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科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

    It is reported that conservation groups in North America have been arguing about the benefits and
dangers of wolves. Some groups believe wolves should be killed. Other people believe wolves must be
protected so that they will not disappear from the wilderness (荒野).
For Killing Wolves
     In Alaska, the wolf almost disappeared a few years ago, because hunters were killing hundreds of
them for sport. However, laws were established to protect the wolves from sportsmen and people who
catch the animals for their fur. So the wolf population has greatly increased. Now there are so many
wolves that they are destroying their own food supply.
A wolf naturally eats animals in the deer family. People in the wilderness also hunt deer for food. Many
of the animals have been destroyed by the very cold winters recently and by changes in the wilderness
plant life. When the deer can't find enough food, they die.
     If the wolves continue to kill large numbers of deer, their prey (猎物) will disappear some day. And
the wolves will, too. So we must change the cycle of life in the wilderness to balance the ecology. If we
killed more wolves, we would save them and their prey from dying out. We'd also save some farm
     In another northern state, wolves attack cows and chickens for food. Farmers want the government
to send biologists to study the problem. They believe it necessary to kill wolves in some areas and to
protect them in places where there is a small wolf population.
     Against Killing Wolves
     If you had lived long ago, you would have heard many different stories about the dangerous wolf.
According to most stories, hungry wolves often kill people for food. Even today, the stories of the "big
bad wolf" will not disappear.
     But the fact is wolves are afraid of people, and they seldom travel in areas where there is a human
smell. When wolves eat other animals, they usually kill the very young, or the sick and injured. The
strongest survive. No kind of animal would have survived through the centuries if the weak members had
lived. That has always been a law of nature.  
     Although some people say it is good sense to kill wolves, we say it is nonsense!Researchers have
found wolves and their prey living in balance. The wolves keep the deer population from becoming too
large, and that keeps a balance in the wilderness plant life.
    The real problem is that the areas where wolves can live are being used by people. Even if wilderness
land is not used directly for human needs, the wolves can't always find enough food. So they travel to the
nearest source, which is often a farm. Then there is danger. The "big bad wolf" has arrived!And everyone
knows what happens next.
1. According to the passage, some people in North America favor killing wolves for all the following
    reasons EXCEPT that________.
A. there are too many wolves
B. they kill large numbers of deer
C. they attack cows and chickens for food
D. they destroy the wilderness plant life
2. Some people are against killing wolves because________.
A. wolves help to keep the ecological balance in the wilderness
B. there is too small a wolf population in the wilderness
C. there are too many deer in the wilderness
D. wolves are afraid of people and never attack people
3. According to those against killing wolves, when wolves eat other animals, ______.
A. they never eat strong and healthy ones  
B. they always go against the law of nature
C. they might help this kind of animals survive in nature
D. they disturb the ecological balance in the wilderness
4.The last sentence" And everyone knows what happens next" implies that in such cases________.
A. farm animals will be in danger and have to be shipped away
B. wolves will kill people and people will in turn kill them
C. wolves will find enough food sources on farms
D. people will leave the areas where wolves can live


科目: 来源:山东省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

    A group of eight public high school students  in Massachusetts, aged l5 to l7, designed and ran their
own school within a school. They named their practice the Independent Project. They represented the
usual range: two were close to dropping out before they started the project, while others were honors
     Their guidance teacher was their adviser, consulting with them when the group encountered difficulties. Though they sought advice from English, math and science teachers, they were responsible for monitoring one another's work and giving one another feedback. There were no grades, but at the end of the term,
the students wrote evaluations of their classmates.
     The students also designed their own course. In addition to some  regular courses, they each took on
an 'individual project', learning to play the piano or to cook, writing a novel or making a video about
domestic (国内的) violence. At the end of the term,they performed their new skills in front of the entire
school. The last part of their self - designed course was to do a 'collective project' that had social
significance. Because they felt the whole experience had been so life - changing, they ended
up making a film showing how other students could start and run their own schools.
     The project was a success. After returning to their traditional study, the students have high motivation
and are doing well. One student who had failed all of his previous math courses spent three weeks
teaching the others about probability. The lesson learned here is that if students are given the opportunity
to take control or contribute significantly to their own learning they will become more accomplished,
more engaged and more knowledgeable.
     The students in the project are remarkable because they demonstrate the kinds of learning and  
personal growth that are possible when teenagers feel ownership of their high school experience, learn
things that matter to them and learn together.
l. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Some students might drop out of high school.
B. The teachers monitored the students' homework.
C. The students themselves solved all their problems.
D. The teachers evaluate the students' performances.
2. The students involved in the Independent Project               .
A. didn't need to learn common lessons
B. tended to escape from the whole society
C. were unwilling to share their experiences
D. focused on self-study and working together
3. According Paragraph 4, we know that               .
A. the traditional study is better than the project
B. all the students had failed their math courses
C. the students have freedom to design their lessons
D. the project was mainly concerned with math courses
4. The project made the students outstanding because               .
A. they are unusually talented
B. they have better backgrounds
C. they have supportive teachers
D. they are owners of their education
5. What would be the best title of the text?
A. Structure the kids' days to the minute
B. Let kids rule their own school within a school
C. Offer students few opportunities to do anything
D. Provide traditional education to the students


科目: 来源:山东省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

   [l]Before applying to colleges, many students wonder, what's the point of it all? This is an important
question to ask yourself. College is a huge investment, no only of money, but also of 2-4 years of your
life. No one should attend college without a very good reason.
     [2] Some people go to college to earn more money. On average, people who obtain a Bachelor's
degree will earn more than l million dollars more over the course of their lifetimes than people who don't
attend college. Those who go for Master's, Doctor's, and professional degrees do even better. Holders
of these degrees are suited to many high paying jobs while               .
     [3] Some go for the experiences. College is an amazing life experience. Students not only receive a
traditional classroom education, but also learn a large amount about the ways of the world. For many
students, college is the first time they live away from home. This creates a great opportunity to meet
different types of people and have many brand new experiences that can make you a much wiser and
worldly person.
    [4]Some others seek after a dream. For many people college is great way to start the next step
towards achieving a dream. It can help you break into a new career path or achieve expert status in your
chosen field.
     [5] However, there're also some people going to college because "my parents and family expect me
to" or "I don't know what I want to do with my life". If your main reason for going to college is one of
these, you should reconsider your motivations seriously. If you go without a true purpose, you can end
up finding what you spend on it might never be worth it.
1. How does the author further explain his point of view? (no more than l0 words)
2. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)
3. How could experiences mentioned in Paragraph 3 change people? (no more than 8 words)
4. Why could going to college help the students seek after their dreams? (no more than 20 words)
5. What is the main idea of Paragraph 5? (no more than l0 words)


科目: 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     US universities enrolling a new wave of Chinese undergraduates, according to a report. While India
was, for eight years on end, the leading country of origin for international students, China is rapidly
catching up, spending 98,510 last year, which is a 21 percent increase. In China, the shift has been quite
sharp. Last year, China sent 26,275 undergraduates and 57,451 graduate students to the US-compared
with 8,034 undergraduates and 50,976 graduate students five years earlier.
    Peggy Blumenthal, executive vice president of the Institute of International Education, said the growing
share of undergraduates would change the face of the Chinese students'presence in the US. "It used to
be that they were all in the graduate science and computer departments, but now, with the one-child
policy, more and more Chinese parents are taking their considerable wealth and investing it in that one
child getting an Amercian college education," she said. "There's a book getting huge play in China right
now explaining liberal arts (人文) education." The book, A Ture Liberal Arts Education, by three
Chinese undergraduates in American universities, describes the education available at small liberal arts
colleges and the concept of liberal arts, both relatively unknown in China.
     " There's growing disposable (支配) income in China, and not enough good universities to meet the
demand, "Leventhal at the University of Cincinnati said. "And in China, especially, studying in the United
States makes a great difference, because when students get home, they speaking English. "
     Although the report tracks only the 2008-09 mumbers, a smaller survey by the institute last month
found that over all, the increase in international students seems to be continuing, with China remaining
strong. Of all the unversities surveyed this fall, 60 percent reported an increase in Chinese college
students, and only 11 percent a decline.
1. The year before last, China sent about           international students aborad.
A. 98510  
B. 26275  
C. 81413  
D. 57451
2. The number of           sent to the US from China has increased most sharply in recent years.
A. undergraduates 
B. graduates  
C. postgraduates  
D. art students
3. Why do more and more Chinese parents spend kids to study in the US?
A. They prerfer science and computer departments in American universities.
B. There is much better education for liberal arts in American universities.
C. They have realized the importance of liberal arts as well as science.
D. They are wealthier but can't find enough good universities in China.
4. We can learn from the survey that          .
A. all surveyed American universities enrolled more Chinese students than before
B. most American universities enrolled more Chinese international students
C. the number of Chinese college students fell in American universities
D. more and more Chinese students are sent to the US to learn English


科目: 来源:天津月考题 题型:阅读理解

                                                                  Lowood School
   There were about eighty girls in the schoolroom, divided into four classes. The oldest girls were in the fourth class, and the youngest were in the first class. I was in the first class.
   All four classes had their lessons in the same large and very cold schoolroom. We had to sit there quietly, not saying a word, until the teachers came into the room together. The lessons-Math, History,French-were not at all interesting, and always followed the same pattern. First, we read some pages in a book and
then our teacher asked us questions. I tried to listen, but I soon got bored .
   After four hours, there was a lunch break, and we all went outside. Because it was winter, it was very
cold. Very soon, a bell rang, and lessons started again.
   Three weeks passed. One afternoon, the head teacher, whose name was Miss Temple, came into the
schoolroom. Mr. Brocklehurst was with her, and we all stood up as they entered. I stood behind an older
girl because I did not want Mr. Brocklehurst to see me.
   Mr. Brocklehurst walked slowly round the room. Everybody was very quiet. I closed my eyes and
wished he would leave. My hands started to shake, and I dropped my book.
   Mr. Brocklehurst stopped walking and looked straight at me.
   "Ah! The new girl," he said. "Come here, Jane Eyre!" Then he pointed at two of the older girls. "You two girls-put Jane Eyre on that high chair!" he said.
   "Look at Jane Eyre, everybody!" Mr. Brocklehurst said. "This child is bad. She will be punished! Miss
Temple! Teachers! Girls Do not talk to this child."
   Then he spoke to me again. "Jane Eyre, you must stand on that chair for two hours," he said. "You are a bad girl!"
   That evening, as I cried and cried alone, Miss Temple saw me. She came to me and held my hand. She was very kind.
   "You are a good pupil, Jane," she said. "And you are not a bad girl. I am your friend."
   "Thank you, Miss Temple," I said.
1. What were the lessons at the school like?
A. Short    
B. Expensive.  
C. Boring.    
D. Interesting
2. How did Jane try to hide from Mr. Brocklehurst?
A. She left the room.      
B. She stood behind another girl.
C. She covered her face.  
D. She went to the back of the class.
3. Why did Jane drop her book?
A. Another girl pushed her.  
B. Mr. Brocklehurst shouted at her.
C. She felt very nervous.
D. She was very tired.
4. Who put Jane on the chair?
A. Mr. Brocklehurst.    
B. Two other girls.  
C. Miss Temple.      
D. A teacher.
5. When did Miss Temple try to comfort Jane?
A. That evening.  
B. After Mr. Brocklehurst left.  
C. That afternoon.  
D. That morning.


科目: 来源:山东省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     The Internationa1 Space Station allows astronauts to live in space for extended amounts of time,
enabling them to explore the outside universe al1d conduct many experiments. However, nothing like that
exists for our oceans, and thanks to the high water pressure, ocean researchers are able to explore what
lies undersea for very short periods of time.
     They are therefore never able to fully explore the deep inside areas of our oceans. However, if
French architect Jacques Rougerie has his way, that will change soon.
     Jacques has designed a ship that will allow researchers to spend a long period of time observing the
sea life and conducting experiments. The huge l67ft. ship, named' SeaOrbiter', consists of two areas-one
above the water where the scientists and crew will live, and a lower pressurized deck (甲板), where
scientists will be able to spend as much time as they wish. Since it is powered by sea currents and wind,
he expects it to drift (漂流) along the oceans slowly, taking about two years to circumvent the globe.
     Jacques will make their life as comfortable as possible in the ship. Besides being equipped with the
latest sailing tools and communication equipment, the ship will also have a gym, a television and a DVD
player! And these guys will not be eating freeze-dried food like astronauts. Instead, Jacques, an
accomplished chef, plans on cooking them delicious meals every day.
     The biggest problem to this giant ship is the cost, which is expected to be over $500 million-per ship!
However, Jacques, who strongly believes that the secrets of our oceans may be the key to solving global
warming and a vital supply for food and medicine in the future, is confident he will be able to convince
governments all over the world to help out, and expects to start construction on not one, but four or five
of these amazing ships soon!
1. Why can't ocean researchers explore the deep oceans for a long time?
A. Because they can't stand the high water pressure.
B. Because it's too cold in deep ocean.
C. Because time for experiments is too limited.
D. Because it's dangerous to observe the sea life.
2. The underlined word "circumvent" probably means      .
A. fly away    
B. get around    
C. travel through    
D. move into
3. From the fourth paragraph we can learn that      .
A. Jacques intends to design the ship mainly for sightseeing and traveling
B. living a comfortable life helps to do the ocean research quickly
C. it's much more expensive to eat freeze-dried food
D. researchers on Jacques'ship will live more comfortably than astronauts
4. In Jacques' opinion, which of the following is not the purpose of the undersea research?
A. To find supply for food in the future.
B. To find supply for medicine in the future.
C. To draw governments' attention to the construction of the ship.
D. To solve the global warming.
5. Which of the fol1owing would be the best title for the text?
A. Sea Orbite-the ship of the future  
B. A new way to explore the deep oceans
C. A great architect-Jacques Rougerie 
D. Travel around the globe in Sea Orbiter


科目: 来源:河北省月考题 题型:阅读理解

   When a storm is coming, most people leave the area as quickly as possible and head for safety. But there are a few people who will get into their cars and go straight for the center of the storm. These people are willing to risk(冒…危险)being killed by floods or 100-kilometer-an-hour winds for the excitement of watching the storm close up.“
   Storm chasing(追逐)” is becoming an increasingly popular hobby, especially in the Midwest of the United States, where there are frequent storms between March and July. A storm chaser begins the day by checking the Internet for the latest weather reports, and then drives up to 1,000 kilometers to where the storm will be and waits for it to develop.
   Although anyone can do it, storm chasing is very dangerous. The power of a big storm can throw a cow into the air or destroy a whole house in seconds. Storm chasers are also often hurt in accidents caused by driving in a heavy rain. If you are a beginner, it is much safer to join a group for storm-chasing vacations during the storm season.
   Even then, storm chasing is not all adventure and excitement. “Storm chasing is 95% driving,” says Daniel Lynch, who spends most of his summer storm-chasing. “Sometimes you can sit around for hours waiting for something to happen, and all you get is blue sky and a few light showers.”
   However, for storm chasers, it is all worth it. “When you get close to a storm, it is the most exciting sight you will ever see in your life,” says Jasper Morley. “Every storm is an example of the power of nature. It is the greatest show on Earth”.

1. For storm chasing, the first thing storm chasers do is to ______.
A. head straight for the center of the storm
B. get into the car for safety
C. wait patiently for the storm to develop
D. collect information about a coming storm
2. Beginners of storm chasing are advised ______.
A. not to drive in a heavy rain
B. to do it in an organized way
C. not to get too close to a storm
D. to spend more time on it in summer
3.  By saying “it is all worth it” in the last paragraph, the author means that ______.
A. storm chasing costs a lot of money
B. storm chasing is worth hours of waiting for everyone.
C. efforts(努力)in storm chasing are well paid
D. storm chasers can do whatever they like.
4. What can we learn from the text?
A. Sometimes storm chasers get nothing but disappointment.
B. Many storm chasers get killed in the storms.
C. Storm chasing is becoming popular around the world.
D. Storm chasing is only fit for young people.


科目: 来源:广东省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     A. MATHEMATICS, English, Science & more. All ages. Ring Paul 9905-9995
     B. MATHS tutoring in your home. All high school levels or above. Yr7-12, $50-60ph. Contact
          Andrew 041 8-4116-3 83, or email Andrew-bb@yahoo.com.au
     C. MONA VALE Education Centre. All subjects, levels, abilities. Small groups/individual, esp.
          for youngkids. Ph 9918-0011
     D. NEWPORT Education Centre. Professional tutoring in Maths, English, Reading, Spelling. 
          Years 1 to 12.Free assessment. Sharyn Whitton 9979 9421
     E. Accelerated MIND BODY SOUL NATURAL HEALING Private Courses/ Programs
         Heal Yourself / Help Others REIKI 1 2 3 ORION/THETAHEALING *HELEN
         WENHAN 5591-6677*
     F. Acrylic Nail Courses and Waxing Courses (including Brazilian) Day Course Begins FOR
        ACRYLIC NAILS Tuesday 31st Oct. Evening Course 6th November WAXING COURSE
        Starts every-Monday FULLY ACCREDITED Bookings Essential Limited Numbers! 
     1. John, a fourteen-year-old young boy, is poor at math and physics and has to improve them in order
to pass the final exam at school.
     2. Mr. Black Smith, a labor worker on dock who would like to change to some technological job
since he is already 43 and a bit too old for hard labor work. He has to work from Monday to Saturday
but is free after 5:00 in the afternoon.
     3. Chen Hua, a Chinese middle school student who has just moved to the USA. She will have to finish
the course all in English at school there but her English is not good enough.
     4. Tim, a graduated college student who wanted to quit his job and go on his study for M. A. He
planned to take the MBA courses and would ha've to improve his math because he majored in Art at
     5. Mrs. Tumer, a working mother with two young kids. She thinks education is a race and it's better
to prepare kids more and earlier. Her neighbors, several other families share the same opinion and they
are all thinking about sending their young kids to some pre-school education program.


科目: 来源:浙江省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     All parents tell their children little white lies from time to time. "Of course Father Christmas comes
down the chimney!" "Eat your spinach - you'll get as strong as Popeye.". . . and so on. However, there's
one fib that's bigger than all the others. It's "I don't have a favorite child."
    In his fascinating new book, The Sibling Effect: What Bonds Among Brothers and Sisters Reveal
About Us, Jeffrey Kluger, a father of two daughters, aged eight and ten, claims that " 95 percent of
parents in the world have a favorite child - and the other 5 percent are lying."
     Kluger may be exaggerating the figures for dramatic effect - but despite every parent's vehement (激
烈的) denial that they have a favorite child - scientific research shows that he is not far off the truth.
     According to one recent study by researchers from the University of California - which followed 384
sibling pairs and their parents for three years - 65 percent of the mothers and 70 percent of fathers
exhibited a preference for one child. As this was among families that knew they were being monitored,
there's a strong possibility the true figures could be significantly higher.
     Favoritism is certainly a controversial topic. When raised as a subject for discussion on parenting
websites, it always arouses a stream of angry denials.
     But interestingly, a lot of personal anecdotes appear from parents who say they were overshadowed
by a favored sibling, or were, indeed, their mother or father's favorite. It seems everyone knows
favoritism exists - but nobody wants to put their hand up and say they're guilty of it themselves.
     Another research, where siblings have been asked to say who their mother and father favor, suggests
that mothers do tend to a show a preference for their first-born son, but fathers often dote on their
youngest daughters.
     Parents will often be drawn to the child who is easiest to get along with - or the child that shares
similar traits to them. For example, mum will have a special bond with her sensitive, arty son, while dad
lavishes attention on his sporty daughter.
     Professor Scott says being least favored in a family can color our behavior as adults. "Children who
feel they are less loved within their family are more likely to develop low self-esteem, anxiety and
But some experts believe being less favored can have positive consequences. Professor Scott agrees that
favored children can sometimes find life difficult when they have to rub along in the real world.
1. Which of the following is most likely a white lie?
A. I am determined to go and nothing will stop me.
B. A good idea, without action, is worth nothing.
C. Those who complain the most, accomplish the least.
D. Thank you so much for the gift! I just love it!
2. What can we infer from paragraph three?
A. Kluger is exaggerating the figures for dramatic effect.
B. Every parent denies the fact that he has a favorite child.
C. Every parent does have a favorite child.
D. What Kluger said is quite close to the fact.
3. What does "sibling" (para 4) mean in the passage?
A. brother or sister    
B. parent
C. brother
D. sister
4. Which child is most likely to be a favorite child in a father's eyes?
A. A sensitive, arty son.
B. The first-born son.
C. A sporty daughter.
D. A young daughter.
5. What is the most likely effect on the child who is the favored one in a family according to
     Professor Scott?
A. He simply just has to put his head down and work harder to succeed.
B. He is likely to learn how to turn disadvantages into advantages.
C. He is likely to find life difficult when he has to face the real world.
D. He is likely to develop low self-esteem, anxiety and depression.
6. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Some people were overshadowed by a favored sibling when they were young.
B. Most people will admit that they feel guilty of favoring one child over another.
C. Experts have different opinions about the consequences of being less favored.
D. The topic about favoritism on parenting websites always arouses angry denials.


科目: 来源:江西省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

      Studies have shown that the fewer medicines a person has to take the more likely he or she will take
Last week, a study was released about a new treatment that combines 5 medicines for heart
disease in one pill. Salim Yusuf of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada was the lead
investigator. He presented the findings at the American College of Cardiology Conference in Orlando,
     The experimental drug is known as Polycap. It contains aspirin, a drug to lower cholesterol (胆固醇)
and three medicines to lower blood pressure. The study was carried out at 50 health centers across India. More than two thousand people between the ages of 45 and 80 took part in the study. All had at least
one risk factor for heart disease. These include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or being
severely overweight.
     The people were divided into 9 groups of about 200 people each. One group took Polycap. The
other groups took either a single drug or different combinations of the medicines in the Polycap pill. The
study showed that Polycap lowered blood pressure and cholesterol without many side effects. Doctor
Yusuf said the single pill, taken once a day, could reduce the average person's risk of heart disease and
stroke by about half. The maker of Polycap, Cadila Pharmaceuticals of India, paid for the study.
     Cardiovascular diseases (心血管疾病) of the heart and blood vessels are the number one cause of
death around the world. These diseases kill more than seventeen million people every year. 80 percent
of them are in low and middle income countries. Doctor Yusuf said the single pill treatment could
revolutionize heart disease prevention. People would be more likely to take one pill a day than many
pills. And one pill would cost less than several pills.
     Other heart doctors say heart disease prevention is important but not necessarily with pills. They say
patients might be able to get the same results with changes in diet and exercise.
     Doctors say that more research on Polycap is needed. They say the drug should be tested on thousands more people, including those in different risk, age and ethnic groups.
1. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 implies that people        .
A. don' t like to take medicines
B. tend to take fewer medicines
C. should take medicines if it is necessary
D. tend to fall sick if they take fewer medicines
2. Which of the following about Doctor Ysisuf's experiment on Polycap in India is True?
A. Polycap was tested for its five different combinations.
B. Polycap was proved basically safe and effective.
C. All the participators had at least one symptom of heart disease.
D. Participators were required to come from different ages and ethnic groups,
3. From the passage, we can infer that Polycap_       .
A. is generally accepted by heart doctors
B. mainly consists of medicines to lower blood pressure
C. is certain to play important role in heart disease prevention
D. will be cheaper than other common medicines to treat heart disease
4. According to the passage, the following people are more likely to get Cardiovascular
   disease except         .
A. old people    
B. low - income people    
C. overweight people    
D. diabetic people
5. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Different opinions about heart disease prevention.
B. A combination pill may cut heart disease risk in half.
C. A combination pill cures blood pressure and bad cholesterol.
D. Cardiovascular diseases are the number one killer in the world.

