 0  19538  19546  19552  19556  19562  19564  19568  19574  19576  19582  19588  19592  19594  19598  19604  19606  19612  19616  19618  19622  19624  19628  19630  19632  19633  19634  19636  19637  19638  19640  19642  19646  19648  19652  19654  19658  19664  19666  19672  19676  19678  19682  19688  19694  19696  19702  19706  19708  19714  19718  19724  19732  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

It’ll be a year and a half ______ the next Olympic Games are held in London in 2012.

A. since                  B. when                  C. before                 D. until


科目: 来源: 题型:

They decided to drive the cow away ______ it did more damage.

A. unless        B. until        C. before        D. although


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There are new and exciting ways to use the Internet to learn English while you are on - line. The Internet uses a lot of multimedia elements (多媒体原理),like words, sounds, pictures, animations and video. This is perfect for studying a language because you've got to see, hear, and repeat things as much as you like. Learning over the Internet is also funny because you can be a part of conversa??tions happening all around the globe ! Special Internet sites are designed for people learning English, just like yourself. These sites use multimedia to help you learn and are a great way to meet other peo??ple around the world. This is Cyber English.

On the Internet, English is the major language. As a result, it is now more important than ever to  be able to understand English when you serve the web. It is not always easy,though. The English can be difficult or have a lot of cultural information that you have never seen !

One site for students studying English and their teachers is Englishtown. At http://www. english- town. com, you will find a community ( group) of people interested in learning English. There are several buildings in the virtual (虚拟的)town where you can play games, chat with friends, ask and get answers about cultural questions, and find an international penfriend who shares your interests. There are extra resources to help you learn,such as multimedia CD - ROM and books for language learning and translation. You can also have daily and monthly English lessons delivered to your own  e - mail address. There is even an on - line school where you can take English classes over Lhe Inter??net. Englishtown is the perfect place to prefect for a trip to England or the United States ! Would you like to become part of a virtual community(虚拟社区)of English sfH-aktrs : Surfing the web is not only funny but can also help improve your English ! Try out >ome of tlv, web sites listed below and see how students all over the world are learning English on line.

Cyber English probably means"  ".

A. learning English on Internet

B. teaching yourself English

C. the history of English

D. English broadcast on TV or over the radio

English on - line interests a lot of people because     .

A. only in this way one can learn the language well

B. people don’ t have to pay

C. the learners can have a face to face study of courses with the teachers

D. it makes learning easier and more interesting

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. English is the only useful language on the Internet.

B. The Internet can provide people with the cultural information they need.

C. At http://www. Englishtown. com, people can study and play.

D. One can find a pen-friend on http://www.Englishtown. com.

The underlined word “ surfing" probably means       .

A. setting up   B. going over  C. researching D. inventing

The omitted (省略)part of the passage might  .

A. show us some of the web sites on which sell books

B. tell us how to use the Internet

C. tell us where to get the CD - ROMS we need

D. show us some of the web sites on which English is taught


科目: 来源: 题型:

     has been announced,we shall have our final exam next month.

A. That   B. As      C. It   D. What


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Call me when you get to your school.

   ---OK, ____.

     A. I must    B. I should   C. I will    D. I can


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

                                                                                     Want to find a job? Now read the following advertisements.


Five waiters and Ten Waitresses

---Aged under 22

---At least high school graduate

---Good looking; men at least 1.72 meters tall and women 1.65

---Those knowing foreign languages preferred

---Paid 1600---2200 dollars per month

One Secretary

---Aged under 30

---Female preferred

---Good at writing and skilled at computer

If interested, call 465-4768 or write to: Mr Jack Hundris

Room 0825, Fairmont Hotel

567 Wood Street, San Markers, 78003

Fax: 6954828



---Aged between 25 and 40

---With an experience of at least two years

---With a degree and an accountant certificate(证书)

---Paid3000-4000 dollars monthly

---With a knowledge of computer


---Basic education of 12 years or more

---Good at computer

---Paid 1800-2200 dollars monthly

Tel: 447-4398          Fax: 3485269

If you don’t know how to use a computer, you can just apply for the position as _____.

A. a secretary    B. a waiter or a waitress    C. an accountant    D. a salesclerk

If you want to get the position of accountant in Wilson Bookstore, you have to satisfy the following conditions EXCEPT _____.

   A. being a woman             B. knowing well how to use a computer

   C. having been an accountant    D. having an accountant certificate

If you want to try for a job in Fairmont Hotel, you _____.

have to be a woman and know foreign languages

should be a university graduate

have to be taller than 1.72 meters 

should be younger than 30 years old


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


  He had more money than he could ever spend, and he was admired and looked up to by his community.  He wasn’t happy.All his life he had been pursuing happiness and striving (奋斗) for happiness, but he had never been able to find it.

Then one day he heard about a hidden temple in Nepal that had a special room that contained the secret of happiness. After many years of searching and countless hardships he arrived there.He was tired and penniless, but he knew that none of that mattered now because he had found the temple.He asked a wise, smiling monk (僧侣) if he could enter the special room.The monk agreed and showed him the stairs leading to the room.  He stared into the room with sunlight steaming through the window and saw what he had come so far to find.There hanging on the wall was the secret of happiness.The man gazed at his reflection in the mirror and laughed.

Happiness is a choice that we can make.Don’t spend the rest of your life searching the world for happiness then.Just look in the mirror and laugh.Just let the happiness flow from your heart, mind, and soul until it fills your life and the lives of all those around you.

       A.He immediately sold all that he owned and set out to find this hidden temple.

       B.It was difficult to find the temple in Nepal.

       C.No one found the secret of happiness at last.

       D.But he knew that something was missing in his life.

       E.There once was a very wealthy and successful man.

       F.He climbed them with legs shaking with expectation and slowly opened the door.

       G.It is time that we all realized that we were the secret of our own happiness.


科目: 来源: 题型:

The party last night was _______ success. We sang and danced until it came

to _______ end at 12:00.

A. A; an             B. a; the           C. the; an       D. /; an


科目: 来源: 题型:

________the warning message, more deaths would have been caused in the flood according to the report from Xinjiang.

A. Regardless of   B. In spite of C. But for          D. Thanks to


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


  During my second year of college I had to look for another place to live in. One Sunday after church the pastor(牧师)   36   me to stay in his daughter’s room because she was studying abroad for one year.

  To be honest, I really didn’t want to stay with the pastor’s family.   37   then he old me how much rent would be—a very   38__ figure that included one home-cooked meal a day. I thought about it and    39   to move in.

   At the end of the term I had planned to make   40   living arrangements, since the daughter was to   41   home. But they suggested I   42   a room with their son. By this time I seemed to have been adopted(收养)into their  43   -- her people became my people. I   44   accepted the offer.

   As I emptied the daughter’s bedroom, I thought it might be   45   to have a little sister. But when I later met her, I   46   that this idea of looking after her might be more interesting than I first   47   .

   We finally fell in love, married, and have been   48   one another for many years. There have been times that life turned out to be   49   than either of us could have known. But we have always been able to go   50 _  largely because we knew that somebody deeply cared.

   It isn’t about marriage—it’s about   51 _  . It’s about mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers and special friends who are as   52 _ as family. It’s about anybody who can say, “I’ll be   53   -- you can count on me. I’ll try to look after you and   54   I will need you to look after me.”

   Is there somebody you can   55  ? And is someone counting on you? We travel the path of life best when there is someone to look after, and when someone is looking after us.

A. required       B. told           C. warned         D. reminded

A. But           B. And           C. So            D. Or

A. high          B. low            C. familiar        D. fair

A. helped        B. refused         C. admitted        D. decided

A. other         B. extra           C. different        D. similar

A. reach         B. sell            C. return          D. leave

A. spare         B. share           C. separate        D. divide

A. house         B. family          C. life            D. group

A. happily       B. sadly            C. curiously       D. nervously

A. strange       B. uneasy           C. nice           D. boring

A. predicted      B. doubted          C. proved         D. realized

A. knew         B. imagined         C. planned        D. promised

A. watching over  B. taking over       C. looking after    D. looking for

A. smoother      B. more challenging  C. flatter          D. more interesting

A. forward       B. backward        C. up             D. down

A. friendship      B. relation         C. love            D. couple

A. perfect        B. lucky           C. distant          D. close

A. away         B. out             C. in              D. around

A. always        B. sometimes       C. never           D. ever

A. believe in      B. depend on       C. take care of      D. watch out for

