 0  16534  16542  16548  16552  16558  16560  16564  16570  16572  16578  16584  16588  16590  16594  16600  16602  16608  16612  16614  16618  16620  16624  16626  16628  16629  16630  16632  16633  16634  16636  16638  16642  16644  16648  16650  16654  16660  16662  16668  16672  16674  16678  16684  16690  16692  16698  16702  16704  16710  16714  16720  16728  151629 

科目: 来源:0103 模拟题 题型:阅读理解

      LONDON, England (CNN)—The youngest person to sail solo around the world returned home
Thursday from his 30,000-mile, 282-day ocean journey.
      Mike Perham, 17, sailed into Lizard Point in Cornwall, the southernmost point in Britain, at 9:47 a.m.,
his race team said.
      "It feels absolutely brilliant," Mike told CNN by phone hours before crossing the finish line. "I'm
really, really excited to be going across the line at last. It doesn't feel like long since I crossed it first."
      Mike set off on his round-the-world trip on November 18, 2008. He has been sailing his yacht
single-handedly, though a support team has been sailing next to him along the way.
      The teen has now achieved the title of Youngest Sailor to Circumnavigate the Globe Solo, according
to the Guinness World Records.
      Mike learned how to sail when he was seven years old from his father, Peter and at age 14, he sailed
across the Atlantic alone.
      The teenager's school-which Mike describes as"highly supportive" of his trip-has redesigned his
coursework to fit in with his trip. It also gave him some coursework to do during"quiet moments,"
according to Mike's Web site.
     There haven't been many of those quiet moments. Repeated autopilot failures forced him to stop for
repairs in Portugal, the Canary Islands, South Africa, and twice in Australia, according to his Web site.
     Bad weather in the Southern Ocean-between Australia and Antarctica-forced Mike to battle 50ft waves
and 57 mph winds. He said at one point, a "freak wave" picked up the boat and turned it on its side.
     "My feet were on the ceiling at the time," he told CNN. "That was a really hairy moment, and I was
certainly thinking, 'Why am I here?' But we took the sails off and the day after I thought, 'This is brilliant!'"
      Mike describes his father as his biggest hero, always supportive of what he wanted to achieve. Peter
Perham said he wasn't too worried about his son facing dangerous situations at sea, as long as he knew
what to do and stayed safe.
1. Mike Perham returned to Britain in ______.
[     ]
A. August
B. September
C. October
D. November
2. Mike Perham is ______ that went on the round-the-world trip in the world up till now.
[     ]
A. the first
B. the bravest
C. the luckiest
D. the youngest
3. We can infer from the passage that ______.
[     ]
A. the English school is the same as ours
B. the English school doesn't care for students
C. the English school has a humane management
D. the English school gives students a lot of course work
4. The passage mainly tells us ______.
[     ]
A. Mike's exciting sail trip around the globe
B. how Mike's father taught him to sail a boat
C. why CNN wanted to report the news to the public
D. the introduction of the Guinness World Records


科目: 来源:0103 模拟题 题型:阅读理解


      BEIJING-The two-day visit to Washington has been heavy for British Prime Minister Gordon Brown as
he attempts to improve ties with Washington and promote his international image ahead of the upcoming G-20
economic summit in London.
Special Relationship
      Brown had been praising the "special relationship" between Britain and the United States before he traveled
to Washington. "There is no international partnership in recent history that has served the world better than
the special relationship between Britain and the United States," Brown said in an article in The Sunday Times
of London. Such enthusiasm was quickly responded by Barak Obama, the new leader of the world's largest
economy. "The special relationship between the United States and Great Britain is one that is not just important
to me, it is important to the American people," told reporters after meeting with Brown. 
      Brown was the first European leader to meet Obama at the White House, and this might help the British
leader make his image smooth among countrymen in a turbulent (动荡) time and put him in a better position to
appear side by side with Obama at the April G-20 summit that will consider the international economic crisis.
Global New Deal
      The talks between Brown and Obama were expected to focus mainly on measures to jump-start
international economic growth in the most serious downturn in decades. Brown will first promote his "goal
new deal" with Obama before taking the G-20 talks. The prime minister, who is chairing the G-20 gathering,
has said he would push for deep adjustable changes and joint efforts from all of the world's major economies,
developed and developing, to correct financial rules and inspire the global economy.
      However, as pointed out by many analysts, there is the potential for bitterness between Britain and the
United States. That's because no small number of Britons believe themselves to be victims of a crisis which
they say was set off by the United States. Meanwhile, analysts say it was unrealistic to expect another
honeymoon for British-US ties
as Obama seems to have attached more importance to the Pacific region than
to Europe.

1. Brown paid the two-day visit to Washington in order to _____.
[     ]
A. improve the ties with the US and his image
B. make Obama's international image better
C. congratulate Obama on coming into power
D. prepare for the coming G-20 economic summit
2. The April G-20 summit will mainly focus on how _____.
[     ]
A. to solve the international energy crisis
B. to solve the international economic crisis
C. to relax current international tension
D. to achieve the double-win goal lately
3. According to many analysts, there is the potential for bitterness between the UK and the US
    because _____.
[     ]
A. Obama is less friendly to Brown than Brown to Obama
B. Obama hasn't visited the UK yet as a new president
C. Obama seems to have attached more importance to Europe than to the Pacific region
D. many Britons believe themselves to be the victims of a crisis caused by the US
4. The underlined part in the last paragraph suggests that _____.
[     ]
A. Britons expect too much from Obama
B. Britain and USA used to have close relationship
C. the relationship between the two countries will break up
D. Obama and the first lady will not spend their honeymoon in Britain


科目: 来源:0103 模拟题 题型:阅读理解

      COPENHAGEN-The world is gathered in Copenhagen for the U.N. climate summit, but Denmark's
bicycle-friendly capital has also given its name to a movement of cities trying to find a kinder way to
commute (往返上下班).
      Nearly 40 percent of Copenhagen's population cycle to work or school on ubiquitous (无处不在的)
paved cycle paths. Many residents take to their bikes year-round, braving rain and snow through the
winter in a city where the bicycles outnumber the people.
      Amsterdam and Beijing too are known for their bicycles, but the Danish capital is where urban planners
from around the world have been looking for ways to get their people out of cars and up onto bikes, an
effort known as Copenhagenisation. 
      Klaus Bondam, Copenhagen's technical and environmental chief, calls himself a "mega cyclist" and
says the bike's popularity stems partly from high taxes on cars which meant working-class Danes could
not afford to drive in the 1930s and 40s. "Today you'll meet everybody on the bicycle lanes-women and
men, rich and poor, old and young," Bondam said.
      The local government has during the last three years invested more than 250 million crowns ($49.42
million) in bicycle lanes and to make the traffic safer for bicyclists. Today around a third of the population
drive cars to work or study, another third take public transport, while 37 percent cycle-a figure the city
aims to boost to 50 percent by 2015.
      There are many benefits when citizens choose bicycles over cars: pollution and noise decline, public
health improves, and more people on bikes or walking creates a sense of safety in the city. Fewer parked
cars leaves more space for playgrounds, parks, shopping areas and other useful public places.
1. According to the first paragraph, Copenhagen is better known as ______.
[     ]
A. a city without cars
B. a bicycle-friendly city
C. Denmark's capital
D. the U.N. climate summit
2. We can learn from the second and the third paragraph, ______.
[     ]
A. there is no path for cars during rainy and snowy days
B. citizens are limited to have only one bike for each person
C. two-thirds of people in Copenhagen cycle to work or school
D. city planners try their best to encourage more citizens to ride bikes
3. Bikes are popular in Copenhagen partly because ______.
[     ]
A. the citizens are unable to afford to buy a car
B. the rich tend to keep fit by cycling to work
C. young people regard cycling a fashion to follow
D. high taxes were paid for cars in the 1930s and 40s
4. Which of the following is NOT the benefit of cycling?
[     ]
A. Saving time on the road.
B. Declining pollution and noise.
C. Improving public health.
D. Creating safety in the city.


科目: 来源:0103 月考题 题型:阅读理解

     On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of
the Bell Tower Hotel in Xi'an with his bicycle. The hotel workers received him and telephoned the manager,
for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel hall before though they lived in "the kingdom of bicycles."
     Robert Friedlander, an American, arrived in Xi'an on his bicycle trip across Asia which started last
December in New Delhi, India.
     When he was 11, he read the book Marco Polo and made up his mind to visit the Silk Road. Now, after
44 years, he was on the Silk Road in Xi'an and his early dreams were coming true. 
     Robert Friedlander's next destinations (目的地) were Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Urumqi, etc. He will complete
his trip in Pakistan.
1. The best headline (标题) for this newspaper article would be _____.
[     ]
A. The Kingdom of Bicycles
B. A Beautiful Hotel in Xi'an
C. Marco Polo and the Silk Road
D. An American Achieving His Dreams
2. Friedlander is visiting the three countries in the following order _____.
[     ]
A. China, India, and Pakistan
B. India, China, and Pakistan
C. Pakistan, China, and India
D. China, Pakistan, and India
3. What made Friedlander want to come to China _____?
[     ]
A. The stories about Marco Polo.
B. The famous sights in Xi'an.
C. His interest in Chinese silk.
D. His childhood dreams about bicycles.
4. Friedlander can be said to be _____.
[     ]
A. clever
B. friendly
C. hardworking
D. strong-minded


科目: 来源:0117 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Guangzhou (Xinhua)-12 people were killed and 20 injured early yesterday morning when they jumped
from a burning train car into the path of an oncoming goods train in Southern China. When No. 247
Wuchang-Guangzhou passenger train was passing the Dayaoshan Tunnel in Guangdong Province, South
China at 00:17 yesterday, a fire caused by passengers' smoking broke out on No. 17 car. They wanted to
extinguish fire. As the train stopped some frightened passengers jumped from windows. 12 people were
crushed to death and 20 others injured by a northward passing goods train (No. 1766).
1. In which direction did the passenger train travel?
[     ]
A. Northward.
B. Southward.
C. Eastward.
D. Westward.
2. When did the accident happen?
[     ]
A. At 00:17 am.
B. At 00:17 pm.
C. At seventeen past one.
D. At seventeen to one.
3. Where did the accident happen?
[     ]
A. In Wuchang.
B. In Guangzhou.
C. In Hubei.
D. In Guangdong.
4. What was the cause of the fire?
[     ]
A. A heavy rain.
B. High temperature.
C. Carelessness.
D. Fear.


科目: 来源:0121 期末题 题型:阅读理解

                                          SPECIAL EVENTS THIS WEEKEND
                                                                              Captain Goodfellow
    Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain Goodfellow will be
ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00, free.
                                                 Walking Tour of the Town
    Forget your worries on Saturday morning. Take a beautiful walk and learn about its history. Meet at the
front entrance of City Hall at 9:30. Wear comfortable shoes! 
                                                      Films at the Museum
    Two European films will be shown Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. See Broken Window at
1:30. The workers will be at 3:45. For further information, call 4987898. 
                                                       International Picnic
    Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from
all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 pm.
                                               Do You Want to Hear "The Zoo" 
     "The Zoo", a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert tomorrow night at 8:00
at Rose Hall, City College.
1. You can probably eat Chinese, Italian, and Arab food _____.

[     ]

A. at the front entrance of City Hall
B. at the game
C. at 5:00 pm
D. at Central Park on Saturday
2. You can see movies at _____.

[     ]

A. the City College
B. the Museum Theatre
C. the City Theatre
D. the Central Park
3. Walking Tour of the Town will be taken _____.

[     ]

A. in the City Hall
B. outside
C. at the gate
D. at the zoo
4. "The Zoo" is _____.

[     ]

A. a park with lots of animals there
B. a US concert
C. a music group
D. an interesting event


科目: 来源:0123 月考题 题型:填空题

     SHIJIAZHUANG-China diary giant Sanlu (三鹿) Group apologized to the public on Monday 1_____ its
contaminated (被污染了的) milk powder which 2_____ (sicken) 1,253 babies with kidney stones, two fatally. 
     Zhang Zhenling, Sanlu's vice president, read a letter of 3_____ (apologize) at a news briefing on Monday
afternoon here in Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei Province, 4_____ the corporation is based.
     "The serious 5_____ (safe) accident of the Sanlu formula milk powder for infants has caused severe harm
to many sickened babies and their families. We feel really sad about this," he said 6_____ reading the letter to
     According to the Ministry of Health, the powder was found to contain melamine, 7_____ chemical raw
material 8_____ (believe) to cause the condition.
     It said most of the cases occurred in Hebei, Jiangsu and Gansu provinces. The two deaths were both in the
northwest Gansu Province. 
     "We solemnly declare we will recall all the infant milk powder produced prior to (在……之前) August 6,"
Zhang said. "And for those produced 9_____ that date, we will also make a recall 10_____ consumers have
doubts and worries."


科目: 来源:0111 期末题 题型:阅读理解

     ▲ Hong Kong's pop star Kelly Chan will hold a concert in Hong Kong this month. She has been
working on it for two years. She will dance with a group of 40 dancers. Chan is going to wear a
dress with quite a number of diamonds on it.
     ▲ Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova, 17, won the Japan Open on Saturday. She beat
America's Mashona Washington. It was her second win in a week. She also did well in South
     ▲ More than nine million American children have health problem because they are too fat. An
American medical group announced this last week. The group said children should have less fast
food and fewer soft drinks and that schools should have more sports for all students, not just the
best athletes.
1. What is Kelly Chan going to do?
[     ]
A. To hold a concert.
B. To go on a diet.
C. To watch a game.
D. To make a dress.
2. According to the news the player from _____ won the tennis match on Saturday.
[     ]
A. Russia
B. Japan
C. South Korea
D. America
3. The medical group from America said last week that _____.
[     ]
A. America has too many good athletes
B. children shouldn't have too many soft drinks
C. schools should organize more picnics
D. most parents in America have health problem


科目: 来源:0112 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     It was graduation day at Etihad Training Academy, where the national airline of the United Arab Emirates
holds a seven-week training course for new flight attendants.
     Despite her obvious pride, Ms. Fathi, a 22-year-old from Egypt, was amazed to find herself here. "I never
in my life thought I'd work abroad," said Ms. Fathi, who was a university student in Cairo when she began
noticing newspaper advertisements employing young Egyptians to work at airlines based in the Persian Gulf.
     A decade ago, unmarried Arab women like Ms. Fathi, working outside their home countries, were rare.
But just as young men from poor Arab nations poured into the oil-rich Persian Gulf states for jobs, more
young women are doing so.
     Flight attendants have become the public face of the new mobility for some young Arab women, just as
they were the face of new freedoms for women in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. They have
become a subject of social anxiety and fascination in much the same way.
     For many families, allowing a daughter to work may call her virtue into question. Yet this culture is
changing, said Musa Shteiwi, a sociologist at Jordan University in Amman. "We're noticing more and more
single women going to the gulf these days," he said. "It's still not exactly common, but over the last four or
five years it's become quite an observable phenomenon."
     Many of the young Arab women working in the Persian Gulf take delight in their status as pioneers, role
models for their friends and younger female relatives. Young women brought up in a culture that highly values
community, have learned to see themselves as individuals. The experience of living independently and working
hard for high salaries has forever changed their beliefs about themselves, though it can also lead to a painful
sense of separation from their home countries and their families. 
                                                                                         -From New York Times (December 22, 2009)
1. It can be inferred from the passage that young Arab women _____.
[     ]
A. go to work abroad after American women's example
B. didn't start to work abroad until the late 20th century
C. are commonly used to living and working separately
D. expect to take the same family responsibilities as men
2. According to the passage, the Arab women flight attendants can be described as _____.
[     ]
A. proud, homesick or independent
B. honest, outstanding or optimistic
C. mature, enthusiastic or energetic
D. painful, desperate or conservative
3. How do the public respond to young Arab women's new mobility?
[     ]
A. The public think highly of it.
B. The public care very little about it.
C. The public show both interest and anxiety.
D. The public are strongly against it.
4. The author intends to tell the readers that _____.
[     ]
A. Arab women can hardly find any work
B. flight attendants are badly needed in the gulf
C. flight attendants lead quite a different life
D. young Arab women's values are changing


科目: 来源:0111 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     BEIJING, China (CNN)-Chinese workers and army soldiers were racing to sweep snow-covered highways
and railway routes for millions of travelers trapped by cold weather. 
     More than 67 million people have been affected by the weather and economic losses are expected to reach
as much as $3 billion, Chinese officials say. 
     In the past week, the snowstorms have hit the provinces in central, eastern and southern China-places that
used to have mild winters. 
     "We've never seen such a cold weather lasting for such a long time," said Tang Shan, a man in his 70s
Changsha, Hunan Province. "The last time we had one here was over 50 years ago, and not this bad." 
     The snow has blocked roads, railways and airports, leaving tens of millions of travelers stranded (滞留),
officials say. Many of them are going home ahead of the traditional Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring
     The Lunar New Year travel is China's busiest travel period of the year.But the snow is changing travel plans.
Railway and highway routes have been brought to a pause,a situation in which all activity or movement has
stopped and several regional airports have been closed. 
     In the southern city of Guangzhou, as many as 500,000 train passengers were stranded in the past few
days when a power failure in neighboring Hunan seriously damaged the regular train services, local officials
said. About 100,000 passengers crowded the square in front of the train station, while others found shelter
in schools and other public buildings while waiting for their trains. 
     More terrible weather is expected. China's weather office on Monday issued a warning of more severe (恶
劣的) snowstorms in the coming days. If so, the number of stranded travelers will surely increase.
1. What would be the best title for the passage?
[     ]
A. Travelers in China
B. Snowstorms Cause Economic Losses
C. Dealing with Terrible Weather
D. Snowstorms Hit Parts of China
2. The word "trapped" underlined in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by "_____".
[     ]
A. beaten
B. disturbed
C. blocked
D. destroyed
3. We can know from the passage that .
[     ]
A. the coming snowstorms will leave more people stranded
B. there will be more snowstorms next year
C. snowstorms usually cause a power failure
D. more people are going home for Lunar New Year this year
4. The passage is probably taken from a _____.
[     ]
A. guidebook
B. news report
C. science magazine
D. textbook

