 0  18467  18475  18481  18485  18491  18493  18497  18503  18505  18511  18517  18521  18523  18527  18533  18535  18541  18545  18547  18551  18553  18557  18559  18561  18562  18563  18565  18566  18567  18569  18571  18575  18577  18581  18583  18587  18593  18595  18601  18605  18607  18611  18617  18623  18625  18631  18635  18637  18643  18647  18653  18661  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Freda Bright says, "Only in opera do people die of love." It's true. You really can't love somebody to death.

A heart-warming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ___36____ her boss for a raise in salary. All day she felt ___37____ and apprehensive(惴惴不安). Late in the afternoon she ___38____ the courage to approach her employer. To her delight, the boss agreed to a raise.

     The woman arrived home that evening to a beautiful table ___39____ with their best dishes. Candles were softly glowing. Her husband had come home early and prepared a festive meal. She ___40____ if someone from the office had ___41____ him off, or... did he just ___42____ know that she would not get turned down? She found him in the kitchen and told him the good ___43____. They embraced and kissed, then ___44____ down to the wonderful meal. Next to her plate the woman found a beautifully lettered note. It ___45___: "Congratulations, darling! I knew you'd get the raise! These things will tell you how much I love you."

     ___46___ the supper, her husband went into the kitchen to clean up. She ___47___ that a second card had fallen from his pocket. Picking it off the ___48___, she read: "Don't worry about not getting the raise! You ___49___ it anyway! These things will tell you how much I love you."

     Someone has said that the ___50___ of love is when you love without measure. What this man feels for his spouse(配偶)is total ___51___ and love, ___52___ she succeeds or fails. His love ___53___ her victories and comforts her wounds. He stands with her, no matter what life throws in their ___54___.

     Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa said: "What can you do to ___55___ world peace? Go home and love your family." And love your friends. Love them without measure.

36.   A. inform       B. require       C. ask     D. advise

37.   A. nervous      B. excited       C. embarrassed       D. relaxed

38.   A. called B. lifted  C. scattered     D. gathered

39.   A. laid    B. set      C. made  D. brought

40.   A. realized      B. knew  C. mattered     D. wondered

41.   A. tipped B. cut      C. put     D. broke

42.   A. somewhat   B. somehow    C. anyhow      D. anyway

43.   A. decision     B. salary  C. news   D. employer

44.   A. got     B. looked       C. sat      D. lay

45.   A. read    B. wrote  C. went   D. told

46.   A. Preparing   B. Following  C. Arranging   D. Cooking

47.   A. watched     B. observed    C. stared  D. noticed

48.   A. table   B. bed     C. floor   D. pocket

49.   A. deserve      B. suppose      C. answer       D. honor

50.   A. depth  B. measure     C. length D. width

51.   A. preference  B. absence      C. assistance   D. acceptance

52.   A. whether     B. what   C. why    D. where

53.   A. shows B. supports     C. celebrates   D. approves

54.   A. condition   B. direction    C. surroundings      D. scenery

55.   A. enjoy  B. achieve      C. settle   D. promote


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


The following symbols have appeared on clothes labels for four decades, each one chosen by international experts for its simplicity and clarity.

Yet for most people, washing instructions might as well be written in Martian.

According to a new poll, nine in ten people are unable to decipher common symbols used on clothes labels. Even those who have mastered the difference between a wool and a synthetics(化学合成物)wash admit being baffled by the confusing array(排列)of boxes, circles and crosses used to give advice about drying and bleaching(漂白).

The findings come from a poll of 2,000 people carried out by YouGov for Morphy Richards. A third of people surveyed said that they recognized none of the several symbols shown, while the only symbol recognized by more than half of people was the iron with a single dot. Around 70 per cent knew it meant "iron on a low heat". Just 10 per cent sign knew the sign for "do not dry clean", while only 12 per cent were familiar with "drip dry only".

Despite the sexual revolution, women are still more knowledgeable than men. Awareness was highest among 18 to 29-year-old women---for whom taking care of clothes is clearly important.

Chris Lever, from Morphy Richards, said: "Clothes Care symbols are a unique language, clearly a language that few people in the UK have taken the time to learn."

"Learning the basics such as which icon represents tumble dry and which represents normal wash would go a long way to getting the best out of clothes."

The Home Laundering Consultative Council said it was not surprised to learn that people were unfamiliar with them.

"It's disappointing that there is a lack of recognition, but it's a story that's repeated time and time again," said a spokesman, Adam Mansell. "We are a small organization and we don't have a big budget."

60. Women know more about these common symbols than men, because _________.

A. women have the gift of recognizing these symbols by nature

B. women pay more attention to taking care of clothes in their daily life

C. women have much time to know about these symbols

D. women take advantage of the sexual revolution

61. Which of the following can be recognized by the majority of people?


A              B                 C              D

62. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

A. Washing clothes is damaging them if we don’t know about some symbols used on clothes labels.

B. Washing clothes is also a cultured knowledge.

C. More and more people devote much time to studying these symbols used on clothes labels.

D. Clothes Care symbols are a unique language, which few people spend time to learn.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


The thing is, my luck’s always been ruined. Just look at my name: Jean. Not Jean Marie, or Jeanine, or Jeanette, or even Jeanne. Just Jean. Did you know in France, they name boys Jean? It’s French for John. And okay, I don’t live in France. But still, I’m basically a girl named John. If I lived in France, anyway.

This is the kind of luck I’ve had since before Mom even filled out my birth certificate. So it wasn’t any big surprise to me when the cab driver didn’t help me with my suitcase. I’d already had to tolerate arriving at the airport to find no one there to greet me, and then got no answer to my many phone calls, asking where my aunt and uncle were. Did they not want me after all? Had they changed their minds? Had they heard about my bad luck—all the way from Iowa—and decided they didn’t want any of it to rub off on them?

So when the cab driver, instead of getting out and helping me with my bags, just pushed a little button so that the trunk (汽车后备箱) popped open a few inches, it wasn’t the worst thing that had ever happened to me. It wasn’t even the worst thing that had happened to me that day.

According to my mom, most brownstones in New York City were originally single-family homes when they were built way back in the 1800s. But now they’ve been divided up into apartments, so that there’s one—or sometimes even two or more families—per floor.

Not Mom’s sister Evelyn’s brownstone, though. Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Ted Gardiner own all four floors of their brownstone. That’s practically one floor per person, since Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Ted only have three kids, my cousins Tory, Teddy, and Alice.

Back home, we just have two floors, but there are seven people living on them. And only one bathroom. Not that I’m complaining. Still, ever since my sister Courtney discovered blow-outs, it’s been pretty frightful at home.

But as tall as my aunt and uncle’s house was, it was really narrow—just three windows across. Still, it was a very pretty townhouse, painted gray. The door was a bright, cheerful yellow. There were yellow flower boxes along the base of each window, flower boxes from which bright red—and obviously newly planted, since it was only the middle of April, and not quite warm enough for them.

It was nice to know that, even in a sophisticated (世故的) city like New York, people still realized how homey and welcoming a box of flowers could be. The sight of those flowers cheered me up a little.

Like maybe Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Ted just forgot I was arriving today, and hadn’t deliberately failed to meet me at the airport because they’d changed their minds about letting me come to stay.

Like everything was going to be all right, after all.

Yeah. With my luck, probably not.

I started up the steps to the front door of 326 East Sixty-Ninth Street, then realized I couldn’t make it with both bags and my violin. Leaving one bag on the sidewalk, I dragged the other up the steps with me. Maybe I took the steps a little too fast, since I nearly tripped and fell flat on my face on the sidewalk. I managed to catch myself at the last moment by grabbing some of the fence the gardeners had put up…

67. Why did the author go to New York?

A. She intended to go sightseeing there.

B. She meant to stay with her aunt’s family.

C. She was homeless and adopted by her aunt.

D. She wanted to try her luck and find a job there.

68. According to the author, some facts account for her bad luck EXCEPT that ________.

A. she was given a boy’s name in French

B. the cab driver didn’t help her with her bags

C. her sister Courtney discovered blow-outs  

D. nobody had come to meet her at the airport

69. The underlined phrase “rub off on” in Paragraph 3 probably means _________.

A. have an effect on    B. play tricks on     C. put pressure on       D. throw doubt on

70. From the passage, we can know that _________.

A. the author left home without informing her mother

B. the author arrived in New York in a very warm season

C. her aunt’s family lived a much better life than her own

D. her aunt and uncle were likely to forget about her arrival


科目: 来源: 题型:





















The rapid increase of private cars in recent years has caused some social problems. Some big cities are considering whether to control the number of cars. Different people have different ideas about it.


科目: 来源: 题型:

There are varieties of programs in the TV station to         many different types of interests and tastes among the public.

       A.cater to     B.appeal to   C.apply to    D.adjust to


科目: 来源: 题型:

 --- What does the notice on the wall say?

    --- ‘No person         take books out of the reading room; otherwise he would be fined.’

       A.will   B.may  C.shall  D.Must


科目: 来源: 题型:

We were lucky to have survived the train accident. _____, the first and last car were smashed.

       A. On top of this    B. What was worse        C. As it was           D. So it was


科目: 来源: 题型:

---It’s supposed to rain tomorrow.

   ---I know, but the forecast ___ be wrong. Weather forecasts are far from 100 percent accurate.     A. must                B. could           C. should              D. will


科目: 来源: 题型:

118. These shoes my mother bought for me are so ____ that they hurt.

A. tightly                      B. tight                  C. big                    D. Dirty


科目: 来源: 题型:

98. _______ and the poor are quite different in their opinions of the political candidates(候选人).

A. Rich                   B. The rich                 C. Rich                     D.A rich

