 0  16533  16541  16547  16551  16557  16559  16563  16569  16571  16577  16583  16587  16589  16593  16599  16601  16607  16611  16613  16617  16619  16623  16625  16627  16628  16629  16631  16632  16633  16635  16637  16641  16643  16647  16649  16653  16659  16661  16667  16671  16673  16677  16683  16689  16691  16697  16701  16703  16709  16713  16719  16727  151629 

科目: 来源:0110 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Now, it's time for some brief news items.
     Teens Go Online
     Some 13 million European children under 18 use the Internet for schoolwork, games and music according
to a research done by Nielsen's "Net-rating". The study covered Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Spain.
Experts advised parents to limit the time their kids spend on line and keep them away from chat rooms.
     Chat to the Magic Mum
     British author J. K. Rowling, mother of the magic boy Harry Potter, will do an Internet interview about her
new book Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on June 26. Before the event,children are invited to send their
questions about Harry Potter to the website. The book will hit stores in the US and UK on June 21and will arrive
in China in August.
     School Soldiers
     Russian school students will have to do basic military training in their final year of school, the government
has decided. The lesson will include learning to fire guns, marching drills and how to deal with a chemical,
nuclear or biological attack. The activity is seen as part of a drive toward the education of their love for their
     Orlando, _____
     Is it hard for you to get up early and get ready for classes? Some students at Winter Park High School just
roll out of bed in their pajamas (睡衣) and go to class in their own bedrooms. Of course, their teachers and
classmates do not see them because all their classwork is on the computer.
     The Florida High School
     The state's only online school has 250 students who are taking classes at home by computer. Students in
this first online program take classes in algebra, American government,chemistry, computer, economics, and
web page design. They also have to go to regular school to attend other classes.
1. In the first news item,which country is NOT covered in the research?
[     ]
A. Britain.
B. France.
C. Sweden.
D. Spain.
2. Why will Russian school students have basic military training?
[     ]
A. To get ready for a military parade.
B. To learn to protect themselves.
C. To gain some military knowledge.
D. To develop their love for the country.
3. The news from Orlando can be given a title "_____".
[     ]
A. Get Up Late
B. Online School
C. Magical Computers
D. No Teachers
4. About the Florida High School, which of these statements is true?
[     ]
A. Some of the students have to attend classes at home instead of' in the school.
B. There are altogether 250 students who take classes in the classrooms.
C. As the state's only online school, it has 250 students who take classes by computer.
D. Students can't take classes in algebra, American government, chemistry computer and so on.


科目: 来源:山东省高考真题 题型:阅读理解

     EDGEWOOD-Every morning at Dixie Heights High School, customers pour into a special experiment:
the district's first coffee shop run mostly by students with special learning needs.
     Well before classes start, students and teachers order Lattes, Cappuccinos and Hot Chocolates. Then,
during the first period, teachers call in orders on their room phones, and students make deliveries.
     By closing time at 9.20 a.m., the shop usually sells 90 drinks.
     "Whoever made the chi tea, Ms. Schatzman says it was good," Christy McKinley, a second year student,
announced recently, after hanging up with the teacher.
     The shop is called the Dixie PIT, which stands for Power in Transition. Although some of the students
are not disabled, many are, and the PIT helps them prepare for life after high school.
     They learn not only how to run a coffee shop but also how to deal with their affairs. They keep a timecard
and receive paychecks, which they keep in check registers.
     Special-education teachers Kim Chevalier and Sue Casey introduced the Dixie PIT from a similar program
at Kennesaw Mountain High School in Georgia. 
     Not that it was easy. Chevalier's first problem to overcome was product-related. Should schools be selling
coffee? What about sugar content?
     Kenton County Food Service Director Ginger Gray helped. She made sure all the drinks, which use non-fat
milk, fell within nutrition (营养) guidelines.
     The whole school has joined in to help.
     Teachers agreed to give up their lounge (休息室) in the mornings. Art students painted the name of the shop
on the wall. Business students designed the paychecks. The basketball team helped pay for cups.
1. What is the text mainly about?

[     ]

A. A best-selling coffee.
B. A special educational program.
C. Government support for schools.
D. A new type of teacher-student relationship.
2. The Dixie PIT program was introduced in order to _____.

[     ]

A. raise money for school affairs
B. do some research on nutrition
C. develop students' practical skills
D. supply teachers with drinks
3. How did Christy McKinley know Ms. Schatzman's opinion of the chi tea?

[     ]

A. She met her in the shop.
B. She heard her telling others.
C. She talked to her on the phone.
D. She went to her office to deliver the tea.
4. We know from the text that Ginger Gray _____.

[     ]

A. manages the Dixie P1T program in Kenton County
B. sees that the drinks meet health standards
C. teaches at Dixie Heights High School
D. owns the school's coffee shop


科目: 来源:0114 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     EDGEWOOD-Every morning at Dixie Heights High School, customers pour into a special experiment:
the district's first coffee shop run mostly by students with special learning needs.
     Well before classes start, students and teachers order Lattes, Cappuccinos and Hot Chocolates. Then,
during the first period, teachers call in orders on their room phones, and students make deliveries.
     By closing time at 9.20 a.m., the shop usually sells 90 drinks.
     "Whoever made the chi tea, Ms. Schatzman says it was good," Christy McKinley, a second year student,
announced recently, after hanging up with the teacher.
     The shop is called the Dixie PIT, which stands for Power in Transition. Although some of the students
are not disabled, many are, and the PIT helps them prepare for life after high school.
     They learn not only how to run a coffee shop but also how to deal with their affairs. They keep a timecard
and receive paychecks, which they keep in check registers.
     Special-education teachers Kim Chevalier and Sue Casey introduced the Dixie PIT from a similar program
at Kennesaw Mountain High School in Georgia.
     Not that it was easy. Chevalier's first problem to overcome was product-related. Should schools be selling
coffee? What about sugar content?
     Kenton County Food Service Director Ginger Gray helped. She made sure all the drinks, which use non-fat
milk, fell within nutrition (营养) guidelines.
     The whole school has joined in to help.
     Teachers agreed to give up their lounge (休息室) in the mornings. Art students painted the name of the shop
on the wall. Business students designed the paychecks. The basketball team helped pay for cups.
1. What is the text mainly about?

[     ]

A. A best-selling coffee.
B. A special educational program.
C. Government support for schools.
D. A new type of teacher-student relationship.
2. The Dixie PIT program was introduced in order to _____.

[     ]

A. raise money for school affairs
B. do some research on nutrition
C. develop students' practical skills
D. supply teachers with drinks
3. How did Christy McKinley know Ms. Schatzman's opinion of the chi tea?

[     ]

A. She met her in the shop.
B. She heard her telling others.
C. She talked to her on the phone.
D. She went to her office to deliver the tea.
4. We know from the text that Ginger Gray _____.

[     ]

A. manages the Dixie P1T program in Kenton County
B. sees that the drinks meet health standards
C. teaches at Dixie Heights High School
D. owns the school's coffee shop


科目: 来源:0118 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     French writer Le Clezio won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Swedish Academy announced
     The Academy cited Le Clezio as "author of new departures and poetic adventure, explorer of humanity
beyond civilization."
     Le Clezio, 48, received much attention with his first novel The Interrogation in 1963 and made the
breakthrough as a novelist with Desert in 1980, for which he was rewarded a prize from the French
     This novel Dserte contains magnificent images of a lost culture in the North African desert, contrast
with a description of Europe seen through the eyes of unwanted immigrants, the Swedish Academy said
in the statement.
     The emphasis in Le Clezio's work has increasingly moved in the direction of an exploration of the
world of childhood and of his own family history, the academy added.
     Le Clezio was born 1940 in Nice of France, but both parents had strong family connections with the
former French colony Mauritius. At the age of eight, he moved to Nigeria with his family. During the
month-long voyage to Nigeria, he began his literary career with two books Un long voyage and Oradi noir.
     He has taught at universities in Bangkok, Mexico City, Boston, Austin and Albuquerque among other
places. Since the 1990s, Le Clezio and his wife share their time between Albuquerque in New Mexico, the
island of Mauritius and Nice.
     This was the fourth of the prestigious Nobel Prizes handed out this year, with awards in chemistry,
physics and medicine made in the past three days.
     The Nobel Prizes have been awarded annually since 1901 to those who "conferred (给予) the greatest
benefit on mankind during the preceding year."
     The annual Nobel Prizes are usually announced in October and are handed out on Dec. 10, the anniversary
of the 1896 death of Alfred Nobel, a Swedish industrialist and the inventor of dynamite.
     Each prize consists of a medal, a personal diploma and a cash award of 10 million Swedish kronor (1.4
million U.S. dollars).
1. Which of Le Clezio's works won him the 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature?
[     ]
A. The Interrogation
B. Desert
C. Un Long voyage
D. Oradi noir
2. The underlined word 'cited' means _____.
[     ]
A. praised
B. encouraged
C. referred
D. thought
3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
[     ]
A. Le Clezio has taught in Bangkok, Boston, Albuquerque and Nice since 1990s.
B. Le Clezio got a personal diploma, a medal in all for the Nobel Prize.
C. The Nobel Prizes are awarded yearly in October.
D. Le Clezio moved to Nigeria in 1948.
4. Which is the best title for the passage?
[     ]
A. A French writer wins 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature.
B. Four Nobel Prizes have been handed out this year.
C. The Nobel Prizes have been awarded annually.
D. Life of a French writer-Le Clezio.
5. Where can we probably find this article?
[     ]
A. In a scientific fiction.
B. In a history book.
C. In a newspaper.
D. In a travel leaflet


科目: 来源:0104 期中题 题型:阅读理解

Fair Way
      The Westborough High School golf team had taken the official photos with the state prize. The other
teams, disappointed, were on the bus heading home. And then Westborough instructor Greg Rota noticed
something wrong on one of the score cards. A 9 had been recorded as A 7. They were not the state prize
winner; Woburn High had won. "No one would have known," said Woburn's instructor, Bob Doran. For
Rota, it wasn't a difficult decision:"The prize wasn't ours to take."
Coin Stars
     "College students are lazy, but they also want to help," says University of Pennsylvania graduate Dana
Hork. So she made it easy, placing cups in rooms where students could leave their spare coins, and handing
out cups to first-year students to keep in their homes. Her "Change for Change" effort has collected $40,000
for charities, which were decided upon by students.
Never Forgotten
     A school in Massachusetts received a $9.5 million check from Jacques LeBermuth. But it took officials
several days of digging to discover his connection to the school. Records showed the LeBermuth came from
Belgium and studied in the school in the 1920s. When his family fell on hard times, he was offered free room
and board. LeBermuth became a trader, owned shares of AT&T and lived off the earnings until he died, at
age 89.
1. What did Greg Rota probably do in the end?
[     ]
A. Took photos of Doran.
B. Had a meeting with Doran.
C. Returned the prize to the organizer.
D. Apologized to Woburn High School.
2. Greg Rota's decision shows that he was _____.
[     ]
A. honest
B. polite
C. careful
D. friendly
3. The underlined word "Change" in the second paragraph means _____.
[     ]
A. Idea
B. Decision
C. Cups
D. Coins
4. What did the school officials do after receiving the check from Mr. LeBermuth?
[     ]
A. They tried to find out why he gave them the money.
B. They went to Belgium to pay their respects to him.
C. They dug out the records that were buried underground.
D. They decided to offer their students free room and board.
5. Jacques LeBermuth gave the money to the school because _____.
[     ]
A. the school asked for it
B. he had no need for that much money
C. the school had helped him in the past
D. he wanted to be remembered by the students


科目: 来源:江苏期中题 题型:阅读理解

     GUANGZHOU-China's first inter-city subway, linking two Southern Chinese cities hosting the 2010 Asian
Games, started operations on Wednesday, Nov.3, 2010.
     The 21-kilometer Guangfo Line connects Guangzhou City with Foshan City, both in the manufacturing hub
of the Pearl River Delta region in Guangdong Province.
     Riders on the subway will find that the travel time between the two cities has been reduced from 90 minutes
to 30 minutes, said sources with the subway company Guangzhou Metro.
     The line has 14 stations and a ride from end to end costs only six yuan (less than $1).
     Local authorities have been pushing for the increased integration of cities in the Pearl River Delta and
consider the operation of the Guangfo Line a big step in that direction.
     The subway was purposely opened one week prior to the start of the 2010 Asian Games. The competitions
will be held in Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan, and Shanwei.
1. The above passage is _____.
[     ]
A. a piece of news
B. a popular song
C. a text from a book
D. a science report
2. The underlined word "hub" in the second paragraph is similar to _____.
[     ]
A. side
B. bottom
C. top
D. centre
3. The 21-kilometer Guangfo Line is _____ inter-city subway in China.
[     ]
A. the fourth
B. the third
C. the second
D. the first
4. Riders on the line will reduce their travel time by _____.
[     ]
A. one third
B. two thirds
C. one half
D. three quarters
5. The Guangfo Line is considered a big step _____.
[     ]
A. to step up the connections between cities in the Pearl River Delta
B. to reduce the transportation pressure between Guangzhou and Foshan
C. to reduce the travel time between Guangzhou and Foshan
D. to develop the economics in Foshan


科目: 来源:云南省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Sichuan (China Daily)-The beginning of 2007 will see another mass of graduates fresh from the campus
hunting for jobs.
     Sichuan University has done something special to help its graduates. One morning last month, a lady
stopped her Porsche (保时捷豪华跑车) in front of the students' canteen (食堂). She stepped out of her
expensive car and began to polish shoes for the students who were passing by. Later it was discovered that
she was a special lecturer who had been invited to talk to students on career development.
     Li Hui, 42, started from scratch (白手起家) in 1998 and has expanded her shoe-polishing service from
a single one-person stand on a street to a chain of 2,000 stands that operate in supermarkets, hotels and office
     Li Hui said, "Apart from the existing and advertised job opportunities, there are plenty of other ways that
people can try to make money. There is nothing ignoble if you are doing an off-line business on your own,
such as car washing, house cleaning, shoe polishing, etc."
     It is to be hoped that such a successful grassroots woman as Li Hui will give the coming rush of job
hunters an insight into the job market in another way.
1. According to the passage, Li Hui is a _____.
[     ]
A. canteen manager
B. university teacher
C. businesswoman
D. taxi driver
2. Why did Li Hui polish shoes for the students? 
[     ]
A. To earn money from them.
B. To show the students how to polish shoes.
C. To set an example to job-hunting graduates.
D. To show that shoe polishing is quite an easy job.
3. The students can learn from what Li Hui said that _____.
[     ]
A. no job is hard if you have a will to do it
B. women can be successful in all careers as men
C. everyone can be rich and famous through hard work
D. there are plenty of opportunities to succeed for everyone
4. What would be the best title for the news report?
[     ]
A. A Successful Woman
B. A Rich Shoe-Polisher
C. Off-Line Jobs Help Make More Money
D. Self-Employment-A New Way Out for Job Hunters


科目: 来源:0115 期末题 题型:阅读理解

     An explosion on Thursday killed one and injured 21 in a busy street in Tongren, Southwest China's
Guizhou Province.  
     The bomb was hidden in a rubbish bin in the city's commercial hub, where lots of shops and restaurants
are concentrated.  
     The ear-splitting explosion was heard around 12: 50 p.m., said a local newspaper, which was described
by witnesses. The power of the explosion shattered (使粉碎) nearby shop windows and ripped the stainless
(不生锈的)steel rubbish can to pieces. 
     One passer-by, identified only as Zhang, said she was shocked by the noise and saw a lot of pedestrians
lying on the ground when she got to the scene. 
     Thirteen of the injured were taken to a local hospital after the explosion. A doctor there said five were in
serious condition but already out of danger after emergency treatment. The others were just slightly hurt. 
     The cause of the explosion is still under investigation, said an officer with the Tongren police, but refused
to speculate as to the cause.
1. In the 2nd paragraph the underlined word "hub" probably means _____.
[     ]
A. company
B. center
C. supermarket
D. street
2. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
[     ]
A. all the injured were taken to a hospital
B. 8 of the injured were not taken to a hospital
C. the rubbish bin with the bomb was in a restaurant
D. some shops were destroyed
3. Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?
[     ]

A. Some customers in restaurants were injured.
B. A bomb was seen thrown into a tin.
C. The news writer didn't get to the scene.
D. Five injured people were possible to die.

4. What of the following can be the best title for the passage?
[     ]
A. Bomb Hidden in a Rubbish Bin
B. The Cause of the Explosion
C. A Terrible Thing
D. Street Explosion Kills 1, Injures 21


科目: 来源:福建省月考题 题型:阅读理解

     Brave Frenchman Found Half-way Around the World (NEW YORK)
     A French tourist highly praised for rescuing a two-year-old girl in Manhattan said he didn't think twice
before diving into the freezing East River.
     Tuesday's Daily News said 29-year-old Julien Duret from France is the man who left the spot quickly
after the rescue last Saturday. 
     He lifted the little girl out of the water after she fell off the bank at the South Street Seaport museum.
He handed the girl to her father, David Anderson, who had dived in after him.
     "I didn't think at all," Duret told the Daily News. "It happened very fast. I reacted very fast."
     Duret, an engineer on vacation, was walking with his girlfriend along the pier (码头) when he saw
something falling into the water. He thought it was a doll, but realized it was a child when he approached
the river. In an instant, he took off his coat and jumped into the water.
     When he reached the girl, she appeared lifeless, he said. Fortunately, when she was out of the water,
she opened her eyes.
     Anderson said his daughter slipped off the bank when he was adjusting his camera. An ambulance came
later for her, said Duret, who was handed dry clothes from onlookers. Duret caught a taxi with his girlfriend
shortly after.
     The rescue happened on the day before he left for France. Duret said he didn't realize his tale of heroism
had greatly moved New York until he was leaving the city the next morning.
     "I don't really think I'm a hero," said Duret. "Anyone would do the same thing."
1. Why was Duret in New York?
[     ]
A. To meet his girlfriend.
B. To work as an engineer.
C. To spend his holiday.
D. To visit the Andersons.
2. What did Duret do shortly after the ambulance came?
[     ]
A. He was interviewed by a newspaper.
B. He asked his girlfriend for his dry clothes.
C. He went to the hospital in the ambulance.
D. He disappeared from the spot quickly.
3. When was Duret most probably found to be the very hero?
[     ]
A. The day when he was leaving for home.
B. A couple of days after the girl was rescued.
C. The first day when he was in New York.
D. The same day when he was interviewed.


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     BEIJING (AFP)-Archaeologists in China have uncovered more than 3 000 dinosaur footprints, state media
reported, in an area said to be the world's largest grouping of fossilised bones belonging to the ancient animals. 
     The footprints, believed to be more than 100 million years old, were discovered after a three-month
excavation (发掘, 出土) at a gully in Zhucheng in the eastern province of Shandong, the Xinhua news agency
     The footprints range from lo to 80 centimetres (4 to 32 inches) in length, and belonged to at least six
different kinds of dinosaurs, including tyrannosaurs, the report said Saturday.
     Wang Haijun, a senior engineer at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said the footprints faced the same
direct.ion, Xinhua said.
     This indicated a possible migration or a panic escape by plant-eating dinosaurs after an attack by predators
(食肉动物), Wang added.
     Archaeologists have found dinosaur fossils at some 30 sites in Zhucheng, known as "dinosaur city". The
region has seen two major digs since 1964, and experts say the discovery of so many dinosaurs in such a
dense area could provide clues on how the animals became extinct millions of years ago.
     Plans are being made to set up a fossil park in the area.
1. We can infer from the text that _____.
[     ]
A. most of the footprints are more than 32 centimeters long
B. the footprints found belong to some predators
C. the dinosaurs were runmng in all directions because of an attack
D. the area is considered to be a perfect tour source
2. Which statement below is true according to the passage above?
[     ]
A. The number of the footprints found is more than 3 000.
B. The dinosaurs may live in an age 10 000 000 years ago.
C. The discovery of fossils may open a new age.
D. Archeologists still wish to find some more fossils.
3. The passage may be picked out from _____.
[     ]
A. a magazine
B. a science book
C. a newspaper
D. a students' textbook

