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科目: 来源:河北省期末题 题型:阅读理解

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项为多余选项.
       Do you know how to be a street smart? Being street smart means knowing how to keep yourself
safe from strangers when you're alone or with other kids.     1      
    Most strangers aren't dangerous and wouldn't do anything to hurt kids. Unfortunately, though. some
strangers can be dangerous, and it's impossible to tell who'ok and who's not.     2    That's why it's
important to follow these safety rules all the time:
    Make your whereabouts known.
    The adults who are taking care of you need to know where you are and when you'll be coming home. 
    It's more fun and safer to do things with friends. Traveling with afriend whenever you can is a good
idea, and traveling with a group of kids is even better. 
    Safe spots are places where you can stop if you need help. Like the houses of kids you know, the
houses of your parents'friends, police stations, libraries, and fire departments. When you're walking or
riding your bike, make a mental note of the safe spots along your route. That way, you'll know where
they are in case you ever need one. 
    You're probably been told lots of times that you should not shout and keep quiet. But when you think
you might be in danger, it'a the perfect time to be noisy! If a stranger gets close to you, follows you or
tries to grab you, shout as loudly as you can and try to get away. People in the area will hear what's
going on and help you, so make plenty of noise.

    A. Stick with a friend.
    B. Pick out safe spots.
    C. It helps you stay safe.
    D. Shout"help"when necessary.
    E. Go to school with your friends.
    F. Make much noise if you are in danger
    G. A dangerous person doesn't necessarily look scary.


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     My family and I lived across the street from Sout hway park since I was four years old. Then just last
year the city put a chain link fence around the park and started bulldozing (用推土机推平) the trees and
grass to make way for a new apartment complex. When I saw the fence and bulldozers, I asked myself, "Why don't they just leave it alone?"
     Looking back, I think what sentenced the park to oblivion (被遗忘) was the drought (旱灾) we had
about four years ago. Up until then, Southway Park was a nice green park with plenty of trees and a
public swimming pool. My friends and I rollers kated on the sidewalks, climbed the trees, and swam in
the pool all the years I was growing up. The park was almost like my own yard. Then the summer I was
fifteen the drought came and things changed.
     There had been almost no rain at all that year. The city stopped watering the park grass. Within a
few weeks I found myself living across the street from a huge brown desert. Leaves fell off the park trees, and pretty soon the trees started dying ,too. Next ,the park swimming pool was closed. The city cut
down on the work force that kept the park, and pretty soon it just got too ugly and dirty to enjoy
     As the drought lasted into the fall, the park got worse every month. The rubbish piled up or blew
across the brown grass. Soon the only people in the park were beggars and other people down on their
luck. People said drugs were being sold or traded there now. The park had gotten scary, and my mother
told us kids not to go there anymore.
     The drought finally ended and things seemed to get back to normal, that is, everything but the park. It
had gotten into such bad shape that the city just let it stay that way. Then about six months ago I heard
that the city was going to "redevelop" certain wornout areas of the city. It turned out that the city had
planned to get rid of the park, sell the land and let someone build rows of apartment buildings on it.
     The chainlink fencing and the bulldozers did their work. Now we live across the street from six rows
of apartment buildings. Each of them is three units high and stretches a block in each direction. The
neighborhood has changed without the park. The streets I used to play in are jammed with cars now.
Things will never be the same again.Sometimes I wonder,though,what changes another drought would
make in the way things are today.
1. How did the writer feel when he saw the fence and bulldozers?
A. Scared.      
B. Confused.  
C. Upset.  
D. Curious.
2. Why was the writer told not to go to the park by his mother?
A. It was being rebuilt.
B. It was dangerous.
C. It became crowded.
D. It had turned into a desert.
3. According to the writer, what eventually brought about the disappearance of the park?
A. The drought.
B. The crime.
C. The beggars and the rubbish.
D. The decisions of the city.
4. The last sentence of the passage implies that if another drought came,________.
A. the situation would be much worse
B. people would have to desert their homes
C. the city would be fully prepared in advance
D. the city would have to redevelop the neighborhood


科目: 来源:0116 月考题 题型:阅读理解

     Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day. "I was a clothes addict," he jokes.
"I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled." Today David
wears casual clothes-khaki pants and sports shirt-to the office. He hardly ever wears necktie. "I'm working
harder than ever," David says, "and I need to feel comfortable."
     More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work in the United
States. The change from formal to casual office wear has been gradual. In the early 1990s, many companies
allowed their employees to wear casual clothes on Friday (but only on Friday). This became known as "dress-
down Friday" or "casual Friday." "What started out as an extra one-day-a-week benefit for employees has
really become an everyday thing," said business consultant Maisly Jones.
     Why have so many companies started allowing their employees to wear casual clothes? One reason is that
it's easier for a company to attract new employees if it has a casual dress code. "A lot of young people don't
want to dress up for work," says the owner of a software company, "so it's hard to hire people if you have a
conservative dress code." Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are
wearing comfortable clothes. In a study conducted by Levi Strauss and Company, 85 percent of employers
said that they believe that casual dress improves employee morale (士气). Only 4 percent of employers said
that casual dress has a negative impact on productive. Supporters of casual office wear also argue that a casual
dress code helps them save money. "Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day," one person said.
"For the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes."
1. David Smith refers to himself as having been "a clothes addict" because _____.
A. he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirt
B. he couldn't stand a clean appearance
C. he wanted his clothes to look neat all the time
D. he didn't want to spend much money on clothes
2. David Smith wears casual clothes now, because _____.
A. they make him feel at ease when working
B. he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes
C. he looks handsome in casual clothes
D. he no longer works for any company
3. According to this passage, which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Many employees don't like a conservative dress code.
B. Comfortable clothes make employees more productive.
C. A casual clothes code is welcomed by young employees.
D. All the employers in the US are for casual office wear.
4. In this passage, the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPT _____.
A. saving employees' money
B. making employees more attractive
C. improving employees' motivation
D. making employees happier


科目: 来源:湖北省期末题 题型:阅读理解

A: TV1 7:20 p.m. Find out more about Australia's animal life. This film was made last year by one of
Australia's best-known cameramen, Dougie Bond. He spent over 200 hours filming the birds, animals and
fish that inhabit this beautiful continent and for the first time brings some of these unusual animals to our
TV screens.
B: TV3 9:00p.m. The popular science programme is back with the latest in technology and medicine. This
week, cars that run on sunlight and the story of one baby's fight to live.
C: TV2 8:10p.m. Do you think what goes into the food most of us eat every day of the week? Tonight's
programme takes a serious scientific look at the bread industry. Whether you bake your own bread or just
enjoy buying it, this programme will give you an interesting insight into something most of us eat every day
of the week.
D: TV1 5:15p.m. Busy parents? Bored children? Do you want something educational to entertain your
children while you do something else? This popular magazine programme is for the under-fives. More music,
fun, songs and games with Carla and Larry.
E: TV3 8:45p.m. If you've always wanted to cook, now's your chance to learn. In the studio are two chefs
who will take you through some simple recipes step by step. This is a repeat of the popular series shown
last year, and available from good bookshops.
F: TV3 7:40p.m. The latest new music. Pete Hogg looks at the best of the current rap, raga and new jack
swing plus new video releases. This is the programme that tells you all about what's happening on the music
scene and brings you interviews with tomorrow's young artists.
(     )1. Although Rob leads a quiet life in a small village, that doesn't stop him from wanting to find out about
the latest scientific development.
(     )2. Bella enjoys eating out but can't afford to spend very much at the moment as she is saving for a
holiday. She has never learnt how to cook, so now might be quite a good time to find out!
(     )3. Dan is interested in taking wildlife photographs and enjoys the kind of programme which gives him a
chance to see a professional photographer at work.
(     )4. Gina is a music teacher. Although she prefers classical music, she likes to follow the kind of music
that interests the teenagers she teaches.
(     )5. Ron's wife is in hospital. He wants to finds a programme suitable for his three-year-old son while he
gets on with the housework and prepares a meal.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

1. When can you go as fast as a racing car?
2. What animal can jump as high as a tree?  


科目: 来源:浙江省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

A.The secret of the writer's success        
B. A write with enduring popularity
C. Well-received creation toencourage Brits  
D. The insight into human nature
E. Writing styles in different stages    
F. The story appreciate for school students
1. _____
     Charles Dickens is often thought of as one of  England's great writers. Yet for many his language is
old-fashioned and his story plots often improbable. Why, Dickens, out of so many other great English
writers, has made the list? How then to explain Dickens's enduring popularity?
2. _____
     One reason undoubtly is the British government's insistence that every child studies a Dickens novel at
school. Alongside Willian Shakespeare, Charles Dickens is a compulsory (必读的) writer on every
English literature school reading list. His stories, though often over-long by today's standard,are superbly
written moral tales. They are filled with colorful characters.
3. _____ 
      But what makes his books stand out from other English writers is his insight into human nature.
Dickens, like Shakespeare, tells us truths about human behavior that are as true to citizens of the 21st
century as they were to his readers in the 19th century. Readers have returned to Dickens's books again
and again over the years to see what he has to say about readers'own time.
4.  _____
     The BBC adapted one of his less well-known novels, Little Dorrit, into a popular television drama that
introduced many Brits to the novel for the first time. A dark story about greed and money, it was the
perfect story to illustrate the bad times. No surprise then that it was Dickens Britons turned to, during the
economic crisis last year, to make sense of world rapidly falling apart.
5. _____ 
      Readers of the 19th and early 20th century usually prized Dickens's earlier novels for their humor
and pathos (悲痛). While recognizing the virtues of these books, critics today tend to rank more highly
the later works because of  their formal coherence and acute perception( 洞察力) of the human
condition. For as long as Dickens's novels have something to say to modern audiences, it seems likely
that he will remain one of Britain's best loved writers.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     We spent the next three days based in Paihia, in the famous
Bay of Islands.  Although Paihia is only a town,  it is a good base
for exploring the northern part of the Northland.  We spent one day
in nearby Waitangi,  visiting the site (地点) of the first European
settlements and signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, which created
New Zealand as it is today.
      On the site, there is a fantastic museum which explains the
history of the country, as well as the relationship between the
European settlers and the native Maori tribes. There is also an
excellent example of a Maori waka, or carved canoe, in which the
original Maori tribes arrived in Aotearoa, or the Land of the Long
White Cloud.
      It was a great introduction to New Zealand history and culture
and would give us a good basis for understanding the Maori culture
that we would meet with as we traveled through the country.
    The weather wasn't fit to sailing through the blue, island-
dotted bay, so the next day we headed across the point to the
Kauri Coast and the Waipoa Kauri Forest to see the high Kauri
trees, one of the few places in the country where these big trees
that once covered the island still exist. Standing hundreds of feet
high, with girths that would take 20 men to circle, these
prehistoric(史前的) trees were used for everything from wakas to
homes. Most were cut down, and only a few still survive. The
trees in the forest are over 1 000 years old, and walking along the
paths deep into the bush to see them was like walking through land
where dinosaurs once walked.
      On the way back, we stopped in several small villages and
towns, each of which seemed more Shire-like. We had almost
forgotten that this was Lord of The Rings land, but in the rolling
green hills of the central northland, we remembered that Bilbo
Baggins and company could have lived here, too.
1. Which may tell the main idea of the passage?  
A. A fantastic museum.
B. Our trip to New Zealand.
C. The Kauri trees of New Zealand.
D. Our trip to the Bay of Islands.
2. _____ has made New Zealand today.
A. The Waitangi people
B. European settlements
C. The local people
D. The signing of the Treaty of Waitangi
3. The second and third paragraphs mainly talk about ____. 
A. a museum                      
B. Maori Waka
C. the Maori culture              
D. New Zealand history
4. How did the author understand the Maori culture? 
A. By reading a book about New Zealand culture.
B. By experiencing the Maori life.
C. By visiting the local villages.
D. By being introduced.
5. According to the passage,  the underlined word " girths" in  Paragraph 4 probably refers to ____.   
A. the height of the tree        
B. the length around the tree
C. the width of the tree        
D. the length across the tree


科目: 来源:陕西省高考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Photographs are everywhere. They decorate (装饰) the walls of homes and are used in stores for sales
of different goods. The news is filled with pictures of fires, floods, and special events. Photos record the
beauties of nature. They can also bring things close that are far away. Through photos, people can see wild
animals, cities in foreign lands, and even the stars in outer space. Photos also tell stories.
     Reporting the news through photos is called photojournalism. At times photojournalists tell their stories
through a single picture. At other times, they use a group of pictures to tell a story. Each picture is like a
chapter in a book, which can do more than record the facts. It can also be a strong force for social change.
     Jacob Riis was among the first photojournalists. He took pictures of parts of New York City where the
poor lived. Riis believed that poverty (贫穷) caused crime, and he used photos to help him prove his point.
A few years later, the photos of small children working in factories by Lewis Hine shocked the public. Hine's
pictures helped bring about laws to protect such children.
     Hundreds of pictures may have to be taken in order to get one or two really good photos. It takes science
to have the photo come out clearly and art to make a photo that has a good design and expresses feeling.
Photojournalists make an actual record of what they see. A photo, however, can be both a work of art and an
actual record. It can record an important event as a beautiful or exciting picture.
     As historical and artistic documents (文献), photos can become more important over time. Today
photojournalists still have their pictures appear in newspapers and magazines. They also publish (发表) them
in books and on the Internet.
1. The underlined word "They" in the first paragraph refers to _____.
A. beauties
B. photos
C. goods
D. events
2. The photos of the small children by Hine show us that photos _____.
A. are also works of art
B. are popular ways of reporting news
C. often shock the public
D. can serve as a force for social change
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A. News with pictures is encouraging.
B. Photos help people improve
C. News photos mean history in a sense.
D. People prefer reading news with pictures.
4. The text is mainly about _____.
A. telling the story through picture
B. decorating the walls of homes
C. publishing historical papers
D. expressing feeling through pictures


科目: 来源:江西省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     A recent Living Social survey showed that Americans may live up to their poor reputation while
travelling abroad. But what's more surprising is that many of those surveyed self-identified themselves
as 'ugly' Americans and the world's worst travelers.
     Those in the U.S. ranked themselves as the worst travellers by a shocking 20 per cent, followed by
15 per cent saying the Chinese were the most substandard tourists.
     Americans topped the list as being the worst-behaved travelers in a survey of 5,600 respondents,
4,000 of whom were Americans. Other respondents were in Australia, Canada, Ireland and the United
Kingdom. But even American respondents considered their compatriots (同胞) as the worst travelers
from a list of 16 nationalities.
     Canadians and Australians also put Americans in the No. 1 spot. Irish respondents pointed to U.K.
residents and U.K. respondents gave Germans the nod. On the other hand, 37% of Americans opted
for "none of the above" in answer to the worst-tourists question, displaying more tolerance and
open-mindedness than the other nationalities.
     Other survey questions had respondents admitting pilfering from hotels. Four in ten U.S.
survey-takers said they'd stolen something - mostly towels (28%) and bathrobes (8%). Other popular
pinched items included pillows, remote controls, Bibles and sheets.
     Not surprising is that Americans have less time off from work than other nationalities. Americans
reported getting 16 days off, compared with 28 days for the Irish, 27 days for Australians, 23 days for
U.K. workers; and 21 days for Canadians.
     In the travel mishaps department, the most common travel disaster reported by Americans was lost
luggage on an airline (21%); bad weather (21%); and getting very lost (16%).
     As for places Americans most want to see, Disney World and Las Vegas made the top 10, but they
weren't at the top of the heap. And New York didn't make the cut.
1. What percentage of American respondents is in the survey?
A.20 %
2. The underlined word "pilfering" in Para. 5 most probably means ________. 
A. taking
B. bringing
C. stealing  
D. borrowing.
3. According to the survey, what kind of things are most taken away by Americans?
A. towels and pillows
B. bathrobes and remote controls.
C. towels and Bibles
D. bathrobes and towels.
4. What can we infer from the passage?  
A. New York is not one of the top 10 destinations Americans most want to see.
B. U.K. has the most time off work than other nationalities.
C. Most Americans think it is not a big deal for them to steal from the hotels.
D. Germans think the British are the world's worst travellers.
5. What's the best title of this passage?
A. Chinese were announced as the world's worst travellers.
B. The global worst travellers were announced.
C. Disney World is the best destination to Americans.  
D. European travellers were the best in the world


科目: 来源:云南省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     It is natural that young people are often uncomfortable(不自在) when they are with their parents.
They say that their parents don't understand them. They often think that their parents are out of touch
with modern ways; that they are too serious and too strict with their children; and that they seldom
give their children a free hand.
     It is true that parents often find it difficult to win their children's trust and they tend to forget how
they themselves felt when young. For example, young people like to act on the spot without much
thinking. It is one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can face any difficult
situation. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead, at least in the back of
their minds, and do not like their plans to be upset by something unexpected.
     When you want your parents to let you do something, you will have better success if you ask
before you really start doing it.
     Young people often make their parents angry with their choices in clothes, in entertainment and
in music. But they do not mean to cause any trouble; it is just that they feel cut off from the older
people's world, into which they have not yet been accepted. That's why young people want to
make a new culture of their own. And if their parents do not like their music or entertainment or
clothes or their way of speech, this will make the young people extremely happy.
     Sometimes you are so proud of yourself that you do not want your parents to say "yes" to wha
t you do. All you want is to be left alone and do what you like. It is natural enough, after being a
child for so many years, when you were completely under your parents' control.
     If you plan to control your life, you'd better win your parents over and try to get them to
understand you. If your parents see that you have a high sense of responsibility, they will certainly
give you the right to do what you want to do.
1.        are to blame(受到责备)for the quarrels between parents and their children, according to
this article.
A. Parents                                      
B. Young people
C. Neither parents nor their children              
D. Both parents and their children
2. Young people like to have clothes, entertainment and music in their own way, because    .
A. they want to make their parents angry
B. they try to get their parents into trouble
C. they want to try on something new and look different from the older people
D. they know they are cleverer than the older people
3.  According to the text, young people want to make a new culture of their own, because      .
A. they don't feel they belong to the world of the older people
B. they do not want to get into trouble
C. they feel they are cleverer than the older people
D. they want to show they have grown up
4. If a young man plans to control his own life, it's better for him to        .
A. do everything according to his own wish
B. do everything with a high sense of responsibility
C. do everything under his parents' control
D. do everything the way his parents do

