 0  19917  19925  19931  19935  19941  19943  19947  19953  19955  19961  19967  19971  19973  19977  19983  19985  19991  19995  19997  20001  20003  20007  20009  20011  20012  20013  20015  20016  20017  20019  20021  20025  20027  20031  20033  20037  20043  20045  20051  20055  20057  20061  20067  20073  20075  20081  20085  20087  20093  20097  20103  20111  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

 ________ seems to be no possibility _______ the shy girl can win the first prize in the contest.

       A. There; that        B. It; that                            C. There; whether          D. It; whether


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Abby Subark is a mother of two from Boston. “For my kids, I’m nervous. I don’t know if they’ll be able to achieve their American dream.” She may be right. More than hard work or education, the best way to get rich in America is to be born rich.

It is the case that somebody who is in the upper third of income, poor scores, in the bottom on tests when they are in eighth grade, is more likely to go to college and finish college than a poor kid with the top scores. That’s what the working persons’ children are faced with.

The Economic Policy Institute finds it would take a poor couple with 2 children 9 or 10 generations to achieve middle class status. That’s about 200 years. The typical feature of American opportunity has always been the ability to do better than your parents. But compared with similar developed countries, the United States ranks fifth out of six for so-called intergenerational mobility (变动).

If you look at the mechanisms (机制) for upward mobility that were so readily available 50 years ago, they are becoming out of reach, like plentiful factory jobs with good wages and affordable education and health care.

White families are twice as likely as blacks to be upwardly mobile. For most people in America today, where you end up depends on where you start.

If you started in the middle-income class, about 40 to 45 percent of what you are making right now is due to the fact that your parents were in the middle-income class. The rest is up to you.

But for the millions of people who find themselves below the poverty line and the millions more who are the working poor, their starting point for the American dream leaves them painfully far away from the middle class.

71. The main idea of the passage is _______.

A. How the middle class comes about in the U.S.

B. It’s hard to realize the American dream for the poor.

C. Wealth and social status depend on family background.

D. Upward mobility in America is never easy.

Which of the statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. People used to have job opportunities and welfare for upward mobility.

B. A great many poor people can hardly realize their American dream.

C. You can make all your dreams come true in America if born rich.

D. Rich kids are more likely to go to college than poor kids.

73. The underlined sentence “where you end up depends on where you start” most probably means _______.

A. Your starting point cannot determine your destination.

B. Only a high goal can ensure success.

C. One’s birth has nothing to do with his fate.

D. One’s family lays solid foundation for his future achievements.

Why is Abby Subark nervous?

A. Her kids don’t want to compare with other rich kids in achievements.

B. Her kids don’t want to achieve success at all.

C. Her kids can achieve success through hard work and education.

D. Her kids can’t reach their goal without a rich family.

What can we infer after reading the passage?

A. Poverty causes people much pain.

B. People below the poverty line can never be in the middle class.

C. Lower starting point makes it hard for people to realize their dream.

D. Poor people’s starting point is too low.


科目: 来源: 题型:

—I’m calling to say good-bye. I’m flying home tomorrow.

    —       .

A. I’m sorry to hear that.                   B. Congratulations!

C. I’m not sure.                          D. Have a nice trip!


科目: 来源: 题型:

Seeing that the old lady had no chair ___, the boy offered her his own.

A, to sit   B to be seated   C. to seat herself    D. to sit on


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

At 227 billion yuan ($33 billion) for 2008, Guangdong's cultural industries accounted for 6.4 percent of its GDP and experienced a growth rate of 13.8 percent.  But Lai admits that size does not equal weight. "Our businesses are mostly small, financing difficult and brands few."

One local brand that has made it big is Pleasant Goat and Big, Big Wolf, also translated as Happy Sheep and Gray Wolf, China's most popular cartoon series currently being aired. But Liu Manyi, general manager of Creative Power Entertaining Inc, the firm behind the hit show, is not laughing to the bank. Instead she is bitter: "Pirate discs were all over the streets before our first movie hit the screen. Their images appear on all kinds of products. All this has no proper licensing."

In case you don't know, China produces the largest amount of animated(动画的) programming in the world. But quantity is not quality. Behind every Pleasant Goat there are tens of thousands of flops. The best way for the government to promote the country's creative industries is to crack down on piracy (盗版). Hollywood often raises its voice about being victimized (受害) in China. Truth be told, Hollywood is probably the least affected since there is a quota system for China's importation of Hollywood films.

Many Chinese producers are taking baby steps and the domestic market is all they have. If their rights in the home market are not protected, they will never see the day their products find a foreign audience.

The sudden closure(关闭) of BT websites where copyrighted materials used to flow freely suggests a determination on the part of the government to take intellectual property rights seriously. This kind of websites is bad for us, so we should ban them.

Much of the news coming out of the 2009 International Cultural Industries Forum was encouraging. China's film industry is expected to get 6 billion yuan ($879 million) in box office receipts this year. A decade from now, this number may go up to 30 billion, according to some forecasts.

If the government takes serious action against online and offline pirates, China's creative industries may well have a bright future.

51. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 1 mean?

A. Fast as the development of Guangdong's cultural industries is, they don’t have a big challenge in the world.

B. Guangdong's cultural industries can make a big profit although they are just the small companies.

C. Guangdong's cultural industries make a big contribution to its GDP because of their strong economic power.

       D. The development of Guangdong's cultural industries cannot catch up with any other industries.

52. What does Liu Manyi think about Pleasant Goat and Big, Big Wolf?

A. It is a failure since it is a local brand.

B. It is a success but cannot get the expected profit.

C. Its profit from the images has been shared legally.

D. Pirate discs make it more popular among the children.

53. Hollywood films are mentioned to tell us that __________.

A. Hollywood films make our creative industries have less space to survive

B. it is piracy that makes it possible for Hollywood films to get less influenced

C. our creative industries need enough protection to have a bright future

D. foreign films have taken up more market in China than the local ones

54. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Chinese creative industries are more advanced than foreign ones.

B. The domestic market is of little significance to the survival of Chinese creative industries.

C. BT websites stand in the way of the development of Chinese creative industries.

D. The growth of China's film industry is always slow and needs more support.

55. In which column of a newspaper will you probably read this passage?

A. Regional    B. Economic     C. Sports    D. Cartoon


科目: 来源: 题型:

语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)


A man, now old, went overseas 40 years ago. On his     31      ( depart ), the girl he loved gave him as a souvenir a heart-shaped knot made of knitting wool. He     32     ( hang ) it on his belt ever since.

Several years later he got married and had children. As time went by his sweetheart’s      __33___ ( look ) became dimmer and dimmer like a landscape picture    34     ( fade ) away gradually, and his homeland only appeared in his dreams. In the evening of his life he often looked at the knot and sighed.

One day his grandson caught sight of the knot and insisted on getting hold of it as a toy. The boy fondled ( 抚弄 ) and tried to unfold it. At last he did    35     trick and got it loose and open.

When it      36       ( spread ) out it resumed ( 重获 ) its form as a long thread, a very simple wool thread.      37    by the skillful hands of a beloved girl could the thread be knitted into such a complicated knot. Devoted love made so many simple things complex in the world.

Thus the old man was awoken to get a truth. Most of the grievances ( 抱怨 ), bitterness and hatred in life actually result from very small matters.      38      one is mindful of them, they become mental knots. But if one sees     39      the knot, it remains a simple thread or line, no matter     40      shape it assumes.


科目: 来源: 题型:

The student did what they ___ the old man.

A. could help   B. could helping   C. could to help       D. might help


科目: 来源: 题型:

Eric nearly always wins the science award.That’s because his projects are ___.

A. extremely presented well   B. well presented extremely  C. presented well extremely  D. extremely well presented


科目: 来源: 题型:

The number of people invited ___ fifty, but a number of them ___ absent for different reasons.

A. were, was    B. was; was     C. was; were    D. were; were


科目: 来源: 题型:

________ the project, the workers have to stay there for another two months.

A.Not completing             B.Not completed

C.Not having completed    D.Having not completed

