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科目: 来源: 题型:

—When you finish that report, here are all the files for the next one we need to complete, by tomorrow evening.

    — ________ Can't you extend the deadline? I've got a headache and I've hardly slept all week.

    —I'll see what I can do, but take some aspirin and keep working.

    A. I'm not even halfway through this first one!

    B. It looks like it went through just fine.    C. Oh, I'm sure I can help you do that.    D. What do you want to discuss?


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Although April did not bring us the rains we all hoped for, and although the Central Valley doesn’t generally experience the sound and lightning that can go with those rains, it’s still important for parents to be able to answer the youthful questions about thunder and lightning.

The reason these two wonders of nature are so difficult for many adults to explain to children is that they are not very well understood by adults themselves. For example, do you know that the lightning we see flashing down to the earth from a cloud is actually flashing up to a cloud from the earth? Our eyes trick us into thinking we see a downward motion when it’s actually the other way round. But then, if we believed only what we think and we see, we’d still insist that the sun rises in the morning and sets at night.

Most lightning flashes take place inside a cloud, and only a relative few can be seen jumping between two clouds or between earth and a cloud.  But, with about 2,000 thunderstorms taking place above the earth every minute of the day and night, there’s enough activity to produce about 100 lightning strikes on earth every second.

Parents can use thunder and lightning to help their children learn more about the world around them. When children understand that the light of lightning flashing reaches their eyes almost at the same moment, but the sound of the thunder takes about 5 seconds to travel just one mile, they can begin to time the interval(间隔) between the flash and the crash to learn how close they are to the actual spark(闪光).

36. According to the author, in the area of the Central Valley, ___________.

A. rains usually come without thunder and lightning 

B. it is usually dry in April

C. children pay no attention to the two natural wonders

D. parents are not interested in thunder and lightning

37. We believe that lightning is a downward motion because ___________.

A. we were taught so by our parents from our childhood

B. we are taken in by our sense of vision

C. it is a common natural sight

D. it is a truth proved by science

38. What is TRUE about lightning according to the passage?

  A. Only a small number of lightning flashes occur on earth.

  B. Lightning travels 5 times faster than thunder.

  C. Lightning flashes usually jump from one cloud to another.

  D. There are far more lightning strikes occurring on earth than we can imagine.

39. The underlined word “activity” is most closely related to the word(s)  _______________.

A. “cloud”   B. “lightning strikes”   C. “lightning flashes”  D. “thunderstorms”

40. It can be concluded from the passage that____________.

  A. we should not believe what we see or hear

  B. things moving downward are more noticeable

  C. people often have wrong ideas about ordinary phenomena (现象)

  D. adults are not as good as children in observing certain natural phenomena


科目: 来源: 题型:




2001年6月8日  星期二














科目: 来源: 题型:


简 历













1982-1988 和平里小学

1988-1991 和平街中学

1991-1994 四中(数理化成绩好,爱好美术)

1994-1998 就读北京大学物理系

1998-   就读新西兰奥克兰大学物理系


科目: 来源: 题型:

In my opinion, it is very ____ of you to buy a car at such a high price.

A.useless      B.crazy    C.unfair          D.firm


科目: 来源: 题型:

.--Can I get you a cup of tea?   


 A. That's very nice of you              B. With pleasure

 C. You can, please                    D. Thank you for the tea


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Once when I was nine, I came down with a horrible case of tonsillitis (扁桃腺炎). I remember going to the doctor, feeling miserable and scared, but also knowing that this man would somehow fix me. As he declared his conclusion regarding my illness, he asked my mother “Is your daughter allergic (过敏的) to any medicine? ” My mom hesitated for a moment, while I was looking at her questioningly. Was I allergic to anything? What if I was? What would happen to me?  My mother said no.

That evening after taking my pill, I began to shake uncontrollably. I complained of a terrible headache and continued shaking as my mother held me. She didn’t seem very concerned, yet I believed I was allergic to the pill. Before I fell asleep that night, I told my mom the medicine had made me sick and I wouldn’t take it anymore. The next morning, my mother had me drink a tall glass of ice tea that tasted funny. Later that afternoon, my mom asked me how I felt. I told her I was doing much better, and that was when she dropped the bomb on me. She told me she had mixed my ice tea that morning with my medicine. Guess what, no allergic reaction. I was never allergic to the pills, but my powerful subconscious (潜意识的) mind, accepted a mere suggestion by the doctor that I might be, and my body acted accordingly.

Most of us have no idea how powerful our minds are, and how incoming information continually affects our experience. When I took that pill, it had a negative(负面) effect on my mind. Researchers are finding more and more evidence that what we believe, or expect to happen medically, has a deep effect on what actually does happen. 

In some medical tests, the patients never took any medicine, only sugar pills, but were told they had been given expensive medicine, and their conditions improved anyway. They simply believed they would get better. On the other side of the coin, people who believe they are going to die in an operation have a higher death rate than people who don’t.

What we expect often tends to get realized. The power of your mind to heal your body is absolutely fantastic.  Take care in what information you choose to believe about your health and well-being. Think positively about your outcome in medical situations and allow your power of belief to help you heal.

77.The girl shook uncontrollably that evening because she _______.

A. had a horrible case of tonsillitis at the time

B. was allergic to the medicine she had taken

C. imagined the medicine was doing its harm

D. wanted to cheat her mother for more concern

78.The underlined “she dropped the bomb on me ” can be understood as “ _______ ”.

A. she told me the truth that awakened me

B. she beat me like a plane dropping a bomb

C. she scolded me with heart-breaking words

D. she hurt my pride by telling me the truth

79.We can infer from the passage that _______.

A. most people believe our minds can function powerfully

B. it’s harmful to our health to take in negative information

C. the powerful subconscious mind can cure all diseases

D. sugar pills with proper mind are as good as costly medicine

80.The passage is mainly about _______.

A. a nine-year-old girl’s experience             B. people being allergic to medicine

C. a fantastic way to treat diseases             D. the effect of the mind on the result


科目: 来源: 题型:

.It was the practice _____ he got abroad _____ made him a good English speaker.

  A. what; that           B. that; what         C. that; which          D. which; that


科目: 来源: 题型:

. –Where is my dictionary?I remember I put it here yesterday.

--You _______ it in the wrong place.

A. must put           B. should have put

C. might put           D. might have put


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ---It has been ages ________ I last saw you.

   --- Yes. And it will be long ______ we meet again.

   A. when; before       B. since; before     C. after; before    D. before; since

