 0  16564  16572  16578  16582  16588  16590  16594  16600  16602  16608  16614  16618  16620  16624  16630  16632  16638  16642  16644  16648  16650  16654  16656  16658  16659  16660  16662  16663  16664  16666  16668  16672  16674  16678  16680  16684  16690  16692  16698  16702  16704  16708  16714  16720  16722  16728  16732  16734  16740  16744  16750  16758  151629 

科目: 来源:浙江省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     In America, drivers' education is part of the regular high school curriculum (课程). Every student in his
or her second year of high school is required to take a class in driver's education. However, unlike other
courses, it is not given during the regular school year. Instead it is a summer course.?
     The course is divided up into two parts: class time for learning laws and regulations, and driving time to
practise driving. Class time is not unlike any other class. The students study the basic traffic laws from a text
to pass the written driving test that is given to anyone who wants to get a driver's license.
     Driving time is a chance for the students to get behind the wheel (steering wheel) and practise starting
steering, backing up, parking, switching lanes, turning corners, and all the other maneuvers (操作) required
to drive a car. Each student is required to drive a total of six hours. The students are divided up into groups
of four. The students and the instructor go out driving for two hour blocks of time. Thus, each student gets
half an hour driving time per outing. The instructor and "driver" sit in the front seats and the other three
students sit in the back.
     After the student has passed the driver's education course and reached the appropriate age to drive (this
age differs in every state but in most cases the person must be 16 years old), they can go to a designated (指
定的) state office to take their driver's test, which is made up of an eye examination, a written test, and a
road test. The person must pass all three tests in order to be given a driver's license. If the person did well in
his or her driver's education class, he or she will pass the test with flying colors and get a driver's license.?
1. In America, the driver's course mentioned above _____.?
[     ]
A. is considered as part of the advanced education?
B. is given to anyone wanting to get a driver's license?
C. is carried on at the same time as other courses?
D. is offered to all the students of Grade 2 in high schools
2. We can infer that the students are required to _____ in their whole driving practice.
[     ]
A. spend at least six hours driving
B. get half an hour driving
C. drive for two hour blocks of time
D. go out driving for twelve times
3. Which of the following is Not True for the students wanting to get their driver's license??
[     ]
A. They must have their eyes examined.
B. They must be 16 years of age.?
C. They should go to have their driver's test.
D. They ought to do well in their driver's course.?
4. In the last sentence, "with flying colors" means _____.?
[     ]
A. happily
B. quickly
C. colorfully
D. successfully


科目: 来源:陕西省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Everyone has good days and bad days.
     Sometimes, you feel as if you're on top of the world.But occasionally you feel horrible, and you lose
things and you cannot focus on your schoolwork.
     For more than 20 years, scientists have suggested that high selfesteem (自尊) is the key to success.
Now, new research shows that focusing just on building selfesteem may not be helpful.In some cases,
having high selfesteem can bring bad results if it makes you less likeable or more upset when you fail at
     "Forget about selfesteem, " says Jennifer Crocker, a psychologist (心理学家) at the University of
Michigan, US, "It's  not the important thing."
     Feeling good
     Crocker's advice may sound a bit strange because it is good to feel good about yourself.
     Studies show that people with high selfesteem are less likely to be depressed, anxious, shy, or lonely
than those with low selfesteem.
     But, after reviewing about 18,000 studies on selfesteem, Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Florida
State University, has found that building up your selfesteem will not necessarily make you a better person.
     He believes that violent and wicked (邪恶的) people often have the highest selfesteem of all.He also
said:"There's no evidence that kids with high selfesteem do better in school."
     All types of people have problems.People with high selfesteem can have big egos (自我) that can
make them less likeable to their peers (同龄人), said Kathleen Vohs, a psychology professor at
Columbia University.
     People with high selfesteem tend to think more of themselves, Vohs says.People with low selfesteem
are more likely to rely on their friends when they need help.
    What to do
     Researchers say it is best to listen to and support other people.Find positive ways to contribute to
society.If you fail at something try to learn from the experience."The best therapy (药方) is to recognize
your faults, " Vohs says."It's OK to say, I'm not so good at that, and then move on."
1. It is concluded in the research that high selfesteem________.
A. is not important at all
B. has taken on a different meaning
C. may not be the key to success
D. does not help you do better at school
2. According to the research, people with high selfesteem________.
A. have better relationship with people of their own age
B. are more likely to become violent and wicked
C. tend to be proud and do not care much about others
D. often feel depressed and can't focus on their work
3. The advice in the last paragraph is mainly for people________.
A. with high selfesteem  
B. with low selfesteem
C. who are still at school  
D. who are good at everything


科目: 来源:江西省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     We once had a poster competition in our fifth grade art class.
     "You could win prizes," our teacher told us as she wrote the poster information on the blackboard.
She passed out sheets of construction paper while continuing, "The first prize is ten dollars. You just
have to make sure that the words on the blackboard appear somewhere on your poster."
      We studied the board critically. Some of us looked with one eye and held up certain colors against
the blackboard, rocking the sheets to the right or left while we conjured up our designs. Others twisted
their hair around their fingers or chewed their erasers while deep in thought. We had plans for that
ten-dollar grand prize, each and every one of us. I'm going to spend mine on candies, one hopeful would
announce, while another practiced looking serious, wise and rich.
     Everyone in the class made a poster. Some of us used parts of those fancy paper napkins, while
others used nothing but colored construction paper. Some of us used big designs, and some of us
preferred to gather our art tidily down in one corner of our poster and let the space draw the viewer's
attention to it. Some of us would wander past the good students' desks and then return to our own
projects with a growing sense of hopelessness. It was yet another grown-up trick of the sort they
seemed especially fond of, making all of us believe we had a fair chance, and then
always-always-rewarding the same old winners.
     I believe I drew a sailboat, but I can't say that with any certainty. I made it. I admired it. I determined
it to be the very best of all of the posters I had seen,and then I turned it in.
Minutes passed.
     No one came along to give me the grand prize, and then someone distracted me, and I probably
never would have thought about that poster again.
     I was still sitting at my desk, thinking, What poster? when the teacher gave me an envelope with
a ten-dollar bill in it and everyone in the class applauded for me.
1. What was the teacher's requirement for the poster?
A. It must appear in time.
B. It must be done in class.
C. It must be done on a construction sheet.
D. It must include the words on the blackboard.
2. The underlined phrase in Paragraph 3 most probably means ________.
A. formed an idea for
B. made an outline for
C. made some space for
D. chose some colors for
3. After the teacher's words, all the students in the class________.
A. looked very serious
B. thought they would be rich
C. began to think about their designs
D. began to play games
4. After seeing the good students' designs, some students________.
A. loved their own designs more
B. thought they had a fair chance
C. put their own designs in a corner
D. thought they would not win the prize
5. We can infer from the passage that the author________.
A. enjoyed grown up tricks very much
B. loved poster competitions very much
C. felt surprised to win the competition
D. became wise and rich after the competition


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Even plants can run a fever, especially when they're under attack by insects or disease. But unlike
human, plants can have their temperature taken from 3,000 feet away-straight up. A decade ago,
adopting the infrared(红外线)scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites,
physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which
ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide(杀虫剂)spraying rather than
rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that don't have pest problems.
     Even better, Paley's Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they
became visible to the eye. Mounted on a plane flown at 3,000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured
the heat emitted by crops. The data were transformed into a colourcoded map showing where plants
were running "fevers". Farmers could then spotspray, using 50 to 70 percent less pesticide than they
otherwise would.     
     The bad news is that Paley's company closed down in 1984, after only three years. Farmers resisted
the new technology and longterm backers were hard to find. But with the renewed concern about
pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation.
Agriculture experts have no doubt the technology works. "This technique can be used on 75 percent of
agricultural land in the United States, " says George Oerther of Texas A & M. Ray Jackson, who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture, thinks remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade. But only if Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago.
1. Plants will send out an increased amount of heat when they are________.
A. facing an infrared scanner
B. sprayed with pesticides
C. in poor physical condition
D. exposed to excessive sun rays
2. In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely, we can use infrared scanning to________.
A. estimate the damage to the crops
B. draw a colourcoded map
C. measure the size of the affected area
D. locate the problem area
3. Farmers can save a considerable amount of pesticide by________.
A. resorting to spotspraying
B. transforming poisoned rain
C. consulting infrared scanning experts
D. detecting crop problems at an early stage
4. The application of infrared scanning technology to agriculture met with some difficulties-________.
A. its high cost
B. the lack of official support
C. the lack of financial support
D. its failure to help increase production
5. Infrared scanning technology may be brought back into operation because of________.
A. full support from agricultural experts
B. growing concern about the excessive use of pesticides on crops
C. the forceful promotion by the Department of Agriculture
D. the desire of farmers to improve the quality of their produce


科目: 来源:福建省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Children pushed in buggies which face away from their parents may suffer longterm emotional and
language problems, according to a study published on Friday.
     The research, believed to be the first of its kind, found that children who were not facing the person
pushing them were less likely to talk, laugh and interact with their parents.
     The findings were based on a study of 2,722 parents and babies and an experiment where 20 babies
were wheeled in buggies for a mile, facing their parents for half the journey and facing away for the other
half. Parents using facetoface buggies were twice as likely to talk to their children while the babies' heart
rates fell and they were twice as likely to fall asleep, an indication that they were feeling relaxed and safe.
     In addition, only one baby out of the 20 studied laughed while sitting in an awayfacing buggy.
     "Our data suggests that for many babies today, life in a buggy is emotionally impoverished and
possibly stressful. Stressed babies grow into anxious adults, " said Dr Suzanne Zeedyk, Developmental
Psychologist at Scotland's Dundee University who carried out the research.
     The study, which was published by National Literacy Trust as part of its "Talk To Your Baby"
campaign, found that 62 percent of all children observed travelled in awayfacing buggies.
     Zeedyk said it would impact negatively on babies' development if they spent a long time in awayfacing
buggies, which would undermine their ability to communicate with their parent at a time when their brain
was developing rapidly.
     Laura Barbour of the Sutton Trust, a social mobility charity which funded the research, said buggy
manufacturers should look closely at the findings.
1. Using awayfacing buggies may________.
A. benefit both the babies and their parents
B. affect babies' language ability permanently
C. help babies communicate with their parents
D. have positive effect on babies' development
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Parents may talk twice with the babies in awayfacing buggies.
B. The study suggests children feel relaxed and safe in buggies.
C. The samples of the study were 20 babies wheeled in buggies.
D. One of the 20 babies was twice as likely to fall asleep in buggies.
3. The underlined word "impoverished" in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to "________".
A. poor  
B. nervous
C. rich  
D. energetic
4. National Literacy Trust________.
A. has been funding the research for a long time
B. is a social mobility charity funding the research
C. carried out the study of babies pushed in buggies
D. started the campaign named "Talk To Your Baby"
5. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A. Best for Kids to Face Parents in Buggy
B. Best for Kids to Communicate with Parents
C. Stressed Babies Grow into Anxious Adults
D. Buggy Manufacturers Care about the Finding


科目: 来源:福建省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     The question of what children learn,and how they should learn,is continually being debated and
redebated.Nobody dares any longer to defend the old system,the learning of lessons parrotfashion,
the grammarwithawhip system,which was good enough for our grandparents.The theories of modern
psychology have stepped in to argue that we must understand the need of children.Children are not
just small adults;  they are children who must be respected as much.
     Well,you may say,this is as it should be,a good idea.But think further.What happens?"Education"
becomes the responsibility not of teachers,but of psychologists.What happens then?Teachers worry
too much about the psychological implications of their lessons,and forget about the subjects themselves.
If a child dislikes a lesson,the teacher feels that it is his fault,not the child's. So teachers worry whether
history is "relevant" to modern young children.And do they dare to recount stories about violence?Or
will this make the children themselves violent?Can they tell their classes about children of different races,
or will this encourage racial hatred?Why teach children to write grammatical sentences?Verbal expression
is better.Sums?Arithmetic?No,reallife mathematical situations are more understandable.
     You see,you can go too far.Influenced by educational theorists,who have nothing better to do than to
write books about their ideas,teachers leave their teachertraining colleges filled with grand,psychologica
l ideas about children and their needs.They make elaborate (精心的),sophisticated (复杂的)
preparations and try out their "modern methods" on the longsuffering children.Since one "modern method"
rapidly replaces another,the poor kids will have had a good bellyful by the time they leave school.
Frequently the modern methods are so sophisticated that they fail to be understood by the teachers,let
alone the children;  even more often,the relaxed discipline so essential for the "informal" feelings the class
must have,prevents all but a handful of children from learning anything.

1.  People do not dare to defend the old system mainly because under the old system________.

A. too much grammar was taught to children
B. children were spoiled
C. children were treated as grownups
D. children were made to learn passively

2. What view do the modern psychologists hold?

A. Children must be understood and respected.
B. Children are small adults and know what they need.
C. Children are better off without learning lessons.
D. Education of children is the responsibility of psychologists.

3. What happens when teachers pay too much attention to the psychology of their lessons?

A. They find that the children dislike the lessons.
B. They tend to blame students for their failure.
C. They do not pay enough attention to the actual lessons.
D. They no longer want to teach children history.

4. Grammatical sentences are regarded as unimportant because________.

A. it is better to use verbal expression only
B. words are said out of natural feelings only
C. talking freely and naturally without sentences is a better form of expression
D. it is felt that formal grammar rules might cause unnatural expressions

5. According to the passage,the modern methods are understood by________.

A. neither teachers nor pupils
B. only a handful of teachers and pupils
C. the more sophisticated teachers
D. everyone who enjoys the relaxed discipline of the informal classes


科目: 来源:山西省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     American teens are setting an example for their parents through their volunteer work, according to
the Harris Interactive poll conducted in the United States between Jan.29 and Feb.2 among 2,003 adults.
The random national telephone survey released this week by the Federal Waybased charity World Vision
found that more teens volunteer to support a charitable (慈善的) cause-56 percent-than have a parttime
job-39 percent.
     Parents and guardians said 82 percent of the teens in their lives do something to support charitable
causes, including volunteering, recruiting others to a cause, wearing a Tshirt or donating money.Fortysix
percent of the adults surveyed said they volunteered their time and they also inspired their children to
Sara Johnson, a teacher who advises students at a private school in a Chicago suburb, says she's seen a
rise of teen involvement in social causes since President Barack Obama was elected in November.
     The Harris Interactive survey found a quarter of teens have become more involved in charitable
causes or organizations as a result of the economic downturn, but the economy has also led to cuts in
allowances, and has teens work more hours at a paying job.
     Alynn Woodson, director of volunteer engagement at Habitat for Humanity International, said she has
noticed a new enthusiasm among teen volunteers for the organization.
     Habitat for Humanity International celebrates the 20th anniversary of its alternative spring break
program this year and is expecting more than 12,000 young people to help build homes for lowincome
people around the nation.

1. The following statements about the teens' voluntary work are true EXCEPT________.

A. the economic downturn led teens to work less hours at paying jobs
B. the poll was done at the end of January and the early February
C. children do more voluntary work than their parents
D. more teens are involved in charitable causes or organizations

2. We can infer from the passage that________.

A. parents and guardians encourage their children to do voluntary work
B. volunteers all wear Tshirts while doing charity work
C. more teens are doing paying jobs as a result of the economic downturn
D. less teens were enthusiastic about voluntary work before Obama came into power

3. The author mentioned Habitat for Humanity International in order to prove________.

A. that homes for lowincome people will be built around the nation
B. Alynn Woodson is the director of volunteer engagement
C. more young people are doing volunteer work
D. it's 20 years since Habitat for Humanity International came into being

4. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. More teens doing voluntary work
B. Teens setting examples for parents in charitable causes
C. Comments on teens' voluntary work
D. The 20th anniversary of Habitat for Humanity International


科目: 来源:福建省同步题 题型:填空题

     Although school education is very important and useful,not everything is learned at school.
A teacher,no matter________muchhe knows,always find          1.________
himself________(不能够) to teach his students                        2.________
everything they want to know.A teacher's job is showing his students the way________they 
acquire knowledge.                                                                   3.________
     He shows them how to read and think.O________              4.________
     When students know the way to learn can they learn what is taught at school and what they
experience o________school                                                    5.________
by the students________.It is always more important                 6.________
to know how to teach oneself than to remember some facts.Great scientists,________as Einstein
and Newton,worked                                                                  7.________
hard all their lives,w________not a single moment.                     8.________
     That is why they were all so________(成功).They             9.________
would ask as many questions as they read and to prove something true they did thousands
of________(实验).                                                                   10.________


科目: 来源:山西省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     However important school life may be, we can't ignore the fact that children spend more time at home
than in the classroom.Therefore the great influence of parents can't be ignored or discounted by the
teacher.They can become strong supports of the school or they can consciously or unconsciously prevent
the school from accomplishing its aims.
     Administrators have been aware of the need to keep_parents_apprised_of the newer methods used in
schools.Many principals have conducted workshops explaining such matters as the reading readiness
program and developmental math.
     Moreover, the classroom teacher can also play an important role in explaining to parents what they
should do.The informal tea and many interviews carried on during the year, as well as new ways of
reporting pupils' progress, can significantly aid the interchange of ideas between school and home.
     Suppose that a father has been drilling Junior in arithmetic processes night after night. In a friendly
interview, the teacher can help the parent change his method.He might be persuaded to let Junior
participate in discussing the family budget, buying the food, using a measuring cup at home, setting the
clock, calculating mileage on a trip and engage in scores of other activities that have a mathematical basis.
     If the father follows the advice, it is reasonable to assume that he will soon realize his son is making
satisfactory progress in math and at the same time, enjoying the work.
     Too often, however, teachers' conferences with parents are devoted to unimportant accounts of
children' s wrongdoing, complaints about laziness and poor work habits, and suggestions for punishments
and rewards at home.
     What is needed is a more creative approach in which the teacher, as a professional advisor, plants
ideas in parents'minds for the best use of the many hours that the child spends out of the classroom.In
this way, the school and the home join forces in fostering the fullest development of youngsters'competence.

1. The underlined phrase"keep parents apprised of"in Para.2 probably means to let parents________.

A. judge  
B. know
C. design  
D. develop

2. What is the purpose of the schools' informal tea and interviews?

A. To improve the relationship between teachers and parents.
B. To explain to parents the change of the school curriculum.
C. To report students' misdoings and suggestions for punishments.
D. To help develop good communication between school and home.

3. Why does the author provide the example in Paragraph 4?

A. To help parents know the importance of home activities.
B. To show how the teacher can guide in home training.
C. To prove parents are nonprofessional advisors.
D. To advice parents to teach kids math at home.

4. From the passage we learn that the author________.

A. thinks teachers should do better as professionals
B. is worried about children' s performance at home
C. is satisfied with the present state of school education
D. believes time spent out of the classroom has been wasted


科目: 来源:山西省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Madame de Stael says that only the people who can play with children are able to educate them.For
success in training children, the first condition is to become a child oneself.It means to treat the child as
really one's equal, that is, to show him the same consideration, the same kind of confidence one shows to
an adult.It means not to affect the child to be what we ourselves want him to become, but to be affected
by the impression of what the child himself is; not to treat the child with cheating, or by force, but with the
seriousness and true love suitable to his own character.
      Not leaving the child in peace is the greatest problem of present methods of training children.Parents
do not see that during the whole life, the need of peace is never greater than in the years of childhood, an
inner peace under all outside liveliness.
     But what does a child experience?Corrections, orders, interference (干涉), the whole livelong day.
The child is always required to leave something alone, or to do something different, to find something
different, or to want something different from what he does, or finds, or wants.He is always guided in
another direction from the true inner will that is leading him.All of this is caused by our socalled enthusiasm
in directing, advising, and helping the child to become the same model produced in one assembly line (流水线). Understanding, the deepest characteristic of love, is almost always absent.
     To bring up a child means carrying one's soul in one's hand; it means never placing ourselves in danger of meeting the cold look on the face of the child.It means the truth that the ways of injuring the child are
limitless while the ways of being useful to him are few.How seldom does the educator remember that the
child, even at four or five years of age, has already had a sharp feeling!The smallest mistrust and
unkindness, the least act of injustice, leave wounds that last for life in the heart of the child.While, on the
other hand, unexpected friendliness and kindness make quite as deep an impression on those soft senses.

1. The passage mainly talks about________.

A. misleading zones and right ways in educating children
B. current problems in training children
C. what should be taught to children
D. the importance of educating children

2. Children, according to the passage, are experiencing________.

A. corrections, orders and peace
B. orders, interference and peace
C. interference, orders and corrections
D. peace, guide and praise

3. If you were a parent, which of the following methods is TRUE according to the text?

A. You could treat your children not so seriously for they don't understand many things.
B. You could train your children as you wish them to be.
C. You should sometimes leave your children in peace as they wish in their childhood.
D. You should correct your children immediately if their behavior is not what you want.

4. We may conclude that the author believes people should________.

A. play with the children with enthusiasm all day long just to please them
B. try to give an order, advice and suggestions to their children at any time
C. treat their children just as the way they treat an adult in their daily life
D. regard their children as an equal to them and have understanding of the inner peace of them

