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科目: 来源: 题型:










Nowadays many graduate are looking forward to get employment in big cities, not willing to work in the countryside. Unfortunately, there are enough chances to satisfy most of the job hunter in big cities, while in the countryside talented people are bad needed but a lot of posts are waiting for you. You can put your abilities to good use and you will able to make greater contributions of building a modern countryside. Therefore, I believe in you can have as bright a future in the countryside as we will have in the cities.


科目: 来源: 题型:

I didn’t realize putting on a play _________ so much work.

A. included  B. have                 C. involved           D. need


科目: 来源: 题型:

She ____ to us that those eggs which  are ____ on the table had been ___ by snakes.

A. lied; lying; laid                                    B. lied; lying; lain

C. laid; laid; laid                                     D. lied; laying; lied


科目: 来源: 题型:

. ---Chatting online has become     popular means of communication.  

---That’s true. It is especially popular with         young.

   A.  / ;  the      B. a ; the        C. / ; /       D. a ; /


科目: 来源: 题型:

Do you know Australia was, as a matter of fact,________ used to be a nation of prisoners?

A. what        B.  where         C.  which    D. that


科目: 来源: 题型:

 — What should I do with this passage?

— _____________ the main idea of each paragraph.

A. Finding out      B. Found out   C. Find out  D. To find out


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

     In the past decade the popularity of rock climbing has greatly increased, and so has the number of injuries. It has been estimated that rock climbing is now enjoyed by more than 9 million people in the US each year. Study findings revealed a 65 percent increase in the number of patients that were treated in US emergency departments for rock climbing-related injuries between 1991and 2008.

    The study, published in the online issue of the American Journal of Preventive medicine,found that about 40,000 patients were treated in US emergency departments for rock climbing-related injuries between 1991 and 2008. The most common types of rock climbing –related injuries were fracture(骨折) and sprains (扭伤)。The ankle was the most common body part to be injured (40%).Climers in the study ranged in age from 2 to 74, with an average age of 26. The study also found that women took up a quarter of the injuries.

    Falls were the primary reason for injury with over three-quartes of the injuries occurring as the result of a fall. The severity of related injuries had a lot to do with the height of the fall. Patients who were injured after falling from a height over 20 feet were 10 times more likely to be treated than patients who were injured falling from 20 feet or lower.

   “We found that the climbers who fell from heights higher than 20 feet took up 70 percent of the patients treated for a rock climbing-related injury, explained the study author Lara McKenzie, PhD, director at the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Hospital. “This trend, combined with the fact that rock climbers have a higher hospitalizaton rate than other sports and recreational injuries, demonstrates the need to increase injury prevention efforts for climbers.

1.Which body part is most likely to get injured for a climber ?

   A.The arm        B.The ankle     C. The knee     D. The hand

2.How many women climbers in American got injured while climbing a rock between 1991 and 2008 ?

A.About 40,000   B.About 30,000    C.About 20,000  D.About 10,000

3.The severity of climbers’fall-related injures is mainly related to ______.

A.the height of the fall.           B.the climber’s age.

C.the climber’s health condition    D.the climber’s climbing experience.

4.The underlined word “demonstrates” in the last paragragh can be replaced by ________.

A.demands       B.prevent        C.proves        D.describes


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Television, which made its first serious appearance in 1939, did not become common until the early 1950s. Since then, millions of children have grown up in front of the set, and many people now worry about the effect that TV has on the young, and on society in general. Educators, psychologists, and crime experts wonder if television should be abolished(取消). Many ordinary parents wish it had never been invented. Why are they so afraid? Is television as harmful as they think it is?

Like almost anything else, television has its good and its bad sides. One should surely thank its inventors for the joy and interest that they have brought into the lives of the old, the sick, and the lonely -- all those who, without it, would have no pleasure and no window on the world.

In truth, television has opened windows in everybody's life. No newspaper has ever reached so many people and shown so clearly what was happening right now in their own country and everywhere else. TV not only gives the news instantly, it also shows it in pictures more powerful than words. It can be said that TV has brought reality to the public. Millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle, a flood, a fire, a crime, disasters of every sort on the screen.

Unfortunately, television's influence has been extremely harmful to the young. Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world. They want to imitate what they see. They do believe that the violence they see is normal and acceptable. By the time they are out of high school, most young people have watched about 15,000 hours of television, and have seen about 18,000 killings or other acts of violence. All educators and psychologists agree that the "television generations" are more violent than their parents and grandparents,

According to the same experts, the young are also less patient. Used to TV shows, where everything is quick and entertaining, they do not have the patience to read an article without pictures; to read a book that requires thinking; to listen to a teacher who doesn't do funny things like the people on children's programs. And they expect all problems to be solved happily in ten, fifteen or thirty minutes. That's the time it takes on the screen.

It is certain that television has deeply changed our lives and our society. It is certain that, along with its benefits, it has brought many serious problems. To these problems we must soon find a solution because, whether we like it or not, television is here to stay.

1. First TV set was made ______.

A. in 1939                    B. in 1950s        C. in 1940s             D. in 1919

2. Which of the following people have a view on TV different from the others?

A. Educators.        B. TV producers.    C. Crime experts.      D. Psychologists.

3. According to the author, who need TV most?

A. Educators.                          B. Crime experts.

C. The old and the lonely.                D. The children and their parents.

4. We can conclude that ‘television generations’ are_______.

A. lonely         B. more patient     C. more violent       D. more gentle


科目: 来源: 题型:

When she was doing the cleaning yesterday, Mum found the ring that she _____ years ago.

A. loses                 B. has lost             C. lost                   D. had lost


科目: 来源: 题型:

 On hearing a great noise, Mike looked forward through the window _____ what happened outside the room.

   A. to seeing    B. to see      C. seeing     D. to have seen

