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科目: 来源: 题型:

单词拼写 (共10小题;每空1分,满分10分)


66.     (依靠)on science technology and knowledge is the key to increasing economic power.

67.When I got my      (硕士) degree, I wanted to return home to work for my own country.

68. If I have a chance to choose my own major, I would like to study       (应用) science.

69. Seeing the h      monster the little girl was too scared to speak a single word.

70.The       (特性)of water make the ocean such a great place to live.

71.Most animals and plants are s       to large or sudden changes in temperature, so the ocean is a safe and comfortable habitat.

72. The river water is used by the local people after being          (净化).

73. Martin Luther King led many demonstrations to fight against racial d        in the USA.

74. I ________ (保证) that he will agree with us when he hears what we know now.

75. Experienced travelers may prefer to make their own            (arrange) instead of the advice of a travel agent.


科目: 来源: 题型:

        you be interested, I’ll tell you the whole story.

          A. Would  B. Might

          C. Should  D. Could


科目: 来源: 题型:

I was not _______her presence till she spoke to me.     

  A. aware       B. aware about    C. aware of   D. aware to


科目: 来源: 题型:

—You have made progress in your English study, haven’t you?

—Yes, but much ____.

A remains to do     B is remained to do

C remains to be done D is remained to be done


科目: 来源: 题型:

.Jessica has to do the job she doesn’t like. She is suffering from a ______ of feelings about her career.

A. function        B. parade          C. conflict         D. theme


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- Hi, Tom. Any idea where Jane is?

   --- She ______ be in the classroom. I saw her there just now and she said she wouldn’t go anywhere.

  A. must                   B. may                            C. can                        D. should


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Eddie’s father used to say he’d spent so many years by the ocean, breathing seawater .Now, away from that ocean ,in the hospital bed ,his body began to look like a beached fish. His condition went from fair to stable and from stable to serious .Friends went from saying , “He’ll be home in a day,” to “He’ll be home in a week .” In his father’s absence ,Eddie helped out at the pier(码头), working evenings after his taxi job.

       When Eddie was a teenager ,if he ever complained or seemed bored with the pier ,his father would shout, “What ? This isn’t good enough for you?” And later ,when he’d suggested Eddie take a job there after high school ,Eddie almost laughed, and his father again said, “What? This isn’t good enough for you ?” And before Eddie went to war , when he’d talked of marrying Marguerite and becoming an engineer ,his father said , “What? This isn’t good enough for you ?”

       And now ,regardless of all that ,here he was ,at the pier ,doing his father’s labor.

       Parents rarely let go of their children ,so children let go of them .They move on. They move away .It is not until much later, as the heart weakens ,that children understand ;their stories, and all their accomplishments ,sit on top of the stories of their mothers and fathers ,stones upon stones , beneath the waters of their lives.

       Finally ,one night ,at his mother’s urging ,Eddie visited the hospital .He entered the room slowly .His father ,who for years had refused to speak to Eddie ,now lacked the strength to even try.

       “Don’t sweat it ,kid,” the other workers told him. “Your old man will pull through .He’s the toughest man we’ve ever seen.”

       When the news came that his father had died ,Eddie felt the emptiest kind of anger ,the kind  that circles in its cage.

       In the weeks that followed, Eddie’s mother lived in a confused state . She spoke to her husband as if he were still there .She yelled at him to turn down the radio . She cooked enough food for two .One night ,when Eddie offered to help with the dishes ,she said. “Your father will put them away.” Eddie put a hand on her shoulder. “Ma,” he said ,softly , “Dad’s gone.”

       “Gone where?”

In Paragraph 4, the writer indicates that        .

       A.Children like moving away from them parents

       B.Children often feel regretful because they leave their parents

       C.Children wouldn’t have achieved so much without their parents’ support

       D.Children can never understand how much their parents have devoted to them   

The underlined sentence probably means “       ”.

       A.Don’t give it up             B.Don’t worry about it

       C.Don’t let him down D.Don’t touch it

Which of the following shows the right order of the story?

       a.Eddie’s father died. 

       b.Eddie worked as a taxi driver.

       c.Eddie married Marguerite.     

       d.Eddie was bored with his father’s job.

       A.baed  B.deab  C.beda  D.deba

From the last part of the passage ,we learn that       .

       A.Eddie’s mother liked to listen to the radio

       B.Eddie often helped his mother wash the dishes

       C.Eddie and his wife lived in his mother’s apartment

       D.Eddie’s mother missed her husband so much that she was at a loss


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解




       However difficult you find it to arrange your time, it will pay off in the long run if you set aside a certain part of the day for studying - and stick to it.  71  . But don’t forget to make sure that you have enough left for recreational activities or simply to be “with” yourself: reading a novel or watching a television programme.

       As part of your weekly schedule, it is also advisable to consider exactly what you have to do in that week, and make sure that you handle the most significant tasks first.  72  .

       On a physical level, make sure you have an area or space for studying.  73   .If you always study in the same place, preferably a room of your own , you will find it easier to adjust mentally to the activity when you enter that area. You should have everything that you might need at hand.

       Make sure that all the physical equipment that you use , such as a desk, chair etc. is at good height for you. If you use a personal computer, there are plenty of guidelines available from the movement on angles, lighting and the like.   74  .

       If you are working on topic your teacher has set, but finding it hard to concentrate, it may be that you actually need to take your mind right off it for a period of time.  75   .After a period away from the test, having not thought about it at all, you may return to it refreshed and full of ideas.

       A.It’s wise to leave the easier or less urgent areas of your work until later

       B.It’s all too easy to read something and then forget where it came from

       C.Consult these and avoid the typical student aches and pains

       D.“Airing the mind”can work wonders sometimes

       E.Make use of equipment that is available to you

       F.It is best to make a weekly schedule

       G.Don’t do it just any where


科目: 来源: 题型:

Steven’s exam results put him______the top ten students in his grade.

       A.among      B.between    C.in      D.at


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is still unclear ______ the little boy got the CD player to work.

       A.where      B.what      C.that D.how

