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科目: 来源: 题型:

Not until the early years of the 19th century____ what heat is.

A.    man did know B. man knew      C.didnot man know     D. did man know


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- Which school are you studying in?

--- One which is ______ the Liaoning Teachers’ University.

A. impressed with    B. attached to      C. sceptical of       D. involved in


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The audience starts to scream and young people all over Britain

turn on their TVs.Yes,it’s Top of the pops!

      Top of the pops is an amazing 45-year-old programme.Pop stars from all over the world appear on this successful TV prograrnme.After about 2340 shows,it’s still the most popular pop

music show in Britsin.So what’s the secret?

“We get lots of babds to perform live in the studio,”says producer Chris Cowey“That just doesn’t happen on other shows”

Chris starts the preparations for the programme over a week before it goes out.His first job is to decide which bands to have on the show.When the chart of the top twenty songs is produced on Sunday,Chris can start to book the bands

      Monday starts with Chris meeting his sound,lighting and camera workers.They listen to each song and plan the show.

      Tuesday is paperwork day.There are bookings to make sure of,letters to answer and lots of phone calls to make.The show is on Thursday.Bands arrive at the studio from 10 o’clock in the morning and start practising.Tonight’s presenter,Jo Whiley,practises too

      First the bands go to make up.Judy and Issy are the make-up artists.“We see the stars with no make-up on,looking terrible,”says Issy.Then the bands go to the costume department where Marianne dresses the stars

Back in the studio things are happening.The audience is practising their dance moves! It takes over two hours to record the whole programme,then Chris edits it all night long.The final version is exactly 29 minutes long

What make (s) Top of the Pops the most popular in Britain?

A.The famous singers of the bands

      B.The live performances in the studio

      C.The large nurnbers of pop fans in Britain

      D.The jobs carefully done by the workers of the TV station

When the bands receive the invitations to the perfomlance,      

      A.they mast decide what songs they will perform

      B.they have no idea what songs they will perform

      C.they don’t have to decide what songs they will perform

      D.the songs that will be performed haven’t been decided on

Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

      A.The programme time on TV is exactly controlled

      B.All the stars must make up before their performance

     C.The producer plays the main role in planning the programme

      D.There are no audience to join in the performance at the TV station

How is the music programme made at the TV station?

Which is the proper title for the passage?

      A.A Stage for Pop Stars

      B.Go Backstage of Top of the Pops

      C.Great Success Comes from Hard Work

      D.The Most Popular Is the Most Successful


科目: 来源: 题型:

翻译 (共7小题,20空;每空0.5分,满分10分)

16. 当地政府必须努力改善当地的经济以赢回民众的信心。

   The local government must try hard to improve the economy so as __________ _________  _________ public confidence.

17. 奥巴马出生在夏威夷,是由母亲和祖父母抚养成人的。

   Born in Hawaii, Obama was ____________  ____________  ____________ his mother and grandparents.

18. 他们将大量的二氧化碳释放到大气层中,这阻止了地球上的热不能释放到太空中去。   They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, __________  __________ heat __________ escaping from the earth into space.

19. 任何人不可能犯了罪而逃脱处罚。

    Nobody can __________  __________  __________ breaking the law.

20. 数以万计的人为了捍卫独立献出了自己的生命。

   Hundreds of thousands of people lost __________ lives ____________ __________ of independence.

21. 我们每个人都渴望能考上大学。

   Each of us __________  __________ to __________ the college entrance examination.

22. 我信中提到的那个大学生已经报名去西部支教了。

   The college student I __________  __________ in the letter has entered for teaching in the west of China.


科目: 来源: 题型:

The hall is used _______ special occasions, such as for big dinners or parties.

 A . on               B. in              C. at             D. during


科目: 来源: 题型:

Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if fares ________ on public transport were more reasonable.

       A. offered                    B. spent                        C. paid                         D. charged


科目: 来源: 题型:

 --- _______ at the New Century Cinema tonight?

   --- Avatar, a Hollywood science fiction by James Cameron.

A. What’s on                                   B. What’s up      

C. What’s the matter                         D. What will happen


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- Hi, Li Hua, Liu Ying has come back from abroad. Shall we have a get-together?

--- _____.

A. It’s my pleasure           B. Great idea 

C. That’s quite all right       D. It’s very kind of you.


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二节:书面表达 (共1题,满分15分)
















生词:拓宽: broaden    负担: burden

Dear Headmaster,

       I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had on whether the school organize a spring outing for the students.                                                             



Yours truly,

Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I’ll finish the job ____ I come across great difficulty.

A. so that              B. even though              C. no matter          D. as though

