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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


   Scholars and students have always been great travelers. The official case for “academic mobility” is now often stated in impressive terms as a fundamental necessity for economic and social progress in the world, and debated in the areas of Europe, but it is certainly nothing new. Serious students were always ready to go abroad in search of the best teachers and the most famous academies; in search of the purest philosophy, the most effective medicine, the likeliest road to gold

  Mobility of this kind meant also mobility of ideas, their moving across borders, their simultaneous  (同时发生的)impact upon many groups of people. The point of learning is to share it, whether with students or with colleagues; one thinks that only eccentrics have no interest in being credited(相信) with a striking discovery, or a new technique. It must also have been comforting to know that other people in other parts of the world were about to make the same discovery or were thinking along the same lines, and that one was not quite alone, faced by question, ridicule or neglect.

  In the twentieth century, and particularly in the last 20 years, the old footpaths of the wandering scholars have become vast highways. The vehicle which has made this possible has of course been the aeroplane, making contact between scholars even in the most distant places immediately available, and providing for the very rapid transmission of knowledge.

  Apart from the vehicle itself, it is fairly easy to identify the main factors which have brought about the recent explosion in academic movement. Some of these are purely quantitative and require no further mention: there are far more centres of learning, and a far greater number of scholars and students.

  In addition one must recognize the very considerable increase of all kinds of subjects, particularly in the sciences, which by widening the total area of advanced studies has produced an enormous number of specialists whose particular interests are precisely defined. These people would work in some isolation if they were not able to keep in touch with similar isolated groups in other countries.

71.It can be concluded from the passage that"academic mobility"_____.

       A.means the friendship formed by scholars on the trip

       B.is a program carried out by governments

       C.has been put great emphasis on in the world

       D.means going abroad in search of the best teachers

72.The word "eccentric" underlined in the second paragraph most probably means_____.

       A.a rather strange person       B.a person of no exceptional ability

       C.an ambitious person    D.peculiar or unusual

73.In the eyes of the author,what happens to a scholar who shares his ideas with his      


       A.He risks his ideas being stolen.  B.He gains recognition for his achievement

       C.He is considered as an eccentric.       D.He is credited with a striking discovery.

74.According to the passage,the recent growth in air travel has meant that_____.

       A.travel around the world becomes realistic and affordable

       B.more students from remote areas can attend universities

       C.all kinds of information can be shared by more people

       D.scholars can meet each other more easily

75.The author thinks that it's important for scholars to be able to travel because_____.

       A.their laboratories are in remote places

       B.there is too much stress at universities

       C.their fellow experts are spread across the world

       D.there are so many people working in similar fields


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


After the 1980s, the West became Godlike to many Chinese because of ____ Westerners’ wealth, and ____ freedom to do what they wanted.

       A./; /       B.the; the       C.the; /    D./; the


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- It’s the office! So you ______ know smoking is not allowed here.

   --- Oh, sorry.

A. must          B. will           C. may           D. Need


科目: 来源: 题型:

For English teachers ________ a more effective role in teaching, they must make every effort to raise students’ cross-cultural awareness.

     A.to play           B.playing         C.having played   D.play


科目: 来源: 题型:

Looking back their senior school life, many university students said they____have wasterd so much time on computer games then.

A. couldn’t               B.wouldn’t               C. needn’t               D. shouldn’t


科目: 来源: 题型:

This dictionary is very useful. It has ___ many problems about works and idioms for me.

A. looked up   B. kept up   C.taken up    D. cleared up


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Li Hua has just come back from the US and intends to give some of his relatives mentioned in 61-65 some DVDs as gifts.He brings back six DVDs(A-F).After the description of each person, decide which DVD is the most suitable one for the people.There is one extra DVD, which you do not need to use.

_______61.Li Hua’s Grandfather is a fan of Jules Verne, the father of modern science fiction.He dreamed to be a hero and save people in trouble when he was young.Although he is old now, he will not miss a good science fiction movie.

_______62.Li Hua’s mother works in a primary school as an English teacher.She thought English learning should be interesting, and she often puts on some English movies in class, so students can not only learn the language but history and culture.Of course the language in the movie will not be difficult and it will be better if there is a beautiful English song in it.

_______63.Li Hua’s father is a history professor in a college.He is especially interested in the history of some foreign countries such as Egypt, Germany and the UK.Now he is preparing a lecture about the history of the UK and needs some materials.

_______64.Li Hua’s elder sister loves reading love stories ever since she was a middle school student.Now, she has just fallen in love with a good guy.They both love seeing good films, and now, of course, a film about love is their favorite.

_______65.Li Hua’s elder brother is a history lover under his father’s influence.He was fond of movies about wars in history.He has seen many movies about people struggling in Japanese or Nazis’ prisons, and he would like to see something different.

A.The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

         A hunter, a scientist, a vampire, an invisible man, an immortal, a spy, a beast…When a masked madman known as “The Fantom(幽灵)” tries to control the world, great adventurer Allan Quatermain sets up a team of superheroes, the likes of which mankind has never seen.Now, despite fighting their own personal demons and each other, they must join forces to save the world.

B.The Prince of Egypt

This cartoon movie attracted audiences the world over with its fantastic artistry, timeless story and powerful music.This masterpiece became one of the top animated films of all time.The extraordinary tale of two brothers---one born of royal blood, one an orphan with a secret past---is brought to life as never before, with unforgettable characters voiced by many stars.One of the two brothers becomes the ruler of the most powerful empire on earth, the other the chosen leader of his people.What they do will forever change their lives---and the world.

C.As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me

         Based on the true story of Josef Martin Bauer’s best-selling novel, this powerful movie tells us the unbelievable journey of German soldier Clemens Forell in his dramatic escape from a Siberian(西伯利亚的) labor camp after World War II.Through the bitter cold of winter, deserted landscapes, and life-threatening adventures, Forell who was determined to return to his family makes his way, step by step, day by day, towards Persia and freedom.14,000 and 3 endless years of uncertainty later, he is finally about to reach his destination.


         This Academy Award winning film, directed by Mel Gibson, tells the story of the great thirteenth century Scottish hero William Wallace, known to his countrymen as Braveheart.Gibson stars as Wallace, who leads the Scots to fight against the cruel English king Edward I after he suffers a personal tragedy at the hands of English soldiers.Willing to fight to the death for Scotland’s freedom, Wallace and his companions, whose faith in freedom is stronger than any English army, fight bravely with their enemy.

E.The wedding Planner

         Mary Fiore is the wedding planner.She’s ambitious, hard-working, extremely organized, and she knows exactly what to do and say to make any wedding a fantastic event.But when Mary falls in love with a handsome doctor, her life is turned upside down---he’s the groom in the biggest wedding of her career! Will she help him marry his rich girlfriend, or will Mary finally get to be the bride herself? As this sweet romantic comedy proves, when it comes to love, you can never plan what’s going to happen.

F.Agent Cody

         Frankie Muniz and Hilary Duff star in this “clever and lively action-adventure”(Los Angeles Times) about a junior CIA agent on a mission to save the world, stop the bad guys and win the girl’s heart…Catching your eye with cool tools, exciting special effects and the wonderful skateboard chase, Agent Cody Banks delivers great fun for the entire family.


科目: 来源: 题型:

—I’m going to visit China next month.

  —          I wish I could go with you.

  A. Congratulations!  B. Sorry, I can’t go.  C. Oh, how soon?              D. Good for you!


科目: 来源: 题型:

89. The task is hard, ____, the workers managed to finish it in time.

A.therefore                B. otherwise           C. however           D. Yet


科目: 来源: 题型:

69. In order to keep fit, the retired women, whether rain or shine, go _____ for plenty of exercise early in the morning.

A. outdoor                  B. outdoors                 C. outing                    D. Indoors

