 0  18080  18088  18094  18098  18104  18106  18110  18116  18118  18124  18130  18134  18136  18140  18146  18148  18154  18158  18160  18164  18166  18170  18172  18174  18175  18176  18178  18179  18180  18182  18184  18188  18190  18194  18196  18200  18206  18208  18214  18218  18220  18224  18230  18236  18238  18244  18248  18250  18256  18260  18266  18274  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There was one shop in the town of Mufulira which was widely known for its racial discrimination. It was a drugstore. While Europeans were served at the counter, a long line of Africans queued at the window and often not only were kept waiting but were treated rudely by the shop assistants. One day I was determined to make a public protest (抗议) against this kind of thing, and many of the schoolboys in my class followed me to the store,

I simply went into the shop and asked the manager politely for some medicine. As soon as he saw me standing in the place where only European customers were allowed to stand he shouted at me in a bastard (怪声怪气的) language which is only used by a boss when speaking to his servants. I stood at the counter and politely requested in proper English that I should be served. The manager became angry and said, “Even if you stand there till Christmas, I will never serve you.”

I went to the District Commissioner’s office. Fortunately, he was out, for he was one of the old school; however, I saw a young District officer who was a friend of mine. He was very concerned to hear my story and told me that all I had to do was come to him personally and he wou1d buy my medicine for me. I protested that that was not good enough. I asked him to accompany me back to the store and to make a protest to the manager. This he did, and I well remember him saying to the manager,“Here is Mr. Kaunda who is a responsible member of the Urban Advisory Council, and you treat him like a common servant.” The manager of the drugstore apologized and said, “If only he had introduced himself and explained who he was, then, of course I should have given him proper service.”

I had to explain once again that he had missed my point. Why should I have to introduce myself every time I went into a store … any more than I should have to buy my medicine by going to a European friend? I want to prove that any man of any color, whatever his position, should have the right to go into any shop and buy what he wanted, After all, the money which I paid across the counter was exactly the same money as was paid by a European customer.

72. The writer was, at the time of the story, _________.

A. a European officer

B. an African servant

C. a drugstore assistant

D. a black school teacher

73. The manager of the drugstore shouted at the writer in dirty words because     .

A. he could not speak English in a polite way

B. he thought the writer wouldn’t understand English

C. that was the language he used when speaking to Africans

D. that was the only language he could speak when he was angry

74. In paragraph 3, the underlined sentence “he was one of the old school” means    .

A. he stuck to those old racial ideas

B. he graduated from an old white school

C. he was in charge of an old black school

D. he was an old official in the government

75. Why didn’t the writer wait at the window of the drugstore like other Africans?

A. He believed his white friends would help him out.

B. He wanted to fight for equal rights of all black people.

C. He thought he was educated and should he treated differently.

D. He thought, being an important person. he should not be kept waiting.


科目: 来源: 题型:

The old man said the accident ____careless driving, so a lot of money_____be paid by the driver.

     A. was due to; was due to                    B. due to; was due to

     C. is due to; was due to                       D. is due to; was dued to


科目: 来源: 题型:

— Shall I give you a ride since you live so far away?

— Thank you. _______.

A. It couldn’t be better             B. Of course you can

C. If you like                     D. If you are convenient


科目: 来源: 题型:

-- Why bother? There is too much rubbish here. You’ll never pick it all up.

       --- Maybe not. But at least this part of the park          cleaner.

       A. was                B. will be          C. had been    D. is


科目: 来源: 题型:

.— My daughter has passed the exam.

   — Congratulations! She’s really intelligent.

   — __________________

   A. No, no, she is nothing. B. Oh, thank you!

   C. Sometimes she is intelligent. D. You are right.


科目: 来源: 题型:

A survey of the opinions of scientists _____ that three hours of outdoor exercise a week _____

   good for our health.

A. show; are                 B. shows; is                  C. show; is            D. shows; are


科目: 来源: 题型:

You can’t be too careful; this kind of cloth_____.

A. is washed easily           B. isn’t washed easily  C. washes easily   D. doesn’t wash easily


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  A simple piece of clothesline hangs between some environmentally friendly Americans

and their neighbors.

    On one side stand those who see clothes dryers(干衣机)as a waste oi energy and a

 major polluter of the environment.As a result,they are turning to clotheslines as part of the

“what—l—can—do environmentalism(环境保护主义).”On the Other side a.re people who

are against drying clothes outside,arguing that clotheslines are unpleasant tn look at。They

 have  Dersuaded Homeowners  Associations  (HOAs)  access the  U.S.to  ban  outdoor

 clotheslines,because clothesline drying also tends 10 lower home value in the neighborhood.

This has led to a’Right—to--Dry Movement that is calling for laws to be passed to protect

 people’s right tO use clotheslines.So far,only three states have laws to protect clotheslines.

Right—Lo—Dry supporters argue that there should be more.

    Matt Reck,37,is the kind of eco—conscious(有生态意识的)person who feeds his trees

  with halhwal er and reuses water drops from his air conditloners to water plants.His family

also uses a clothesline.But on July 9,2007,the itOA in Wake Forest,Norlh Ca rolina.told

him that a dissatisfied neighbour had telephoned them about his clothesline.The Recks paid

no attention tO the warning and still dri'ed their clothes on a line in the yard.“Many people

say they are environmentally friendly but they don’t take matters in their own hands。”says

Reck.The local HoA has decided not tO take any action,unless more neighbors co~le 10


    North Carolina lawmakers are saying that banning clotheslines is not the right thing to

do.But HOAs and housing businesses believe that clothesline drying reminds people of poor

neighborhoods.They worry that if buyers think their future neighbors can’t even afford

dryers,housing prices will fall.

    Environmentalists say such worries are not necessary,and in view of global warming,

that idea needs to change.As they say,“The clothesline is beautiful”.Hanging clothes

outside should be encouraged.We a11 have to do at least something to slow down the process

of glohal warming.

60.One of the reasons why supporters of clothes dryers are trying to ban clothesline drying


    A.clothes dryers are more efficient

    B.clothesline drying reduces home value

    C.clothes dryers are energy--saving

    D.clothesline drying is not allowed in nlost U.S.slates

61.Which of the following best describes Matt Reck?

    A.He is a kind~hearted man.      B.He is an impolite man.

    C.He is an experienced gardener.   D.He is a man of social responsibility

62.Who are in favor of clothesline drying?

    A.Housing busmesses.        B.Environmentalists.

    C.Homeowners Associations.   D.Reck’8 dissatisfied neighbors.

63.What is mainly discussed in the text?

    A.Clothesline drying:a way to save energy and fnnRey

    B.Clot hesline drying:a lost art rediscovered.

    C.Opposite opinions on clothesline drying.

    D.Different varieties of clotheslines.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Disposing(处理) of waste has been a problem since humans started producing it. As more and more people choose to live close together in cities, the waste-disposal problem becomes increasingly difficult.

During the eighteenth century, it was usual for several neighboring towns to get together to select a faraway spot as a dumpsite. Residents or trash haulers(垃圾托运者) would transport household rubbish, rotted wood, and old possessions to the site. Periodically(定期的) some of the trash was burned and the rest was buried. The unpleasant sights and smells caused no problem because nobody lived close by.

Factories, mills, and other industrial sites also had waste to be disposed of. Those located on rivers often just dumped the unwanted remains into the water. Others built huge burners with chimneys to deal with the problem.

Several facts make these choices unacceptable to modern society. The first problem is space. Dumps, which are now called landfills, are most needed in heavily populated areas. Such areas rarely have empty land suitable for this purpose. Property is either too expensive or too close to residential(住宅区的)neighborhoods. Long-distance trash hauling has been a common practice, but once farm areas are refusing to accept rubbish from elsewhere, cheap land within trucking distance of major city areas is almost nonexistent.

Awareness of pollution dangers has resulted in more strict rules of waste disposal. Pollution of rivers, ground water, land and air is a price people can no longer pay to get rid of waste. The amount of waste, however, continues to grow.

Recycling efforts have become commonplace, and many towns require their people to take part. Even the most efficient recycling programs, however, can hope to deal with only about 50 percent of a city's reusable waste.

72. The most suitable title for this passage would be ______.

   A. Places for Disposing Waste            B. Waste Pollution Dangers

   C. Ways of Getting Rid of Waste          D. Waste Disposal Problem

73. During the 18th century, people disposed their waste in many ways EXCEPT for ______.

   A. burying it                          B. recycling it

   C. burning it                          D. throwing it into rivers

74. What can be inferred from the fourth paragraph?

   A. Farm areas accept waste from the city in modern society.

   B. There is cheap land to bury waste in modem society.

   C. It is difficult to find space to bury waste in modem society.

   D. Ways to deal with waste in modem society stay the same.

75. The main purpose of writing this article is to ________.

   A. draw people's attention to waste management

   B. warn people of the pollution dangers we are facing

  C. call on people to take part in recycling programs

   D. tell people a better way to get rid of the waste


科目: 来源: 题型:

        China’s growth is not        threat to others. On         contrary, it will bring more opportunities to the world.

   A. The; a; /      B. The; /; the C. /; a; / D. /; a; the

