 0  19384  19392  19398  19402  19408  19410  19414  19420  19422  19428  19434  19438  19440  19444  19450  19452  19458  19462  19464  19468  19470  19474  19476  19478  19479  19480  19482  19483  19484  19486  19488  19492  19494  19498  19500  19504  19510  19512  19518  19522  19524  19528  19534  19540  19542  19548  19552  19554  19560  19564  19570  19578  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

Having become famous, Wang Baoqiang often has people ______ him in the street and ______ for his autograph (签名).

A. stopping, asking     B. stop, ask          C. stopping, to ask  D. to stop, asking


科目: 来源: 题型:

.We are going to ______ with some friends for a picnic . Would you like to join us?

  A. get in    B. get over   C. get along   D. get together


科目: 来源: 题型:

As she lives quite near our school , she often goes to work on an electric bike ___ in her car .

A. other than   B. rather than  C. more than   D. less than


科目: 来源: 题型:

Is this the department______?

A where he works in  B in which he works C which he works D for which he works


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

????——Tom,could you do something for me,please?

——Certainly!   61    

——Well,do you know I’m going to England next week for a holiday?


——Well, Jim,   62    Could you look after her for me while we’re away?

——With pleasure.

——   63       

——Yes,of course.I’m sure.I would love to look after her.Glad to help!   64    

——I’ve written it all down on this list.

——Good,Don’t worry.    65    

——I’m sure you will.

A.Are you sure you don’t mind?

B.Why were you shouting?

C.What so I have to do?

D.What would you like me to do?

E.It was luchy.

F.We can’t take Polly with us.

G.I’ll take good care of it.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Hawking is _________success, _________disabled man though he is.

      A.a;/           B./;a         C.the;a         D.a;the


科目: 来源: 题型:

.They        two tickets to the World Cup,otherwise they’d never have been to afford to go.

  A.had got            B.got                 C.have got       D.get


科目: 来源: 题型:

 “ Can’t you read?” Mary said _______ to the notice.

A.and pointed angrily              B.angrily pointing

C.angrily pointing                  C.angrily pointed


科目: 来源: 题型:

We are looking for an inexpensive hotel       .

A. where to live in B. to live C . in which to live  D. to be lived in


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



As a child, I was afraid of everything. At the age of 8, I even became  36   of getting Halloween candy.  37   , on October 31, my twin brother and I went out and   38   to every house in the neighborhood. Most of the houses only had a few steps to the door. It was easy. However, when we   39    one of the bigger houses with 10 tall steps   40   to the front door, which were known to have the best candy, my fear  41    me. My brother was already up the stairs, while I stood   42    at the bottom.

 It was  43    that I’d be able to climb all that way, for I was afraid that I might fall over in the dark and   44   my bag of candy. I might   45   my clothes on something. I wanted the candy, but there was no   46    I would go up those stairs to get it. I failed. I lost more than just candy. I lost my   47   .

 Fear of the unknown   48   me for a long time. After six years in nursing, I was  49    with the career I had chosen. I faced a  50   : step out into the unknown or   51    the rest of my life at the bottom of those steps, never   52   the best candy.

 Finally, with only $100 in my savings account, I started my own business. Whenever I would lose a client (客户), the old fears   53   . However, I’d tasted the candy, and now I don’t   54   when I face difficulties. I believe that, though    55   things can happen when we step out, worse things happen when we don’t.

36. A. afraid         B. happy            C. fond           D. tired

37. A. Hardly           B. Normally               C. Certainly       D. Approximately

38. A. pointed        B. rushed              C. moved               D. traveled

39. A. knocked           B. escaped                       C. reached       D. entered

40. A. pointing        B. belonging            C. opening              D. leading

41. A. encouraged      B. spread                C. prevented        D. attracted

42. A. slightly        B. frozen              C. calmly         D. happily

43. A. unlikely               B. unlucky              C. possible          D. pitiful

44. A. fall                   B. drop               C. forget          D. lose

45. A. bury          B. break                C. tear            D. catch

46. A. way                     B. need                C. doubt           D. wonder

47. A. bag                B. life                C. way            D. confidence

48. A. amused          B. controlled           C. helped          D. ruined

49. A. excited          B. concerned            C. impressive      D. unsatisfied

50. A. difficulty        B. cause                C. fear            D. choice

51. A. save             B. spend               C. change             D. escape

52. A. presenting       B. buying                        C. making            D. tasting

53. A. disappeared      B. warned                 C. returned           D. reminded

54. A. fear           B. cry                 C. fail               D. complain

55. A. big            B. fortunate                    C. bad              D. small

