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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二节    完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


It was a family adventure trip. My wife, Judith, our two-year-old daughter, Leila, and I had rented a small camper (旅行车) and were   36   through Baja California. The day before our return to San Diego, we   37   the camper near a beach for one last night in nature.

In the middle of the    38   I was awakened by Judith   39   me with her finger and yelling at me to   40  . My first impressions were of   41   and banging. Fairly confused, I jumped down out of our little loft-bed, and standing without clothes on,   42   the wind screen. 

What I saw   43   me quickly out of my half-dazed state. The camper was   44   by masked men hitting the   45  .

I dove for the driver's seat and tried to start the   46  . The camper had started perfectly at least 50 times that   47  . Now it tried to turn over, sputtered (劈啪作响) a few times, and died. There was the sound of breaking glass, and a hand   48   in through the driver's side window. I hit the hand with a lot of force.

My hand was bleeding   49   the broken glass. I   50   I had one more chance to

start the car. Having played hero   51   a thousand times in fantasy, I never   52   I would do it. I turned the key. The engine sputtered to life... and died. Then someone jammed a gun into my throat. I remember this thought: "You mean I don't save the family?" I was really quite surprised.

One of the men, who spoke a little English, was   53  , " Money! Money!" The gun still at my throat, I reached under the driver's seat and   54   one of them my   55   through the broken window. I was hoping this was the end of it…

36. A. crossing       B. traveling    C. conveying         D. entering   

37. A. threw       B. deleted       C. parked               D. moved   

38. A. camper     B. beach      C. nature         D. night     

39. A. pushing           B. beating       C. controlling     D. holding    

40. A. jump up           B. set up      C. light up          D. get up  

41. A. noise        B. sound      C. voice          D. fantasy    

42. A. grasped     B. crashed      C. faced          D. glanced  

43. A. confused      B. woke      C. feared         D. barked   

44. A. surrounded   B. robbed           C. examined       D. hunted   

45. A. doors        B. windows    C. walls           D. tyres   

46. A. machine       B. engine     C. journey          D. camp  

47. A. moment           B. day         C. time            D. trip  

48. A. came        B. reached      C. trembled        D. peered 

49. A. by         B. at               C. from           D. in  

50. A. suggested     B. figured       C. indicated        D. observed 

51. A. energetically       B. enthusiastically  C. successfully       D. naturally 

52. A. doubted           B. thought      C. imagined        D. required  

53. A. begging           B. translating  C. yelling               D. reminding

54. A. handed     B. offered       C. provided        D. protected 

55. A. trousers           B. license           C. shoes          D. wallet


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

     Exposure to the radio frequently fields(射频场)generated by mobile phones does not cause head pain or increase blood pressure, according to a Norwegian study. Instead, people

who experience such symptoms(征兆)do so because they expect that they will occur, the findings suggested.

     Dr Gunnhild Oftedal and colleagues at the Norway University of Science and Technology in Trondheim experimented on 17 subjects who “ regularly experienced pain or discomfort in the head during or shortly after mobile phone calls lasting between 15 and 30 minutes.”

     The participants were tested during mobile phone radiofrequency exposure and sham exposure(假性辐射), without knowing which sessions was which. Each session lasted 30 minutes. and 65 pairs of trials were conducted.

      As reported in the medical magazine Cephalalgia, the subjects said they felt an increase in pain or discomfort during 68 per cent of all trials. The degree of not associated with the order of trials.

      The researchers observed no significant correlations between actual exposures and the subjects’ reports of symptoms, and no effects of exposure on changes in heart rate or blood pressure.

       Oftedal’s team concludes that the most likely explanation for the headaches and discomfort reported by the subjects “is that the symptoms are due to negative expectations.”

67. According to the report, people using mobiles feel affected by exposure to the radiofrequency fields because __________

  A. they have merely imaginary expectations

  B. some symptoms just occur in their body

  C. there are negative effects produced by mobiles

  D. radiofrequency generated by mobiles is too high

68. Which word in the report refers to the same as the underlined word “subjects”?

  A. researchers     B. symptoms     C. trials    D. participants

69. Dr Gunnhild Oftedal and his colleagues _______.

  A. find effects of exposure on changes in heart rate or blood pressure

  B. test the participants in two different situations

  C. feel an increase in pain or discomfort during most trials

  D. conclude that the symptoms do result from the radiofrequency fields

70. We can infer from the report that _____.

  A. Dr Gunnhild Oftedal and his colleagues are strongly against the use of mobiles

  B. the subjects share the same discomfort in both mobile radiofrequency exposure and sham exposure

  C. the subjects are told in advance which section they will be in and which order they will follow

  D. Dr Gunnhild Oftedal and his colleagues fail to find the side effects caused by exposure to the radiofrequency fields


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二节 写作(满分15分)











科目: 来源: 题型:

The room was small and contained far too________.

A.much new furniture       B.much new furnitures

C.many new furniture       D.many new furnitures


科目: 来源: 题型:

He was not really in the mood for anything ______ it dawned on him that it had not been his fault.

       A. since                 B. when                       C. after                        D. until


科目: 来源: 题型:

Many of the creatures in the movie “Avatar” are not real, but much of __________ happens is attractive.

   A. which                 B. that                          C. what                        D. them


科目: 来源: 题型:

It seems that creative thinking, which is one of the most___________skills in society, is a matter of habits. 

A. high valued B. high valuing  C. highly valued     D. highly valuing


科目: 来源: 题型:

 It was the training _____ he had as a young man _____ made him such a good engineer.

A. what; that              B. that; what                 C. that; which           D. which; that


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

If you go into the forest with friends, stay with them. If you don’t, you may get lost. If you get lost, this is what you should do. Sit down and stay where you are. Don’t try to find your friends—let them find you. You can help them find you by staying in one place. There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. You can shout or whistle three times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal given three times is a call for help.

    Keep up shouting or whistling. Always three times together. When people hear you, they will know that you are not just making a noise for fun. They will let you know that they have heard your signal. They will give you two shouts or two whistles. When a signal is given twice, it is an answer to a call for help.

    If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house with branches. Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass.

    When you need some water, you have to leave your little branch house to look for it. Don’t just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk in order to go back again easily. When you are lost, the most important thing to do is to stay in one place.

60.Which signal is a call for help?

   A. shouting here and there                                                                             

B. crying twice

   C. shouting or whistling three times together 

D. whistling every where in the forest

61. When you hear two shouts or two whistles, you know that ______. .

   A. someone is afraid of an animal          B. people will come to help you

   C. someone needs help                  D. something terrible will happen

62. What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence?

   A. Leave branches to find your way back  

B. Pick off branches to build another house

C. Use branches to make a bed                             

D. Drop branches to look for water

63. The main idea of the passage is______.

A. how to travel in the forest                           

B. how to spend the night in the forest

C. what you should do if you want to get some water

D. what you should do if you are lost in the forest


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二节.单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)

1. Many people ______________ (建议) him not to accept the offer but he lent no ear.

2. There are three c______________ in the play “The Necklace”, the Mathilde couple and Jeanne.

3. A___(平衡) diet should include the right amount of nutrients from all the different food groups.

4. They held a party in ___________ (庆祝) of the old man’s 90th birthday.

5. The various styles of buildings of Shanghai Expo.(世博会) show the  c___of their designers.

6. He tried hard to explain to his boss that he didn’t mean to be late, but his e_______________ didn’t work at all.

7. “Loving the young and r____________ the old” is a good tradition of us Chinese.

8. It is reported that some world leaders will ________(出席) the funeral ceremony of Polish president Lech Kaczynski, including Obama.

9. He dreams of owning a __________________ (舒服) house with a private garden.

10. During the s_______________(七天) Kwanzaa festival, African Americans celebrate their culture and history.

