 0  19987  19995  20001  20005  20011  20013  20017  20023  20025  20031  20037  20041  20043  20047  20053  20055  20061  20065  20067  20071  20073  20077  20079  20081  20082  20083  20085  20086  20087  20089  20091  20095  20097  20101  20103  20107  20113  20115  20121  20125  20127  20131  20137  20143  20145  20151  20155  20157  20163  20167  20173  20181  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

On hearing the _____ news that they had won the match, they shouted with joy in _____ voices.

A. exciting, exciting    B. excited, excited      C. excited, exciting    D. exciting, excited 


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Where is Bob? I cannot find him anywhere.

       —He       have been off long. I heard him make a call just now.

       A.shouldn't B.can’t C.mustn’t     D.needn’t


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What did he say to you just now?

—He told me that he would leave for Jinan         .

A. the next week                        B. next week         

C. the following week                 D. following week


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Section B  (请将本大题答案写于答题纸上,答题卡37—45题空开不涂点)

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once.   Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. environment      B. necessarily  C. allowed      D. cheated      E. hardly

F. admitted     G. communication  H. necessary   I. joy      J. difficulty

    A relative of mine once asked me: “Why should a Chinese take time to learn a language that is not his own?” Obviously he has ___37___ in learning a foreign language. He is not the only one who is mentally against English learning. One reason, as I suspect, is the way English is taught. The emphasis on memorization is such that no ___38___ is left in the process, only endless irritation. What students are presented in the classroom is not the language in real-world ___39___. A Chinese student with extremely high scores for American standardized tests was ___40___ into one of the most famous universities. But his professors soon found out that he could ___41___ understand them in the classroom. Suspecting that he ___42___ in the tests, the school demanded he repeat them. Again, he passed with high scores. Not till then did they realize that the student had mastered the techniques for dealing with the tests, not ___43___ the skills of using the language.

  Many people take TOFEL, IELTS, GRE, annual Band 4 and Band 6 exams not because they work in areas where English is a ___44___ tool, but because they have to do it for job promotion or enrolment in certain programmes.

  Must English learning be such a pain in the neck?

  Create a(n)___45____ where learning English is natural and painless. Don't make it compulsory for people whose work or major does not require it. China will not become more international by adding millions of people who can only say a simple "Hello."


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. The lead story in tonight’s news concerns the fire which destroyed the major part of Columbia College at 4 a.m. this morning. In only five minutes, more than six hundred girls came out of their dorms to watch their college burn to the ground in the freezing December weather. Fortunately, there were no injuries resulting from the fire. According to the college president, plans are already made to raise more than three million dollars to rebuild the college.

Here is the news from Washington. President Clinton says he is troubled by a scientist’s desire to clone a human and is urging Congress to pass a ban (禁令) on such experiments for at least five years. In his weekly radio address, Clinton noted Chicago-area physicist Richard Seed’s announcement that he is ready to set up a clinic to clone human babies. President Clinton said that the need for passing laws that would ban human cloning for at least five years is more urgent than ever.

A brief look at the weather for the weekend tells us to expect light showers on Saturday and Sunday. The high Saturday will be in the lower 40’s. On Sunday, we can expect the high to be about 65. That’s this evening’s news. Good night from Channel 9 news. Your better news station, and from Alan King, your reporter.

1. When did the fire at Columbia College take place?

A. In December.                        B. In March. 

C. In November.                        D. In April.

2. What does President Clinton hope Congress do?

A. To pass a ban on doing experiment in labs. 

B. To ban cloning humans forever.     

C. To pass laws to support cloning babies.

D. To pass a ban on human cloning quickly.

3. What will the weather be like on weekend?

A. There will be a strong wind.           B. The weather will be fine.

C. It will be freezing cold.               D. It will be rainy.


科目: 来源: 题型:



1.This was the moment when Spielberg’s career really ??_______off.       (成功,腾飞)

2.Books are made _______ paper and paper is made _______ wood.   (由……制成的)

3.The house where he once lived has been turned ______a museum and is visited by thousands of people every year.                                         (变成)

4.If we reuse something, it will not end up ______waste.               (以……告终)

5.Keep in ______                                                (保持联系)

6.the  other  way  _______                                          (相反)

7.They will ______ down the old building .                               (拆毁)

8.a _______graduate student                             (一个有前途的研究生)

9.What does the UK______ ______ ?                                    (代表 )

10.A storm  is  just ______ the corner .                    (就在附近,即将来临)

11. keep up with the high ______of modern life       (跟上现代生活的快节奏 )

12.The twins have a lot  in ________ with  each other.        (与……有相同之处)

13.come to _______ with                                         (甘心忍受)

14.________ one’s goals.                                    (达到自己目标)

15. He ______ about  to lock the door when the telephone rang .             (正要)

16.We tie the  boat _____a tree.                              (把……拴在……)

17.Share happiness  and _______                                 (同甘共苦)

18.????????____ number of the  sdudents in our class is 56.                  (……的数量)

19.learn from  the best _______ in the world                   (向世界顶尖人物学习)

20.The weather turned _____to be fine.                             (结果是……)


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ------ Who is that man over there? _______ it be our teacher?

------ No, it _______ not be our teacher. It _______ be Mr. Zhang.

A. can ; can; must                 B. must; must; can

C. can; must; must               D. can; must; can


科目: 来源: 题型:

Many a student ______ made that mistake before, which is another way of saying a great many students ________ made that mistake.

A. had; has            B. has been; have         C. have; has             D. has; have


科目: 来源: 题型:

. It is not I but you who__________the first to run to the goal in that competition.

A. is       B. am     C. is going to be          D. are


科目: 来源: 题型:

. Come _____. I’ll introduce my _____friend, Bob, to you.

A. closely; close                 B. close; closely        

C. close; close                  D. closely; closely

