 0  20461  20469  20475  20479  20485  20487  20491  20497  20499  20505  20511  20515  20517  20521  20527  20529  20535  20539  20541  20545  20547  20551  20553  20555  20556  20557  20559  20560  20561  20563  20565  20569  20571  20575  20577  20581  20587  20589  20595  20599  20601  20605  20611  20617  20619  20625  20629  20631  20637  20641  20647  20655  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

_____we fail , we _____trying.

         A.Even if , don’t stop                                              B.Even though, won’t stop

         C.Even, will not stop                                              D.Even although, shall never stop


科目: 来源: 题型:

_____everybody is here, Let’s set off.

         A.Since                   B.Because                       C.For                                 D.After


科目: 来源: 题型:

_____ we were singing, the teacher came in.

         A.Before                     B.after                         C.As                             D.Until


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The most important words in this sentence have been ______, so it doesn’t make any sense.

   A. left out             B. held out            C. set out                    D. made out


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column.She had been a school teacher before she retired(退休),but she needed to keep  36   .She was even willing to work without pay.She then offered her  37  with a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people.Every day she  38   other old folks like her.By talking with them,she  39   two things.Old people had abilities that were not  40   . But old people also had some   41   .She found a new purpose for herself then.

Through the years,she   42   to write stories about people for national magazines.There was now a new  43   : Old people like herself.She began to write a newspaper column called“Sixty Plus”, which was about   44   old .She writes about the problems of old people,especially their problems with being  45   .

Anna Douglas uses her   46   ability to see the truth behind a problem.She understands  47   problems begin.For example,one of her   48   said that his grandchildren  49   the houses as soon as he came to visit.Mrs Douglas  50   some ways for him to understand his grandchildren.

“It's important to know  51   about your grandchildren's world,”says Mrs Douglas.“That means questioning and listening,and   52   is not what old people do best.Say good things to them and about them,”she continues.“Never try to   53   your grandchildren or other young people.Never   54   your opinion.Don't tell them what they should do.  55   ,they have been taught they should have respect for old people.The old should respect them as well.”

36.A.free         B.rich         C.powerful         D.busy

37.A.service        B.money       C.students          D.books

38.A.observed     B.met          C.comforted        D.answered

39.A.recognized     B.followed     C.enjoyed            D.demanded

40.A.studied        B.agreed       C.gave             D.used

41.A.mistakes     B.problems     C.questions          D.characters

42.A.had         B.ought         C.was             D.used

43.A.subject        B.life           C.way             D.plan

44.A.getting        B.respecting    C.employing        D.supporting

45.A.unknown      B.refused        C.misunderstood      D.discouraged

46.A.thinking       B.working      C.writing            D.leading

47.A.that           B.when        C.why              D.whether

48.A.visitors        B.readers       C.listeners            D.friends

49.A.got           B.entered        C.left               D.passed

50.A.invented       B.chose         C.suggested          D.imagined

51.A.everything      B.something    C.anything           D.nothing

52.A.listening        B.speaking     C.pleasing          D.advising

53.A.praise         B.scold        C.trouble           D.encourage

54.A.speak out       B.give up      C.get back          D.stick to

55.A.Commonly    B.Surprisingly   C.Happily           D.Naturally


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

People who breathe infected air from a TB patient can become infected with the tuberculosis(肺结核) bacteria(细菌). However, most people with active tuberculosis do not expel (驱逐,逐出)very many TB bacteria. So, the spread of the disease usually does not happen unless a person spends a large amount of time with a TB patient. Those most at risk are family members, friends and people who live or work closely with a patient.

Tuberculosis can attack any part of the body. However, the lungs are the most common targets(目标) of the bacteria. People with the disease show several signs. They may expel air from the lungs suddenly with an explosive(爆炸性的) noise. This kind of cough continues for a long period of time. People with a more severe case of tuberculosis also may cough up blood.

People with the disease often have high body temperatures. They suffer what are called night sweats, during which their bodies release large amounts of water through the skin. TB victims also are tired all the time. They are not interested in eating. So their bodies lose weight.

One thing that is especially dangerous about TB is that people with moderate(中等的) signs of the disease may not know they have had it. They may spread the disease to others without even knowing it. So, it is very important for people to get tested for tuberculosis.

The spread of the TB is through__________.

A、food        B、air         C、clothes          D、touching

Family members are those most at risk to be infected with the tuberculosis bacteria,_____________.

A、because they have the same bath room  B、because they have blood relationship

C、because they love each other very much  D、because they live in the same room

The common signs of TB are ___________.

A、cough or even cough with blood, night sweat, and tired of sleeping.

B、cough or even cough with blood, night sweat, and eating too much

C、cough, fever, feeling tired, night sweat, losing weight

D、cough, fever, feeling tired, night sweat, eating too much

Why may some TB patients spread the disease to others without even knowing it?

A、Because there is no sign in the early stage of the disease.

B、Because these patients don’t show any signs of the disease.

C、Because these patients’ signs of the disease are too weak to be noticed.

D、Because these patients don’t know how the disease spreads between people.


科目: 来源: 题型:

VII. 作文。




B.鼓浪屿是国际花园城市厦门的著名景点之一,请根据下面提示以“Gulangyu — A fairyland in the world” 为题,写一篇关于鼓浪屿的报告, 并给旅游者提出建议




1. 风景优美,特别是从日光岩向下看时,有“海上花园”的美誉。



1. 大部分景点的票价较高。

2. 随着旅游业的发展,岛上的原貌受到破坏和污染。



注意:1. 词数:120左右;

2. 不要逐条翻译,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇:日光岩the Sunshine Rock    机动车 motor vehicle   原始的 original


科目: 来源: 题型:

I am looking forward to ______ your answer as soon as possible. 

 A. receiving    B. being received       C. receive    D. be received


科目: 来源: 题型:

. Argentina is no longer the place___________ once considered itself the world's grain()field.

A) what         B) that              C) which          D) one


科目: 来源: 题型:

. The production of television commercials must be professional ________ they aim at promoting good service, or public education.

  A) when           B) no matter           C) if                D) whether

