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科目: 来源: 题型:

  I would like __________you to my birthday party, but I was busy and forget to call you.

A. to invite          B. inviting         C. to have invited          D. having invited


科目: 来源: 题型:



    In your spoken English class,your teacher shows you the following picture.You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.



科目: 来源: 题型:

Naturally I will come to you for advice whenever I feel I need________.

    A.them                          B.one                     C.some                     D.few


科目: 来源: 题型:

______life began on the earth is one of the biggest puzzles to scientists.

       A.How B.What C.Where      D.That


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is the only time in history that two Nobel Prizes______to the same person.

       A.have been given             B.had been given

       C.have given                   D.will give


科目: 来源: 题型:

一William has asked me to lend him five pounds.Should I do him the favor and lend it to him?

—Certainly,otherwise he________to borrow it from me.

A.would try    B.should have tried    C.would have tried     D.had tried


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Jackson was late for Mr. Black’s literature class this morning.

   ---_____? As far as I know, he never came late to class.

           A. So what       B. Why not            C. How come         D. What for


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Would you eat a ready meal from the fridge rather than cook? Have you been doing internet shopping rather than going to the stores? What can’t you be bothered to do?

    A study into how lazy British people are has found more than half of aduhs are so idle(闲散的)they’d catch the lift rather than climb two flights of stairs.

    Just over 2,000 people were quizzed by independent researchers at Nuffield Health, Britain’s largest health charity. The results were shocking.

    About one in six people surveyed said if their remote control was broken, they would continue watching tile same channel rather than get up.

    More than one third of those questioned said they would not run to catch a bus. Worryingly, of the 654 questioned people with children, 64% said they were often too tired to play with them.

This led the report to conclude that it’s no wonder that one in six children in the UK are classifted as obese(肥胖)before they start school.

Dr Sarah Dauncey, medical director of Nuffield Health, said: “People need to get fitter, not just for their own sake, but for the sake of their families, friends and obviously their pets too. If we don’t start to take control of this problem, a whole generation will become too unfit to perform even the simplest tasks.”

    And Scotland’s largest city, Glasgow, was shamed as the laziest city in the UK, with 75% surveyed admitting they do not get enough exercise, followed closely by Birmingham and Southampton, both with 67%.

The results pose serious challenges for the National Health Service, where obesity-related illnesses such as heart disease and cancer have been on a steady increase for the past 40 years and are costing billions of pounds every year.

72. According to the researchers at Nuffield Health, about_______people who were surveyed would not run to catch a bus.

A. 10            B. 150             C. 330              D. 660

73. One in six children in the UK are classified as obese before they start school because ________.

A. they stay too long a time with their pets  

B. they spend too much time watching TV

C. their parents don’t play with them much  

D. they suffer from obesity-related illnesses

74. ________ is the second laziest city in the UK.

    A. Scotland       B. Glasgow         C. Birmingham       D. Nuffield

75. What’s the writer trying to tell us?

    A. Parents have much to do with their children’s obesity-related illnesses.

    B. British people are getting lazier, which can cause serious social problems.

    C. The National Health Service has to face a lot of serious challenges every year.

    D. A study into how lazy British people are has been carried out at Nuffield Health.


科目: 来源: 题型:

 In America, if ________ friend has invited you to drop by anytime, it is ________ best to call before visiting to make sure it is convenient for him.

    A. a; a           B. the; a            C. a; 不填          D. the; 不填


科目: 来源: 题型:

第四部分 书面表达 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 完成句子(共10小题:每题1.5分,满分15分)

阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示, 用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。

71. The government plans to bring in new laws _____________________ (迫使家长)take more responsibility for the education of their children.  (force)

72. Must you go now? I _________________(还以为你能)stay for dinner with us.  (think)

73.-- Why don’t we choose that road to save time?

 --The bridge to it _________________________(在被修). (repair)

74. If I ___________________(多懂一些)giving first aid, I could have helped them. (know)

75. Who knows ______________________ (未来等待我们的是什么). (store)

76. _________________________(直到半夜) that he came back home. (until)

77. They have a good knowledge of English but little _____________________(但对德语了解很少). (know)

78. I won’t take part in the party __________________________(除非受到邀请). (unless)

79. Mary smiled ___________________________ (与她母亲一样)when she was Mary’s age. (way)

80. The suits ____________________(质量上乘) and are worth buying. (quality)

