 0  20057  20065  20071  20075  20081  20083  20087  20093  20095  20101  20107  20111  20113  20117  20123  20125  20131  20135  20137  20141  20143  20147  20149  20151  20152  20153  20155  20156  20157  20159  20161  20165  20167  20171  20173  20177  20183  20185  20191  20195  20197  20201  20207  20213  20215  20221  20225  20227  20233  20237  20243  20251  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   The following table shows some results of a survey (调查)in which 800 Japanese school pupils were asked to give their impressions(印象)of their classroom teachers. The pupils’ impressions were found to differ depending on whether the teacher was new (with less than three years’ experience), middle-standing(ten to twenty years), or veteran(有经验的)(twenty to thirty years). The numbers in the table show the percentage of the pupils who answered “very satisfied” or “extremely satisfied” for each question item (项目)

Question Items




1.Shows sense of humor in class

2.Explains clearly

3.Teaches in a relaxed(放松的)manner.

4. Writes neatly on the blackboard

5. Lets pupils ask questions in class

6. Makes checks in notebooks

7. Speaks loudly and clearly

8. Treats pupils equally

9. Cares about pupils opinions

10. Spends time with pupils between classes































67. The pupils’ evaluation(评价)can be said to rise at a steady rate(比率)as their teachers’ experience increases in Question Items______.

   A. I and 4    B. 3 and 5     C. 6 and 8    D. 9 and 10

68. In contrast(对比)to the new teachers, the middle-standing and veteran teachers seem to have made a remarkable(显著的)improvement in their ability to _______.

   A. be fair to any pupil         B. evaluate pupils’ progress

   C. present materials clearly     D. understand and play with pupils

69. Pupils seem to regard the new and the middle-standing teachers as being more_____.

relaxed in class than the veterans

interested in pupils’ ideas than the veterans

neat in appearance than the veterans

skilful at explaining than the veterans

70. Which of the following statements is true according to the table?

In the new teachers’ classes, pupils seem to ask questions more freely.

Pupils seem to be quite satisfied with the amount(量)of time their teachers spend with them between classes.

The evaluation of the middle-standing teachers is lower than that of the veterans in seven items.

Though veterans do not play games with pupils during breaks, their teaching is rated highly.


科目: 来源: 题型:

SECTION C ( 25 points)

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese





科目: 来源: 题型:

Chemical processes _______in the treatment of materials for clothes _______the environment badly in some countries nowadays.

  A.involve;damaging                B.involved;damaged

  C.involving;damage                D.involved;damage


科目: 来源: 题型:

.I’ll never forget the years______I lived in the country with the farmers,______ has a great effect on my life.

A.that;which             B.when;which          C.which;that                 D.when;who


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  “Sesame Street” has been called “the longest street in the world”. That is because the television program by that name can now be seen in so many parts of the world. That program became one of American’s exports soon after it went on the air in New York in 1969.

In the United States more than six million children watch the program regularly. The viewers include more than half the nation’s pre-school children, from every kind of economic(经济的), racial(种族的), and geographical group.

Although some educators object to certain elements in the program, parents praise it highly. Many teachers also consider it a great help, though some teachers find that problems arise when first graders who have learned from “Sesame Street” are in the same class with children who have not watched the program.  

Tests have shown that children from all racial, geographical, and economic backgrounds have benefited from watching it. Those who watch it five times a week learn more than occasional(偶然的) viewers. In the US the program is shown at different hours during the week in order to increase the number of children who can watch it regularly.

The programs all use songs, stories, jokes, and pictures to give children a basic understanding of numbers, letters and human relationships. But there are some differences. For example, the Spanish program, produced in Mexico City, devotes more time to teaching whole words than to teaching separate letters.

Why has “Sesame Street” been so much more successful than other children’s shows? Many reasons have been suggested. People mention the educational theories(理论) of its creators, the support by the government and private(私人的) businesses, and the skillful use of a variety of TV tricks. Perhaps an equally important reason is that mothers watch it along with their children. This is partly because famous adult stars often appear on it. But the best reason for the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching feel able to learn. The child finds himself learning, and he wants to learn more.

40. “Sesame Street” is actually _______.

A. a street in the US            B. a program for children

C. a program for teachers      D. a program for students

41. Children who often watch the program _______.  

A. can have problems in school    

B. will find it a great help

C. will take no interest in their studies

D. will be well educated

42. Why is “Sesame Street” so popular in the world?

A. Because it is supported by the government and businesses.

B. Because it uses a variety of skillful tricks.

C. Because mothers watch it along with their children.

D. Because it makes every child watching it feel able to learn.

43. The best title for this passage can be _______.

A. TV Programs                                 B. Educating Children

C. Sesame Street                    D. A Great Success


科目: 来源: 题型:

________(相对地) speaking, girls are not as strong as boys.

He decided to keep them as permanent ________ .(囚犯)

They were caught _______(聊天) in class and were scolded by the teacher.

He can’t understand what you said , for he is _______(智力地,脑力地) disabled.

My parents both work as _______(售票员) in this bus company

I bought a dress for only 10 dollars; it was a real ________(便宜货) .

The moment the 29th Olympic Games were __(宣布) open ,the world cheered.

Can you  ________(腾出) me just a few minutes?

What is the  __________(平均数) of 3,4 and 11?

He was late again and was  _________(惩罚) by his teacher.

66.____________ 67.___________ 68.__________ 69.__________ 70.____________

71.__________  72.____________ 73.__________ 74.___________ 75.___________


科目: 来源: 题型:

I was in the baths , ______ I didn’t hear the telephone, which was ringing several times. 

A. as a result of             B. with the result that    C. resulting in        D. resulting from


科目: 来源: 题型:

 By the year 1889, there were just 541 bison ________ in the whole of North America.

   A. leaving alive                                 B. to leave alive   

C. to be left alive                             D. left alive


科目: 来源: 题型:

 That boy spent much time _____ computer games.

  A play       B playing        C played         D to play


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever dreamed of visiting a planet in the Milk Way (银河系)?While the trip sounds exciting, it would take years and years to reach your destination. So in the future, bedtime for astronauts may be more than a few hours of regular shut-eye. They would have to sleep for years.

European researchers are now conducting hibernation(冬眠) experiments. The study may help them understand whether humans could ever sleep through the years it would take for a  spaceflight to distant planets. “If there was an effective technology, it could make deep-space travel a reality,” said Mark Ayre of the European Space Agency last month.

What seems like science fiction is not completely unlikely. Researchers have been able to use chemicals to put living cells into a sleep-like state. They have now moved on to small, non-hibernating mammals like rats.

A major challenge is the fact that cells can be very simple systems, whereas body organs are far more complex. “It’s like moving from a simple Apple computer to a supercomputer,” said Marco Biggiogera, a hibernation researcher at Italy’s University of Pavia. Just like bears and frogs, the hibernation of human beings would cause a person’s metabolism (新陈代谢) to lower so they would need less energy.

Medical research, however, is just half of a spaceflight hibernation system. There is the challenge of designing a suitable protective shelter(栖身所). Such a shelter would provide the proper environment for hibernation, such as the proper temperature It would also have to monitor (监控) life functions and serve the physiological needs of the hibernator.

According to Ayre, the six-person human Outer Planets Exploration Mission to jupiter’s moon (木星的卫星) Callisto, could be an opportunity to use human hibernation. The mission aims to send six humans on a five-year flight to Callisto, where they will spend 30 days, in 2045.

54.According to the article, the hibernation research ________.

A.is just an idea           B.is always a science fiction

C.has already finished successfully       D.has made some progress

55.There are ________ major challenges facing scientists who study hibernation.

A.two        B.three               C.four          D.five

56.The first use of the hibernation technology ________ the six-person human Outer Planets Exploration Mission to jupiter’s moon Callisto.

A.must he       B.has been planned for    C.is certain to be    D.may be

57.What is the best title for the article?

A.Hibernation Study for Space Travel          B.Welcome to Our Space Travel

C.To Hibernate, to Live Longer         D.Welcome to Milk Way

