 0  16719  16727  16733  16737  16743  16745  16749  16755  16757  16763  16769  16773  16775  16779  16785  16787  16793  16797  16799  16803  16805  16809  16811  16813  16814  16815  16817  16818  16819  16821  16823  16827  16829  16833  16835  16839  16845  16847  16853  16857  16859  16863  16869  16875  16877  16883  16887  16889  16895  16899  16905  16913  151629 

科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解


     High unemployment is the biggest threat to the global recovery,the head of the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) warned.Dominique StraussKahn,the IMF's managing director,warned
against selfsatisfaction as he pointed out "we are still in a crisis" in spite of the improving
economic conditions.The key to steady growth of economy,he said,would be jobs.
     "A year ago,my worry was a recovery without jobs.This is now certainly a recovery with
not enough jobs,"he said."For_the_young,there_is_now_a_risk_that_will_turn_into_a_life_
     Britain is one of several developed nations facing high levels of joblessness.Total
unemployment is running at 7.8%,but one in five 16 to 24year olds is out of work and the
percentage is still rising,according to the Office for National Statistics.In Italy,youth
unemployment is running at about 30% and at 43% in Spain.The US announced a 27,000
 increase in a weekly unemployment report on Thursday,and unemployment is running at 8.8%.
     Mentioning the disturbing state in the Middle East and North Africa,he added,"Inclusive
growth-sharing the benefits of economic growth fairly,not enough of which is a threat to that
growth,is very important.We have to care about more inclusive growth.We need more than
growth;we need active policies."Mr.StraussKahn said there was "more focus on
unemployment and unfairness" in the IMF.
     Rising food prices also hold back the global recovery,both Mr.StraussKahn and World
Bank President Robert Zoellick warned.Mr.Zoellick said food prices were in the "danger
zone",pushing 44 millon people into poeverty.Rising prices have been driven by the changing
 diet of the rising middle classes in new markets.The problem is being "made worse" by
businessmen and traders.
     He also mentioned some countries' food investment policies.An Asian country has bought
huge areas of fields in Africa to grow enough food to feed its growing middle class.

1.According to the passage,with the recovery of economy,governments should ________.
A.remember the sufferings of the economic crisis
B.be satisfied and pleased with the achievements
C.find methods to deal with high unemployment rates
D.improve working conditions to protect their workers
2.What does the underlined sentence probably mean?
A.More young people will be given a life sentence.
B.There will be more young people breaking the law in the future.
C.The government's law and rules are too long for the young.
D.It will be a long time before there are enough jobs for the young.
3.The author takes Britain,Italy and Spain for example to ________.
A.remind other countries to avoid the same problem
B.show that the unemployment rate of the young is high
C.remind the young to work hard to fight against the crisis
D.encourage other countries to help them go through the crisis
4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Many countries have bought fields in Africa to grow food.
B.Global recovery is also influenced by rising food prices.
C.Unemployment problems only exist in developing countries.
D.The high unemployment is caused by rising food prices.
5.What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Joblessness-the biggest threat to the global recovery.
B.The poverty of the developing countries in North Africa.
C.The IMF's determination to take control of food prices.
D.The ways used by the IMF to cut down food prices.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解


     Parents often say,"I don't understand why my child is acting this way.We've given him everything in
the world,and he just wants more.He's never happy.He doesn't enjoy what he has."
     For some reason,we often feel that if we give our child everything he wants to keep him happy,he
should behave the way we want him to.An important part of meeting children's emotional(情感的)needs
is to set limits often and firmly in a loveing way.Pardnts who learn to set limits in a loving way set them
more often because they don't have to wait until they've "had it up to here" to do so.
     A therapeutic(治疗的)way of setting limits is called ACT:Acknowledge the feeling,communicate the
limit,and target the choice.Necessarily,you're saying to the child,"I understand how you feel.It's OK to
feel that way,but you can't act that way when you feel like that.You can act this way when you feel like
that." It's also important to communicate this message in a loving way,not an angry way.
     Using ACT limitsetting teaches children to cope with their emotions and to find appropriate behavioral
expressions that don't hurt the children themselves.It can also be used to teach children to delay
gratification(满意).Here are some examples of how it works.If your child wants a toy when you're at
the store and you don't want to buy it,you can say,(A)"You love that toy and want it right now,(C)but
we're not spending any money on toys today.(T)You can put it on your wish list for birthday or Christmas."
Using this technique,you'll learn to set reasonable limits that work.If you set limits too severely,you're
also more likely to give in,because you feel guilty.If you don't follow through with a consequence or you
make one that's too severe,you teach your child not to trust you.
     Parents often say,"I don't understand why my child is acting this way.We've given him everything in
the world,and he just wants more.He's never happy.He doesn't enjoy what he has."
For some reason,we often feel that if we give our child everything he wants to keep him happy,he should
behave the way we want him to.An important part of meeting children's emotional(情感的)needs is to
set limits often and firmly in a loveing way.Pardnts who learn to set limits in a loving way set them more
often because they don't have to wait until they've "had it up to here" to do so.
     A therapeutic(治疗的)way of setting limits is called ACT:Acknowledge the feeling,communicate the
limit,and target the choice.Necessarily,you're saying to the child,"I understand how you feel.It's OK to feel that way,but you can't act that way when you feel like that.You can act this way when you feel like that." It's also important to communicate this message in a loving way,not an angry way.
     Using ACT limitsetting teaches children to cope with their emotions and to find appropriate behavioral
expressions that don't hurt the children themselves.It can also be used to teach children to delay
gratification(满意).Here are some examples of how it works.If your child wants a toy when you're at
the store and you don't want to buy it,you can say,(A)"You love that toy and want it right now,(C)but
we're not spending any money on toys today.(T)You can put it on your wish list for birthday or Christmas."
Using this technique,you'll learn to set reasonable limits that work.If you set limits too severely,you're also more likely to give in,because you feel guilty.If you don't follow through with a consequence or you make
one that's too severe,you teach your child not to trust you.

1.The first paragraph is mainly to show that _____.
A. parents can't get along well with children
B. children's emotions are hard to meet
C. parents don't understand children at all
D. children are the real burden to parents
2. As parents,once we give children what they want,we hope that _____.
A. children learn to share it with us
B. children act the way we want them to
C. children should be thankful to us
D. children should still do what they like
3. Which of the following is C in using ACT technique to deal with a child whose sister refused to play
     with him?
A. Tom,I know you want to play with Lucy.
B. You can play with her tomorrow.
C. But Lucy has to do her homework now.
D. Tom,you shall not disturb Lucy.
4. According to the text,when using ACT technique,we should _____.
A. use it in a loving way
B. behave very seriously
C. make efforts to be angry
D. try to make children satisfied
5. What's the main idea of the text?
A. The relationship between children and parents.
B. The advantages of ACT technique.
C. The way to deal with children.
D. The introduction of ACT technique.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Traffic jam and cities, it seems, go hand in hand. Everyone complains about being stuck in traffic;
but, like the weather, no one seems to do anything about it. In particular, traffic engineers, transportation
planners, and public officials responsible for transportation systems in large cities are frequently criticized
for failing to solve traffic jam.
      But is traffic jam a sign of failure? Long queues at restaurants or theater box offices are seen as signs
of success. Should transportation systems be viewed any differently? I think we should recognize that
traffic jam is an unpreventable byproduct of successful cities, and  view the "traffic problem" in a different
      Cities exist because they promote social interactions and economic transactions.
      Traffic jam occurs where there are lots of people but limited spaces. Culturally and economically
successful cities have the worst traffic problems, while decaying cities don't have much traffic. New
York and Los Angeles are America's most crowded cities. But if you want access to major brokerage
houses (经纪行), you will find them easier to reach in crowded New York than in any other large cities.
And if your firm needs access to postproduction film editors or satelliteguidance engineers, you will reach
them more quickly through the crowded freeways of LA than through less crowded roads elsewhere.
     Despite traffic jam, a larger number and wider variety of social interactions and economic transactions
can be made perfect in large, crowded cities than elsewhere. Seen in this light, traffic jam is an unfortunate consequence of prosperity, not a cause of economic decline and urban decay.
     So while we can consider traffic jam as increasing costs on the areas of big cities, the costs of
inaccessibility (交通不便) in uncrowded places are almost certainly greater.
     There is no doubt that traffic jam brings the terrible economic and environmental damage in places
like Bangkok, Jakarta, and Lagos. But mobility is far higher and traffic jam levels are far lower here in
the US, even in our most crowded cities. That's why, for now, we don't see people and capital streaming
out of San Francisco and Chicago, heading for cities like California, and Illinois.
1. We can conclude from the first paragraph that________.
A. traffic jam and weather are the two factors preventing the development of the big city
B. traffic jam seems to be very difficult to deal with
C. if traffic engineers try their best, traffic jam can be solved
D. public officials are always criticized for misusing their power
2. According to the passage, what's the author's opinion towards traffic jam?
A. In cities, traffic jam is unavoidable.
B. Traffic jam is both a sign of failure and a sign of success.
C. Traffic jam is the consequence of successful cities.
D. For a successful city, traffic jam is not unpreventable.
3. By saying "decaying" (in Para. 4), the writer probably means ________.
A. declining    
B. developing
C. rich and successful  
D. strong and healthy
4. According to this article, which statement about "New York" and "Los Angeles" is true?
A. The traffic jam in the two cities has been worsened.
B. New York and Los Angeles are the most successful cities in the USA.
C. It is easier to reach major brokerage houses in the two cities than in other cities.
D. Despite the traffic jam in LA, you'll find a satelliteguidance engineer more quickly there.
5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A. California is as crowded and successful as San Francisco.
B. The traffic jam in San Francisco has resulted in the capital becoming empty.
C. The traffic jam level in Jakarta is lower than that in the US.
D. Traffic jam has caused terrible bad effects in cities such as Bangkok and Lagos.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     As I was reading a recent story in Slate on 20somethings complaining about how the economy was
ruining their life plans,I couldn't help but think the 20somethings sounded like a bunch of spoiled children
who grew up expecting everything to be easy for them.As a 20something myself,I certainly share their
disappointment:My husband and I probably won't be able to buy a house until we're in our 40s,and we
too are burdened by student loans (贷款).But why should it be any different? Being young persons in 
America,shouldn't they take up all of the challenges and opportunities that this country offers?
     Consider some of these views shared in the Slate story: Jennifer,29,owner of a twobedroom apartment
with her husband,worries that she won't be able to have children for at least a decade because they can't
afford to buy a house yet.
     I read that,and I thought,what planet is she living on where you need to own a house in order to have
kids? Has she ever visited a developing country,or even downtown areas in this one? Home ownership is
a luxury (奢侈品),not a fertility requirement.
     A 26yearold in the story despairs (绝望) that he can't afford to get a Ph.D.in literature.Well,that sounds
a bit like expressing disappointment that no one will pay you to write poetry on the beach in Thailand for
five years.
     Yes,it's sad that these young people feel so lost.But I think the problem is their extremely high
expectations,not economic reality.Beth Kobliner,author of Get a Financial Life:Personal Finance in Your
Twenties and Thirties,says that she thinks people's expectations are slowly adjusting,but today's 20
somethings grew up at a time when everyone's wealth appeared to be expanding.Their parents probably
saw their home values rise along with their investments."So you have people who have grown up in an
environment where people had great expectations of what living well means," says Kobliner.
     This recession (衰退) will certainly play a role in forcing those expectations into more realistic group.
In the meantime,it seems a lot better for our mental health to focus on being grateful-for our onebedroom
apartments,for living in modern cities,or perhaps just for being able to eat three meals a day-than on
longing for some kind of luxury life.
1.What makes the author think the 20somethings sound like a bunch of spoiled children?
A.They expect everything to be easy for them.
B.They complain that the economy is spoiling their life plans.
C.They are reluctant to face all of the challenges.
D.They are burdened by student loans.
2.The underlined word "fertility" in Paragraph 3 probably means ________.
A.baby production  
C.baby comfort  
3.Which of the following is NOT one of the complaints of the 20somethings?
A.They can't have children for at least a decade to buy a house.
B.They have only onebedroom apartment to live in.
C.They can't buy a house until 40 because of student loans.
D.They despair at not being able to afford a Ph.D.in literature.
4.What's the author's attitude towards the 20somethings with high expectations in Paragraph 5?
5.What is the BEST title for this passage?
A.How Young People Afford to Continue Their Study
B.Why Young People Can't Afford to Buy a House
C.When Young People's High Hopes Create Despair
D.What the 20somethings' High Expectations Are


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     Child labor has been a problem for many years.Over a hundred years ago,Charles Dickens
shocked many of his readers when 1.________(describe)the conditions under which young
children worked in British factories.2.________conditions Dickens described continue,almost
unchanged today,in many parts of the world.The only difference is 3.________today's
employment of children is confined to small industries and family businesses,such as hotels,
restaurants and 4.________(particular)farms,rather than to large factories.The children not
only receive nothing or very 5.________for their long hours of work,but also they 6.________
(prevent) from attending school.Therefore,when they become older they are 7.________(able)
to do any other kind of work.
     The solution 8.________the problem of child labour is clearly better laws to protect young
children,greater supervision (监督) of industry and heavier fines for 9.________who break the
laws.Only 10.________this way can young boys and girls be allowed to enjoy the most valuable
time of their lives-childhood.


科目: 来源:河南省月考题 题型:阅读理解

     Computers are very important to modern life. Many people think that in the future computers will be
used in lots of everyday life. It is thought that we won't have to go shopping because we will be able to get most things which are sold in shops on the Internet. There will be no more books because we will be able
to get all texts from computers. The Internet will be used to play games, see films and buy food. Most
telephone calls will be made by computers, too.
     Some people are glad about these new ways of shopping and communicating. Others do not think that computers will replace our old ways.
     Let's look at books, for example. Some people think that one day we will not read books made of
paper. Instead, we will buy and read books using computers. We will read texts on small pocket
computers. The computers will keep many different books in them at the same time. We won't need to turn lots of pages and paper will be saved. Computerized(计算机化) books will be used more and more.
     Is Internet shopping such a pleasure as going to the shop? Many people say it is not. It is a pleasure to go into shops and look at things you want to buy. It is also unlikely that many people will want to read
large texts on our computers. Because paper books will perhaps be more friendly. Maybe computers
won't change these two habits.
1. In paragraph1 it is thought people will use computers for _______.
A. playing games, shopping and making telephone calls
B. making telephone calls, having meals and seeing films
C. seeing films, buying food, and going for holidays
D. playing games, making telephone calls and seeing the doctor
2. Which reason for using computerized books is NOT said in the passage?
A. Computerized books won't be very expensive.
B. Computers can keep many different books in them.
C. We won't have lots of pages.
D. We won't need any paper.
3. The title for this passage is _______.
A. Computers will Replace Shops and Books  
B. Computers will be Used in the Future
C. Computers will Do Everything for Man
D. How Computers Change Our Habits


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     American cities are similar to other cities around the world:In every country, cities reflect the values of
the culture.American cities are changing, just as American society is changing.
      After World War ?, the population of most large American cities decreased; however, the population
in many Sun Belt cities increased.Los Angeles and Houston are cities where population shifts(转移)to and
from the city reflects the changing values of American society.In the late 1940s and early 1950s,city
residents(居民)became wealthier.They had more children so they needed more space.They moved out of
their apartments in the city to buy their own homes.They bought houses in the suburbs(郊区).
      Now things are changing.The children of the people who left the cities in the 1950s are now adults.
Many, unlike their parents, want to live in the cities.They continue to move to Sun Belt cities and older
ones of the Northeast and Midwest.Many young professionals are moving back into the city.They prefer
the city to the suburbs because their jobs are there; or they just enjoy the excitement and possibilities that
the city offers.
      This population shift is bringing problems as well as benefits.Countless poor people must leave their
apartments in the city because the owners want to sell the buildings or make apartments for sale instead of
for rent.In the 1950s, many poor people did not have enough money to move to the suburbs; now many of
these same people do not have enough money to stay in the cities.
     Only a few years ago, people thought that the older American cities were dying.Some city residents
now see a bright, new future.Others see only problems and conflicts.One thing is sure:many dying cities
are alive again.
1.What does the author think of cities all over the world?
A.They are alive.      
B.They are hopeless.
C.They are similar.      
D.They are different.
2.Why did American city residents want to live in the suburbs after World War ??
A.Because older American cities were dying.
B.Because they were richer and needed more space.
C.Because cities contained the worst parts of society.
D.Because they could hardly afford to live in the city.
3.According to the 4th paragraph,a great many poor people in American cities________.
A.are faced with housing problems
B.are forced to move to the suburbs
C.want to sell their buildings
D.need more money for daily expenses
4.We can conclude from the text that________.
A.American cities are changing for the worse
B.people have different views on American cities
C.many people are now moving from American cities
D.the population is decreasing in older American cities


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     If your boss asks you to work in Moscow this year, he'd better offer you more money to
do so-or even double that depending on where you live now.That's because Moscow has
just been found to be the world's most expensive city for the second year in a row by Mercer
Human Resources Consulting.
     Using the cost of living in New York as a base, Mercer determined Moscow is 34.4
percent more expensive including the cost of housing,transportation, food, clothing,
household goods and entertainment(娱乐).
     A twobedroom flat in Moscow now costs $4,000 a month; a CD $24.83, and an
international newspaper $6.30, according to Mercer.By comparison, a fast food meal
with a hamburger(汉堡包) is a_steal at $4.80.
     London takes the No.2 place, up from No.5 a year ago, thanks to higher cost of
housing and a stronger British pound relative to the dollar.Mercer estimates(估算)
London is 26 percent more expensive than New York these days.Following London
closely are Seoul and Tokyo, both of which are 22 percent more expensive than New
York, while No.5 Hong Kong is 19 percent more costly.
     Among North American cities, New York and Los Angeles are the most expensive
and are the only two listed in the top 50 of the world's most expensive cities.But both
have fallen since last year's study-New York came in 15th, down from 10th place, while
Los Angeles fell to 42nd from 29th place a year ago.San Francisco came in a distant
third at No.54, down 20 places from a year earlier.
     Toronto, meanwhile, is Canada's most expensive city but fell 35 places to take 82nd
place worldwide.In Australia, Sydney is the priciest place to live in and No.21 worldwide.
1. What do the underlined words "a steal" in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.an act of stealing.
B.something delicious.
C.something very cheap.
D.an act of buying.
2.London has become the second most expensive city because of ________.
A.the high cost of clothing
B.the stronger pound against the dollar
C.its expensive transportation
D.the high prices of fast food meals
3. Which city is the third most expensive on the list?
B.Hong Kong.
4.Which city has dropped most on the list in North America?
A.New York.
B.Los Angeles.
C.San Francisco.


科目: 来源:贵州省月考题 题型:阅读理解

     The world has changed and being intelligent isn't normally equal to being a successful person. Look at
the example of the blue whale:It has a huge brain,but it still doesn't know how to avoid whalers or use its
large size and weight to deal with those who try to use their body for profit. Scientists hold an opinion that
the blue whale just likes some highly intelligent people who fail to succeed. Those highly intelligent people
can't succeed in life because they can't communicate well with the world around them.
     Intelligence is a word in life that makes you think you are better than others. Intelligence can blind these
very people from how others view them. These people also think that the route to power and success
results purely from intelligence and they sometimes live in a fantasy world that they create by their
supposed brain power.
     This is a distance that develops whether or not they realize it and sometimes,a person can be disliked
simply because of his or her intelligence. This distance is sometimes so far apart that it gets to the position
where they can't listen to each other. One side thinks the other is stupid and the other thinks he/she is
haughty(傲慢的).And most of the time it is the intelligent people who lose themselves in this situation.
They become unpopular with most of the people around them. This affects them in whatever they do and
sooner or later they will lose their confidence.
     It doesn't help that they get a culture shock-especially when they leave college and realize success and
richness don't always and sometimes never come naturally with intelligence. While some might think this is
a dramatic picture to paint,it is sometimes the end result of some people.
1. The example of "the blue whale" is used to show _____.
A. communication is more important than intelligence
B. human beings are always more intelligent than animals
C. humans should have the sense of protecting animals
D. the blue whale is the largest animal in the world
2. Those supposed intelligent people often believe that _____.
A. they should make their life the same with others
B. they should live in a better world than the others
C. they are sure to be successful because of their intelligence
D. other people's opinion should be seriously considered
3. What makes the intelligent people lose their confidence?
A. They become separated from other people and lose their support.
B. They often can't get higher positions though they are intelligent.
C. They can't persuade those stupid people to accept their ideas.
D. They often can't make good use of their advantages.
4. We can infer that the end result of the supposed intelligent people would be _____.
A. great achievements    
B. more efforts
C. failure in the future    
D. proper changes


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

        Now in a world piled high with smartphones, tablets and e-readers, technology has entered the
classroom in ways unimaginable. Taking classes can be fun too. All you have to do is wipe your fingers on
your phone screen and download some Apps, which can make your  study more fun and efficient.
Balancing study and play in a college setting has never been easy--and with the following few  apps, it'll
be tough to tell the two apart.
        Use: note-taking
        Can be used on: Phone/iPad/iPod touch, Android, BlackBerry, PalmOS and Windows Phone 7
        Price: free
        It's hard to imagine that with all the magical gadgets, the eager, studious types would still take out a
notepad, pencil, and highlighter-and take notes in class. While it's not an actual planner or calendar App, if you take notes to stay organized, then Evernote is for you. The main thing about Evernote is that all of
your notes are automatically sent into the cloud(云储存平台上)--and then you can access them from any web-connected computer via the Evernote App or a web browser. Evernote also support audio and
photo notes-rather handy if you want to record your lecture or take photos of any projected notes. 
But, of course, ask for permission first.
        Use: research database
        Can be used on: iPhone/Pad/iPod touch
        Price: free (Wikipanion Plus for$4, 99, or 31. 87 yuan)
        Now, you don't necessarily have to go to a library or anywhere with computer services to do
research work for your paper anymore.  You can get  access to the research databases just on your
smart phone or tablet. Wkipanion gives you a simplified version of Wikipeda without leaving out any of
the site's extra features. The normal links that you'd see to each section of an article xre no longer on the
mainscreen. Instead,there's a small icon located at the bottom of the app, which can be used to access
all the sections of an article.  You can also open the links in Safari(苹果)Safari(浏览器). According to
the developers' site, loading Wikipedia pages with  Wikpanion is a lot faster than accessing the Wikipedia
site from the iPhone's browses. To be honest, we agree.
        Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days
        Use: Engtish learning applicationCan be used on: iPhone/iPadiPod touch
        Price. For a limited time you can get the App for onty $ 0.99--half price.
        Still learning Engtish with a workbook? if so, you are behind the times. Get 21th Century
Newspaper's new iPhone App, “Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days”.When you download
the App on your iPhone, you can listen to the hottest bilingual news selected from the newspaper's
official website(www, i2lst. cn) and read by native speakers.  Users can enjoy the audio bilingual news
with synchronized subtitles and fantastic pictures while immersed in an authentic language environment.
With a simple tap, the sentence you choose will be repeated. “Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7
Days” has ranked No.1 on the Chinese education App list. For a limited time you can get the App for
only $0.99--half price.
1.This passage mainly aims at________.
2.Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.You can get the last App mentioned for only $0.99--half price.
B.Wikipanion is free of charge.
C.Evernote has ranked No.
1 on the Chinese education App list.
D.All these three programs are imaginary.
3.From the passage, we know that________.
A.students would still take out a notepad,pencil,and highlighter to take notes with Evernote
B.with Wikpanion,you can record your lecture or take photos of the notes
C.accessing the-Wikipedia site from the iphone's browser is a lot faster than loading Wikipedia pages
with Wikipanon
D.with Evernote, all of your notes are automatically sent into the cloud
4.Which is the best title?
A.How to Be a Studious student?
B.Gadgets Make Study Fun
C.The Internet is Very Important in Our Life
D.It's Necessary to Have an iphone

