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科目: 来源: 题型:

请根据下列提示的要点,以What will life be like without animals为题,介绍保护珍稀(rare)动物的意义及必要性。






What will life be like without animals?



科目: 来源: 题型:

_______that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.

A. Not realized            B. Not to realize   C. Not realizing          D. Not to have realized


科目: 来源: 题型:

His speech at the meeting was really wonderful, and it could never be any         .

A. best          B. better        C. worse     D. worst


科目: 来源: 题型:

The hospital has been set up in ________ was a waste land many years ago.

      A. which       B. that    C. where        D. what


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二节: 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

A. 根据首字母写出单词的正确形式。

She suddenly a____ the danger, so she sounded her horn loudly until the lion turned and walked away.

He has to play for the passers-by in the street or subway so that he can earn some extra money to pay for his expensive i____ he has bought for his studio.

P____, I think the team that won first place cheated.

B. 根据中文和首字母提示写出单词的正确形式。

The President’s message will be b____ (广播) on all stations tonight.

The elegant lady has earned a r____ (名声) as a well-known poet.

Since he is a person of a_____ ( 中等的 ) intelligence, he isn’t a quick learner.

C. 用括号内的单词的正确形式填空。

7.    Even great ______ (music)require constant practice.

8.    The children were waiting _____ ( patient ) for the movie to start because they

had been kept too long and couldn’t wait to see it.

9.    This invention will have wide _____ ( apply ) in teaching.

10.  Much to our _____ ( relieve ), no one was badly hurt in the accident.


科目: 来源: 题型:

The water will be polluted unless some measures _____.

       A. will be taken     B. are being taken  C. are taken           D. were taken


科目: 来源: 题型:

 It was difficult to ________ temptation.

   A. avoid         B. fight         C. resist        D. stand


科目: 来源: 题型:

第II卷 (共 60 分) 请把答案写在答卷上


U3: I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help ____ ____ ____. …Anyhow, my goal is to provide ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

U4. What are you doing? Asked Daisy. “I’m ____ ____ ____ mosquitoes,” it replied. … It contains a powerful drug ____ ____ mosquitoes.

U5: Have you ever ____ ____ ____ in front of thousands of people at a concert, ____ ____ everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?  … To be honest, a lot of people _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ rich and famous.

L59:  As the neighbours ____ ____ the noise, my husband ____ ____ ____ him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in.


科目: 来源: 题型:

His way of speaking suggested that he ____ very angry.

       A. should be          B. be                            C. is               D. was


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There is an endless supply of stories about sleepwalkers (梦游者). People have been said to climb on roofs, solve mathematical problems, write music, walk through windows, and do murder in their sleep.

       In Revere, Massachusetts, a hundred policemen searched for a lost boy who left his home in his sleep and woke up five hours later on a strange sofa in a strange living room, with no idea how he had got there.

       At the University of Lowa, WWW.K**S*858$$U.COMa student was reported to have the habit of getting up in the middle of the night and walking three-quarters of a mile to the Lowa River. He would take a swim and then go back to his room to bed.

       An American expert on sleep claims (声称) that he has never seen a sleepwalker. He is said to know more about sleep than any other living man, and during the last thirty-five years he has lost a lot of sleep watching people sleep. He says, “Of course, I know that there are sleepwalkers because I have read about them in the newspapers. But none of my sleepers ever walked, and if I were to advertise for sleepwalkers for an experiment, I doubt whether I would get many takers (应征者).”

       Sleepwalking, however, is a scientific reality. It is one of those strange things that sometimes look quite fantastic (怪诞的). Doctors say that sleepwalking is much more common than is generally supposed. Many sleepwalkers do not try to find help and their sleepwalking is never recorded.

Generally speaking, sleepwalkers are people who ________.

      A. climb on roofs                                B. walk through windows

       C. do fantastic things during their sleep                      D. walk in a half-awake state

It was reported that a boy ________.

      A. was found on a strange sofa, telling how he had got there

       B. slept in his own room but woke up in a strange room

       C. lost his way five hours after he left home

       D. was searched for by policemen when he lost his way

There was a college student who got into the habit of ________.

      A. getting up in the middle of the night and walking down to the river

       B. walking three-quarters of a mile every day

       C. swimming in the Lowa River before going to bed

       D. walking about before he went to bed

Why do people think sleepwalking is nothing but a fantastic thing which doesn’t have any explanation?

      A. It is so common that it needn’t be recorded.

       B. Scientists take no interest in it.

       C. Most sleepwalkers do not seek help for their problem.

       D. No records about it have been made.

