 0  17945  17953  17959  17963  17969  17971  17975  17981  17983  17989  17995  17999  18001  18005  18011  18013  18019  18023  18025  18029  18031  18035  18037  18039  18040  18041  18043  18044  18045  18047  18049  18053  18055  18059  18061  18065  18071  18073  18079  18083  18085  18089  18095  18101  18103  18109  18113  18115  18121  18125  18131  18139  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

Why not get some work experience first         go straight on to university?

A rather than        B.or rather          C.other than           D more than


科目: 来源: 题型:

The traffic slowed down because of the heavy snow in Yushu county, presenting a new _________ to the recovery from the earthquake.

         A. suffering                         B. disaster                        C. challenge                      D. damage


科目: 来源: 题型:

___ Mary is sleepy, she insists on finishing her homework rather than ___ to sleep.

A. While, going    B. Though, goes   C. As, going        D. Despite, go 


科目: 来源: 题型:

He is a man of few words; besides, it’s hard to ___ his mind.

A. see   B.read   C. approach   D. represent


科目: 来源: 题型:

----Do you have a doctor, Shylock, ______ Antonio's blood?

   ----That is not ______ the agreement.

   A.stop; on               B.stopped; according to  C.stopping; about          D.to stop; in


科目: 来源: 题型:








My cousin Xiao Hong and I went on a trip to my uncle

76. _____

last Sunday. We were riding along a hillside then suddenly

77. _____

some big stones were rolled down and knocked us off  our bikes.

78. _____

Xiao Hong’s legs got seriously hurt and so were mine. We

79. _____

couldn’t move a bit. Fortunately, I saw some farmers ahead.

80. _____

Waving our hand, we cried for help like crazy. On hearing

81. _____

us, they ran to the spot as fast as they can. Thanks to

82. _____

their help, we were all sent to  a nearby hospital and received

83. _____

medical treatment in time. Although we do not know about their

84. _____

names, we feel they like our dear big brothers and sisters.

85. _____


科目: 来源: 题型:

In character- training of children, what really ____ much is what their parents say and do.

A. matters           

B. cares

C. considers           

D. minds


科目: 来源: 题型:

In the USA, dog are regarded ______ friends ______ people.

A. as; to    B. to; as    C. as; for    D. to; by


科目: 来源: 题型:

Those flowers were         for your mother on her sixtieth birthday, but as she is away, I would be glad if you accept them.

  A. intended        B. devoted      C. produced       D. supplied


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


   Not so long ago, if you avoided drinking water during a workout(训练), you were considered tough. Today, most experts     36   , you would be considered unintelligent.

   Even in you don’t sweat much or feel    37   and even if there is a nice breeze,    38     experts say drinking water- or something    39   is necessary before, during and after all warmer-weather   40  .

   Only a few years ago, many coaches   41   players from drinking anything during the game----they thought it was   42   for them to rinse(漱口) their mouths,   43  swallowing anything might slow them down.

   Now, there’s   44   plenty of water on the sidelines for athletes to drink. The National Hockey League even   45   goalkeepers to put water bottles on top of their nets.

   These new practices   46  be lost on the recreation(消遣) athlete. Some   47  advise you to drink about two cups of water 15 minutes or so after you   48  exercising and the same amount every 15 minutes. In some types of exercises-running, for example-others encourage drinking a cup or two of water   49  the workout.

   Don’t drink any more, experts say too much fluid makes   50 and exercise uncomfortable. In   51   continuous hot-weather exercise,   52   can sweat and breathe away 1.8 kilograms of   53   an hour.

   Drinking water does two things: restore some   54   and allow you to keep sweating so the skin can be kept  55  . Doctors say drinking six or eight cups a day can help digestion.

36. A. discover                     B. suggest                     C. agree                       D. fear

37. A. thirsty                       B. hungry                     C. hot                          D. tired

38. A. labour                       B. children                   C. water                       D. exercise

39. A. else                           B. instead                            C. fresh                        D. tasteful

40. A. seasons                      B. lessons                     C. days                         D. activities

41. A. excused                            B. discouraged                     C. prevented                 D. saved

42. A. possible                            B. unnecessary              C. difficult                   D. right

43. A. but                                   B. then                         C. therefore                  D. though

44. A. seldom                      B. forever                     C. usually                     D. sometimes

45. A. allows                       B. promises                  C. forbids                     D. guides

46. A. couldn’t                            B. wouldn’t                  C. shouldn’t                  D. mustn’t

47. A. teachers                            B. parents                     C. players                     D. doctors

48. A. stop                           B. start                         C. give up                    D. begin with

49. A. after                          B. before                      C. with                         D. from

50. A. walking                            B. breathing                  C. swallowing               D. drinking

51. A. heavy                        B. easy                         C. pleasant                    D. everyday

52. A. a patient                    B. a drinker                  C. an athlete                 D. an expert

53. A. air                             B. atmosphere               C. oxygen                     D. water

54. A. sweat                         B. weight                            C. breath                      D. height

55. A. warm                        B. strong                      C. cool                         D. safe

