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科目: 来源: 题型:

The book _____ he bought yesterday is very interesting.

A. \     B. why     C. when    D. what


科目: 来源: 题型:

In just a decade, the company has been ________ from a family business to a large operation.

A. transformed       B. transmitted C. transferred  D. transported


科目: 来源: 题型:

. Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class ______ he had to meet his uncle at the airport. 

A. why                  B. that                        C. where                 D. because


科目: 来源: 题型:

“John, let us slip into our beds, and be there when Mother comes in, just as if we _______ away”, said Wendy.

A. have never been   B. will never be  C. was never   D. had never been


科目: 来源: 题型:

       –Michael was late for Mr. Smith’s oral class this morning.

--_____? As far as I know, he never came late to class.

A. How come               B. So what                   C. Why not                   D. What for


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sport is not only physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging. Criticism(批评) from coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create an excessive(过多的) amount of anxiety or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychological and research has suggested that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable.

The early years of development are critical(关键的) years for learning about oneself. The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to cooperate with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback(反馈) to youngsters can greatly affect their children. Youngsters may take parents’ and coaches’ criticisms to heart and find a flaw (mistake) in themselves.

Coaches and parents should also be careful that youth sport participation does not become work for children. The outcome of the game should not be more important than the process of learning the sport and other life lessons. In today’s youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game, many parents and coaches focus on the outcome and find fault with youngster’s performances. Positive reinforcement motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again, criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout.

59. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Mental stress should be reduced.

B. Sports should be made less competitive.

C. Stress should be made less.

D. Sport can be mentally challenging.

60. According to the passage, young people like sport because ______.

A. it can help them learn more about society

B. it enables them to criticize themselves

C. it can provide them with valuable experiences

D. it teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselves

61. According to the passage, parents and coaches should ______.

A. enable children to enjoy sport

B. help children to win every game

C. train children to deal with stress

D. understand the meaning of sport

62. The author’s purpose in writing the passage is ______.

A. to teach young athletes how to avoid burnout

B. to persuade young children not to worry about criticism

C. to stress the importance of encouraging children

D. to discuss the skill of combining criticism with encouragement


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sir William Osler has a few words for you: “In the Life of a young man, the most essential thing for happiness is the gift of friendship.” Truer words were never spoken. For what more could you ask than comradeship during the peaks and valleys of life? To whom else but a close, valuable friend can you show off your successes and complain about your failures or losses?

What is a “good friend”? How is he best described? Well, it has been my observation that although many will cry with you, few can sincerely rejoice (欣喜) with you. Therefore, in my opinion, a good friend is one who can enjoy your successes without envy; one who can say, “That was wonderful! You can do it again, even better if you want!” and mean it. Nothing taxes a friendship more than the success of one and not the other. Even the closest of friendships often cannot resist such pressure and fail. No wonder many minor friendships go down day by day for the same reason.

A person of good character and sound moral, of honor and humor, of courage and belief is a friend to be sought and treasured — for there are few. Too often we hear, “If you can count your good friends on more than one hand, consider yourself blessed.”

What makes a friendship last? Well, I don’t know all the answers, but one of my observations is that most good friends usually have similar tastes. They generally like and dislike many of the same things. There also usually seems to exist a similarity of personality types — especially in the fundamental values of life such as honesty, sincerity, loyalty, and dependability. More often than not, birds of a feather do fly together. I don’t think it matters a lot whether one prefers jazz or hockey to another’s Mozart or ballet. Much other matters far more: relying, sharing, giving, getting, enjoying; a sympathetic ear always there; criticism when it can help; praise — even if only because it would help. With not many people on this earth will you find this much in common. When you find one, hang on to him, for a good friend found is a rare treasure.

The function of Paragraph 1 is to introduce ______.

A. a famous saying 

B. the topic for discussion

C. a famous person 

D. two different attitudes

What is the meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph two?

A. People don’t have to pay taxes to develop friendship with others.

B. Success of one person can promote his friendship with others.

C. Friendship can be affected by the difference in success between friends.

D. Nothing can affect friendship because it has gone through the peaks and valleys of life.

What is the main idea of Paragraph three ?

A. One is lucky to have many friends.

B. A friend should have a good character.

C. We should count our friends on more than one hand.

D. A true friend should be treasured because there are few.

According to the passage, which of the following plays the LEAST important role in a long-lasting friendship?

A. Hobbies.    B. Tastes. C. Personality.       D. Sympathy.


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 参观名胜古迹以及梦想的清华大学;

2. 再加准备未来的学业。

要求:1. 文章语言连贯; 2. 100词左右。文章开头、结尾已给出,不计入总数。

Dear Tom,

I’m happy to receive your letter.                                                                           




                                                                         Li Hua 



科目: 来源: 题型:

______ by the earthquake, the city of Port-au-Prince(太子巷) had to be rebuilt.

A.Having badly damaged      B.Having been badly damaged

C.Been badly damaged   D.Beening badly damaged


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题l 5分.满分l5分)


Once upon a time there was a rich merchant   16 __      _____ had four wives. He loved the 4th wife the most.  He took great care of her and gave her nothing   17___  _______ the best. He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He was very  18         __ (pride) of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends. He also loved his 2nd wife. She is __  19 ___________very considerate person, always patient and in fact is the merchant’s close friend. __20__________ the merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his 2nd  wife and __21____________ would always help him out and tide(帮助渡过) him   22__________ difficult times. Now, the merchant’s 1st wife is a very loyal partner and has made great 23___________  (contribute) in maintaining his wealth and business as well as   24____________  (take) care of the household. _ 25   ________, the merchant did not love the first wife and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.

