 0  17034  17042  17048  17052  17058  17060  17064  17070  17072  17078  17084  17088  17090  17094  17100  17102  17108  17112  17114  17118  17120  17124  17126  17128  17129  17130  17132  17133  17134  17136  17138  17142  17144  17148  17150  17154  17160  17162  17168  17172  17174  17178  17184  17190  17192  17198  17202  17204  17210  17214  17220  17228  151629 

科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

   If you are a TV addict, you can't have missed the popular sitcom(情景喜剧) Home With Kids. The
lead characters, 17-year-old Xiao Xue and 14-year-old Liu Xing can remind us of our own behavior or
our classmates. We love the two teenagers, but are they good students? And what makes a good student?
"Being a student is a kind of occupation, so a good student should have good grades. Based on their
school reports, clever and diligent, Xiao Xue is a much better student than her brother, Liu Xing," says
Wu Hao, 16, Chifeng in Inner Mongolia. "The boy should work harder at studying since our duty as
students is to study well."
   It is generally accepted that getting good scores is crucial for a student. So to some, being a good
student means ranking high in your class or even your school. However, Wu also admits that a student's
personality is more important in being a role model student.
   "Honesty and kindness make you admirable. But Xiao Xue can be selfish, dishonest and arrogant,
which make others feel uncomfortable to be around her. So she has a lot yet to improve on," Wu said.
Many teenagers do not think it is fair to judge students by their grades. Take Liu Xing for example. He is
bright, good at computers and does everything else well like any other 14-year-old except studying.
  "He is smart, humorous and always has fancy ideas which makes him popular. I guess he could be an
excellent student if he attended school in the United States, where high grades are not so important and
creativity is hailed," says Jia Xiaoxu, 17, Hefei, Anhui.
    From the US hit movie High School Musical, Jia discovers her role model.
  "Gabriella in the movie is an ideal student. She is ranked top but is not seen as a bookworm. She is
sweet and sociable. Most importantly, Gabriella is always 'hungry' to try new things and actively
participates in different kinds of activities," she said.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Two lovely middle school students.
B. A discussion about what makes a good student.
C. How to get high rank in study.    
D. Study and personality.
2. Which statement is NOT true according to Wu Hao?
A. A good grade is the most important for a good student.
B. A student's personality is more important for a role model student.
C. Xiao Xue still has some shortcomings which need to be improved.
D. Xiao Xue is much better in study than her brother Liu Xing.
3. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of Liu Xing according to the passage?
A. He is smart and humorous.      
B. He gets on well with Xiao Xue.
C. He does everything well except study.
D. He is good at computer and creative.
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A. To be good students, we should be eager to learn and take part in different activities.
B. To be good students, we should work hard.
C. To be good students, we should not be addicted to books.
D. To be good students, we should only concern about social issues


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空


      In the company in which I work, each of us is afraid of at least one person. The lower your  
  1   is,the more people you are afraid of.  2   all the people are afraid of the twelve men at the top
who helped   3   and build the company and now own and  4    it.
      All these twelve men are   5    now and drained(耗尽) by time and success of energy and
ambition. Many have   6   their whole lives here. They seem friendly, slow and    7   when I come
upon them in thehalls and always courteous(谦恭的) when they     8  with others in the public lifts.
They   9   work hard. They hold meetings, make promotions (推销活动), and  allow their  10   to
be used on announcements that are prepared and issued(发布) by somebody else. Nobody is sure
  11   really runs the company, butthe company does run.
      In the  12    course of a business day I am afraid of Jack Green because my department is part
of his department and Jack Green is my   13  ; Green is afraid of me because most of the work in my
department is done for the Sales Department, which is more  14   than his department.
       Green distrusts me sometimes. He makes   15  clear to me every now and then that he wishes to
seeeverything  16    out of my department before it's shown to other departments. I know he doesn't
really mean this. He is  17   busy with his own work to pay that much attention to all of mine, and I'll
bypass(避开) him on most of our assignments (任务) rather than  18   his time and delay their 19   to
people who have an immediate  20  for them.

(     )1.A. position        
(     )2.A. And            
(     )3.A. find            
(     )4.A. like            
(     )5.A. honest          
(     )6.A. spent          
(     )7.A. strict          
(     )8.A. take            
(     )9.A. no more        
(     )10.A. signs          
(     )11.A. whom          
(     )12.A. normal        
(     )13.A. father        
(     )14.A. interesting    
(     )15.A. that          
(     )16.A. coming        
(     )17.A. too            
(     )18.A. use up        
(     )19.A. production    
(     )20.A. order          
B. pay          
B. But          
B. found        
B. enjoy        
B. tired        
B. used        
B. responsible  
B. drive        
B. no longer    
B. marks        
B. who          
B. familiar    
B. teacher      
B. useful      
B. it          
B. making      
B. very        
B. make up      
B. delivery    
B. book         
C. salary  
C. So      
C. set      
C. help    
C. elderly  
C. wasted  
C. content  
C. fly      
C. no less  
C. wives    
C. that    
C. easy    
C. boss    
C. worth    
C. this    
C. producing
C. quite    
C. take up  
C. value    
C. need    
D. office    
D. Because    
D. buy        
D. direct    
D. young      
D. paid      
D. honest    
D. ride      
D. no shorter
D. names      
D. which      
D. busy      
D. workmate  
D. important  
D. him        
D. inventing  
D. greatly    
D. break up  
D. time      
D. question  


科目: 来源:广东省月考题 题型:完形填空


   For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping-watching TV and buying things by phone.
Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In some   1    countries, people can turn on their   2     and shop
for clothes, jewelry, food and many other things.
   Teleshopping is becoming      3   in Sweden. For example, the biggest Swedish company sells varieties
of things on TV in different European countries, and in one year, it   4   $10 million. In France, there're
two teleshopping channels, and the French   5   about $ 20 million a year in buying things through those
    In Germany, until last year, teleshopping was only possible on one channel for one hour every day.
Then the government allowed more teleshopping. Other channels can    6   for telebusiness, including
the largest American teleshopping company and a 24-hour teleshopping company. German    7   are
hoping these will help them sell more things.
   Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without       8   . With
heavy traffic in cities, going shopping isn't easy. But meanwhile, other Europeans       9   this new way
of buying things. They call teleshopping " 10   on the air". Many Europeans usually worry about the
quality of the things   11   on TV. They think high quality is the most important, and they are not sure
 about the quality of the things   12   .
    The need of high quality means that the European teleshopping companies will have to be   13   the
American companies. They will have to be more careful about the   14   of the things they sell. They
will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot 15     or see by themselves.

(      )1.A. European
(      )2.A. lights
(      )3.A. fast
(      )4.A. sells
(      )5.A. earn
(      )6.A. begin
(      )7.A. people
(      )8.A. paying
(      )9.A. like
(      )10.A. junk
(      )11.A. appearing
(      )12.A. in the shop
(      )13.A. different from
(      )14.A. number
(      )15.A. touch
B. Asian
B. switches
B. popular
B. owes
B. owe
B. leave
B. women
B. going out
B. mind
B. gold
B. coming out
B. on TV
B. large than
B. quality
B. feel
C. American
C. radios
C. particular
C. possesses
C. pay
C. open
C. businessmen
C. thinking
C. enjoy
C. imagination
C. for sale
C. at home
C. as big as
C. places
C. imagine
D. African
D. TVs
D. clear
D. makes
D. spend
D. turn on
D. officials
D. calling up
D. dislike
D entertainment
D. to buy
D. by this way
D. the same with
D. buyers
D. produce


科目: 来源:广东省月考题 题型:阅读理解

1.Alice is now studying in Beijing University,and she is especially interested in Chinese writing. In her
spare time she enjoys drawing,writing poems and is fond of sharing her pieces with her classmates.
2.Simon comes from Egypt. He is now studying in Beijing Art Academy. He shows great interest in
Chinese ancient characters. Now he wants to know much about it.
3.Lora and Peter,visiting professors from Australia,are both crazy about Chinese traditional culture.
At weekends they like to call on Chinese families to learn about Chinese festivals as well as their history.
4.Edward is a senior student in Beijing Foreign Language University. He likes traveling very much and
has made up his mind to work as an interpreter for some jointventure enterprises (合资企业).
5.Steve and Mark are both studying in the Chinese Department of China's Renmin University. They
want to do some research on Chinese ancient literature.


科目: 来源:广东省期末题 题型:阅读理解

Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph.    There is one extra heading which you do not need.
   With the arrival of the age of "information economy", intellectual work is becoming a more
important source of wealth than manufacturing. Organizations in all walks of life are doing more
to spread their information. So people of the Public Relations are hired to speak for them. A lot
of our news is actually collected from press releases and reports of events intentionally staged for
journalists. In the information age, journalists spend their time, not investigating, but passing on the
words of a spokesperson.
   There is a joke in the novel Scoop about the newspaper's owner, Lord Copper. The editors can
never disagree with him. When he's right about something they answer "definitely", and when he's
wrong they say "to some extent, Lord Copper." It seems reasonable to suppose that, in the real
world, the opinions of such powerful people still influence the journalists and editors who work for
   In countries where the news is not officially controlled, it may be provided by commercial
organizations who depend on advertising. The news has to attract viewers and maintain its audience
ratings. I suspect that some stories get air-time just because there happen to be exciting pictures to
show. In Britain, we have the tabloid newspapers which millions of people read simply for entertainment.
There is progressively less room for historical background, or statistics, which are harder to present
as a sensational story.
  There is an argument that with spreading access to the internet and cheap technology for recording
sound and images we will all be able to find exactly the information we want. People around the world
will be able to publish their own eye-witness accounts and compete with the widely-accepted
news-gatherers on equal terms. But what it will mean also is that we'll be subjected to a still greater
amount of nonsense and lies. Any web log may contain the latest information of the year, or equally,
a made-up story that you will never be able to check.
   Maybe the time has come to do something about it, and I don't just mean changing your choice of
TV channel or newspaper. In a world where everyone wants you to listen to their version, you only
have two choices: switch off altogether or start looking for sources you can trust. The investigative
journalist of the future is everyone who wants to know the truth.


科目: 来源:河南省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Children, especially boys, tend to idealize their fathers when they are young. Every little boy wants
to grow up to be just like his father, and every little girl thinks her father is the smartest man on the
earth. It's not very easy to be a good father, but it's not that difficult either. Children will truly enjoy
spending time with their fathers, not just when they are kids, but even when they are adults.
     Not all children communicate well with their fathers. Communication is often left to mothers, while
fathers dispense advice as and when necessary. Don't expect all conversations to center around the
dinner table. Go to your children's bedrooms and talk to them about school, their teachers or their
friends. Remember that the conversation cannot be one-sided. When your children open up to you,
you also need to open up to them.
    If your children come home from school feeling upset, go up to them and ask them what is the
matter And if it is something which seems to you to be a silly reason to be upset, don't voice your
opinion. It may be silly to you, but to your children it is important enough. So don't wave the topic
away by telling them not to bother about such stupid things. Simply discussing their problems with
them will help them feel better.
    Don't shy away from having discussions about your teenage children's love lives. Generally speaking,
your children are definitely not going to discuss intimate details with you. Try to let them know that
you are relaxed about topics on love. ell your children how you met your wife. It is perfectly normal
for children to go through feelings for the opposite sex as they grow up, and by keeping the topic
closed for discussion, you are only shutting them off from discussing their feelings with you. All they
will do is turn to their friends.
1.To children their fathers are usually very _____.
A. kind    
B. great    
C. serious      
D. strong
2.From the second paragraph we can know that _____.
A .some children don't like their fathers at all
B. talking with children around the dinner table is unnecessary
C.it is better for fathers to communicate more with their children
D. mothers should communicate less with their children.
3.Suppose your children are worried about something you should _____.
A. have a talk with them        
B. express your opinion
C .keep silent                
D. let them alone
4.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word "intimate" in Paragraph 4?
A. public    
B. personal    
C. strange    
D. serious


科目: 来源:上海模拟题 题型:阅读理解

To: "The Shoe People" inquiries@shoepeople.com
From: "John Trimbald" jtconstruction@img.com <http://www.ks5u.com/>
To Whom it May Concern,
     I have trusted the Shoe People to protect the feet of my employees for over ten years now. I
recently purchased a few pairs of boots from your company for my crew. Though my men were
initially satisfied with the boots, the soles(鞋底) began to fall apart on them after just twelve weeks.
This was extremely surprising considering they came with a six year warranty(担保). The boots are
unsafe to wear because my men are pouring hot concrete. Please respond as soon as possible with
instructions on how I can return the boots and receive a refund.
     Thank you, John Trimbald, Foreman, JT Construction
To: John Trimbald" jtconstruction@img.com
From: "The Shoe People" <inquiries@shoepeople.com>"
Dear Mr. Trimbald,
     Thank you for your e-mail concerning the poor quality of our rubber soled black workboots.
A representative will be by your office next week to pick up the damaged boots. We apologize for
any inconvenience this has caused you and your crew.  Along with five new pairs of workboots for
your crew (we included one extra pair), we have enclosed a free year's supply of spray(喷雾). In
our retail stores, this spray is always recommended to buyers who work on heated floors. This should
have been brought to your attention at the time of your initial order (received by telephone on
October 12, 2007). Please excuse our oversight. To date we have had no complaints about these
workboots from customers who have used the protector spray. However, should you use the spray
and find that you are still unsatisfied with the boots, please return the boots and spray for a full refund.
     Thank you for supporting The Shoe People. Have a Happy New Year.  Sincerely, Stan Mason,
1. The first email is basically an email of __________.
A. apology    
B. sympathy
C. appreciation  
D. complaint
2.  What is the "spray" used for according to the passage?
A. To repair the damaged boots.
B. To protect the soles from heat.
C. To prevent the crew from danger.
D. To protect the boots from concrete.
3.  According to the president of The Shoe People, John Trimbald ________.
A. can exchange the damaged boots with new ones at any time
B. must return the damaged boots to any of the retail stores
C. will get new pairs of boots and a free year's supply of spray
D. can return the damaged boots and spray for a full refund now


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     If women are mercilessly exploited (剥削) year after year, they
have only themselves to blame,because they tremble at the thought
of being seen in pubhc in clothes that are out of fashion. They are
always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores.
Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside
because of the change of fashion. When you come to think of it, only
a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed with
clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.
     Changing fashion is nothing more than the intentional creation
of waste. Many women spend vast sums of money each year to re-
place clothes that have hardly been worn. Women who cannot afford
to throw away clothing in this way, waste hours of their time altering
the dresses they have. Skirts are lengthened or shortened;necklines
are lowered or raised, and so on.
     No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything
really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned
with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability (耐用).
They're only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage
of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort,
as long as they look right. There can hardly be a man who
hasn't sometime in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in
a thin dress on a winter day, or delicately picking her way through
deep snow in high-heeled shoes.
      When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the
conclusions to be drawn are obvious. Does the constantly changing
fashion of women's clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of
instability(不稳定) ? Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated
by fashion designers. Do their unchanged styles of dress reflect
basic qualities of stability and reliability? That is for you to decide.
1. Designers and big stores always make money ________.    
A. by mercilessly exploiting women workers in the clothing industry
B. because they are capable of predicting the new fashion
C. by constantly changing the fashion in women's clothing
D. because, they always improve the quality of women's clothing
2. To the writer, the fact that women change their old-fashioned dresses is seen as_______.  
A. a quality of instability
B. a waste of time and money
C. an expression of taste
D. an expression of creativity
3. The writer would be less critical if fashion designers placed more stress on the ____ of clothing. 
A. Cost                      
B. appearance
C. comfort                  
D. suitability
4. According to the passage, which of the following statements isTRUE?
A. New fashions in clothing are created for the commercial exploitation of women.
B. The constant changes in women's clothing reflect their strength of character.
C. The fashion industry makes an important contribution to society.
D. Fashion designers should not be encouraged since they are only welcomed by women.
5. By saying" the conclusions to be drawn are obvious", the writer means that_______.
A. women's changeableness in their choice of clothing was often laughed at
B. women are better able to put up with discomfort
C. men are also exploited greatly by fashion designers
D. men are more reasonable in the matter of fashion


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Dear Sir,   
    I'm writing to complain about the service offered by your company.   
    I told your service department on November 21 that my washing machine needed repairing, Your service
engineers have since been here four times-on December 1l, December 19, December 25 and January 5. The
problem was found out on the first visit and the wrong parts were brought by different engineers on the two
next visits. The correct part was fitted by the first engineer on the fourth visit.   
    In short, my complaints are:   
    a. I had to wait three weeks for an engineer to call and nearly two months for the machine to be repaired.   
    b. The engineers who called on December 19 and December 25 had been given wrong information by the
company, which made me take two half days off unnecessarily.   
    c. The first and fourth visits lasted a total of thirty minutes. But in the invoice (发票), I have to pay for four
visits of four hours' work. I will not be paying the invoice for their mistakes and I do hope to receive your
answers to these complaints.   
                                                                                                                                      Robert White
1. Robert's main purpose in writing to the company is to tell the company _____.
[     ]
A. how its service department is operating   
B. how its different engineers came for the repair   
C. that two of the engineers didn't give him any help  
D. that he refuses to pay the company for their mistakes
2. The first of Robert's complaints is that _____.
[     ]
A. it took him three weeks to have the machine repaired   
B. it took him nearly sixty days to get his machine repaired   
C. it had been almost two months before the first engineer came   
D. it took the engineer 3 weeks to find out something wrong with the machine.
3. The second and third engineers brought the wrong parts because _____.
[     ]
A. the company didn't tell them exactly what they should do   
B. the company didn't tell them where the correct parts were   
C. they were not sure about whether the machine worked or not   
D. they hadn't been told where the right parts should be fitted.
4. It can be inferred from the letter that Robert promises to pay for _____.
[     ]
A. there hours' work        
B. half an hour's work   
C. an hour's work         
D. four hours' work


科目: 来源:江苏模拟题 题型:完形填空

     The ringing of the phone runs through my head,telling me someone needs help.I pick it up
and __1__ the routine,"Teen Lifeline,this is Amber." About 45 minutes later I hang up,feeling
pleased because I've __2__ another teen.Volunteering at Teen Lifeline has helped me realize
how to deal with my own __3__ and help others.
     "My mom is always fighting with me.I want to run away." Some teens feel their __4__ is
a prison,rather than a place of shelter and safety.They feel parents are only there to make their
lives __5___.We try to help the teens realize the danger they could be in __6__ giving them
advice.All we can do is to ask questions.We also try to__7__ where the teens would go and
how they would survive.We give them a phone number if they __8__ don't want to live in their
     "I don't want to __9__ any more" is something we hear,and suicide (自杀) calls are some of
the hardest to __10__.We try to discover why they want to take their lives and how __11__
they are by asking them to rate it on a scale of one to ten.One means they are __12__ suicide
but haven't decided how,and ten means they are always thinking about it and have a __13__.
We ask them to make a promise that they will not hurt __14__.And sometimes we ask for their
telephone numbers __15__ we can call back to make sure that they are okay.
     Although many calls are about relatively __16__ problems,volunteering at Teen Lifeline has
helped me realize I'm not the __17__ person with problems,and has taught me how to __18__
with my heart.I have made a __19__ and saved many lives-possibly even my own,__20__.
(     )1.A.set  
(     )2.A.contacted  
(     )3.A.decisions  
(     )4.A.home  
(     )5.A.simple    
(     )6.A.for    
(     )7.A.insist on  
(     )8.A.even    
(     )9.A.study    
(     )10.A.carry out  
(     )11.A.serious    
(     )12.A.accepting  
(     )13.A.question  
(     )14.A.the other  
(     )15.A.in case    
(     )16.A.small  
(     )17.A.very    
(     )18.A.listen    
(     )19.A.decision  
(     )20.A.however    
B.advise on  
B.find out   
B.the rest   
B.so that    
C.find out    
C.believe in  
D.set aside    
D.deal with    
D.typic al      

