 0  19736  19744  19750  19754  19760  19762  19766  19772  19774  19780  19786  19790  19792  19796  19802  19804  19810  19814  19816  19820  19822  19826  19828  19830  19831  19832  19834  19835  19836  19838  19840  19844  19846  19850  19852  19856  19862  19864  19870  19874  19876  19880  19886  19892  19894  19900  19904  19906  19912  19916  19922  19930  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

I like travel very much. I had been to most             1.___________

of the interested places in Britain already and I just        2.___________

don’t want other cold English summer. So I’ll go              3.___________

abroad for change this year. Where I’d like            4.___________

to is France, Spain, or Italy. Though going abroad         5.___________

has the trouble of changing money abroad. But           6.___________

when I just think of the sun I’d enjoy for, the new         7.___________

places I’d see, the people I’d meet, I get excited.    8.___________

In fact, which I’d really like to do is to practice my       9.___________

French and Spanish. It would do me a lot at work.         10.___________


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor; you must be able to hold the attention and interest of your students, you must be __1__-speaking, with a good, strong,__2__voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to __3__what you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear.

__4__a good teacher, and you will see that he does not sit still before his class; he __5__the whole time he is teaching; he walks about, using his__6__, hands and fingers to help him in his explanations, and his face to express his__7__. Listen to him, and you will__8__the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice always __9__according to what he is talking about. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn't __10__that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important__11__between the teacher's work and the actor's. The__12__has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the__13__words each time he plays a certain part, even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually__14__beforehand. What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem __15__on the stage.

A good teacher__16__in quite a different way. His students take an active part in his __17__: they ask and answer questions, they obey orders, and if they don't __18__something, they will say no. The teacher therefore has to suit his act to the needs of his students, which is in his class. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must __19__it as he goes along.

I have known many teachers who were fine__20__in class but unable to take part in a stage play because their brains wouldn't keep discipline: they could not keep strictly to what another had written.

1. A. clear         B. slow        C. small         D. low

2. A. frightening    B. fearing      C. exciting       D. pleasing

3. A. act out       B. talk         C. say           D. repeat

4. A. Listen        B. Look       C. Watch        D. Learn

5. A. stands        B. sits         C. lies          D. talks

6. A. tongue       B. words       C. legs          D. arms

7. A. attention      B. thanks      C. feelings       D. sentences

8. A. hear         B. see         C. think         D. guess

9. A. making       B. changing    C. expressing    D. giving

10. A. tell         B. express      C. show        D. mean

11. A. things       B. differences   C. points       D. jobs

12. A. actor        B. teacher      C. boy         D. student

13. A. different     B. same       C. above        D. following

14. A. read        B. known      C. fixed         D. written

15. A. natural      B. bad         C. false         D. clear

16. A. is          B. works       C. has          D. teaches

17. A. group       B. party        C. class        D. play

18. A. give        B. place        C. obey        D. hear

19. A. invent      B. discover      C. teach        D. continue

20. A. learners     B. watchers     C. actors       D. listeners


科目: 来源: 题型:




About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.

Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear Laura,

I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program. You doubted that such unselfish love would happen in today’s world. Well, I’m here to give you  ___36___.

I wanted to do something very ___37___ for my fifteen-year-old son, who has always been the perfect child. He ___38___ all summer to earn enough money to buy a used motorcycle. Then, he spent hours and hours on it ___39___ it looked almost new. I was so ___40___ of him that I bought him the shiniest helmet and a riding outfit.

I could ___41___ wait for him to open up his gift. In fact, I barely slept the night before. Upon a wakening, I went to the kitchen to ___42___ the coffee, tea, and morning goodies. In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a ___43___:” To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.”

I was so ___44___. It had been a long-standing joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could ___45___ lessons. “Learn to play the piano, and I’ll get you one” was my husband’s ___46___.

I stood there shocked, crying a river, asking myself how my son could ___47___ this expensive gift.

Of course, the ___48___ awoke, and my son was thrilled(激动的)with my reaction. Many kisses were ___49___, and I immediately wanted him to ___50___ my gift.

As he saw the helmet and outfit, the look on his face was not ___51___ what I was expecting. Then I ___52___ that he has sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.

Of course I was the proudest mother ___53___ on that day, and my feet never hit the ground for a month.

So I wanted you to know, that kind of love still ___54___ and lives even in the ever-changing world of me, me, me!

I thought you’d love to ___55___ this story.



P.S. The next day, my husband and I bought him a new “used” already shiny motorcycle.

36. A. hope    B. advice C. support      D. courage

37. A. polite   B. similar       C. special       D. private

38. A. played  B. studied       C. traveled      D. worked

39. A. after     B. before C. unless D. until

40. A. sure     B. fond   C. proud  D. confident

41. A. perhaps       B. really  C. almost D. hardly

42. A. start     B. cook   C. set      D. serve

43. A. note     B. notice C. word   D. sign

44. A. disturbed     B. confused    C. astonished  D. inspired

45. A. give     B. take    C. draw   D. teach

46. A. reason  B. request       C. comment    D. response

47. A. present B. afford C. find    D. order

48. A. neighbor      B. building     C. home  D. house

49. A. exchanged B. experienced  C. expected     D. exhibited

50. A. tear      B. open   C. check  D. receive

51. A. purely  B. basically     C. obviously   D. exactly

52. A. realized       B. remembered      C. imagined    D. supposed

53. A. only     B. still     C. ever    D. even

54. A. works   B. exists  C. matters       D. counts

55. A. send     B. publish       C. share   D. write


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

You Did More Than Carry My books

Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark___1___ down and helped the boy pick up these articles. ___2___ they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark ___3___ the boy’s name was Bill, that he ___4___ computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of ___5___ with his other subjects and that he had just broken ___6___ with his girlfriend.

They arrived at Bill’s home first and Mark was ___7___ in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed ___8___ with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home. They ___9___ to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, and then both ended up from the same high school. Just three weeks before ___10___, Bill asked Mark if they ___11___ talk.

Bill ___12___ him of the day years ago when they had first met. “Do you ___13___ wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?” asked Bill. “You see, I ___14___ out my locker because I didn’t want to leave a mess(脏乱) ___15___ anyone else. I had planned to run away and I was going home to ___16___ my things. But after we spent some time together ___17___ and laughing, I realized that ___18___ I had done that, I would have ___19___ a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together. So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books that day, you did a lot more. You ___20___ my life.”

1. A. fell B. sat      C. lay      D. knelt

2. A. Although       B. Since  C. After   D. Until

3. A. discovered     B. realized      C. said    D. decided

4. A. played    B. loved  C. tried   D. made

5. A. questions       B. ideas   C. trouble       D. doubt

6. A. up  B. out     C. off      D. away

7. A. called     B. helped C. invited       D. allowed

8. A. peacefully     B. willingly    C. freely  D. pleasantly

9. A. continued      B. agreed C. forced D. offered

10. A. graduation   B. movement  C. separation   D. vacation

11. A. would   B. should C. could  D. must

12. A. demanded    B. reminded    C. removed     D. asked

13. A. ever     B. usually       C. even   D. never

14. A. checked       B. took    C. cleaned      D. put

15. A. over     B. into    C. with    D. for

16. A. find     B. pick    C. pack   D. hold

17. A. talking B. playing      C. reading      D. watching

18. A. before  B. if C. while  D. as

19. A. forgotten     B. passed C. left     D. lost

20. A. helped  B. recovered   C. improved   D. changed


科目: 来源: 题型:

-------Do you have enough to ________all your daily expenses?

--------Oh yes, enough and to spare.

A. cover         B. spend        C. fill        D. offer


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

      What an exciting day it was for Jennifer and Valerie! They had been friends since Grade Three and had   41   many of their high school experience. Now they were driving together to their final high school event. Today was   42   day at Lamar High School. 43 they were close friends, they were different in many ways. Jennifer was a fairly 44 student while Valerie did just enough to get by and was mainly   45   in a good social life.

     “Isn't it   46   that we're all finished?”said Valerie. “I'm really looking forward to having a good time this summer.”

     “ 47   be nice,” Jennifer replied, “I'm afraid I'm going to have to work most of the summer to help pay for my college expenses.”

      Jennifer's parents had only a small   48   and she had made up her mind to have an occupation in which she could afford all the things her   49   could not.

      Valerie,   50  , came from a fairly well-to-do family. She had little desire to work hard for   51   she had always taken for granted.

      “I really don't want to go to college for a while,” she   52  .

      “My uncle runs a restaurant in the Bahamas and he has   53   me to spend a year there as a waitress. That should give me plenty of   54   for the beach.”

      “It seems    55   I'll really be going different ways now”, thought Jennifer.

41. A. learned        B. obtained           C. remembered      D. shared

42. A. exam                  B. sports               C. graduation         D. working

43. A. If                      B. Because            C. Although           D. When

44. A. diligent              B. polite               C. active              D. favorite

45. A. specialized   B. relieved            C. envied               D. interested

46. A. certain               B. great                C. unfortunate        D. annoying

47. A. Can                   B. Shall               C. Must                       D. Need

48. A. income               B. problem            C. family                     D. differance

49. A. teachers       B. parents              C. friends                    D. relatives

50. A. in fact                B. in a way           C. as a result         D. on the other hand

51. A. what                  B. whom               C. that                         D. these

52. A. admitted            B. complained        C. invited                    D. screamed

53. A. helped               B. assured                     C. proposed                 D. promised

54. A. peace         B. work                 C. energy             D. time

55. A. I                       B. we                    C. she                  D. they


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

     I know I should have told the headmaster at the time. That was my real  36 .

     He had gone out of the study for some  37 , leaving me alone. In his absence I looked to see  38  was on his desk. In the  39  was a small piece of paper on which were written the  40  “English Writing Prize 1949. History Is a Serious of Biographies (人物传记)”.

     A(n)  41  boy would have avoided looking at the title as soon as he saw the  42 . I did not. The subject of the English Writing Prize was kept a  43  until the start of the exam so I could not  44  reading it.

    When the headmaster  45 , I was looking out of the window.

     I should have told him what had  46  then. It would have been so  47  to say: “I’m sorry, but I  48  the title for the English Writing Prize on your desk. You’ll have to  49  it.”

     The chance passed and I did not  50  it. I sat the exam the next day and I won. I didn’t  51  to cheat, but it was still cheating anyhow.

     That was thirty-eight years  52  when I was fifteen. I have never told anyone about it before,  53  have I tried to explain to myself why not.

     The obvious explanation is that I could not admit I had seen the title  54  admitting that I had been looking at the things on his desk.  55  there must have been more behind it. Whatever it was, it has become a good example of how a little mistake can trap (使陷入) you in a more serious moral corner (道德困境).

36. A. plan                  B. fault                        C. grade                   D. luck

37. A. reason                       B. course                         C. example               D. vacation

38. A. this                        B. which                     C. that                          D. what

39. A. drawer                   B. corner                    C. middle                  D. box

40. A. names                    B. words                     C. ideas                    D. messages

41. A. honest                    B. handsome               C. friendly                 D. active

42. A. desk                       B. paper                      C. book                    D. answer

43. A. question                 B. key                         C. note                     D. secret

44. A. help                       B. consider                  C. practise              D. forget

45. A. disappeared                B. stayed                     C. returned                  D. went

46. A. existed                   B. remained              C. happened                  D. continued

47. A. tiring                         B. easy                        C. important         D. difficult

48. A. saw                           B. gave                        C. set                           D. made

49. A. repeat                    B. defend                  C. correct                    D. change

50. A. take                       B. have                     C. lose                      D. find

51. A. remember           B. learn                     C. mean                         D. pretend

52. A. past                       B. ago                       C. then                      D. before

53. A. either                     B. never                    C. nor                       D. so

54. A. by                          B. besides                 C. through                  D. without

55. A. But                        B. Though                 C. Otherwise              D. Therefore


科目: 来源: 题型:

Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from ______ their parents speak at home.

A. what       B. that       C. which      D. one


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

     The twentieth century saw greater changes than any century before: changes for the better, changes for the worse; changes that brought a lot of benefits(益处) to human beings, changes that put man in danger. Many things caused the changes, but, in my opinion, the most important was the progress in science.

     Scientific research in physics and biology has vastly broadened our views. It has given us a deeper knowledge of the structure(结构)of matter and of the universe; it has brought us a better understanding of the nature of life and of its continuous development. Technology —the application(应用)of science —has made big advances that have benefited us in nearly every part of life.

    The continuation of such activities in the twenty-first century will result in even greater advantages to human beings: in pure science — a wider and deeper knowledge in all fields of learning; in applied science — a more reasonable sharing of material benefits, and better protection of the environment.

     Sadly, however, there is another side to the picture. The creativity of science has been employed in doing damage to mankind. The application of science and technology to the development and production of weapons(武器)of mass destruction has created a real danger to the continued existence of the human race on this planet. We have seen this happen in the case of nuclear weapons, Although their actual use has so far occurred only in the Second World War, the number of nuclear weapons that were produced and made ready for use was so large that if the weapons had actually been used, the result could have been the ruin of the human race, as well as of many kinds of animals.

    William Shakespeare said, "The web of our life is of a mingled yarn (纱线), good and ill具together. " The above brief review of the application of only one part of human activities – science—seems to prove what Shakespeare said. But does it have to be so? Must the ill always go together with the good? Are we biologically programmed for war?

73.From the fourth paragraph, we can infer that________.

A. a great many nuclear weapons were actually used for war

B. a large number of nuclear weapons should have been used for war

C. the author is doubtful about the ruin of human beings by nuclear weapons

D. the author is anxious about the huge number of nuclear weapons on the earth

74.The underlined word "mingled" in the last paragraph most probably means________.

A. simple          B. mixed          C. sad            D. happy

75.What do you think the author is most likely to suggest if he continues to write?

A. Further application of science to war.

B. More reading of William Shakespeare.

C. Proper use of science in the new century.

D. Effective ways to separate the good from the ill.

