 0  16943  16951  16957  16961  16967  16969  16973  16979  16981  16987  16993  16997  16999  17003  17009  17011  17017  17021  17023  17027  17029  17033  17035  17037  17038  17039  17041  17042  17043  17045  17047  17051  17053  17057  17059  17063  17069  17071  17077  17081  17083  17087  17093  17099  17101  17107  17111  17113  17119  17123  17129  17137  151629 

科目: 来源:月考题 题型:阅读理解

     I fell in love with the minister's son the winter I turned fourteen. He was not Chinese. For Christmas
I prayed for the boy, Robert. When I found out that my parents had invited the minister's family over for
Christmas Eve dinner, I cried in panic. What would Robert think of our shabby Chinese Christmas? What would he think of our noisy Chinese relatives who lacked proper American manners?
    On Christmas Eve, my mother created abundant Chinese food. And then they arrived-the minister's
family and all my relatives. Robert greeted hello, and I pretended he__was__not__worthy__of__existence.
    Dinner threw me deeper into disappointment. My relatives licked (舔) the ends of their chopsticks and
reached across the table. Robert and his family waited patiently for a large plate to be passed to them.
My relatives murmured with pleasure when my mother brought out the whole steamed fish. Robert made
a face. Then my father reached his chopsticks just below the fish eye and picked out the soft meat. "Amy, your favorite," he said, offering me the tender fish cheek. I wanted to disappear.
     At the end of the meal, my father leaned back and burped (打嗝) loudly, thanking my mother for her
fine cooking. "It's a polite Chinese custom to show you are satisfied," explained my father to our
astonished guests. Robert was looking down at his plate with a reddish face. The minister managed to
bring up a quiet burp. I was shocked into silence for the rest of the night.
     After everyone had gone, my mother said to me, "You want to be the same as American girls on the
outside." She handed me an early gift. It was a miniskirt. "But inside you must always be Chinese. You
must be proud that you are different. Your only shame is to have shame."
     It was not until years later that I was able to fully appreciate her lesson and the purpose behind her
particular menu. For Christmas Eve that year, she had chosen excellent Chinese food.

1. When the writer found out the minister's family would come for Christmas Eve dinner, she
     cried mainly because ________.
A. she worried about their shabby Chinese Christmas
B. she worried about their Chinese relatives lacking American manners
C. she worried about meeting the minister's family
D. she worried about being laughed at

2. What does "he was not worthy of existence" probably mean? It means ________.
A. the writer was not interested in his existence
B. he was worthless
C. he should not exist
D. the writer expected his coming

3. The dinner threw the writer deeper into disappointment mainly because ________.
A. her relatives licked the ends of their chopsticks
B. her father reached his chopsticks to pick fish for her
C. her father leaned back and burped loudly
D. she childishly expected all of them to act in the same way as Americans did at table

4. We can infer from the passage that ________.
A. the writer appreciated her mother's lesson years later
B. the writer must be proud that she is different
C. the mother prepared to show Chinese different food culture
D. the minister's family really enjoyed the food


科目: 来源:陕西省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Combining families with kids can be tough and offers even more unexpected problems. You just don't
know how things will shake out until everyone is under one roof, trying on new roles with name that start
with "step". This is what happened to Sheila and Will, and Sheila's 8-year-old daughter Ashley. After the
couple got married, and Will became the member of the new family, things got worse than expected. How did they make it work? Read the full version of the story here.
      Shelia's Turn: When Shelia and Will were dating, he seemed like kids, especially Ashley. He'd bring
her presents, play games with her. But after the wedding, things took a turn. Will suddenly became a
super strict stepfather, scolding Ashley for watching too much cartoons, constantly picking fights and
punishing her for offenses as small as spilling milk. Shelia's thought about leaving Will, but soon after they
married, they had a son, Billy. Will adores his well-behaved boy, but Ashley hates him. Shelia doesn't
know what to do--- her daughter is miserable, but leaving her husband might mean losing her son.
      Will's turn: Will was so excited to be a male role model in Ashley's life. He didn't just want to be a
guy living in her house; he wanted to treat her like his own daughter, which, to Will, meant giving Ashley
more rules and help her learn responsibility. He'd always felt that Shelia let Ashley loose on everything.
But after the wedding, Will was surprised that Shelia didn't want him to do that. If Will takes away Ashley's TV privileges or tells her to clean up her room, Shelia just lets Ashley do what she likes and does it
herself. Will was tired of this and he'd rather take his son and go.
      The advisor's turn: The counselor(顾问) quickly recognized their conflict as a classic case of
unspoken, hidden expectations. Before the wedding, when it was just Shelia and Will, everything was
easy. But now, everyone in their big family is competing for attention, and the couple never sat down and
discussed the biggest issue-their child-upbringing philosophies(育儿经). The counselor suggested Shelia
allow Will to give some rules on Ashley but Will's punishments couldn't be extreme. Once Ashley saw
that her mom and stepdad had become a united front, she cooperated more.
1. The text is most likely to be found in a book about______.
A. popular science            
B. historical events
C. social problems            
D. political systems
2. The reasons for Ashley's dislike of Will are as follows except_____?
A. Will often picked fights with Ashley.
A. Ashley often spilled milk on the floor.
B. Will always punished her for bad behaviors.
C. Ashley was stopped watching too many cartoons.
3. What can we know about Will?
A. Will has a good intention.          
B. Will does not love children
C. Will does not love Shelia any more    
D. Will's way of parenting is very perfect.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that the advisor's attitude to their problem?
A. Negative    
B. Objective    
C. Critical    
D. Subjective


科目: 来源:0115 期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Do I really need a helmet just to ride to class?
     First, ask your physics professor what can happen to a head dropped from the normal height where you
ride, say about 5 feet up, when it hits the walkway? He will tell you about the forces the head can experience
from that drop height. Bike helmets are tested in a two-meter drop, a little higher, but that five feet is all the
force you need to mess up your brain. You don't need forward speed at all, although it can make it worse.
     Then think about accidents that happen when you ride on campus. Have you had near-collisions (碰撞)
or actual collisions with pedestrians as the students change class? Do you ever hurry to get to class and take
little chances? Have you ever seen a patch of ice or sand on a campus sidewalk? We would bet that you know
more risk factors than we do.
     And what do the statistics say? There are 800 people killed on bikes, and a half million, more or less
injured, in the US every year. Nobody keeps track of how many of those were on a campus. But we do know
that you are making a major investment in yourself for a lifetime of good returns. People with head injuries
can remember how much more they were able to do mentally before the crash, and that hurts long after other
parts heal (愈合). The effects can last forever. At your age you are just beginning to realize how much
pleasure in life comes from being experienced, smart and educated. You don't want to take a chance with that.
It means a lot to you.
     Helmets are cheap at Wal-Mart or Target, and the cheap ones work fine if you fit them carefully. It really
won't mess up your hair much in a short ride. Give it a try. 
1. The aim of this text is probably______.
A. to introduce a way to protect one's head
B. to remind students to wear helmets while riding
C. to persuade students to buy more helmets at Wal-Mart
D. to warn students against bicycle riding because of danger
2. Helmets are necessary for bicycle riders on campus because _____.
A. they will meet with an accident sooner or later
B. the brain will be protected during an accident
C. their hair will not be messed up in a short ride
D. they will have to fight against the students from other classes
3. In paragraph three, the writer mainly wants to tell us that _____.
A. riding bicycles is too dangerous
B. the traffic on the campus is often out of order
C. the number of bicycles on campus should be limited
D. it is difficult to avoid accidents while riding bicycles on campus
4. The "major investment" refers to the money for _____.
A. a safer bike
B. bike accidents
C. a helmet
D. a campus insurance
5. This passage would probably appear in the part of ______ on a website.
A. Science
B. News
C. Education
D. gym


科目: 来源:0123 月考题 题型:阅读理解

     All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy, happy and help them to live
     Sports change with the season. People play different games in winter and summer. Games and sports
often grow out of people's work and everyday activities. The Arabs use horses or camels in much of their
everyday life; they use them in their sports, too.
     Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread
around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.
      Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese boxing, for example,
has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet.
People are inventing new sports or games all the time.
      People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game they often
become good friends. Sports help to train a person's character (性格). One learns to fight hard but fight fair,
to win without pride and to lose with grace (文雅).
1. According to this passage we know that ________.
A. people began to play about one hundred years ago
B. about 100 years ago people ran or jumped when they played
C. basketball has a longer history than volleyball
D. not all the games have long history
2. According to this passage, which of the following isn't true?
A. Sports help to train a person's character.
B. People swim only because there are a lot of rivers in their country.
C. People from different countries may not be able to understand each other before a game.
D. Sports and games can develop the friendship between peoples all over the world.
3. The writer didn't tell us in this passage that ________.
A. basketball was invented in America
B. sports change with the seasons
C. games and sports often grow out of people's work and everyday activities
D. football is played all over the world
4. From this passage we can see that _______.
A. sports and games are unimportant things that people do
B. sports and games should be treated (对待) only as amusement (娱乐活动)
C. sports and games are only useful to the old
D. none of the above is true


科目: 来源:安徽省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     "Tired of Working in Your Country"!
    With over 500 instructors and 20 years of experience, we are the leader in the field of teaching foreign
languages. We now have positions open in Osaka starting September/October 2011 for instructors of
English, German, Spanish and French.
     Teach many different kinds of classes using the latest technology in small classes of up to 3 students.
     Accommodation (住宿), and other necessary documents (文件) will be ready before you leave.
     Applicants will teach their first language only.
     Excellent teacher training programs
     If you are young with a university degree and are willing to experience different cultures, apply (申请)
now. Experience in teaching is an advantage but not specially required. Knowledge of the Japanese
language is not necessary but good English skills and practical computer knowledge are basic
    Apply with C. V. and send letters to:  NOVA France, Mr. Sampy (IHT3/2)
    34, Bd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris, France
    Fax: 33148014804
    Or visit our website: www. teadyp. com
    The manager expects to meet and talk with successful applicants in Paris in June and July.
1. What is the purpose of the text? 
A. To introduce a language school in Japan.
B. To hire language teachers to work in Japan.
C. To describe working conditions in Japan.
D. To make clear the requirements for Japanese teachers.
2. We know from the text that those who are going to Japan will _______.
A. teach English only in Osaka          
B. receive a degree from a university 
C. have free accommodation            
D. get trained for the job
3. Before going to Japan, you need _______.
A. to see the manager of NOVA France    
B. to take some computer courses 
C. to write a letter to Japan              
D. to find a place to live
4. If you want to work in Japan you should _______.
A. have some working experience        
B. know how to use computers 
C. present good teaching plans          
D. speak several languages


科目: 来源:广东省同步题 题型:完形填空

     If it's possible to see red (get angry)about not seeing red, that is what I was doing.We had __1__the
time of our autumn trip to see the changing __2__in the Great Lakes States, and I was really __3__.No
matter how I strained my eyes I couldn't spot red anywhere.Not even a bit of golden yellow broke
through the dull greenery.
     This vacation was a complete __4__.I sat alone in the backseat of our rented car and got __5__as
we drove north through the dull, dark green.In the front seat my brother and my father chatted merrily,
obviously __6__.
     Then a motto came to mind:"Happiness is a decision."It must have been something my mother said.
She was always passing on words of __7__.When I was a child, she gave me a black book with __8__
pages.On the flyleaf she had written, "Look for a beautiful thing and you'll find it."I was supposed to keep
a record of the most beautiful thing I saw each day.
     I remembered spending hours discussing what I'd __9__.A baby's smile?A stone shining with fool's
gold?Pictures in the clouds, or tulips tipping their heads?I found so many beautiful things that it was __10__to pick just one.
     Now, on the road, I played Mother's game again.I took in the allgreen __11__.Thick forests lined
both sides of the highway.The long hill pines and spruce were seen everywhere.Maple leaves danced in
the gentle wind.I felt like a little girl again-__12__by beautiful things.
     Later in the trip, after we crossed the Upper Peninsula and drove into Canada, I found the bright
__13__plants I had been looking for.But by then I'd already seen a million shades of __14__, the infinite
variety and beauty that only our heavenly Father can __15__.And that we can always find-if we look
closely enough.
(     )1. A. kept        
(     )2. A. situation    
(     )3. A. upset        
(     )4. A. success      
(     )5. A. sleepy      
(     )6. A. unconcerned  
(     )7. A. order        
(     )8. A. nice        
(     )9. A. brought in  
(     )10. A. impossible  
(     )11. A. forests    
(     )12. A. wondered    
(     )13. A. leaf        
(     )14. A. red        
(     )15. A. observe    
B.written down  
C.got through  
D.referred to  


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     A new study suggests that the more teenagers watch television,the more likely they are to develop
depression(抑郁) as young adults.But the extent to which TV may be to blame is a question that the
study leaves unanswered.
     The researchers used a national long?term survey of adolescent health to investigate the relationship
between media use and depression.They based their findings on more than 4,000 adolescents who were
not depressed when the survey began in 1995.
     As part of the survey,the young people were asked how many hours of television or videos they
watched daily.They were also asked how often they played computer games and listened to the radio.
Media use totaled an average of 5 and one?half hours a day.More than 2 hours of that was spent
watching TV.
     7 years later,in 2002,more than 7 percent of the young people had signs of depression.The average
age at that time was 21.
Brian Primack at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School was the lead author of the new study.He
says every extra hour of television meant an 8 percent increase in the chances of developing signs of
     The researchers say they did not find any such relationship with the use of other media such as movies,
video games or radio.But the study did find that young men were more likely than young women to
develop depression given the same amount of media use.
     Doctor Primack says the study did not explore why watching TV causes depression.But one
possibility,he says,is that it may take time away from activities that could help prevent depression,like
sports and socializing.It might also interfere with sleep,he says,and that could have an influence.
     The study was just published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
     In December,the journal Social Indicators Research published a study of activities that help lead to
happy lives.Sociologists from the University of Maryland found that people who describe themselves as
happy spend less time watching television than unhappy people.The study found that happy people are
more likely to be socially active,to read,to attend religious services and to vote.

1. According to the first paragraph,what remains unsolved in the new study?
A. Who is more likely to be influenced by TV.
B. How much teenagers are depressed by TV.
C. Whether teenagers are influenced by TV.
D. What should be done to help the teenagers.

2. More than 4,000 adolescents were chosen as the subjects of the study because they ______.
A. were free from depression
B. were keen on using the media
C. attached much importance to their health
D. could afford the time for the long-term survey

3. What can be inferred from the seventh paragraph?
A. Depression is not related to the use of other media than TV.
B. Every extra hour of media use increases the chance of depression.
C. Longer use of media other than TV doesn't increase the chance of depression.
D. The influence of movies,video games and radio on depression varies respectively.

4. In the last sentence of the eighth paragraph,"It"refers to ______.
A. depression      
B. watching TV
C. lack of activities  
D. the result of the study

5. The study done by the sociologists from the University of Maryland was mainly intended to ______.
A. tell the difference between happy and unhappy people
B. prove the relationship between TV and depression
C. stress the importance of being socially active
D. provide a happy recipe(秘方)for all people


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Being the boss might mean more money and challenging work but it can also cause damage to
physical and mental well-being, according to a Canadian study.
     For years studies have shown people in lower-status jobs generally have higher rates of heart
disease and other illnesses and die earlier than those in higher-status positions while job authority
has shown no relationship with workers' health.
     But University of Toronto researchers, using data from 1,800 US workers, found the health of
people in higher positions is affected by work as they are more likely to report conflicts with co-
workers and say work disturbs their home life.
      However the positive aspects of having a power position at work, such as higher status, more
pay and greater independence, seemed to cancel out the negative aspects when it came to people's
physical and psychological health.
     These latest findings, reported in the journal Social Science & Medicine, suggest that the advantages
and disadvantages authority positions basically cancel each other out, giving the general impression that
job authority has no health effects.
     For the study, the researchers surveyed participants about various aspects of their work, life and
well-being.Job authority was judged based on whether a person managed other employees and had
power over hiring, firing and pay.
     Physical health complaints included problems like headaches, bodyaches, heartburn and tiredness.
Psychological complaints included sleep problems, difficulty concentrating and feelings of sadness,
worry and anxiety.
     "This isn't to suggest that having authority is 'bad'-in fact, we show it has benefits...but it is important
to identify the negative sides and deal with them." researcher Scott Schieman said.
Schieman said conflicts with co-workers or involvement of work into home life may destroy physical
and mental well-being by creating stress.
     "These are key stressors that can tax individuals' ability to function effectively, " Schieman said.

1. Work will have a negative effect on job authority's health probably because __________.
A. they are not fit for their work
B. they have power over hiring and pay
C. they are faced with severe competition
D. they don't get on well with their co-workers

2. Most people don't see that bosses have health effects because __________.
A. their health problems are not serious enough to see
B. they have enough money to keep themselves healthy
C. their problems are quite different from those of workers
D. the advantages and disadvantages of their status work against each other

3. From the passage we can infer that the study aims to __________.
A. warn people not to be a boss for ever
B. remind the boss to deal with bad effects of their work
C. show that having authority is harmful to one's health
D. prove that being a boss can benefit a lot

4. The best title for this passage might be __________.
A. Lower-status can affect health
B. Authority can affect health
C. Positive aspects of a power position
D. Disadvantages of being a boss


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Every day,all across the nation,as many as one in four children refuses to go to school.The reasons
are various."School Refusal",formerly known as"School Phobia",is an actual anxiety?based disorder.
Many children are vague about their complaints and unable to be sure what is making them anxious,so
it is sometimes regarded as typical childhood will fullness.However,the effects of constant school refusal
can be far?reaching for your child's education.
     So,where's the line between what's normal and what's not?"You need to look at whether it is affecting
the child or family's normal life,"explains Christopher Kearney,Ph.D.In other words,if a child's grades are
suffering from frequent absences or a parent's job is disturbed,it is time to look closely at the issue.
Parents should listen carefully to children who say they can't go to school because of "untestable things"
such as stomachaches or headaches.While these complaints alone don't necessarily indicate school
refusal,there may be deeper problems if combined with general complaints about school,talks of threats
at school and so on.
     There are different kinds of behavior in school refusal.Some children are influenced by their friends
who skip school to hang out with their friends,showing a sense of rebellion(叛逆). Some children cling to
their mothers,screaming at the thought of having to enter the school building.
     However,that doesn't mean that getting a child back into the classroom is impossible.According to
Maryann Roth,a school psychologist and guidance counselor(顾问),parents should attempt to make the
child get back to school,no matter how hard it is.Working closely with school officials and possibly a
specialist to create a plan is a necessary step.

1. The underlined word"vague"(Paragraph 1)is closest in meaning to__________.
A. irregular  
B. unclear
C. curious  
D. unusual

2. According to Paragraph 2,the real reason of "School Refusal" may be that the children__________.
A. are suffering from illness
B. are afraid of endless tests
C. want to stay with their parents
D. feel bored and unsafe at school

3. When facing "School Refusal" of their children,parents should__________.
A. take the problem seriously if their daily life is disturbed
B. discuss the seriousness of the problem with their children
C. take their children to see the doctor immediately
D. keep their children away from their rebellious friends

4. The passage intends to__________.
A. explain that "School Refusal" is a symptom of an illness
B. explain the phenomenon of "School Refusal" and how to treat it
C. remind parents to take good care of their children
D. explain that "School Refusal" is normal and not serious


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     One of the best decisions you can make in your twenties is to explore. Exploring postcollege choices
looks a lot like being lost; in fact, being lost is normal and productive at this stage in life.
     In the past, people were penalized(处罚)for getting lost. For example, dropping out of high school
for a year to explore made colleges think you were hospitalized for mental instability. But it's a different
story today. Right after college, you don't get dinged(教训)for taking time off. Most graduate and
professional schools today would prefer the students who take time to go away, have different
experiences, and then come back refocused.
     Why is there so much respect for exploration?Part of the reason is that there is no better way of
figuring out what will make you happy. "We are not very good at using our imaginations when it comes
to how we'll feel in a given circumstance," says Daniel Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard
University. Therefore, he recommends that we test out a lot of different careers. He admits that this
method takes time, but he says it's worth it because otherwise you're likely to make a decision based
on money, which does not always lead to happiness.
     What about the people who pull their life together in a tight little package by age twenty-four?
They're the exception to the rule, according to Wayne Osgood, a professor of sociology at Pennsylvania
State University. He labels these people "fast starters" and explains that they are only about 12 percent
of the population. Some fast starters are just plain lucky: they love the first job they get after college.
The other 88 percent of us have to march through our twenties formulating(规划)a new career plan.
     The good news is that this is what most people are doing in their twenties:wandering, taking trips,
changing jobs every year, volunteering for unpaid work while living at their parents' house, and starting
businesses that fail. All these choices are, surprisingly, right on track for making a good decision about
what to do with yourself in adult life.
1. According to the passage, exploring after college in your twenties __________.
A. means you get lost in your life
B. assists you in choosing a suitable career
C. is just a waste of your valuable time
D. is a kind of mental instability
2. Exploration is so much respected because __________.
A. it helps you to earn much more money than others
B. it improves your imagination in a given situation
C. it is the best way to find your happiness
D. it promises you various choices of careers
3. Who can be called "fast starters" ?
A. People who find their favorite jobs earlier.
B. People who stand out among others.
C. People who love their jobs very much.
D. People who always carry a small package with them.
4. What statement may the author agree to ?
A. The earlier you work, the happier you are.
B. Exploration is to travel around the world.
C. Choosing a career is nothing but easy.
D. An indirect route is the route to happiness.
5. This passage can be classified as __________.
A. humorous      
B. argumentative
C. narrative  
D. poetic

