doing."
      In every job I've   19   -from doing lawns to washing dishes-I have learned something that helped me in
my next job. If you  20  hard enough, you can learn from any job you do.
(     )1. A. what        
(     )2. A. farm        
(     )3. A. excited    
(     )4. A. played      
(     )5.A. put out      
(     )6. A. collected   
(     )7. A. finally    
(     )8. A. news        
(     )9. A. right      
(     )10. A. happen    
(     )11. A. strong    
(     )12. A. worked    
(     )13. A. beyond    
(     )14. A. and        
(     )15. A. no matter how
(     )16. A. must      
(     )17. A. day         
(     )18. A. some      
(     )19. A. found      
(     )20. A. see       
B. that  
B. family  
B. tired   
B. excised  
B. put down 
B. cleaned  
B. usually  
B. message  
B. quickly  
B. seem   
B. old    
B. set    
B. without 
B. and yet  
B. whatever 
B. should  
B. year   
B. any    
B. lost  
B. work   
C. which         
C. business       
C. troubled       
C. worked          
C. put away       
C. missed        
C. unexpectedly    
C. information     
C. fast           
C. fail        
C. clever        
C. turned        
C. under          
C. but             
C. no matter what 
C. may           
C. week        
C. little          
C. held         
C. try        
D. why        
D. company    
D. unpleasant 
D. struggled  
D. put in     
D. noticed    
D. firmly     
D. word       
D. wrong        
D. begin    
D. skilled    
D. figured      
D. like        
D. or          
D. however   
D. could      
D. month      
D. very       
D. helped   
D. enjoy      


科目: 来源:天津月考题 题型:完形填空

     Life happens whether we are ready for it or not, and in May 2005, my mom passed away after an extended
illness. I'm not sure we are ever really   1   to lose a parent, especially Mom. I had more things I needed to   2 
 with her about, and I know I wasn't ready to let her   3  . Less than one month later, my   4   fell from a ladder,
suffered a head injury, and died a week later.
     My husband was not only my life partner but my business    5  , and there I was left to   6   our business
and my life alone. After   7   the initial shock of losing the two people who had the greatest   8   on my life, I
started to pick up the pieces with the   9  and strength provided by family, friends, and business associates.
     I quickly   10   that asking for help was the only way I would   11   the sadness and keep my business and
my home intact (完好无损的). I'd often   12   myself looking around in a daze, feeling overwhelmed (难以抵
抗的) because my challenges seemed so  13 . Learning to   14   for the help I needed was a huge
accomplishment. I discovered that people   15   wanted to help, but they didn't know how. My  16  opened the
door for them to give the support they wanted to share.
     Three years have passed since that time. I sold my   17   and my house and chose to relocate back to the
state of my birth, where my family lived. I   18   to ask for help from my  19   of family, friends, and colleagues
because I am driven to a life of simplicity and joy, and I know I won't get there alone. And that's just   20   .
(     )1. A. afraid     
(     )2. A. talk       
(     )3. A. cry      
(     )4. A. child     
(     )5. A. partner    
(     )6. A. start      
(     )7. A. passing by
(     )8. A. effort     
(     )9. A. care      
(     )10. A. learned   
(     )11. A. forget    
(     )12. A. control   
(     )13. A. easy      
(     )14. A. hope    
(     )15. A. really    
(     )16. A. order     
(     )17. A. garden    
(     )18. A. pretend   
(     )19. A. circle    
(     )20. A. fine     
B. willing     
B. quarrel     
B. go         
B. father    
B. colleague    
B. run       
B. coming across
B. effect      
B. energy      
B. remembered    
B. accept    
B. find      
B. small      
B. answer       
B. hardly     
B. excuse     
B. business       
B. stop       
B. record    
B. possible     
C. prepared           
C. joke               
C. pass              
C. sister              
C. assistant          
C. sell                  
C. getting through   
C. pressure           
C. help               
C. admitted        
C. suffer           
C. think              
C. great             
C. pay                 
C. secretly           
C. request             
C. belongings          
C. continue            
C. choice           
C. necessary        
D. thought          
D. do               
D. leave            
D. husband          
D. friend           
D. make             
D. running over     
D. impression       
D. advice           
D. expected         
D. survive          
D. forgive          
D. exciting         
D. ask              
D. proudly          
D. attempt          
D. wealth           
D. decide           
D. sense            
D. important      


科目: 来源:天津月考题 题型:完形填空

     In the dining room of my grandfather's house stood a massive grandfather's clock. Meals in that dining
room were a   1   for four generations to become one. The table was always   2   with food from wonderful
family recipes(食谱) all containing   3   as the main ingredient (成分)And always that grandfather clock stood
like a trusted old family   4   , sharing our happiness
     As I was a child, the old clock   5   me. I watched and listened to it during meals. 1   6   how at different
times of the day, that clock would strike with a wonderful   7  .Year after year, the clock struck a part of my
  8  , a part of my heart.
     Even more wonderful to me was what my grandfather did each day. He   9   wound that clock with a
special and magic key, which   10   the clock ticking and striking. He never let that clock wind down and
   11   . When we grandkids got. a little older, he showed us how to  12   the clock .
     Several days after my grandfather died. I entered the dining room, with tears flowing  13  .The clock
stood desertedly   14   , seeming smaller and not as magnificent as before. I couldn't  15  to look at it.
     Years later, my grandmother gave me the clock and the key. The old house was quiet. I opened the clock
door with my shaking hand. Then   16   , reverently(虔诚地) , I entered the key and wound the clock. It
sprang to 17  . Tick - tock: tick - tock, life and chimes were  18   into the dining room, into house and into
my  19  . In the movement of the hands of the clock, my grandfather  20  again.
(     )1. A. party        
(     )2. A. filled       
(     )3. A. wine         
(     )4. A, friend       
(     )5. A. disappointed 
(     )6. A. questioned   
(     )7. A. sound        
(     )8. A. studies      
(     )19. A. strangely   
(     )10. A. got         
(     )11. A. break       
(     )12. A. wind        
(     )13. A. unexpected ly
(     )14. A. ticking     
(     )15. A. help        
(     )16. A. slowly      
(     )17. A. feet        
(     )18. A. breathed    
(     )19. A. study       
(     )20. A. died        
B. time       
B. cleared    
B. surprise   
B. guard      
B. encouraged 
B. remembered 
B. hammer   
B. opinions   
B. carefully  
B. kept       
B. fall       
B. repair     
B. gently     
B. moving     
B. bear       
B. quickly   
B. hands      
B. blown      
B. bedroom    
B. lived    
C. place      
C. spread     
C. fish       
C. doctor     
C. interested 
C. doubted    
C. voice      
C. memories   
C. eagerly    
C. prevented  
C. stop       
C. read       
C. difficultly
C. noisy      
C. hope       
C. unwillingly
C. sense      
C. taken      
C. heart      
C. smiled     
D. situation          
D. left:              
D. love            
D. lawyer             
D. comforted          
D. wondered           
D. ring              
D. brains               
D. usually           
D. found              
D. move              
D. clean                
D. freely             
D. quiet              
D. insist            
D. naturally          
D. life               
D. sent               
D. mind               
D. sang            


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     The first event of my life to be printed into my memory occurred when I was three. My mother stands,
working in the  1   and then glances at me with a   2   smile. Two feet down the table, I knock on a chair with
a bowl and a spoon,   3   my own invisible (无形的) powder. We wear   4   dresses, mine the leftover   5   from
hers, sky blue-mommy's favorite color. I am her shadow.
     However, by 14 I could not   6   my mother. All that I heard every day was no.I wanted to dye my hair and
she said no. I wanted to   7   late with my friends and she said no. I didn't understand why she said no. She was
trying to  8   me from aches and pains and mistakes   9   in her teens. Several years later, I finally understood her, but it was too late. She became ill. I cried and  10  ,"Don't take her, God, please! She is my mother, my mommy
, the woman who gave me life. All my years,   11   the bad times and the good, she has been there,  12   to me
forever by an invisible umbilical cord (脐带) that lasts longer after birth." But this cord, this love could do nothing to stop the cancer from  13  .
      A few years later  14   I myself lay in the hospital bed, my newly born daughter was   15   in my arms. cried
and smiled and prayed. Please help me to   16   her into a wonderful girl. And looking down   17   her eyes, I
could see the message they held, "Your   18   would be proud."
     I stand in the kitchen now, and these thoughts flashed through my mind. I glance at my young daughter. A
   19   feeling rushes through my soul as I take in the familiar  20  . I am my mother's shadow.
(     ) 1. A. kitchen    
(     ) 2. A. lovely     
(     ) 3. A. preparing  
(     ) 4. A. same       
(     ) 5. A. material   
(     ) 6. A. stand      
(     ) 7. A. keep up    
(     ) 8. A. save       
(     ) 9. A. watched    
(     )10. A. screamed   
(     )11. A. through    
(     )12. A. connected  
(     )13. A. spreading  
(     )14. A. when       
(     )15. A. placed     
(     )16. A. change     
(     )17. A. for        
(     )18. A. daughter   
(     )19. A. warm       
(     )20. A. saying     
B. dining room
B. lively    
B. mixed     
B. similar   
B. clothes   
B. agree     
B. keep on   
B. warn      
B. liked     
B. said      
B. in         
B. shared    
B. growing   
B. before    
B. given     
B. support   
B. through   
B. mother    
B. strange   
B. scene     
C. sitting room  
C. loving        
C. mixing        
C. different     
C. dress         
C. know          
C. stay up       
C. help          
C. heard       
C. shouted     
C. on            
C. concerned     
C. escaping    
C. since         
C. thrown        
C. bring         
C. up            
C. children      
C. painful       
C. drawing     
D. garden     
D. horrible   
D. prepared   
D. matching   
D. clothing   
D. realize    
D. stay out   
D. stop       
D. experienced
D. prayed     
D. within     
D. joined     
D. moving     
D. then       
D. taken      
D. raise      
D. into       
D. friends    
D. exciting   
D. paint                     


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Almost everybody in America will spend a part of his or her life behind a shopping cart(购物手推车).They
will, in a lifetime, push the chrome-plated contraptions many miles. But few will know-or even think to ask-who it was that invented them.
      Sylvan N. Goldman invented the shopping cart in 1937. At that time he was in the supermarket business.
Every day he would see shoppers lugging (吃力地携带) groceries around in baskets they had to carry.
     One day Goldman suddenly had the idea of putting baskets on wheels. The wheeled baskets would make
shopping much easier for his customers, and would help to attract more business.
     On June 4,1937,Coldman's first carts were ready for use in his market. He was terribly excited on the
morning of that day as customers began arriving. He couldn't wait to see them using his invention.
     But Goldman was disappointed. Most shoppers gave the cart a long look, but hardly anybody would give
them a try.
     After a while, Coldman decided to ask customers why they weren't using his carts." Don't you think this
arm is strong enough to carry a shopping basket?"one shopper replied.
     But Coldman wasn't beaten yet. He knew his carts would be a great success if only he could persuade
people to give them a try. To this end, Goldman hired a group of people to push carts around his market and
pretend they were shopping! Seeing this, the real customers gradually began copying the phony (假冒的)
     As Goldman had hoped, the carts were soon attracting larger and larger numbers of customers to his
market. But not only did more people come-those Who came bought more. With larger, easier-to- handle
baskets, customers unconsciously bought a greater number of items than before.
     Today's shopping carts are five times larger than Goldman's original model. Perhaps that's one reason
Americans today spend more than five times as much money on food each year as they did before 1937-before
the coming of the shopping cart.
1. The underlined words"chrome-plated contraptions" in Paragraph 1 refer to ____, ( no more than 3 words)
2. What was the purpose of Goldman's invention? ( no more than 10 words)
3. Why was Goldman disappointed at first? ( no more than 10 words)
4. Why did Goldman hire people to push carts around his market? ( no more than 10 words)
5.What do you think of Goldman? Please give your reasons. ( no more than 20 words)


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空


     The yearly Marathon in my town usually happened during a heat wave. My job was to follow behind the
runners in an ambulance   1  any of them needed medical attention.
     "We' re supposed to stay behind the  2   runner, so take it slowly," I said to the driver, Doug, as the race
started. The front-runners started to   3   and then my eyes were   4   to the woman in blue silk running shorts
and a loose white T-shirt.
     We knew we were already watching our"last runner". Her   5   were so crippled (残疾的) that it seemed
almost impossible for her to be able to walk,  6   alone run a marathon.
     Doug and I  7   in silence as she slowly moved forward.  8  , she was the only runner left in sight. Tears
streamed down my face when I watched with respect   9   she pushed forward with great  10   through the
last miles.
     When the finish line came into sight, rubbish lay everywhere and the   11   crowds had long gone home.
   12   ,standing straight and ever so proud   13   a lone man. He was  14   one end of a ribbon (缎带) of crepe
paper (彩色皱纹纸)   15   to a post. She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering
behind her.
     I do not know this woman's name, but that day she became part of my   16  -a part I often depend on. For
her, it wasn't about   17   the other runners or winning a prize, but about  18  what she had set out to do, no
matter   19   .When I think things are too difficult or i get those" I-just-can't-do-it", I think of the last runner.
Then I realize how   20   the task before me really is.

(     )1. A. so that  
(     )2. A. first    
(     )3. A.run       
(     )4. A. drawn    
(     )5. A.hands     
(     )6. A.let       
(     )7. A. watched  
(     )8. A. Quickly  
(     )9. A. since    
(     )10. A. pain    
(     )11. A. tired   
(     )12. A. Besides 
(     )13. A. stood   
(     )14. A. helping 
(     )15. A. kept    
(     )16. A.dream    
(     )17. A.following
(     )18. A.finishing
(     )19. A.where    
(     )20. A.difficult
B. in case       
B. best          
B. separate      
B. thrown        
B. legs          
B. leave         
B. drove         
B. Unluckily     
B. before        
B. determination 
B. waiting       
B. Therefore     
B. waited        
B. catching      
B. tied          
B. feeling       
B. hoping        
B. realizing     
B. how           
B. interesting   
C. even though 
C. only        
C. disappear   
C. fixed       
C. arms        
C. speak       
C. observed    
C. Naturally   
C. as          
C. strength    
C. cheering    
C. Yet         
C. came        
C. holding     
C. connected   
C. idea        
C. encouraging 
C. starting    
C. when        
C. easy        
D. only if    
D. last       
D. appear     
D. caught     
D. body       
D. take       
D. stared     
D. Finally    
D. until      
D. desire     
D. impatient  
D. Fortunately
D. had        
D. tying      
D. led        
D. life       
D. beating    
D. winning    
D. what       
D. hopeful    


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Two men on a touring holiday in Britain were injured by an explosion (爆炸) in their motor truck in the
center of Norwich yesterday. 
     Several people rushed to give help and helped to put out the fire inside the truck. A light American bus
rushed to save drivers before Norwich firemen arrived. The men-American Mr Gary House, aged 25,of Ohio,
who was Driving,and his passenger Mr Charles Lynn,23,of Vancouver were taken to Norfolk and Norwich
Hospital with minor(轻微的)burns.
     "I heard this explosion. It was pretty loud. I thought it could have been a bomb." said Mr Leslie Webster,
manager of the market, who was working in his office in Red Lion Street."I looked out of the window and
saw this man jump from the truck and roll on the ground. Then another man came out of the truck.   3    
      "I came downstairs to get a fire extinguisher (灭火器),but by the time I got outside, someone who came
from the bank. was in the truck with an extinguisher." 
       4    One was taken into the market office to await treatment. "The second man insisted on going back
into the truck to see if everything was all right, and five minutes later he came out with a drawer that was
burning," he added. The explosion was also heard inside the bank. Office workers provided afire extinguisher
and telephoned for medical help.
     Although a window was blown out, damage inside the truck was mainly superficial (表面的).
     The two men spent the last six months touring the Continent and had traveled to Norwich from
Shettertor.  5  
A. They were allowed to leave after treatment.
B. Mr Webster, who lives at 71,Trinity Street, Norwich, said both the two injured were shocked.
C. At the time of the accident their wives were shopping in the city.
D. Shoppers and businessman in Red Lion Street were shocked by a loud bang (突然巨响), and
    seconds later the two men jumped over from the truck, which had stopped outside Barelays bank.
E. Their wives were traveling with them but they remained unburned.
F. He seemed to be in a worse state, parts of his trousers were hanging below his knees.

