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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


If we are asked exactly what we were doing a year ago, we might have to say that we could not remember. But if we had kept a book and written in it account(陈述) of what we did each day, we should be able to give an answer to the question.

It is the same in history. Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account(叙述) of them. Sometimes men did keep record of the important happenings in their country, but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never any written record at all because the people of that time and place did not know how to write. For example, we know a great deal about the people who lived in China 4000 years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after them. But we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa, because they had not learned to write.

Sometimes, of course, even if the people cannot write, they may know something of the past. They have heard about it from older people, and often songs and dances and stories have been made about the most important happenings, and those have been sung and acted and told for many generations(代), for most people are proud to tell what their fathers did in the past. This we may call “remembered history”. Some of it has now been written into history, because words are much more easily changed when used again and again in speech than when copied in writing. But where there are no written records, such spoken stories are often very helpful.

61.Which of the following ideas is not talked about in the passage above?

A.“Remembered history” is less reliable(可靠的) than written history.

B. Written records of the past play a most important part in our learning of the human history.

C. A written account of our daily activities (活动) helps us to answer some questions.

D. Where there are no written records, there is no history.

62.“Remembered history” refers to _________.

A. history based on a person's imagination(想象)

B. stories of important happenings passed down from mouth to mouth

C. songs and dances about the most important events(事件)

D. both B and C

63.“Remembered history” is regarded as valuable only when _________.

A. it is written down           B. there is no written account

C. it proves to be true          D. people are interested in it

64. It can be inferred (推断) from the passage that we could have learned much more about our past than we do now if our ancestors(祖先) had _________.

A. kept a written record of every past event

B. not burnt their written records in wars

C. told exact stories of the most important happenings

D. made more songs and dances


科目: 来源: 题型:



第一节  单词拼写:(每题1分, 共10分。请注意形式,形式错误不得分。)

56. One of her ____________ (雄心) is to become a musician.

57. He is unwilling to           (承认) defeat.

58. It is reported that the rainforest is disappearing at an ___________ (令人惊慌的) rate.

59. If you want your plan to meet with his _________ (赞许), you’d better explain it in detail.

60. She has formed the habit of ___________(反思) on what she reads every time she finishes reading a book.

61. Mr. Green is an a____________ person and every child in the small town likes him very much.

62. The boy promised to take good care of the house in the a___________ of his mother.

63. How many countries p_____________ in the Beijing Olympic Games?

64. They married two years ago , but they got d_____________ last month.

65. The teacher asked his students to write an article which was r____________ to the topic they had discussed.


科目: 来源: 题型:


We’d like to go out for a meal on Thursday evening —does that ______ with your plans?

A. settle in   B. fit in      C. break in    D. take in


科目: 来源: 题型:


With a big family ________, the couple are living a hard life.

A. to be supported         B. to support                 C. supported          D. supporting


科目: 来源: 题型:


      — Sorry to have interrupted you. Please go on.

— Where was I?

— You ________ you didn’t like your father’s job.

A. had said         B. said                      C. were saying            D. had been saying


科目: 来源: 题型:


 ---- My watch is out of order.

   ---- Then why don’t you have ____?

 A. repaired it           B. to repair it       C. it repaired         D. it to be repaired


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


第三部分:阅读理解(阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 共10小题;每小题2分,共20分。)

I’ve loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as Mother sat doing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the most wonderful thing in the world.

Years later, during her final illness, Mother left different things for my sister and brother. “But the desk”, she said, “is for Elizabeth”.

I never saw her angry, and never saw her cry. I knew she loved me, and she showed it in action. But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter.

They never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was “too emotional”. But she lived “on the surface”.

As years passed and I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive me.

I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came. My hope turned to disappointment, the little interest, finally, peace — it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn’t be sure that the letter had ever got to Mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.

Now the present of her desk told me, as she’d never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work, I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside — a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded and refolded many times which gave me the answer that the desk was the way you chose. Mother, you always chose the acts that spoke louder than words.

46. The writer began to love her mother’s desk _______.

A. after Mother died   

C. when she was a child

B. before she became a writer

D. when Mother gave it to her

47. The passage shows about _______.

A. Mother wrote her daughter in careful words

B. Mother cared much about her daughter in words

C. Mother was too serious about everything her daughter had done

D. Mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter

48. The word “gulf” in the 4th paragraph means _______.

A. part of the sea going far in land

B. free talks between mother and daughter

C. different ideas between the mother and daughter

D. deep understanding between the old and the young

49. What did Mother do with her daughter’s letter asking for forgiveness?

A. She had never received the letter.

B. She read the letter again and again till she died.

C. For years, she often talked about the letter.

D. She didn’t forgive her daughter at all in her life.

50. What’s the best title of the passage?

A. My letter to Mother

B. Mother and children

C. My Mother’s Desk

D. Talks between Mother and Me


科目: 来源: 题型:




The cost of medical care in the United States is very high. The time and money that doctors spend on their medical education are probably one reason for this problem.   71    , so some people think it is impossible to pay for the medical care.   72  . Most doctors, however, disagree. They say that they were required to study medicine for a long time. Tuition(学费)for many years of medical education costs a lot of money. Doctors say that most medical students had to borrow money from a bank to pay their tuition.????????????????   73  , young doctors need a lot of money for their work.   74  . Because high tuition is one cause of high costs,   75  .

A.It is possible for the poor people to see the doctor in America

B.Many people in the United States think that doctors are overpaid

C.One way to lower costs would be to have medical schools that are free or have low tuition

D.They are not willing to pay high tuition for the doctors

E.A visit to a doctor’s office costs from fifteen to fifty dollars

F.Because this money must be repaid to the bank

G.So, they charge people high prices for medical care


科目: 来源: 题型:


 — I’m dead tired. I can’t walk any farther, Jenny.

   — ________, Tommy. You can do it!

A. No problem                            B. No hurry                 

C. Come on                      D. That’s OK


科目: 来源: 题型:


The storm died away at last with the golden waves ______ the shore in peace.

A. striking       B. hitting      C. knocking     D. beating

