 0  17786  17794  17800  17804  17810  17812  17816  17822  17824  17830  17836  17840  17842  17846  17852  17854  17860  17864  17866  17870  17872  17876  17878  17880  17881  17882  17884  17885  17886  17888  17890  17894  17896  17900  17902  17906  17912  17914  17920  17924  17926  17930  17936  17942  17944  17950  17954  17956  17962  17966  17972  17980  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

27. Little Anna's parents walked slowly, one after________, through the shallow water of a stream to search for her lost bag.

      A. the other         B_ another    C. other    D. Others


科目: 来源: 题型:

Only when you ______ what you have learned to practice ______ say you have made it.

A. adapt; you can          B. apply; can you    C. use; you can     D. adopt; can you


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

??In many businesses, computers have largely replaced paperwork, because they are fast, effective(高效的), and do not make mistakes.As one banker said, “Unlike humans, computers never have a bad day.” And they are honest.

??Many banks advertise that their work is “untouched by human hands” and therefore safe from human attack. Computers have no reason to steal money. But they also have no sense, and the growing number of computer crimes (犯罪) shows they can be used to steal.

??Computer criminals don’t use guns. And even if they are caught, it is hard to punish them because there are no witness (证人) and often no proof (证据). A computer cannot remember who used it and simply does what it is told. The head teller(出纳) at a New York City bank used a computer to steal more than one and a half billion dollars in just four years. No one noticed this because he moved the money from someone else’s account (帐目).This man was caught only because he was a gambler (赌徒). When the police broke up a gambling group, his name was in the records.

??Some workers use the computer’s power to get revenge(报复)on bosses they consider unfair. Recently, a large company fired its computer assistant (助手) for reasons that were connected with her personal rather than her professional(职业的)life. She was given thirty days’ notice. In those thirty days, she got rid of all the company’s computerized records.

??Most computer criminals have been workers in low position. Now police wonder if this is “the tip of the iceberg(冰山)”. As one of the officials says, “I have a feeling that there are more crimes out there than we are catching. What we are seeing now is all so poorly done. I wonder what the real experts are doing — the ones who really know how a computer works.”

69. Which character of computers makes computer crimes possible﹖

A. Computers are fast, effective and exactly correct.

B. Computers always feel good.

C. Computers have no sense.

D. Computers are honest.

70. It is hard to catch computer criminals because_________.

A. computers forget who used them

B. computer criminals seldom bear witness or leave proof

C. computer criminals don’t use guns

D. computers simply do what they are told

71. A certain head teller(出纳) at a New York bank was caught when _________.

A. his name was found in gambling records

B. he was replacing the missing money from someone else’s account

C. a customer (顾客) questioned the balance in his account

D. a customer asked the police for help

72. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Computers can be used to steal.

B. Sometimes, computers can be used to punish somebody.

C. We need someone who knows computer very well.

D. Computers can do the things it is told.


科目: 来源: 题型:

—How can we pass the time? There is half an hour before the concert begins.

— _____! I will like whatever you want to do.

A. All right      B. Up to you     C. It all depends    D. Take your time


科目: 来源: 题型:

Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything, the teacher will ______ the main points at the end.

A. recover     B. review     C. require      D. remember


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    People in cities all over the world shop in supermarkets. Who decides what you buy in the supermarket? Do you decide? Does the supermarket decide?

    When you enter the supermarket, you see shelves full of food. You walk in the aisles between the shelves. You push a shopping cart and put your food in it.

    You probably hear soft, slow music as you walk along the aisles. This may be an attempt to please you, so you will enjoy shopping. Some supermarkets want to increase their profits by playing soft and slow music, because the slow music makes you walk slowly and you have more time to buy things.

     Fresh fruit and vegetables are usually put near the entrance. When you arrive at the supermarket, you concentrate on the kinds of fruit and vegetables you need first. Once you've got that out of the way, you can relax and do the rest of the shopping without any hurry. Besides, if you see fresh goods first, it gives you a "feel good" impression of freshness, so you can not help spending your money.

    Maybe you go to the meat department then. There is some meat on sale, and you want to find it. The manager of the supermarket knows where customers enter the meat department. The cheaper meat is at the other end of the meat department, away from where the customers enter. You have to walk past all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper meat. Maybe you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of the meat on sale.

    Most of the food in supermarkets is very attractive. It all says "Buy me quickly!" to the customers. The fresh fruit and vegetables say "Buy me quickly!" as you walk by. The expensive meat says "Buy me quickly!" The supermarket tells you what to buy.

56. Some supermarkets play soft, slow music because it ________.

   A. can help customers get the things they want

   B. makes customers walk slowly and buy more

   C. can make customers relaxed and happy

   D. can tell customers exactly where to go

57. The manager knows ________.

   A. where customers come from

   B. which customers like slow music

   C. where fresh meat should be put

   D. which customers like cheap meat

58. When walking past the expensive meat, the customers will _______.

   A. possibly buy some                     B. pay no attention to it

   C. look for some cheap meat               D. feel uncomfortable

59. If you see fresh goods first in the supermarket, ________.

   A. you know where to get things

   B. it brings you good luck

   C. it makes you spend less money

   D. you’ll get a fresh impression

60. Supermarket managers make the food attractive so that ________.

   A. the customers will buy more              B. it looks very expensive

   C. the customers come often                D. it seems cheap and fine


科目: 来源: 题型:

More than _____ of the workers _____ from Paris.

A. ten percent, is           B. ten percent, are

C. three times, was        D. percent ten, comes


科目: 来源: 题型:

When the students heard the news, all of them were in _____.

A. higher spirit      B. high spirits C. a high spirit       D. a higher spirits


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


2010 Spring Vacation Program

Lexington Prep School’s (LPS)Spring Vacation Program offers students an opportunity to use their break time productively.

Students who plan ahead can take advantage of reduced rates:

    *Spring Vacation:Friday 3/5/2010-Monday 3/29/2010


    *Our Special Pricing offer ends after 2/1/2010

    *If registered after 2/1/2010,$200/day for Basic Program


Students will stay in our picturesque facility and choose from one of three following programs:

A.Basic Program: $120/day if registered before Feb.1,2010

Students in our Basic Program are provided with room,board and classroom space for

independent work.We also provide shuttle service to local sites including the local subway station.malls,and nearby movie theaters.Students may also choose to participate in outings to attractions such as the Boston Museum of Science,Salem Witch Museum,and Faneuil Hall Marketplace for all additional charge.

B.Balanced Program,$220 per day

students in our limited program participate in SSAT or SAT/English preparation classes during the morning session focusing on vocabulary and grammar, critical reading,and essay writing.

After lunch.students are free to work independently or to relax.

C.Intensive Program,$260 per day

Students in our intensive program are given a full day of SSAT or SAT/English preparation including  grammar,  vocabulary,  critical  reading,  writing  and  mathematics. The  intensive program is designed to achieve the greatest score increase in the shortest period of time.

For participants in all programs:

*Each student will have one roommate in a room equipped with a bathroom.

*Private classes are also available in:All AP Subjects,all SAT Ⅱ Subjects,school project work, school research paper assistance,art,music.

*Facilities include(a gym,art room,library,TOEFL certified computer lab,concert hall with

grand piano, movie room,and recreation room with karaoke and ping-pong table.

57.If students register for Basic Program before 2/1/2010,they Can save__________per day.

A.$80    8.$120    C.$220    D.$260

58.If choosing Balanced Program,students can do the following EXCEPT__________

    A.share a double room(with a bathroom)with another student

    B.take a full day of SSAT or SAT/English preparation classes

    C.attend private classes such as school project work,art and music

    D.have fun seeing a movie,singing karaoke or playing ping—pong

59.The purpose of Intensive Program is to help students_________

  A.gain the highest score in the shortest time

  B.1earn to get along with roommates

  C.enjoy reduced price for the Spring Vacation Program

   D.work independently on a school research paper

60.This passage may probably appear___________

  A.in research report  B.in a textbook   C.at a website   D.in a guidebook


科目: 来源: 题型:



6.We drank_________tea and made some small talk in________kitchen.

A.a;the    B.the;a    C.不填;the D.the;不填

