 0  16528  16536  16542  16546  16552  16554  16558  16564  16566  16572  16578  16582  16584  16588  16594  16596  16602  16606  16608  16612  16614  16618  16620  16622  16623  16624  16626  16627  16628  16630  16632  16636  16638  16642  16644  16648  16654  16656  16662  16666  16668  16672  16678  16684  16686  16692  16696  16698  16704  16708  16714  16722  151629 

科目: 来源:0119 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     A 9-year-old girl with a pacemaker who died early today was suffering shakes on a city bus when a driver
refused to take her to a nearby hospital, witnesses (目击者) said. Officials of the Chicago Transit Authority
said they were investigating.
     The child, Nicole Hobson, was being taken by her mother to Children's Memorial Hospital about 11 P. M.,
Wednesday to check her recently inserted (插入) pacemaker. The child was stricken about a mile from the
hospital. Her mother, May Hobson, 40, said,"I told the bus driver that my baby had just had heart operation
and that she was having a heart failure. He said he couldn't go through the traffic."
     Ted Garretson, 28, a passenger who had tried to bring back Nicole's life, said the driver did nothing to help
and stopped once to pick up more passengers.
     When the driver reached a corner where he was to make a turn, a block from the hospital, he told Mrs.
Hobson to get off, she said.
     A transit spokesman said the driver should have made radio call to the control center for help.
1. Which is the correct order according to the passage?
a. The girl was taken to the hospital to check her pacemaker by bus.
b. The girl had a heart operation and wore a pacemaker.
c. The girl had a heart failure because of the shakes on the bus.
d. The girl died. e. The driver refused to take her to hospital.
A. d, c, b, a, e
B. b, e, a, c, d
C. a, e, b, c, d
D. b, a, c, e, d
2. A pacemaker is _______.
A. a musical instrument
B. a machine
C. an organ
D. a toy car
3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The bus driver stopped to pick up more passengers.
B. The bus driver said he couldn't go through the traffic.
C. The bus driver did nothing to help.
D. The bus driver sent the girl to the hospital.
4. What can we conclude from the report?
A. The driver was sticking to the traffic regulations.
B. Nobody on the bus was willing to help the child.
C. The bus driver was warm hearted.
D. The child could have been saved.


科目: 来源:江西省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     LOS ANGELES-The advice offered from any other 82-year-olds might have made young people yawn and
roll their eyes.
     But when former South African President Nelson Mandela advised two dozen Los Angeles to take education seriously, his audience was listening.
     The famed old man said to the young people that if they expected to improve the lives of others in the future, they must work at improving their own lives now."Education is one of the most important weapons you have," Mandela advised,"it will place you in a far better position to serve yourself and your community."
     "The point is, he was young once and rebellious once and he kept his dream alive, just as you each have
dreams." Explained South Africa's ambassador to the United States, Sheita Sisulu, as she introduced Mandela to
the young crowd.
     Asked for specific advice about changing society by 21-year-old Ahmed Younis, Mandela suggested that
somehow helping arouse more American interest in foreign affairs might be a start.
     "There is an impression that Americans, in general, have not followed international developments properly," Mandela said,"I'm not making that statement myself, but there are serious political analysts who say Americans
are not well informed as to what has happened in the world."
     22-year-old Omari Trice said Mandela left him full of passion."He's a person who set the tone for an entire
nation." said Trice.
     "You go away feeling you need to be Superman in order to get things done." Trice said.
1. From the passage, we can conclude that American youth ______.
A. are willing to accept the advice from world-famous leaders
B. usually think that advice from old people is not worth considering
C. have a good understanding of the old
D. have no intention to improve the lives of others
2. Nelson Mandela makes the point in his speech that American youth leaders should _______.
A. improve their own lives
B. go to college for better education
C. put more importance on education
D. become interested in foreign affairs
3. What Sheila Sisulu said suggested that _______.
A. Nelson Mandela never lost hope in his life
B. was especially troublesome when young
C. Nelson Mandela was quite different from American youth when young
D. American youth should be no more rebellious
4. From what Trice said, we can know that _______.
A. he was greatly impressed and encouraged by Mandela's speech
B. he thought little of Mandela's speech
C. he must be a superman in order to change society
D. he'll be more interested in international development


科目: 来源:江西省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     SOUTHPORT, ENGLAND-A British teaching union famous for strange ideas has supported proposal to
employ dogs as classroom assistants.
      At the annual conference of the Professional Association of teachers in Southport, northwest of England,
one person suggested properly trained dogs be able to keep order in primary schools. They can round up lost
children and protect those who experience unfortunate"accidents". Wendy Dyble, a Sheetland Islands woman
who teaches children up to age seven, made it clear to her fellow friends that she was not "barking mad". They
obviously believed her, supporting her idea by 16 votes to 13, with a total of 63 abstentions. 
     He said big dogs could help round up children, keep them in line, lick up the milk they spill on the floor and
provide the extra eyes that a teacher needs to keep order."A big dog would also be helpful for breaking up
fights and look for lost property, like gym shoes or dolls," Dyble said at the conference."The dog will also be
useful in sniffing out smells that children do not own up to," she added. "It would be nice for the teacher not to
have to go round sniffing each child to find the culprit."
     The idea was greeted by the Dog Defense League but less so by bigger teaching unions. A spokesman for
Education Secretary David Blunkett, who is blind, said his guide dog was always popular with pupils when he
visited schools. The Professional Association of Teachers, with around 35,000 members, is the smallest
teaching union in Britain. It has an honour for occasional strange ideas.
     Earlier this week, its annual conference here suggested stopping exams because they lead to stress and
introducing selection at the age of 12 based on physical coordination and manual skill in the use of hand.
1. According to the writer's opinion, to employ dogs as classroom assistants _____.
A. is a wonderful idea
B. can improve the relation between children and animals
C. is beyond ordinary people's minds
D. can make some teachers lose jobs
2. What Dyble said at the conference _____.
A. gained some support from the members
B. frightened everyone at the conference
C. interested everyone at the conference
D. caused some trouble to trained dogs
3. A spokesman for Education Secretary _____.
A. once used a dog as classroom assistant
B. sang high praise for Dyble's idea
C. would employ dogs as teachers
D. benefited from dogs more than others
4. The last paragraph of this passage _____.
A. has nothing to do with the topic of this passage
B. shows there are too many exams in British school
C. provides further facts about the teaching union
D. shows the writer's anger to the union


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Bryan, Olga, Scott, Anna和David正在进行一项“企业家成功秘诀”的调查。他们将采访几位企业家,第 1~5题是他们拟定的采访话题。阅读下面刊登在 Entrepreneur(《企业家》)杂志上6位企业家的成
功感言(A、B、 C.D.E和F),为每位采访者选定最佳采访对象,选项中有一项是多余选项。
1. Bryan: What comes first, the customer or the profit?
2. Olga: How important is an entrepreneur's ambition to his/ her company's growth?
3. Scott: How does an entrepreneur make use of his/her advantages?
4. Anna: Why do successful entrepreneurs seem to enjoy their work?
5. David: What attitude should an entrepreneur have toward his/her social responsibilities?
Sheri Poe
Ryka Inc.
     Since I started this company in my kitchen seven years ago, I always
dreamt of what it would he some day. Focusing on that goal helps me get
through tough times. To get the kind of success that you want, you need
to dream big. That's the starting point. Every success story begins with
big dreams. You need to have big dreams for yourself, like being somebody rich, famous or fulfilled. You need to have a clear goal of what you want
to achieve.
     Also, I think it's really important that the people you're working with
are as committed to the same goal as you are, so you can support each
other and keep each other energetic.

Anita Roddick
The Body Shop Inc.
     In America, we have a shop in Harlem where 50 percent of the profits
 go into the community development, and the other 50 percent go toward
the funding of a similar shop elsewhere in the United States. The pride that shop brings to the staff and local people inspired me.
     What The Body Shop does successfully is use our facilities in the
street and shopping centers to talk about real human issues like AIDS,
recycling, human rights and community service or to encourage people to
speak out against anything they consider to be unjust. Knowing our
products are symbols of social change is really encouraging.

Ben Cohen
Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc.
      I'm energized by the people I work with. I'm very relationship-
driven, which I think is different from most entrepreneurs. I'm
inspired by doing things that are not normal and that most people think don't fit into the business world or don't make any sense.
      In business, you are judged by the company you keep-from your management team, board of directors, and strategic partners. Maybe
the lady you met in a trade association meeting can help you secure
funding, or the gentleman at a conference can provide you with
management advice.

Richard Melman
Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises
      A number of years ago, I was interviewed by someone who
was writing a book on entrepreneurs. He asked me," What's the
opposite of work?" I answered," Lazy." He started laughing and
said," Believe it or not, a lot of entrepreneurs say the same thing."
      The average person thinks the opposite of work is play, but
an entrepreneur, work is play. I think it all adds up to having fun.
It's fun to create; it's fun to entertain, and it's fun to make people
happy with our service. When it stops being fun, I'll stop doing it.

Frank Toskan
Make-UP Art Cosmetics( M. A. C. )
     One of the nicest things anyone ever said to me was, "I hate
makeup, but I love M. A. C." That's what moves me on. Even
people who don't wear makeup can appreciate our company,
what it stands for its values, and the way we do business.
     We work from an inverted pyramid, where the customers are
always at the top. Our customers inspire me and keep me going.
They and our staff, not money, make me enthusiastic. If I had
stayed in this business just for money,I would have closed down
years ago.

Kenneth Cole
Kenneth Cole Productions Inc.
     You can't be everything to everybody. Each of us has our
own strengths and weaknesses. To be effective, you need to
identify your strengths and concentrate on them. You'll become more successful if you are able to channel your efforts to areas
that you do best. In business, for example, if you know you are
good at marketing, then give it full play. Seek help or assistance
in areas that you may be poor at, such as accounting or
bookkeeping. To turn your weakness into strength, consider
taking hands-on learning or training.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Hong Kong-The visiting Chinese gold medal winners displayed (展示) their superb sports skills again in
Hong Kong on Saturday moming, whose performance impressed over 5, 000 Hong Kong spectators (观众)
face to face as well as tens of thousands of viewers through TV live broadcasts.
     The enthusiasm (热情) for the Olympic Games was rekindled (重新点燃) in Hong Kong as Chinese
mainland's Olympic gold medal winners on Saturday made their appearances and met the public. As part of
their visit to Hong Kong, they put on demonstrations (示范) of table tennis, badminton, diving and gymnastics.
     More than 5,000 people watched their performance, while tens of thousands of viewers watched the TV
live broadcasts at home or elsewhere.
     The gold medal winners also had exchanges with young Hong Kong athletes. Some of them took part in
the sports-for-fun activities with the gold medal winners in table tennis, badminton and gymnastics.
     China' s Olympic gold medal winners arrived in Hong Kong on Friday, starting their three-day visit to the
    "I hope the Hong Kong public can use this opportunity to share the joy and pride of their country," Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region' s Chief Executive Donald Tsang said.
     All the 63 gold medal winners from the Beijing Olympic Games took part in the flag-raising ceremony at
the Golden Bauhinia Square on Saturday morning.
     After the sports demonstration, they met the public at a Gala Show at the Hong Kong Stadium on Saturday
     The gold medal winners will leave for Macao on Sunday afternoon after visiting Disneyland and the Ocean
Park, two of Hong Kong' s famous theme parks.
1. We learn from the text that _____.
A. Chinese mainland' s Olympic gold medal winners stayed in HK for three days
B. 5,000 people watched the TV live broadcasts at home or elsewhere
C. China' s Olympic gold medal winners left Hong Kong on Friday
D. some gold medal winners took part in the flag-raising ceremony at the Golden Bauhinia Square
2. The underlined word "superb" ( Paragraph 1) probably means _____.
A. strange
B. simple
C. excellent
D. complex
3. Which of the following is NOT the one that Chinese mainland' s Olympic gold medal winners
     put on demonstrations?
A. Gymnastics.
B. Badminton.
C. Table tennis.
D. Tennis.
4. Which city will the Chinese mainland' s Olympic gold medal winners visit next?
A. Guangzhou.
B. Macao.
C. Shanghai.
D. Tianjin.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解


     TIJUANA, Mexico-A powerful earthquake swayed (摇动 ) buildings from Los Angeles to Tijuana, killing
two people in Mexico, blacking out cities and forcing the evacuation (疏散) of hospitals and nursing homes.
One California city closed offits down town because of unsteady buildings.
     The 7. 2-magnitude quake centered just south of the US border near Mexicali was one of the strongest
earthquakes to hit region in decades.
     "It sounds like it's felt by at least 20 million people," USGS seismologist (地震学家) Lucy Jones said."
Most of Southern Califomia felt this earthquake."
      Sunday aftemoon's earthquake hit hardest in Mexicali, a busi ne8s center along Mexico's border with
California, where authorities said the quake was followed by at least 20 smaller aftershocks, in- cluding ones
of magnitudes 5. 1,4. 5 and 4. 3.
     "It has not stopped trembling in Mexicali," said Baja Califor nia State Civil Protection Director Alfredo
Escobedo on Monday.
     Escobedo said one man was killed when his home collapsed (倒塌) just outside of Mexicali and another
died when he rushed into the street in panic and was struck by a car. At least 100 people were injured in the
city, most of them struck by falling objects. Pow er was out in virtually the whole city.
     Susan Warmbier was putting away groceries in the San Diego suburb of Chula Vista when her husband
asked, "Is the house mov ing?"
     Elsewhere in San Diego, there were reports of shattered windows, broken pipes and water main breaks in
private buildings, but no reports of injuries, San Diego Fire-Rescue Department spokes- man Maurice Luque
said. Coronado Bridge over San Diego Bay was briefly closed as a safety measure.
     Across the border in Tijuana, Mexico, the quake caused build- ings to sway and knocked out power in
 some areas. No tsunami warning was issued, but hundreds of people on Tijuana's crowded beach feared the
worst and fied when they felt the ground shake.

1. What's the best title of the passage?
A. A strong quake in Mexico, but no tsunami
B. A strong quake kills 2 in Mexico, frightens US states
C. A strong quake, downtowns closed off
D. A strong quake, buildings collapses
2. Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Some cities had power failure after the quake.
B. One of the cities closed off its downtown because of the swa ying buildings.
C. Many smaller quakes happened after the 7. 2-magnitude one.
D. Hundreds of people on the beach died because of the tsunami.
3. Coronado Bridge over San Diego Bay was briefly closed _____.
A. to avoid further dangers
B. by the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department
C. as a reminding of the quake
D. to prevent the bridge from destroying


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

                                                             A Giant Leap for China
     A few days ago, he was just Colonel(上校) Yang; few people knew his name or recognized his face. But
last Thursday, when he came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space, Yang Liwei's smile was seen
across the world above the magic words:"China's first spaceman".
     The 38-year-old astronaut was sent into space at 9 a.m. Last Wednesday by China's Shenzhou Ⅴ
spacecraft, which orbited the earth 14 times. He landed safely at 6:23 a.m. The next day, making China the
third country successfully send a person into space, after the former Soviet Union and the US.
     Yang was satisfied with his job."I have seen many landing scenes before on video, and I think ours was
one of the most successful," He said on a special plane to Beijing after landing. Born into an ordinary family in
Liaoning Province, he became a pilot in the Chinese Air Force in 1987,spending 1350 hours in the air. He joined
the Chinese space programme 11 years later.
     While in space, Yang recorded everything he saw as well as showing China's national flag and the United
Nations' flag to the people watching on TV at home. He also ate a meal of diced chicken and fried rice, before
taking a 3-hour nap. The whole project went according to plan, but space exploration is not as easy as it seems.
     Anyone who saw the destruction of the US space shuttle Columbia in February this year will know that
Yang took a great risk.
     He experienced extremely high temperatures, while the gravitation (重力) on take-off and landing were
strong enough to force tears from his eyes.
     He has spent five years training to become a spaceman.
      "I eat all of my meals at the space programme's dinning room and have never been able to take my son to
kindergarten," he said."I've never met his teachers."
     But becoming China's first spaceman has made all the effort worthwhile. "When I boarded the spacecraft
for the first time,I couldn't help feeling excited," he said."I decided that I had to fly it."
     To Chinese people, Yang is now a hero. One visitor to a Xinhua news agency online forum(网上论坛)said,
"Yang's trip is a giant leap forward for China."
     Officials say the next Shenzhou will be launched by 2005.China also plans to develop spacewalking and a
space lab.
1. What is the main idea of the story?
A. China's first manned flight.
B. A hero with great courage.
C. The first Chinese man in space.
D. How Yang Liwei became China's first spaceman.
2. How long did each of Yang's orbits take on average?
A. 1 hour.       
B. 1.5 hours.
C. 6 hours.      
D. The story didn't mention it.
3. Why did the writer mention the gravitation forces on take-off and landing?
A. Because it was the most dangerous part of the space flight
B. Because it was a very special experience.
C. To stress how much training he had to do to prepare for the flight.
D. To show that Yang is brave. 
4. Why did the writer use "giant leap" in the title?
A. Because the space flight marked China's great progress in the field of space exploration.
B. Because Neil Armstrong said it was a"giant leap" for mankind when he first set foot on the moon.
C. Because the space flight was a huge success.
D. Both A and B.
5.This passage is most likely to appear in________.
A. newspaper       
B. textbook
C. science magazines       
D. biographies(传记)


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Cannes will rock to the sound of a cancan dance this year when Moulin Rouge by the Australian director
Baz Luhrmann opens the French film festival (电影节) in May. The musical stars Nicole Kidman as a singer,
and John Leguizamo as the artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. It will be competing for the Palme d'Or, the
festival's top prize. The festival runs to May 21.
     The American actor Tommy Lee Jones, 54, has married his longtime girlfriend, Dawn Maria Laurel, 36,
in a private wedding in San Antonio. "It wasn't a big to-do,"  said Fred Biery, a U. S. District Judge who
performed the service. He refused to discuss things further. "These are very private people," he said.
     Loretta Lynn is being treated for a very bed cold in Tennessee and will miss several appearances. The
country singer, 65, was admitted to a hospital near her home in Hurricane Mills. "She is in good condition,
but the doctors are watching her closely," a spokeswoman said.
     The French-Algerian singer Enrico Macias was named a United Nations peace messenger. Enrico joins
eight other people who act as goodwill envoys (使者) for the United Nations, among them are the writer Elie
Wiesel and the basketball player Magic Johnson.
1. We can learn from the text that Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec is ______.
A. a figure in a film
B. a dancer in a show
C. a country singer
D. a prize winner
2. We know from the text that ______.
A. Moulin Rouge won the top prize in a film festival
B. Loretta Lynn is under the doctors' care
C. eight people serve as the UN goodwill envoys
D. Fred Biery was Tommy Lee Jones' assistant
3. This text most probably appears in ______. 
A. a book on film stars
B. a film review in a magazine
C. a newspaper
D. a notice


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Now, it's time for some brief news items.
     Teens Go Online
     Some 13 million European children under 18 use the Internet for schoolwork, games and music according
to a research done by Nielsen's "Net-rating". The study covered Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Spain.
Experts advised parents to limit the time their kids spend on line and keep them away from chat rooms.
     Chat to the Magic Mum
     British author J. K. Rowling, mother of the magic boy Harry Potter, will do an Internet interview about her
new book Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on June 26. Before the event,children are invited to send their
questions about Harry Potter to the website. The book will hit stores in the US and UK on June 21and will arrive
in China in August.
     School Soldiers
     Russian school students will have to do basic military training in their final year of school, the government
has decided. The lesson will include learning to fire guns, marching drills and how to deal with a chemical,
nuclear or biological attack. The activity is seen as part of a drive toward the education of their love for their
     Orlando, _____
     Is it hard for you to get up early and get ready for classes? Some students at Winter Park High School just
roll out of bed in their pajamas (睡衣) and go to class in their own bedrooms. Of course, their teachers and
classmates do not see them because all their classwork is on the computer.
     The Florida High School
     The state's only online school has 250 students who are taking classes at home by computer. Students in
this first online program take classes in algebra, American government,chemistry, computer, economics, and
web page design. They also have to go to regular school to attend other classes.
1. Why will Russian school students have basic military training?
A. To get ready for a military parade.
B. To learn to protect themselves.
C. To gain some military knowledge.
D. To develop their love for the country.
2. About Florida High School, which of these facts is true?
A. Some of the students have to attend classes at home instead of in the school.
B. There are altogether 250 students who take classes in the classrooms.
C. As the state's only online school, it has 250 students who take classes by computer.
D. Students can't take classes in algebra, American government, chemistry, computer and so on.
3. The news from Orlando can be given a title "_____".
A. Get Up Late
B. Online School
C. Magical Computers
D. No Teachers
4. What is the second news item mainly about?
A. J. K. Rowling will have an Internet interview.
B. Children will meet Harry Potter's mother.
C. The Harry Potter book will be available on the Internet.
D. The Harry Potter book will arrive in China in early June.


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

French tourist outsmarts Dutch thief
     AMSTERDAM-A quick-thinking French tourist outsmarted a Dutch thief after the thief tried to seize
his bag, Amsterdam police said Wednesday.
     After winning a brief tug-of-war over the sports bag, the 27-year-old tourist ran into a nearby police
station with the thief in hot pursuit.
     The thief "realized too late he had run straight into 'the long arm of the law'", police spokeswoman Wilma
Verheij said of the incident, which took place Tuesday.
     After it dawned on the thief, a 28-year-old man whose identity was not released, that he was in the middle
of a police station, he tried to run away again. But he was quickly caught by officers and arrested, Verheij said.
Liz Taylor remains hospitalized
     LOS ANGELES-Heart trouble is keeping Elizabeth Taylor hospitalized in Los Angeles for some time, but
her publicist says the 78-year-old actress is OK and has been visiting with family and friends.
     Taylor spokeswoman Sally Morrison said in a statement Tuesday that the two-time Oscar winner is
comfortable at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and "there has been steady improvement in her condition" since
she was admitted last week.
     Taylor is being treated for symptoms of heart failure, a condition she revealed in November 2004.
     "Her medical team is satisfied by her progress to date, and it is hoped and expected that this will continue
over the next few days. For now, she will remain under their care in the hospital for continued monitoring,"
Morrison said. "Friends and fans around the world should be convinced that Elizabeth Taylor is in good hands
and receiving the best possible care from her skilled and devoted doctors and nurses." 
     Morrison described Taylor's condition as stable but offered no other details.
Japan halts (暂停) whale hunt after chase by protesters
     TOKYO-Japan has halted its annual Antarctic whale hunt following protests from a campaign group.
Activists from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a US-based environmental group, have been chasing
the Japanese fishing ship.
     Commercial whaling was banned in 1986 but Japan uses a regulation permitting hunting for scientific
     Iceland and Norway have claimed official objections to the ban and continue to hunt commercially.
     "Putting safety as a priority, the ship has halted scientific whaling for now. We are currently considering
what to do," Tatsuya Nakaoku, an official at the fisheries agency, told Reuters news agency.
     The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society says one of its boats has been blocking the ship loading ramp (斜
梯), preventing any hunted whales from being loaded on to the ship. "Every whale saved is a victory to us, so
we've gotten a lot of victories down here this year," Sea Shepherd captain Paul Watson told Reuters news
agency by satellite phone from the Steve Irwin ship.
1. The underlined part "the long arm of the law" refers to _____ in Amsterdam.
A. a travel agency
B. a policeman
C. a police station
D. a police spokeswoman
2. What can we know about Elizabeth Taylor from the news?
A. She has been suffering from heart illness for some years.
B. She will go back home in a day or two.
C. She is feeling quite well in hospital.
D. She will receive her Oscar Award in the hospital. 
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Japanese fishing ships go to the Antarctic for whale hunt every year.
B. Iceland and Norway will not stop hunting whales.
C. Commercial whale hunt has been banned for about twenty-five years.
D. Japan will not hunt whales any more.

