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科目: 来源:0116 月考题 题型:阅读理解

     Emily and Madison were having a great time on their field trip. After a morning at the science museum
they went to their favorite fast food place. Emily got her food first. When Madison sat down next to her,
Emily couldn't believe her eyes. Madison had two hamburgers, three containers of French fries, an apple
pie, a soda, and a shake on her tray.
     "Why do you have so much food?" Emily asked. "I'm so tired of being really skinny (极瘦的)," Madison
said,"so I've decided to eat lots of food and try to gain weight."
     Trying to gain weight by stuffing (塞, 填) yourself with extra calories like Madison did is a bad idea. It
can make you sick if you're naturally short or thin- so just listen to your appetite (胃口) and eat only as
much as your body tells you to. Once in a while, a health problem can keep a kid from gaining weight. The
kid usually goes to a specialist who can check things out, or to a registered dietitian (饮食学家) who has
lots of tips on how to eat well. But most of the time, thin kids don't need to see a doctor or go on a special
     Here's another surprise. Kids who are thin need to exercise. A lot of people use exercise to keep their
weight under control or to lose weight. But exercise serves many other purposes, too. Moving around helps
you develop important skills and helps your body get stronger. And unless a kid has gone through puberty
(青春期), weight-lifting won't build bigger muscles. It also could hurt bones, joints, and muscles.
     You want to help your body, not hurt it. Treat it right and you'll grow and develop just the way you
1. The opening part of this passage about Emily and Madison is used to _____.
A. tell us that Emily was not pleased with Madison
B. introduce the topic of gaining weight
C. suggest that Emily and Madison often went to their field trip
D. tell us that Emily and Madison were close friends
2. If you are short and thin as you should you'd better _____.
A. eat as much as you want to every day
B. see a doctor as soon as possible
C. force yourself to eat more every day
D. eat as much as you can to gain weight
3. Which one of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
A. Only fat people need to exercise to lose weight.
B. Madison should have much food because she was thin.
C. Thin people also need to exercise.
D. You must be ill if you are too thin or too short.
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. The thinner You Are the More You Should Eat.
B. Emily and Madison - Two Close Friends.
C. The Thinner You Are the Better You Will Be.
D. What Should You Do if You Are Thin?


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

     You probably know that you can lose weight by limiting certain foods. But if you're
an emotional eater, you'll still turn to food if you don't deal with your feelings.
     Basically, emotional eating is eating for reasons other than hunger.In other words, rather
than reach for food because your body needs it, you are addicted because your emotions
need to be satisfied. Instead of the gradual urge you get when you're physically hungry,
emotional eating strikes you suddenly.Instead of filling the emotional empty space with
healthy choices, emotional eaters use food for comfort, ice cream or chocolate for women
and steak and French fries for men.
     Besides blowing up your stomach, emotional eating does harm to your mind. When
you eat for physical reasons you don't feel guilty.But when you grab for food when you're
not even hungry, just because you're feeding your emotions, you feel guilty afterward.
     A good rule of thumb when you're lured(诱惑)into emotional eating is to remember
to HALT.
     "H" is for hungry-Sometimes you can feel physical hunger when you're on the point
of an emotional eating.But rather than reaching for those comfort foods loaded with fats,
and sugar, make better choices such as proteins, fruits and vegetables.
     "A" is for anxious-It's easy to fall into emotional eating when you're worried and tense.
Rather than turning to food, do whatever work to calm your nerves.Call a friend, pray, or
keep a record of your feelings.Just don't reach into the fridge.
     "L" is for lonely-Too often emotional eaters use food for companionship.Instead of
comforting yourself with food, join a group of caring people who understand your problem.
Twelvestep groups such as Overeaters Anonymous are excellent for connecting with
others who struggle with you the same food addictions as you do.Not only will you receive
tools for recovery, but you'll also realize you're not alone.
     "T" is for tired-When exhausted, either physically or emotionally, emotional eaters turn
to food. Instead, get some rest or eat something good for you.
     Most importantly, find out the reason(s) why you overeat.It's not so much what you
eat, but what's eating you.Unless you get to the root of why you overeat you won't
conquer your food addiction.
                                                     Emotional Eating
1.________         ★Eating for emotional reasons other than hunger
    ★Reaching for food not because of physical needs, but because of 2._______
Getting struck suddenly instead of the gradual urge from hunger
          ★Turning to 3.________like ice cream and chocolate, or steak and French fries
Blowing up your stomach
                 ★ Making you 5.________ afterward
Feeling physically hungry
Being worried and tense
                      ★Being exhausted
Turn to healthy foods with little 7.________.
        ★Call a friend, pray, or write down your feelings to 8.________.
             ★Join groups of caring people or connect yourself with people
9.________the same problem with you.
Get more rest.
                 ★Above all, find out the reasons for 10.________.


科目: 来源:0117 月考题 题型:阅读理解

Dear Weiner,
      I think the government should pass a 1aw to stop people from letting their cats run free. There are three
important reasons why you should do it:
     When cats run free, they hide themselves under bird feeders (喂食器) and kill defenseless (毫无防备的)
songbirds. Every time I put up a bird feeder, I find at least one dead bird in my yard. I'm sure all those birds
were killed by cats. And cats don't even eat the birds they kill. Songbirds belong in our parks and gardens, but
cats don't. Dogs never kill poor little birds. I don't know why people don't want a dog in the first place.
     Cats are always using my garden as a litter-box. This is very dirty and makes me feel sick. Children can't
play in the garden when cats have been there. Dogs are usually tied to trees, so they don't cause such trouble.
Cats spread diseases when they use a garden as a litter-box, so I think this should be stopped.
      Finally, letting cats run free is not even good for the cats. Sure, most cats want to go outside. Their
owners like to give them everything they want, just like spoiled children. But cats that stay indoors live much
longer than cats that run free. Cats are always getting hit by cars when they're allowed to run free.
     I'm sure that if you think about all the things I've said, you will work to pass a law stopping cats from
running free. This will improve our environment, make our parks and gardens cleaner, and even help the cats
themselves by making them live. 
     Thank you for your attention to my suggestion.
                                                                                                                                         Eve Harringford
1. According to the author, a law should be passed _______.
A. to make people keep their cats indoors
B. to encourage people to keep dogs
C. to prevent people from keeping cats
D. to protect defenseless songbirds
2. Of the following statements, which does NOT support the author's opinions?
A. Cats kill defenseless songbirds.
B. Cats usually hide themselves in litter-boxes.
C. Cats spoil the environment.
D. Cats face more dangers when they run free.
3. From the passage, we can learn that _______.

A. cats should never be allowed to run outside
B. it is against the law to let cats run free
C. the author has a good opinion of dogs
D. Weiner is all for stopping cats running free

4. The author's purpose in writing this letter is to _______.
A. give advice
B. offer information
C. entertain readers
D. tell a story


科目: 来源:福建省同步题 题型:填空题

     It is reported that around three hundred million plastic
bags are used by Chinese residents each day.________is known
to us all,  our earth is crying________help because of
the serious white pollution.To our joy,  all the shopping places
will be________(禁止) from providing free plastic bags from
June 1st this year.I________agree more to this.
A________we have known the bad effects of plastic
bags on our environment,  yet we find it difficult to refuse
________-they are so convenient to us.Thanks to the 
government, firm m________are to be taken to limit them.
I am sure that people will become used to g________
up the plastic bags.Only by________(改变) the way  
we treat the earth can we________(形成) 
a harmonious relationship with it.


科目: 来源:山西省同步题 题型:阅读理解

    Living in a green area can make you live longer,according to research published today.The research also
shows  that the  difference in  life expectancy (预期寿命) between rich and poor becomes smalleramong
those who live in an environment with parks and trees.
    Richard Mitchell,from Glasgow University,and his colleagues, found that the gap between the number of
deaths of  people on high incomes and the number of deaths of those on low incomes in green areas was
half that compared with figures relating to builtup areas.
    Green spaces, classified by the researchers as  " open, undeveloped  land with natural  vegetation ",
encouraged people to walk and be more active.Exercise in these settings could have greater benefits than
exercise elsewhere,the researchers said.
    The benefits potentially go beyond exercise.Studies have shown that being around green spaces can
reduce blood pressure and stress levels,and possibly help patients recover faster.
    A number of researchers have looked at the effects of greenery on our wellbeing.But few studies had
looked at whether living in green areas reduced health inequalities,the Glasgow team said.
    Using information from a landuse database of 2001,the researchers divided the preretirement population
of England into four groups according to income level,and five groups according to access to green space.
They then looked at death rate for 2001~2005.
    They found that the inequality in death rate from all causes relating to lack of money was less in those
populations in the greenest areas compared with the figures for people living in more builtup places.They
found an even stronger relationship when it came to deaths from certain diseases such as heart conditions
and stroke (中风).There was no difference,however,in deaths from lung cancer.
    The researchers said that changing the physical environment was an easier way to fight against poor
health than using media campaigns or giving out information on health."The result of the study is clear:
Environments that promote good health might be very important in the fight to reduce health inequalities."
1.The underlined word "that" in Paragraph 2 refers to________.
A.the gap  
B.the number of deaths
C.the income  
D.the living area
2.What was the special point of the Glasgow team's research?
A.They offered a scientific definition of "green spaces".
B.They encouraged people to exercise in green areas.
C.They studied the  effects of greenery  on people's health.
D.They focused on the influence of greenery on health inequalities.
3.What advice would the researchers probably give according to the last paragraph?
A.More health information should be given to the public.
B.People should take more exercise every day.
C.More trees and grass should be planted in cities.
D.People should help to fight against health problems.
4.What is the main idea of the passage?
A.People should live in green areas.
B.Green spaces promote good health.
C.Income influences health less than environment.
D.Exercise in green areas benefits people a lot.


科目: 来源:山西省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Half an hour of exercise a day can add an extra five years on your life, a ground breaking research
has revealed.Health experts said that walking or cycling gently has massive longterm benefits.According
to the World Health Organization, research carried out in Britain and Denmark shows that gentle
workouts (锻炼) and even housework every day can boost life spans by as much as five years.
     The news will provide encouragement for those couch_potatoes to start taking exercise.Britain is in
the grip of an obesity epidemic (肥胖症), with just 35% of men and 24% of women taking regular
     "Encouraging people to be physically active every day has so many health benefits, " said Dr.Marc
Danzon, WHO regional director for Europe."These include reducing the risk of developing certain
diseases and of becoming obese, as well as contributing to physical coordination, balance, strength and
mental wellbeing.It is a very costeffective public health tool."
     The organization is so concerned that the public is not getting the message on exercise that it will 
 launch a "Move for Health" campaign to boost public awareness.
     "The WHO encourages adults to take at least 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise a day,
defined as any body movement that results in energy expenditure (消耗), " said Dr  Danzon."This
includes walking, cycling, playing, housework, climbing stairs as well as sports." He added that children
should take at least 60 minutes of exercise every day.

1. The underlined phrase "couch potatoes" probably means______.

A. lazy bones who spend a lot of time sitting
B. people who like eating potatoes
C. persons who usually rest on a couch
D. players who take exercise with potatoes

2. Taking physical exercise every day benefits one's health in the following aspects except________.

A. strengthening body coordination
B. developing certain diseases and becoming obese
C. keeping body balance
D. keeping fit mentally

3. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Children should take more physical exercise than adults every day.
B. The WHO has tried to improve people's knowledge about exercise by launching a campaign.
C. People with an obesity epidemic in Britain seldom take regular exercise.
D. Physical exercise brings the best possible profit to public health at the lowest cost.

4. Which of the following is probably the author's attitude towards "trybeforeyoubuy" salesmanship?

A. Honorable.  
B. Favorable.  
C. Negative.  
D. Suspicious.


科目: 来源:陕西省同步题 题型:阅读理解

      Weighing too much can damage your health, and obesity is a growing problem for both kids and
adults around the world.
     Sleep might be one answer to the problem.A new study has found that elementary school students
who slept too little were more likely to gain pounds.In the United States today, some 9 million children
over the age of 6 are obese (too fat).
     Past studies have shown a link between sleeping less and weighing more, but scientists have had a
tough time determining"which_came_first, the_chicken_or_the_egg", says Julie C. Lumeng of the
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.In other words, it hasn't been clear whether kids who weigh too
much have trouble sleeping, or whether sleeping less leads to weight gain.Both scenarios (情况) seemed
equally possible.
      To get a better idea of which causes which, Lumeng and his colleagues interviewed the parents of
785 third graders from around the United States.The parents answered questions about how well their
kids slept that year.Three years later, the parents answered the same questions.By sixth grade,18
percent of kids involved in the study were obese.The scientists found no relationship between weight
and the students'race or gender.It also didn't matter how strict their parents were.Obesity struck all of
these groups equally.
     Instead, sleep seemed to be the key factor.Over the 3 years of the study, the children averaged a
healthy 9.5 hours of sleep a night.Some kids, however, slept a lot more-or less-than others.For the sixth
graders, every hour of sleep above the 9.5hour average was linked to a 20 percent lower risk of being
obese.Sleep appeared doubly important for the third graders.Every extra hour of sleep they got was
linked to a 40 percent drop in obesity by third grade.
     "I expected we'd find that this (sleep link with obesity) was just a_bunch_of_bunk, " says Lumeng,
a pediatrician.But their findings were convincing.No matter how her team looked at the link, "we
couldn't make it go away."

1. According to the research, ________.

A. 9 million people in America have a weight problem
B. not enough sleep contributes to a gain in weight
C. sixth graders need more sleep than third graders
D. lack of sleep has become the most deadly killer

2. The statement "which came first, the chicken or the egg" suggests that________.

A. scientists are sure about the causes of children's obesity
B. it's easy to decide the cause and effect of this problem
C. scientists are still confused about the cause and effect of the problem
D. you'll develop obesity if you eat chicken and eggs

3. Recent studies show that a child's weight is influenced by the________.

A. amount of sleep  
B. parents'attitude to him
C. race or gender  
D. performance in school

4. The underlined part in the last paragraph most probably means something________.

A. acceptable  
B. understandable
C. reliable  
D. unreasonable


科目: 来源:陕西省同步题 题型:阅读理解

      Living in a green area can make you live longer, according to research published today.The research
also shows  that the  difference in  life expectancy (预期寿命) between rich and poor becomes
smalleramong those who live in an environment with parks and trees.
     Richard Mitchell, from Glasgow University, and his colleagues, found that the gap between the
number of deaths of people on high incomes and the number of deaths of those on low incomes in green
areas was half that compared with figures relating to builtup areas.
     Green spaces, classified by the researchers as "open, undeveloped land with natural vegetation",
encouraged people to walk and be more active.Exercise in these settings could have greater benefits than
exercise elsewhere, the researchers said.
     The benefits potentially go beyond exercise.Studies have shown that being around green spaces can
reduce blood pressure and stress levels, and possibly help patients recover faster.
     A number of researchers have looked at the effects of greenery on our wellbeing.But few studies had
looked at whether living in green areas reduced health inequalities, the Glasgow team said.
     Using information from a landuse database of 2001, the researchers divided the preretirement
population of England into four groups according to income level, and five groups according to access to
green space.They then looked at death rate for 2001~2005.
     They found that the inequality in death rate from all causes relating to lack of money was less in those
populations in the greenest areas compared with the figures for people living in more builtup places.They
found an even stronger relationship when it came to deaths from certain diseases such as heart conditions
and stroke (中风). There was no difference, however, in deaths from lung cancer.
      The researchers said that changing the physical environment was an easier way to fight against poor
health than using media campaigns or giving out information on health."The result of the study is clear:
Environments that promote good health might be very important in the fight to reduce health inequalities."

1. The underlined word "that" in Paragraph 2 refers to________.

A. the gap  
B. the number of deaths
C. the income  
D. the living area

2. What was the special point of the Glasgow team's research?

A. They offered a scientific definition of "green spaces".
B. They encouraged people to exercise in green areas.
C. They studied the  effects of greenery  on people's health.
D. They focused on the influence of greenery on health inequalities.

3. What advice would the researchers probably give according to the last paragraph?

A. More health information should be given to the public.
B. People should take more exercise every day.
C. More trees and grass should be planted in cities.
D. People should help to fight against health problems.

4. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. People should live in green areas.
B. Green spaces promote good health.
C. Income influences health less than environment.
D. Exercise in green areas benefits people a lot.


科目: 来源:安徽省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Far more people in India have access to a mobile phone than to a toilet,according to a UN study.
     India's mobile users totaled 563.73 million at the last count,enough to serve nearly half of the country's population.
     But just 366 million people-around a third of the population-had access to proper sanitation (卫生设施) in 2008,said the study published by the UN University,a UN thinktank.
     "It is a tragic irony (讽刺) to think in India,a country now wealthy enough that roughly half of the
people own phones,so many people cannot afford the basic necessity and quality of a toilet," said UN
University director Zafar Adeel.
     Adeel heads the UN University's Institute for Water,Environment and Health,based in the Canadian
city of Hamilton,which prepared the report.
     Worldwide,an estimated 358 billion dollars is needed between now and 2015 to achieve the UN
Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halving the proportion of people with inadequate (不充分的)
sanitation from 2000 levels.
     "Proper sanitation could do more to save lives,especially those of young people,improve health and
help pull India and other countries in similar circumstances out of poverty than any alternative investment," Adeel said.
     Poor sanitation is a major contributor to waterborne diseases (水传播疾病),which in the past three
years alone killed an estimated 4.5 million children under the age of five worldwide,according to the study.
     The report gave a rough cost of 300 dollars to build a toilet,including labour,and materials.The world
could expect a return of up to 34 dollars for every dollar spent on sanitation through improved productivity and reduced poverty and health costs,said Adeel.He said improving sanitation was an economic and
humanitarian opportunity of historic proportions.

1. The population of India is about________.

A. less than 1 billion  
B. about 1.2 billion
C. 900 million  
D. 800 million

2. From Paragraph 4,we can draw a conclusion that________.

A. India is so poor that they can't afford the basic necessity and quality of a toilet
B. a mobile phone is more important than a toilet
C. it's normal in Indian that they can't attach importance to toilets
D. Zafar Adeel wasn't satisfied with the sanitary situation in India

3. Improving sanitation can play an important part in the following EXCEPT________.

A. preventing waterborne diseases
B. saving lives of young people
C. pulling developing countries out of poverty
D. improving the quality of mobile phone and getting more information

4. According to the last paragraph,if the government put into $10,000 on sanitation,they can get
    a return of________.

A. $3,000,000  
B. $10,000
C. $340,000  
D. $10,200


科目: 来源:安徽省同步题 题型:阅读理解

    We all know that certain oils are healthier than others,but your oil health goes beyond just the type.
The health of your oil can be related to how you use it too.
     Each type of oil has what is called a "smoke point". The smoke point is the specific temperature at
which the oil starts to break down,or in more technical terms,its molecular structure begins to change.
These molecular changes result in changes in flavor,as well as changes in nutritional value-specifically,
the nutritional value of the oil starts to reduce,changing what once may have been considered an
especially healthy oil,like olive,into one that is unhealthy.
     The higher an oil's smoke point is,the higher the temperature of the oil can be.As a result,each type
of oil should be used for the cooking method that is most appropriate to its individual smoke point and
heat tolerance.Here is a quick guide for the next time you reach for your favorite oil.

Heat During  Cooking Oil Best Use
Low to Moderate Coconut
Baking (low heat)Light  
Sauting Pressure  
Cooking Salads
Medium Heat Macadamia 
Nut Safflower
High Heat Grapeseed
Deep Browning
      Note that the above table represents oils that are refined (精炼的). Most oils we buy are refined.
     Refined oils tend to have much higher smoke points than when they are unrefined.They also differ in
nutrition and flavor.Unrefined oils are more nutritious and they tend to be much richer in flavor.
     When it comes to extremely high heat cooking,always choose oils which are refined.

1. What determines whether an oil is healthy or not?

A. Whether it's refined or not.  
B. Its smoke point.
C. Its molecule.  
D. How you use it.

2. Which of the following might be a better choice to make a healthy salad?

A. Refined walnut oil.  
B. Safflower oil.
C. Unrefined olive oil.  
D. Sunflower oil.

3. Healthy oil can become unhealthy if________ according to the passage.

A. you keep it for too long
B. it is heated well beyond its smoke point
C. it is refined
D. its flavor is changed

4. The author wants to tell readers that________.

A. oils are related to health
B. oils' value depends on their smoke points
C. "certain oils are healthier" is relative
D. oils' flavor and nutrition are connected

