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科目: 来源:0108 期末题 题型:阅读理解

     After years of hearing drivers complain about scratches (划痕) on their cars, Japan's Nissan Motor
Company has officially announced the next big thing-a paint that not only resists scratches and scrapes,
but actually repairs itself within a few days.
     The new material, developed by Nippon Paint Company, contains an elastic rubbery-like resin (弹性树
脂) that is able to heal minor (较小的) marks caused by car wash equipment, parking lot encounters, road
debris (石头碎片) or even on-purpose destruction.
     The automaker admits its results vary depending on the temperature and the depth of the damage, but
adds this is the only paint like it in the world, and tests prove it works.
     Minor scratches, the most common type, are said to slowly fade over about a week. And once they're
gone, there is no trace (痕迹) that they were ever there.
     The special paint is said to last for at least three years after it is first applied, but there is no word yet
on whether more can be added after that period.
     Nissan claims car washes are the worst offenders for this type of damage, accounting for at least 80
percent of all incidents.
     But the complete auto-healing won't come without scratching your wallet. The vehicle maker notes
the special paint adds about $100 US to the price of a car.
     It plans to use its new chemical mixture only on its X-Trail SUVs in Japan for now, as it looks for a
more widespread presentation. And while plans to offer the feature overseas haven't been made yet, if it's
a hit there, you can be almost sure market forces will drive it to these shores, as well.
1. From the article, we can find that ______.
A. the paint has already been used on cars by now
B. it beats other products of its kind in its lengthy effect
C. car damage is mainly caused by scratches and scrapes
D. marketing this paint in Europe is not under way
2. The paint used on cars can ______.
A. last 3 years before it is re-applied again
B. fade only in a few days
C. help to heal minor paint damage
D. reduce car scrape incidents to 20 percent
3. What does the underlined part refer to?
A. certain models of Nissan
B. name for one kind of paint
C. somewhere in Japan
D. a word standing for a car-dealer store
4. What can be inferred from the article?
A. The paint was developed by Nissan Motor Company.
B. The paint might work better in summer than in winter.
C. The mark on the car could disappear as soon as the paint is applied.
D. The paint is very popular in Japan.


科目: 来源:0108 期末题 题型:阅读理解

     High-tech machines have made life easier for millions around the world. However, some people still
prefer low-tech ways of doing things. Here's an example of why this is happening. You can microwave
a frozen hamburger in 60 seconds. However, it won't taste as good as one you cook on the stove. And
if you're in that much of a hurry, you probably won't take time to toast the bun. High-tech cooking saves
time, but it doesn't make for better-tasting meals.
     Most people get their news from high-tech sources like television or the Internet. This has many
advantages. For example, electronic news is more up to date than newspapers or magazines. It's also
more exciting to see live and videotaped news events than photographs. However, newspapers and
magazines have some important advantages. They give more background and details. They also let you
read the parts that are important to you and skip the rest.
     Other high-tech timesavers have similar disadvantages. For examples, most people use the phone or
e-mail to stay in touch with friends and family members who live in other places. But when you use the
Internet or the phone, you don't always think carefully about what you are saying, and sometimes you
forget the important things you want to communicate. Similarly, when you word-process a homework
assignment instead of handwriting it, you can check your spelling electronically and put in fancy
headings. However, some students are so busy with the computer that they don't pay enough attention
to the actual words they are writing.
1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The writer likes high-tech cooking.
B. Low-tech cooking produces better-tasting meals.
C. High-tech news programs always keep you reading what is important to you.
D. Handwritten homework is better than word-processed homework.
2. How does the writer feel about high-tech tool?
A. Better late than never.
B. Easy come, easy go.
C. Every coin has two sides.
D. Learn to walk before you run.
3. What is the main subject discussed in the text?
A. High-tech vs. low-tech.
B. Advantages vs. disadvantages.
C. Newspapers and magazines vs. television and the Internet.
D. Word-processing vs. handwriting.


科目: 来源:0115 期末题 题型:阅读理解

     With many job postings(公开招聘) now requiring candidates (应聘者) to apply via e-mail, first impressions
are made not with a handshake but with words on a computer screen.
     Just like it's usually a good idea to dress best for an interview, e-mails also should be refined. _____, here
are some tips:
     ☆Forget what instant messaging has taught you.
     Recruiters (招聘人员) report that young professionals often send overly casual e-mails, treating an
application like an instant message (IM). When using IM with friends and acquaintances, it's acceptable to use
shortened forms of words or phrases and incomplete sentences. In business correspondence (信函), however,
stick to the rules your Chinese and English teachers taught you.
     ☆Don't be cool.
     Your lovely e-mail background of pets playing with each other has got to go. Comic fonts (字体) are
unprofessional. HR managers (人力资源经理) recommend plain fonts such as Times New Roman or Arial,
and black text on a white background. They also warn against sending e-mails from strange addresses.
Littlebird@ or Chinatiger@ might not get what you hope for.
     ☆Don't be too creative in the subject line (标题).
     Use plain, simple language like "Talented candidate seeking position as [name of position]" or"Enthusiastic
candidate seeking position with [name of company]". Use one word to describe yourself, but do not go to
     The same rules apply to a paper resume (简历) and cover letter. Recruiters have only seconds to devote
to each cover letter they receive. Many look at just three things: the positions you've held, the companies
you've worked for,and your educational background. Anything else, such as a long story about yourself, can
get in the way.

1. What's the purpose of this passage?(please answer within 15 words)
2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? You should avoid using
    very cool or lovely background in your application e-mail.
3. Please fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the
    sentence.( please answer within 10 words)
4. According to the passage, what should an e-mail application be like?
    ( please answer within 10 words)
5. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.


科目: 来源:云南省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Most Americans would have a difficult time telling you, specifically, what are the values which Americans
live by. They have never given the matter any thought.
     Over the years I have introduced thousands of international visitors to life in the United States. This has
caused me to try to look at Americans through the eyes of foreign visitors. I am confident that the values
listed in this booklet describe most( but not all) Americans, and that understanding these values can help you,
the international visitor, understand Americans.
      It is my belief that if foreign visitors really understand how deeply these 13 values are ingrained in
Americans, they will then be able to understand 95% of American actions-actions which might otherwise
appear "strange","confusing", or "unbelievable" when evaluated from the perspective ( aspect) of the foreigner's
own society and its values.
     The different behaviors of a people or a culture make sense only when seen through the basic beliefs,
assumptions and values of that particular group. When you encounter ( meet) an action, or hear a statement in
the United States which surprises you, try to see it as an expression of one or more of the values listed in this
1. An ordinary American can't tell you his/her value system because _____.
A. this is something an American lives by
B. everyone will have his/her own value system
C. he/she has never thought about it
D. values are something often in their thought
2. The author lists 13 values in his booklet to _____.
A. invite foreigners to visit America
B. look at Americans through the eyes of foreign visitors
C. describe the confusing actions of most Americans
D. help international visitors understand Americans
3. The underlined word "ingrained" in Line 2, Paragraph 3 most probably means "_____ ".
A. rooted in the minds
B. found in the grains
C. planted for food
D. prepared with grain
4. Visitors sometimes find Americans behave in a strange, confusing or unbelievable way,
    probably because _____.
A. Americans are hard to understand
B. Americans have values which are entirely different from their own
C. they view Americans according to the values in their own society
D. it is difficult to understand any people when you first encounter them


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

     With smart phones taking the world by Storm, a phone that can only send and receive voice calls and text
messages may seem like a relic from a bygone age. Yet in East Africa,simple phones like these are changing
the face of the economy, thanks to the mobile money services that are spreading across the region.
     Using the text-messaging function built into the GSM system (全球通) used by most cell phone networks,
these services allow people without a bank account or credit card to use their phone as an electronic wallet that
can be used to store. send or receive cash.
     It works like this: you pay cash to your local agent who then tops up your mobile money account using a
secure form of text messaging. That money can be transferred (转账) to another person by sending a message
to their cell phone account.
     For some the system is a lifeline."If I didn,t have my mobile phone. I would be very poor,"says Neyasse
Neemur, a mother of four children who lives in northern Kenya."Now I can sell fish."
     Neemur took up fishing in July last year, but making money from it was a little tricky, especially as
Turkana people do not usually eat fish. A truck from Ethiopia to Tanzania passes through her village once a
week, and she arranged to have the driver transport the fish several hundred kilometres south to market in
Kisumu, where her relatives sell the fish.
     "I get the money transfer immediately." says Neemur."Then I can pay for my children to go to school
and for vegetables and beans," she adds,"so I don't need to eat fish."
     According to the Central Bank of Kenya, payments worth around l billion Kenyan shillings ($13 million)
per day were transferred through Kenya,s mobile money systems in 2009, equalling the country,s credit card
transactions (业务). The bank expects mobile money transfers to overtake credit cards in 2011.
1. In Paragraph l,the author uses "simple phones" to _______.
A. make a comparison
B. introduce a topic
C. describe a scene
D. offer an argument
2. What can we learn about the simple phones in East Africa?
A. They might help the local people apply for a bank account.
B. They will replace the banks completely in the near future.
C. They provide a safe means for the locals to do business.
D. They can do nothing except send and receive calls or messages.
3. The word "it" in the third paragraph refers to ______.
A. the GSM system
B. the mobile money service
C. the credit card service
D. the cell phone networks
4. The story of Neyasse Neemur suggests that ______.
A. the mobile money service plays a key rote in the locals, life
B. Neemur uses her mobile phone to contact her customers
C. her relatives tricks Turkana people to eat the fish they sell
D. the Bank of Kenya helps her improve her living condition


科目: 来源:0101 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     It's interesting that technology often works as a servant for us, yet frequently we become a servant to
it. Email is a useful tool but many feel controlled by this new tool. The average business person is getting
about 80 emails per day and many feel that about 80%of the messages in their in box are of little or no value.
     So, I have four suggestions to help you to become better at “Erasing Email”
     1.get off the lists. The best way to deal with a problem is to never have it. If you are receiving a lot of
unwanted emails, ask to be removed from the various lists. This would include your inclusion in unwanted
     2. “unlisted address”. Just as you keep an unlisted telephone number that you share only with those
whom you want to have direct access to , you might want to get a separate email address only for the
important communications you wish to receive.
     3.check it once or twice per day. Many I speak with are becoming chained to their email server,
monitoring incoming email continuously. Maybe this is because email creates its own sense of urgency, but
most of the communications are not all that urgent. I respond to them a couple of times per day.
     4. deal with it. As you open each email, do one of the following:
     a. if it requires a quick response, respond to it and delete it.
     b. if it requires a response but is not the best use of your time, try to find someone else to do it.
     c. if it is going to take any serious amount of time to respond, schedule it for action in your day planner
and then download the message, save it, or print it out for future action.
     I personally receive about 250 emails per day and by practising the suggestions above, I can handle that
volume in about an hour, taking advantage of this fantastic tool but not being controlled by it to make sure
I'm doing more important tasks in my day.
1. if you get unwanted emails, the best you can do is to _____.
A. make a list of them
B. put them into unwanted lists
C. send them to a special address
D. ask to be deleted from different lists
2. For the important communications, the writer suggests that you ______.
A. have a direct access for them
B. have several email servers for them
C. get a separate email address for them
D. get an unlisted phone number for them
3. To avoid being chained by the coming emails, what you can do is to ______.
A. respond urgent ones only
B. reply to all of them at the same time
C. handle them a couple of times daily
D. keep replying to emails all day long
4. To deal with an email you get, you can do the following except ______.
A. responding right away if it's urgent
B. downloading every email before you reply
C. scheduling it for later reply if it takes much time
D. asking someone else to reply to it if it's not at your convenience


科目: 来源:0101 期中题 题型:阅读理解


     In Britain and other countries, young people sometimes take a gap year, a year off between high school
and college. This idea never gained a big following in America. Recent news reports have suggested that
interest may be growing , though there are no official numbers.
     Charles Deacon, Dean of Admissions at Georgetown University in Washington, DC estimate that in the
current first-year class of 1600 students, only about 25 decided to take a year off. He says this number hasn't
changed much over the years.
     Mr.Deacon says the most common reason for taking a gap year is to have a chance to travel, but he says
inernational students may take a gap year to meet requirements at home for military duty.
     Some high school graduates see a year off as a chance to recover after twelve years of required education,
but it can also give students a chance to explore their interests. Students hoping to be doctors, for example,
could learn about the profession by volunteering in a hospital. Many colleges and universities support gap-year
projects by permitting students to delay their admission. Experts say students can grow emotionally and
intellectually as they work at something they enjoy.
     The Harvard admissions office has an essay on its Web site called “Time Out or Burn Out for the Next
Generation.” It praises the idea of taking time off to step back, think and enjoy gaining life experiences
outside the pressure of studies. It also notes that students are sometimes admitted to Harvard or other colleges
partly because they did something unusual with that time.
     Of couse, a gap year is not for everyone. Students might miss their friends who go on directly to college ,
and parents might worry that their children will decide not to go to college once they take time off. Another
concern is money. A year off, away from home, can be costly.
     Holly Bull's job is to specialize in helping students plan their gap year. She notes that several books have
been written about this subject. She says these books along with media attention and the availability of
information on the Internet have increased inerest in the idea of a year off, and she points out that many
gap-year programs cost far less than a year of college.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. If you want to go to an American university, take a gap year first.
B. More and more American students are choosing to take a year off.
C. It is likely that taking a gap year is becoming popular in America.
D. Americans hold different opinions towards students taking a gap year.
2. How many reasons for students' taking a gap year are mentioned in passage?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
3. The esssay “time out or burn out for the next generation” suggests that ______.
A. every student must take a gap year before applying for a famous university
B. some famous universities encouage students to gain more life experiences
C. taking a gap year can make students free from life learning
D. the stress of studies does harm to the students' health
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Charles Deacon doesn't support the idea of the students' taking a gap year
B. Books and media have contributed to the students' inerest in school learning
C. Parents might disagree with the program, concerned about their children's future.
D. Experts agree taking a year off will benefit the students emotionally and physically.


科目: 来源:0101 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     The Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet, chat and go where we've never been
     But just as in face to face communication, there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when
on line    1    imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person's shoes.
     For anything you're about to send, ask yourself,"Would I say this to the person's face?" if the answer is no,
rewrite and reread.    2   
      If someone in the chat room is rude to you, your instinct (本能) is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so.   3    if it was caused by a disagreement with another member, try to fix the situation by politely
discussing it. Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room. 
        4    offer advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate. When someone makes a mistake, whether it's a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer, be kind about
it. If it's a small mistake, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before saying anything. Have good manners yourself doesn't give you license to correct everyone else.    5   at the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.
     It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as age, sex, and marital status. Unless you know the
person very well, and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information, don't ask such questions.
A. Everyone was new to the network once
B. if you do decide to tell someone about a mistake, point it out politely
C. It's natural that there are some people who speak rudely or make mistakes online
D. The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated
E. You should either ignore the person, or use your chat software to block their messages
F. When you send short messages to a person online, you must say something beautiful to hear
G. Repeat the process till you feel sure that you'd feel comfortable saying words to a person's face


科目: 来源:0128 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Many of us already know about several American superstitions (迷信). Having a black cat cross your
path, walking ladder, and breaking a mirror are all bad luck. In addition to these, there are many other
superstitions that are worth knowing. Understanding them will keep you safe from evil spirits-if you believe
in such things- and impress your American friends when you mention them.
     Like the superstitions in other cultures, American superstitions often involve the things important in daily
life, such as health, numbers, and marriage. For example, have you ever had a cough that would not go
away? According to one American superstition, you should take a piece of your hair and put it between two
slices of buttered bread. Next, feed this hair sandwich to a dog and say,"Eat well, you hound, may you be
sick and I be sound." This will trick the evil spirits and help your cough. It will also raise some eyebrows if
you try it
     In American superstitions, the number three is very important. Often, Americans will say, "All things
come in threes." Three is lucky because it represents the traditional family: mother, father, and child.
Therefore, gifts, letters, and guests will often arrive at your home in groups of three. However, it is also
possible for bad events, like accidents and funerals, to come in threes as well.
     Another time people pay attention to superstitions is when they get married. During a wedding, brides
must wear or carry"something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue." The old and
borrowed things will bring luck to the person who gives them to the bride. The new and blue things will
bring good fortune to the bride herself. The next time someone you know is getting married, be sure to
recite this phrase.
     As it would be unlucky to discuss one more superstition, we will wind things up here. Keep your fingers
crossed, and stay lucky!
1. The passage is most probably entitled "_______".
A. American's Bad Luck
B. Cross-culture and Superstitions
C. American Superstitions
D. Daily Life in Superstitions
2. The underlined sentence in the second paragraph "It will also raise some eyebrows if you try it."
   means _____.
A. whey you try it, the dog will raise its eyebrows
B. you will make some people surprised when you try this trick
C. only if you raise your eyebrows can the trick work
D. you will believe in the trick after you try it
3. In American's view, the number three is a(n) _____ number.
A. lucky
B. unlucky
C. special
D. ordinary
4. On the wedding, the bride often uses old and borrowed things so as to _____.
A. save some money for the wedding
B. bring good luck to the people who gave them to the bride
C. give the good luck to the bride herself
D. pass the bad luck to others
5. After reading the passage, we may feel it is written in a _____ tone.
A. forma
B. serious
C. humorous
D. critical


科目: 来源:0111 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth,
we transcend (超越) it. Once we truly know that life is difficult-once we truly understand and accept it-then
life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.
     Most do not fully see this truth. Instead they complain about their problems and difficulties as if life should
be easy. It seems to them that difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially forced upon them or
else upon their families, their class, or even their nation.
     What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one. Problems,
depending on their nature, cause us sadness, or loneliness or regret or anger or fear. These are uncomfortable
feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life causes an endless series of problems, life
is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.
     Yet, it is in this whole process of solving problems that life has its meaning. Problems are the serious test
that tells us success from failure. When we desire to encourage the growth of human spirit, we encourage the
human ability to solve problems, just as in school we set problems for our children to solve. It is through the
pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn. As Benjamin Franklin said, those things that hurt,
instruct. It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems.
1. From the passage, it can be inferred that ______.
A. everybody has problems
B. we become stronger by meeting and solving the problems of life
C. life is difficult because our problems bring us pain
D. people like to complain about their problems
2. The writer probably used just one short sentence in the first paragraph to ______.
A. save space
B. persuade readers
C. make readers laugh
D. get readers' attention
3. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is that ______.
A. most people feel life is easy
B. the writer feels life is easy
C. the writer likes to complain about his problems
D. most people complain about how hard their lives are
4. According to the passage, we give school children difficult problems to solve in order to______.
A. encourage them to learn
B. teach them to fear the pain of solving the problem
C. help them learn to deal with pain
D. teach them how to respect from problems
5. The saying from Benjamin Franklin "Those things that hurt, instruct" suggests that ______.

A. we do not learn from experience
B. we do not learn when we are in pain
C. pain teaches us important lessons
D. pain cannot be avoided

